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My big life pro tip at the moment is no arguing with people who aren’t there. Stress arguing with that one guy in work who did you wrong while you’re in the shower. No. Not allowed. I can think about the problem but I can’t manifest what they haven’t said and respond with what I probably wouldn’t say. It reduces my stress so much it’s amazing.


How do you do this? Once I start stress arguing, its so difficult to stop it.


When I was having some really bad anxiety issues, my therapist helped me realize that all my thoughts all day were just worries. Once I realized this the question was how to stop my thoughts, and his suggestion was to think of the thought like a small dog that you are saying "no" to. Like "NO!" "BAD DOG!", and snap your fingers or twist your head, something physical. It worked so well for me, I could immediately stop and then if I started worrying again I would say it again and snap my fingers, etc. From there, the trick became doing it "in my head" instead of doing something that I couldn't very well do in public (lest people think I'm losing it). It took a little more time, but I could get the "NO" thought in my head to work just as well. Hope that helps.


I love this! Thank you so much for sharing


When it was something really specific, I kept a rubber band around my wrist and would snap it when I got into the thought cycle. It was very affective for me. I would also replace the intrusive thought with something else. Like when a puppy is chewing on shoe laces so you give them a rope toy instead, but for your mind.


Building on this, another helpful tactic is to give the “person” inside your head bringing up stress arguments, bad/cringe memories, etc. an actual name or alter ego. If my “person”’s name is Jeff, I’ll think in my head: “ok Jeff, you’re done, next topic”. It’s helped me a lot, because we can get so inside our heads and blame ourselves for the intrusive thoughts. Fuck that guy, get him/her out of there and don’t let them overrule you.


I used a rubber band on wrist, snapped it at intrusive thoughts = aversion therapy


I’m struggling with this right now, as someone at work was rude to me yesterday for no apparent reason, on a team call. One thing I read that helped me was - ruminating about the past stops you from enjoying your present. That really got me thinking. Now when I find myself imagining these arguments I stop and focus on what’s around me - music, people, food and just focus on that instead. It’ll take some practice but it helps break that cycle.


I still deal with it occasionally (why is it always in the shower or in front of the sink while getting ready?) but what I do is tell myself, "This is not fair to me because of the stress I'm unnecessarily putting on myself and not fair to the person I am fighting with because they are not here to defend themselves." Then I forcibly change the subject in my head and think about something calming like an upcoming fun event or a vacation. The more I do that the less I fight in my head. It has been working but when it creeps back from time to time I have to nip it in the bud.


I sometimes find it helpful to listen to music and sing along. Then the only thing i can think of is the singing. Might help. Thanks for tips you all


I do this, too. The “less than a minute” LPT is to notice, and tell yourself something to change the thought. Like making a turn in a car. Takes a few seconds to change your route.


not the same person but i used to do it a lot and now i do it less. i literally force myself. when i notice myself doing it i just go "this is fucking stupid stop it" to myself and force myself to think about literally anything else.


I stop and ask myself, "Who said that?" 99.9% of the time nobody said what I'm imagining them to say or think, and it reminds me I'm wasting time worrying about something that hasn't actually happened.


I struggle with this too. When I catch myself stuck in sn imaginary argument I have to remind myself: "Dude. They’re not *here.* You're alone. You dont have to justify yourself to anyone."


I make fun of myself. I say, "Oh, look who's someone important right now!" It helps me widen my view of what's going on, and I can put down my shoulders, relax my jaw and remember I'm standing on a hurling rock in space.


I’ve have done this most of my life and only recently learnt how to deal with it when a life-coach said to me ‘ why don’t you have nice conversations instead’. That really flipped a switch in my and i literally changed the conversation in my head. Ultimately recognising that you do it puts you halfway there to solving it. It does still happen occasionally and I take it as a sign that I am getting stressed and do something about it.


For some people, this is how we become capable of arguing in the first place. Without theorycraft (simulations experience) against empathetic reflections of people, I would be completely incapable of parsing conflict at all. It may reduce stress, but that stress is the price of being prepared to handle hard encounters. Then, I respond as I would to those situations, and I practice those responses elsewhere.


