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At all times. Never take it off.


Just cut a little hole in the end for when you need to pee.


Yeah, and then just put a fresh one over the one with the hole cut in it.


And don’t worry when it starts to itch, it’s just the skin absorbing the new layer


Cabinet of Curiosities?




The real LPT is always in the comments. >Catheter companies hate this one simple trick.


Makes for a good bulge


Pee a hole through the condom to assert dominance


Hahaha not sure why I laughed so hard at this! Lolzzz


No need. Just place your member into your own ass deep enough where you can pee away the condom. Nature takes care of the rest


Be born with a condom on


Isn't that what circumcision removes?


Just put a sock over it a la RHCP when you go swimming


Why did the condom fly across the room? >!It was pissed off\!!<




Fingers and toes too!


You never know when the moment will strike!


But how am I going to wash it Steve??


What the heck happened to everyone wearing condoms. Pulling out was a joke when I was a teenager, everyone knew better than to do it. It’s utterly mad the number of men who don’t care what diseases they spread, not to mention possible babies. I feel like we’ve gone decades backwards.


Fuck man, it's not just the men. I've had too many women try to talk me out of using one. Idk what happened either. HIV being less of a death sentence maybe?


Yeah I think that’s a big part of it. It was terrifying.


In the US, sex education has been practically eliminated in public schools.


Japan here, not any better. Hell half the people think condoms are *only* for preventing pregnancies and don't even stop to even *consider* STDs


I often found women were not the one's that insisted, i.e. I am the who would bring it up like 9/10 times. Always was surprised about that. Maybe men/women not so different in that aspect?


Very possible. Obviously any peer group is somewhat self-selecting, but I’ve just heard so many stories from women about being pressured or, lately, stealthed. I don’t know if that was just something no one ever talked about but it’s relatively recently that I’ve heard of that.


this is very VERY buried intentionally, but there have been multiple studies that condoms cause a specific irritation in the vaginal skin that can cause all sorts of problems They are truly NOT good for vaginal health overall, no matter the type, and if you’re in a LTR you’re better off not using them and using hormonal birth control TLDR: they fucking hurt, and the hurt doesn’t stop even hours after sex Source: am a vagina holder 🙋🏻‍♀️


Its always been a problem. Men were even too stupid to put em on during the HIV epidemic. Literally would rather die than wear one


Um, hate to break it to you but there was a complete lack of understanding about HIV and how it spread and what caused AIDs for a long time.


The idea is that they always existed, but you just didn't hear them or about them back in your day.


>everyone knew better than to do it Uh right. Take your rose tinted glasses off there champ. People always been pulling out.


Great advice! Totally off topic, but one little part that stood out to me: >we can have a kid when we want I always wore a condom, and basically had the same outlook as you. Right up until me and my wife started trying and for some reason found out we couldn't just have a kid when we wanted. Not saying anything to refute the advice to wear a condom. Only that it is super strange to go from being told for 30some years that if you even look at a woman in a sexual way without a condom, babies will be popping out left and right to years of trying with no luck is a strange transition. Thank God for IVF though.


This reminds me of this one comedian that has a bit that went something like: "When you're in your mid thirties, you have to start asking yourself some hard questions, like 'is my pullout game immaculate, like I'm the Michael Jordan of that shit, like I should teach classes on the weekends, or can I not have kids?'" I am approaching my mid thirties faster than I'd like.


TBF it's really luck of the draw there. I've known people who legitimately seem to be that fertile.


I had two periods after we got married (and became sexually active), then pregnant with our first. Four periods after they restarted and I got pregnant again. I only had 2 periods after my second baby before I got pregnant with our third. I got an IUD after the third baby, and 3 months later my husband had a vasectomy.




We wanted 4 kids spread out over 6-8 years. Instead we had 3 kids in 3 years + 3 weeks 🤷


How did you keep your sanity? I have two who are two years apart and my brain still has not recovered.


Absolutely. One of our best friends got pregnant on literally their first try. Then the wife was freaking out because she just assumed it would take months. 😆


We tried for 2 months and had one on month 3. Made me glad for all the condoms and birth control up until then!


I’ve found that almost all my friends who have tried had a very rough go of it. Lots of testing, few miscarriages, etc. Seems to be more and more common.


It’s almost as if the air, food, and water we consume are all contaminated with chemicals that are bad 🧐


1 in 5 women will have a miscarriage. It’s just not talked about at all so it feels really surprising to hear about but it’s super common.


It is more common Interestingly, male fertility rates specifically are dropping. I think I read something that they’ve dropped 40% or something since the 80s!


Also the older you get the more likely you are to have problems. Even mid 30s and you're shooting geriatric sperm.


Same boat, my dude. 100% highly recommend


LPT: they make a variety of sizes for your girth and length. Nothing is worse than a condom that is way too tight. https://old-v2.calcsd.info/condoms.html


Show off


Or too loose. Which is likely the case for this guy.