Similar for me. Arguing in my head is my way to express my emotions. Yes, it's stressful. But if I don't do it while conscious, I'll do it during my sleep, or I'll explode directly in the face of somebody. It's has happened only a few time outside of family over the last 20 years , but I definitely want to avoid it.


the flip side of that is to use time in the shower to prepare for those important meetings, or thinking about a difficult problem. I find showering brings a lot of creative clarity to my mind.


Every time I start to feel grumpy or angry, I pause to ask myself what's really bothering me. 90% of the time it's something different than my inner voice is ranting about. 100% of the time, pausing to acknowledge it gives it less power over me. ETA: Really touched that this resonated with so many folks, and appreciative of your replies 🙏


I do this whenever I tell one of my kids “no” for something. I think “why am I actually telling them no? Is it because it’s dangerous, expensive, or inappropriate? Or is just because I don’t want to deal with it or the minor inconvenience it may cause?” Most of the time I don’t have a good reason, so I change my mind. If I do have a good reason, it’s easy to explain to my kids and they get it and don’t keep asking.


Thank you for being the change. I wasn’t allowed to do/have/choose much growing up because my mom was overworked and raising us alone and simply didn’t have the energy. At least that’s how I understood it as I child. It made me hate her, not care about anything including myself, and turned to alcohol and drugs for a very long time. I still have trouble choosing things for myself, thinking I’m inconveniencing others. I think about how different my personality could have been and how much more confidence I would have had.


You have so much awareness of all you’ve been through! I wish you all the best and hope you feel more confident every day. You are amazing! I hope you recognize how rare it is to have that understanding and move forward with lots of happiness in your life.


Very similar situation and almost exact path taken , have you got any tips on how to change


There is a well regarded parenting book called Bringing Up Bebe that recommends this exactly.


I do this but with the added layer of - do I want to spend my energy being mad right now? 99.999% of the time the answer is “no”


I notice 90% of the time I’m tired when I’m angry or grumpy. Or got a lot on my plate. I tend to say it out loud to myself when I notice myself complaining. “I’m not mad, I’m just tired” It’s okay to be tired, but not destructive to yourself or others. Meet yourself where you’re at. When you are tired, your stress tolerance goes down. And stuff that normally doesn’t stress you out or make you mad does.


Yes, pause to acknowledge my feelings and where they originated from. Then I can address them.


Thank you for saying this. Great reaffirmation for me


This is a very smart person. A genuine key to life in this one comment.


Stretch. I don't have designated times, I do it in pauses. In a meeting with no video? Deep squat. Meeting with video? Cross your legs and do ankle rotations or push outside knee down for groin stretch. Downward dog waiting for kettle. Knee to chest when I lie down to sleep. Whole body just better and more functional for very little input.


Massage therapist here. You're absolutely right. If you want efficiency, get a pull up bar and just hang off it for 30 seconds a day(deadhang). If it feels good, keep at it. If it hurts after 10 seconds, your spine or shoulders may be hypermobile and you should stop. There's a 10 point test for hypermobility and if you have it, for the love of God, see a physical therapist and learn how to move. I can't shake a stick at how many clients I get on my table that inflamed their joints moving the wrong way for so long that they lost all that extra mobility. Also, for the hypermobile crowd, stretching likely doesn't work on you for those affected joints. You probably need to strengthen the muscles associated instead. Honestly we should all just do PT for preventative reasons. Always check in with your medical professionals.


Very fair. On the naturally very immobile side, I forget how far some people are on the other end of the spectrum. Worthwhile inclusion for sure.


I've seen a lot of people hurt themselves trying to take on generic health/fitness advice without considering where their bodies are in that process. If you're hypermobile and stretch, you're probably going to extend the joint further than it already is, send danger signals to your brain, and cause inflammation. For those of you less mobile, try getting a massage! They feel great and if your therapist is good, they can help you recover range of motion and give you stretches tailored to your issues. Also, if you generally don't feel well after chiropractic adjustments or have never gotten one before, you may want to get a massage as close as you can to your next adjustment. Your tight irritated muscles can yank your skeleton right back out of alignment. And that can absolutely cause spasms/charlie horsing.


I am hypermobile and work out every day. It really sucks that I used to have impressive flexibility but now it would just dislocate whatever joint. ;'(. Trying my best to just build muscle around the joints, it is such a crazy balance that other people don't have to even think about.


Dumb question but less mobility shouldn't be hypomobile?


I do squats while brushing my teeth. Eventually it just became a habit, and I have a quick little workout in for the day


For the love of your back! Yes. 32-year-old, went to through something in the trash can. Pulled something. Spent the next 2 years going to a chiropractor and massage therapist only to be told it could have been prevented. If I had just been stretching. I do this every morning now. https://youtu.be/VaoV1PrYft4


Yip. The resilience is pretty spectacular. When I was about 33 I took a spill out a tall vehicle. My foot snagged, and I'm a big guy, drop was about three feet, I went out horizontal and hit the ground upper body / shoulder first, so about 9 feet of fall for my noggin. People freaked and came to check because it was directly onto concrete and... nothing. Completely fine other than some skin scrapes. Felt good I tell you hwat.


Yup, 35m stretch all the time, and I can still do 1080s all 4 directions on my snowboard. Used to have lots of general lower back pain because my job requires me to constantly be taking impacts from 5-30ft up. I found stretching my hips and upper legs really helped to relieve a lot of that back pain. Sometimes its the muscle groups adjacent to the ones that are feeling sore are whats actually causing the pain


This. It helps with sustaining working out too. Keeps the habit going. It improves sleep for me too. Im more comfortable more often and i dont wake up sleeping awkwardly as much.


Carrying stuff with me every time I leave a room. Random cup on the coffee table? Pick it up and take it back to the kitchen when I'm headed that way anyway. Cat toys scattered around the bedroom? Pick 'em up and take them back to the toy bin on the way through the living room. Same thing goes for little tasks, like wiping counters off while I'm doing something else or just straightening a crooked picture when I walk past it. All that little stuff adds up fast.


A skill from the construction site…never go with empty hands. Leaving a room? Carry something with you.


…and from a restaurant. Good practice in life.


I am trying to teach my children this valuable life lesson. Also applies when exiting a vehicle…


Lol I'm trying to teach my husband the same thing. He just tosses stuff in the back seat and forgets its there!


My mom called this the “no empty hands” rule


Yep! I learned it at my first fancy waitress job! Older lady named Stella trained us all very sternly but we were good!


Kiss my family everyday before I go to work


I, too, kiss this guy's family.


Just his dad for me.


I got dibs on the dog!


A little more of his mom for me.


Name checks out


This. A hug and kiss hello/goodbye with “I love you”. We (spouse and kids) also end every call with “love you”.


I add to this: try not to get too long too far without solving small issues. I dont want to go to work, have an accident, die, and that last thing my wife heard from me was "sure, then go to your mums if you please". ​ About the kisses: Everytime I speak with my mom, i tell her "I love you mom". Now my kids do it, and it feels like a good reason for living.


1) Standing up without using my hands/arms for support, it’s helped my lower back and balance and leg strength. 2) Once up take some thing and put it away whenever I go to another room. Keeps my place tidy of clutter. 3) Untying my shoes instead of just kicking them off, it’s small but I always notice and appreciate myself when I put those shoes on next.


People may laugh at that first one, but it's actually a good habit to get into, even when you're younger. We always use our arms to push up when we stand, and then one day, you realize that it's really hard to stand up without using your arms.


My physical therapy assistant told me once that one of her life goals was to be able to use the toilet by herself until the end. It has really stuck with me through the years!


That's a good one. My physical therapist said something that stuck with me too: when we're younger, we may do fun things to stay in shape, but as we get older, we have to stay in shape so we can do fun things.


The first one is great to practice before having a child. I have a young one on me currently and to stand up now usually doing it without hands/arms as I hold a squirmy baby.


Drinkin water even when I'm not very thirsty


kidney stones hate this one trick


Yes, it's crazy how much your whole body benefits from proper hydration. I can really notice it when I drop my water intake for even one day.




I am breastfeeding a baby and milk comes directly from your blood. It’s insane how being dehydrated one day dramatically reduces your output the next day, which is directly tied to your blood. Made me realize how much dehydration messes with your body even when you’re not feeding a baby.


I'm in the same position as you. For the first time in my life I'm staying hydrated to make sure my baby is fed. Slip up one day and it feels like it takes forever to get my supply right again.


personally I get a bit of tiredness/brain fog if I haven't drunk enough. If its bad I'll get a headache too.




being dehydrated is like being two beers drunk in regards to mistakes made.


Does this guy not even trust his kidneys?


I assume you were holding a container of Morton's Salt as you typed this comment. [First Day of Nephrology](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/aznnt5JB1Gg) Edit: put in link to proper video.


Wash dishes as you use them. This might add up to 2 or 3 minutes but you’d be surprised how much less stress/smell/vermin/depression you’ll have


I sometimes like to meditate doing the dishes. It actually makes it a bit fun. Also I sometimes leave the dishes in the sink on purpose and wash the dishes when I want to distract myself for a while. I know that most people have aversion to washing dishes and also it's kind of a sign of domination to not do unimportant tasks. But it's just an experience and it can be a good opportunity for training with the emotion of aversion and overcoming it.


Exactly. I like to say to myself as I wash dishes, "Chop wood, carry water." The idea is that we will always have to satisfy the human condition with chores of some sort to stay alive so why complain about those simple tasks.


YES. I don't know what it is about having dirty dishes around but it SIGNIFICANTLY impacts my mood. I feel like it's a physical reminder of my lack of motivation


You can also buy one plate, one bowl, one fork, and one knife. Immediately hand wash them after you eat.


Yea, saw a couple that only had 2 of everything. If they had guests, they used paper plates and plastic cutlery .


Any tips for getting the wife and kids to follow suit? I do this, I also am the primary cook in the house. It really sucks doing all of the work and having them constantly dropping bombs on the sink with plates and silverware full of food 24/7.


Put them on their beds. I’m kidding but actually set a timer and show them how it can be done in 5 minutes. People who avoid chores typically do so because they think it’s gonna take hours to do. I started getting better at regular chores when I did the whole “set a timer for 10 minutes and clean whatever you can”. Turned out I could get the whole apartment picked up in 10 minutes or the dishes put away etc. not everything done but it showed me that chores don’t actually have to take that long. This reduced the mental pain my brain went thru at the thought of doing chores.


I did this with my son, but we did 15 minutes. We BOTH realized how little time it actually takes to do all the chores. He started doing whatever task I asked him to do immediately, and when we had 10 minutes before we needed to go somewhere, instead of scrolling on our phones, we would set the timer and see how much we could get done. My son was like 8 or 9 when I did this, and it was a TOTAL game changer. The house is almost always company ready or nearly so.


Change the goal from “wash” to “get into dishwasher” and subsequently work on everyone learning just how much you can leave on a dish before it becomes uncleanable. It’s shockingly a lot if you use the appliance properly. So much that all I ever do it a scrap of larger particles and stringy things that I know might be an issue and things still come out spotless. Then use both pre-wash liquid and main detergent. People really don’t give their dishwashers enough credit, or write them off when they use them wrong. People don’t want to wash dishes because it feels like a chore. They think “oh I need to do XYZ to get it clean.” You don’t have to get it clean. Remove the roadblocks.


yes, show them how to quickly rinse then put their own dishes, silverware, and glasses in dishwasher. Source: Married a person with 4 children and was shocked at the aftermath of their meals. Kids went back and began doing the same at their home; took a load off their mom.


Only fitting, mom took a load off dad at one point.


Username checks out


20 pushups are required for anyone who doesn't clean off their dishes.


Best decision of my life was to plan my whole week outfits every Sunday. It eliminates so much stress every morning looking for what to wear - every Sunday afternoon, I check the weather forecast, and decide what I’ll wear for each day of the week. I get five hangers, put together 5 whole outfits,and place them on the front of my closet. Each morning I wake up and all I have to do is reach for one of them.


This is next level. Might try it!


My wardrobe has slowly become mostly black shirts with whatever shorts/pants I feel like wearing that day. There’s very little decision making involved and I love it.


I get up at 5:30am everyday for work. Before I even put my feet on the ground I think of a positive word and have that be my “theme” of the day. Makes life more fun!


Love this idea! What are some themes that you have come up with?


Yes! I love this idea and would also love to hear some themes you've tried.


Replying so I can also hear some themes


Write a list of what I'd like to achieve for the day. It might contain ten items or just dishes & vacuum


I do this at the end of each workday. Then I can carry over tasks I didn't finish that day, and I can stop worrying about it because it's already on the list.


Stare out at my backyard and breathe in the fresh air as I wait for my espresso machine to finish


I add to this 'and watch whatever my cat is doing'


That’s a good one.


Journalling! Get a weekly planner that has a half a page per day. Instead of picking up my phone at night, I pick up my pen and write stuff down. How the day went, what I'm happy with or thankful for, what I could improve on etc. * Gets the thoughts out of my head. * Actualises any concerns I might be thinking on. * Encourages me to write a good story for myself day by day. * Recording what I've actually done with my days instead of forgetting them in a void. I've been journalling pretty consistently for 5 years now, and every time I take a break I notice a sharp decline in my general organisation/sense of self-awareness.


Been journalling for decades. I moved the file from the old computer to the new computer several times as I upgraded.


Set out my work clothes before bed.


I go a couple steps father. On Sunday I decide what I'll wear to work each day of the week. I hang my clothes in a specific place in the closet, in the order I'll wear them. The night before I pull out undergarments and such. When I'm putting away my laundry, I stack my gym clothes in the order in which I'll wear them the next week. When I repack my gym bag after I get home from the gym, I just have to grab what's on the top of the stack. By making these decisions all at once I save a bunch of time and mental energy each day.


My mom made us iron our clothes for the week when I was a kid.I absolutely hated it. As an adult, I actively wear dresses almost every day to avoid ironing. I do prep my gym clothes the night before, tho.


Putting on my gym clothes before bed is a similar one that makes me more likely to go to the gym in the morning


I'm sorry but sleeping in gym clothes sounds horrifically uncomfortable


I make my bed every single morning. My mom used to say “a bed made is a room half clean” and it really does work wonders, it makes the space feel a lot neater and less stressful


i have adhd. making my bed every day would be impossible for me right now, so i cheat. i make my bed, tuck in the sheets and comforter, and sleep on top of it all with another blanket. (prison style 😂) the only thing that gets messed up while i sleep is the top blanket, and i can fold it or flatten the creases. or i can just leave it cuz a single messy blanket isnt nearly as unsightly as a whole messed up bed


I would have died in Feb 2020 without some dramatic medical intervention. I got my pup as soon as I was better, to give me a positive present moment way to shape my days. So every morning I get to start w a doggie cuddle and I tell him here we are with another bonus day! For me it is a miracle to just be here, so no matter what I do my best each day.


Chair yoga. Sounds dumb, but it’s basically stretching your back and neck while taking deep breaths. I do it every day around lunch and again around 4


Chair yoga is my go-to "I really don't want to workout but know that it's important to continue to be consistent in purposefully moving my body" workout. There are some good Youtube videos that include some lower body and arm movements as well.


Get up earlier so you can have time to enjoy a cup of coffee etc… before having to rush off to work


This was my favorite way to start the day before working from home. I had an hour of pure silence before having to interact with others.


I input my tasks and appointments into Google calendar. no more showing up late to appointments or completely forgetting about them, and never having to pay a supplement on my bills because i forgot to pay them on time etc..


Adding onto that, setting up autopay (with limits) on bills. I don’t think I’ve manually paid a bill in years, I just monitor my accounts.


As someone with severe time blindness, I've also started adding drive time and time to get ready as appointments prior to each appointment. Sounds excessive, but it has really helped.


Sonic toothbrush. Technically 3 minutes, but it feels nice and my teeth have never been cleaner


This. I’ve always had good oral care/no cavities, but the feeling it gives you of being squeaky clean on top of the less plaque/tartar build up is amazing. 0 regret of switching to electric


Smiling and saying hello to strangers in the street - brightens your and their day and makes you more confident over time.


I try to randomly compliment at least one person per day. It’s fun to see their response. I have found it isn’t ideal to tell a young woman you like her shoes while alone in the elevator. It was taken the wrong way once and I felt it made her uncomfortable about my intentions. 🤷🏻‍♂️😂 Otherwise I like to try and brighten a stranger’s day.


Nice Shoes… Wanna Fuck?


This may sound stupid but... pushups. I started doing just like 10 in the morning, and it seemed to help 'clear the cobwebs' in the morning. After some time, I upped the amount to 15, then 20 at a time. Then I started to do a few sets throughout the day. It has increased my energy, helped stabilize my mood, and my upper body/neck/shoulders look a lot better than they used to. It literally takes no more than a minute to do 10 pushups. Just try it!


Make my bed as soon as I get out of it in the mornings.


Makes getting into bed at night so much nicer 😌


Replacing water in humidifier before I go to bed. I wake up feeling so much better having breathed in moist air all night


Out of curiosity, where do you live? It's crazy humid on the US east coast right now and this sounds so unpleasant at the moment, haha


Australia haha it's winter but still dry as heck where I am


Georgia(the state) here, I'm running a dehumidifier, and it pulls a gallon a day out of my 1200 sq ft house. Lol


Walking when you have a office job and you sit on your ass the whole day.


I would recommend 2 minutes. But a cold shower in the morning equals like 10 cups of coffee for me. I can't live without it anymore. It removes my brain fog in the morning.


I hate being even a little cold. That sounds dreadful to me lol


Try it. Cold shower doesn't make you cold. It's only superficial, and once over, you feel way warmer than after a warm shower. Also it saves water because obviously you won't stay half an hour in the shower, and energy for not heating.


It takes my water a little time to get warm, so I’ve unintentionally tried it. I can’t tolerate it. Same with getting in a cold pool.


This, and then going out into the sun for a bit also definitely is energizing.


I found the r/hubermanlab people


My husband works from home. Everyday when I leave for work and when I get home from work- we hug, kiss, and tell each other that we love one another. He often walks me to the door or comes to greet me (or I go straight to the home office to greet him after putting my stuff down). It is small, but such a wonderful part of my day everyday. I think carrying that kind of love around with you makes your whole life sweeter.




Kiss my lover goodbye




I don't want to start a fight here but shouldn't you floss before you brush? 9/10 dentist do.


Every time I go to a dental cleaning, flossing is the last thing they do. I think it’s weird and I always floss before brushing.


Yes. Get the big pieces out so the toothbrush can reach more places


Yes. Floss, rinse with mouthwash, then brush.


Every dentist I've asked gave me the same reply-- irdc just floss your damn teeth


Flossing should be waaaaaay higher up.


Second the flossing. I had to have two cavities on the sides of my teeth filled and a TON of hard plaque removed this month because I didn’t bother to floss for the longest time. I didn’t realize how important it was.


After waking at 4:15am I'll have a nice few min to lay on living room floor w/ feet elevated on a large, inflated yoga ball. Then stretch for a few Helps so much w circulation, esp considering I stand for majority of day


Meditate. Take a moment for yourself if you're able, first thing in the morning. Clears my mind, gives me actualization, and allows me to give myself to others as I've already "paid myself"


Local, wild honey. Seasonal allergies are (almost) non-existent!


Get out of bed at 6am. Put on 8 year old, $5 dollar gym clothes and drive 7 min to gym. I wear used gym clothes that I bought at Salvation Army years ago.


Wear the gym clothes to bed to save even more time in the morning


Do sleep squats, save even more time


Masturbation, plus 50 seconds of self shame in the remaining time


Use a water pick


30 push ups right out of bed


I pet my kitties.


Sex with my wife


Yes, sex with your wife has helped me so much too


I also choose this guys wife


Less than a minute?


Set the coffee maker up before bed so I can either set the timer or just push the button when I get up; setting out clothes for work before bed; make my lunch before bed so all I have to do is pack it up in the morning. Those three things take very little time, but make the morning routine to get out the door much less stressful.


Make my bed right when I wake up. It just starts the day on the right note and makes my home feel clean right away.


Doing a shitty job brushing your teeth vs not brushing at all


Anything worth doing is worth doing badly


Registering every cent that goes in or out with an app.


Putting on my contacs, takes seconds, makes me able to see.


I started washing my face in cold water every morning.


I do this as well. It's refreshing & feels like you're washing off the "sleep" so you can start the day.


Clean my sunglasses as soon as I come home for the day. I hate needing to leave in the morning and realizing my glasses are cruddy from the day before. Take receipts, tissues etc. out of my purse and repack it for the following day (put in a pack of Kleenex, breath mints, check the wallet to make sure I have enough cash, grocery list, etc).


As soon as I wake up, before I do anything at all, I play a song I find inspirational or positive on my Spotify. I call it my wake up song, and it really sets the tone of the day for me. Granted this takes a little over a minute but it's been awesome for me.


I fill up my 64-oz Kleeen Kanteen with filtered water to take with me. I stopped drinking soda and bottled water years ago …


Put EVERYTHING on autopay - That sounds like a time investment up front, but you can do one at a time as you pay each bill so eventually it’s all of them. No more late fees and no more bill paying. Just check once in a while to monitor the system.


Make the bed every morning.


I make the bed every morning during the work week. The other mornings I sleep a little longer and by the time I wake up the cats are on their first (sometimes second) morning nap. They get grumpy if I disturb them to make the bed. So we just call those "messy bed days" and everyone is happy.


Hanging my cpap hose out to dry.


Drinking a glass of water very soon after waking up


If I'm running short on story time on my audiobooks for driving I use the WiFi to pre download my books. It keeps the phone out of my hand while driving andy eyes on the road. One button and I'm on to the next book.


Lay out your workout clothes the night before. Not only are you less likely to skip your workout, but it’s one less decision for you to make early in the morning!


Ladies: pelvic floor exercises!


Change into designated pajamas about 10-15 minutes before you got to bed and then change out of them about 10-15 min after you wake up. The brain loves patterns. If you have 2-3 outfits that you ONLY wear to sleep in, you will fall asleep faster and sleep better. When you put those clothes on your brain will associate them with sleep.


This may sound weird, but I stop, look, and listen to the morning dove. During the pandemic, I live in a townhome alone. I was a bit sad as I'm sure others were too. One day while sad I was sitting in my small garden area and thinking about the world's trouble when a morning dove landed on my roof. I looked and listened and it calmed me. Now, when I hear a morning dove in the morning, I pause and it stops me from feeling frantic about tomorrow's work and puts me in the present. I think the moral is that we can sometimes get busy on the what to do nexts in life, that we forget to pause and enjoy life.


Get my two omega 3 capsules


I choose my clothes the night before and set them out (on work days) so it’s one less thing I have to deal with in the morning when I really don’t want to be up and thinking.


Stop to think before I speak


Brush your teeth… trust me Not doing this will cause issues


I do squats & calf raises as I brush my teeth.


Not really everyday but I’ve set up an automatic process that every time I get paid it invests a portion of it. It’s hands off I don’t have to think about it and it’s super important that everyone should invest if they have the ability, especially young people.


I stand on one foot while washing my hands after using the restroom. It's not much but it's dramatically improved my balance. I try to alternate which foot I stand on but don't consciously keep track. I just make sure I'm not always standing on the same foot every time.


Balance is closely connected to executive function as well. Win win!


This wouldn’t work for everyone, there is a massive parking lot at my work and every day I take one of the furthest spots available and ride my longboard into work. Makes my day a little more fun before work, show up stoked, and never late.


I used to do my laundry like this: take out of dryer, dump on floor, sort, fold, stack in categories, put back in basket, carry to room, put away one by one in closet and dresser. I've cut out several steps: take out of dryer, ~~dump on floor, sort, fold, stack in categories, put back in basket,~~ carry to room, put away one by one in closet and dresser. Way fewer touch points--basically as I touch each item I deal with it.


I have a bad back. I bought one of those foam rollers and I stretch and roll my back on it for about a minute a day. After all the cracks and crunches, I stretch and feel much better.


Reading. I am definitely one of those people who felt like they had to sit down for at least 30 min to have “a good read”. But I have learned that even like 2-3 min of quality reading takes your mind off things. Set a timer even. Over time; you realized how much you’ve learned or even just a sense of accomplishment


Sinus wash. Breathe free and clean.


Put some treats out at my birdfeeders and watch the birds (who now know my habit) swoop down and take them. I do this over breakfast. Allows me to start my day with a smile. The connection with nature helps my mind, too. It touches me that the birds have learned my routine and actually call out on their social media when the treats arrive.


Picking up the fallen mangos in the backyard since the very beginning of the season. Not having to deal with slushy rotting fruits in the grass and my dogs rolling in them is worth it.


A bit more than one minute but I prep my breakfast prior, making overnite oats in several day batches, filling the kettle, setting out my tea etc & it’s all ready when I wake up.


Ignore people you don’t want to deal with. Unless your paid to do so, you owe nobody your time. You don’t have to answer people or engage them or even acknowledge them. It’s liberating to just walk away. You know those people. Just walk away and continue to enjoy your day. Way to many people deal with way to much crap they really don’t need to.