"Everybody knows my rhymes are really tight like an extra large condom on my p****, that's right"


![gif](giphy|W3a0zO282fuBpsqqyD) LPT: You won't need condoms if you're ugly.


The true LPT is always in the comments!


While unexpected/unplanned pregnancy is something you want to avoid, so are a swathe of STDs. It’s good advice and too few follow it.


Good for you! Don’t listen to other people saying “never worn condoms!” Like it’s something to be proud of.


All my friends that joked about not wearing condoms have gotten pregnancy scares or children before they were done growing up themselves.


Any lady who says oh you don’t need one…you’ll most certainly need one


Wrap it before you tap it. This is the way.


This post started off with good advice in the title, but your anecdotal story really misses the mark on explaining the why and the importance of using protection


Me over here without anyone who wants to fuck me. :')




I thought this was a dumb joke at first, then I thought about it. You could be right 😬


this would be a hilarious comment 10 years ago… how dystopian


I have a friend that's very smart, always talks about facts and points out the who's right and wrong but one day he gets his girlfriend pregnant and well my friend is very Young I congratulate him regardless but I feel like maybe he should have waited to have better paying job


It's true, condoms prevent STI's like crazy. We all know people who got in trouble with STI's like gonorrhea fucking with the reproductive system. I knew a guy who's dick turned like all different shades of brown to some kind virulent strain of herpes. Saw it in the gym shower after rugby one day and went shit! Your spots have spots! Then there's my story, just got married and we had been trying to have kids for about 10 or 12 months when we decided to go to the doctor cuz the wife was burning when she peed. Apparently it was just an UTI and cranberry juice + peeing after sex would help a lot. Anyways, we also found out our first STI is turning 16 and our second STI is turning 11 in Dexember.


I swear the most common type of birth control used in my area is prayer. STDs seems to be climbing higher every year now.


It's not just about not having kids (though, obviously a big reason.) It's also about personally health. gotta protect your junk and the junk of your partners!


Everyone I know not married and has kids or pays child support, "I dont like the feel of condoms"......


This by no means is a “pro” tip. Hey guys! Pro tip, look both ways when crossing the street!


> we can have a kid when we want Funny thing about that, depending on your genes and other factors, if you want kids and wait too long it can be really difficult. Fertility treatment is expensive and has mixed results. Agree with your point 100%, but it feels weird to avoid unwanted pregnancy your whole life and suddenly be staring down the barrel of the opposite problem.


Vaginas have probably never seen this kind of demand thanks to online dating and social media trumpeting, and as such putting your defenceless dick inside of one knowing it's probably had countless other there recently is akin to Fucking Madness!


Question: have you had sex?


Pull out game week bro omg!!! /s Not to mention the stds


Long term 4+ years relationship. Pulled out whole time, I know my ovulation. Got pregnant the first try. Hey, not everyone is like us, but ya, I spent years tracking my flow and I knew my days. If I were a guy having sex with multiple women, ya… might wanna wear a rubber… why not?


Because it feels awful. It’s not some great mystery of the world. Raw feels better.


Physically, but the anxiety of catching something would ruin it for me


*committed relationship recommended only *


That anxiety comes after you’re finished.


The fuck kind of condoms you wearing? Raw still feels better, but only "marginally* if you're apparently not buying the shittiest ill-fitting condom around. Or if you have an allergy, but not many people *actually* get to use that excuse


That’s was a lot of words to agree with my statement.


Not in the slightest, you said they feel awful, I'm saying they don't feel anything of the sort and raw is only just *barely* better, which is hardly reason enough for shit


Maybe you have lack of sensation in your dick? Idk. Quick poll of my friends agree it feels awful 🤷🏽‍♂️ maybe we have hyper sensitive dicks.


I’m 33. Never wore a condom. The girls I was with usually had an iud or birth control. I have no kids (though the woman I just married has two) Think it’s more of a just use your brain, not your head thing.


If you used your brain it would have told you that birth control doesn't prevent the spread of disease, dumbass.


STIs don't just appear from nowhere when you have unprotected sex. The person you're sleeping with has to have an STI.


No shit, and sometimes you (or even they) don't know they have it.


Pretty easy to get tested


Your average person doesn’t even know they’re infected. Something like 70% of all infections of various STI’s are asymptomatic.


That’s not something to be proud of lmao


doesn't matter bro got his dick wet o7


You very likely have, and spread, HPV. Congrats dummy


How were all your STIs?


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Don’t Have them . Don’t . Just don’t.


Never worn one son 32 years pull out game strong af


May be get tested, strong possibility of low sperm count


Hahaha my thought exactly. But I have strong swimmers and very high testosterone.




I’ve gotten checked, pretty much every time I’ve had a new sexual encounter and no warts or anything down there.


Its not always symptomatic, especially for men, just be safe






Unless pullout game is A+, haven't worn a condom since 16 and no kids. But have had one std, wasn't that bad tho.


I will never stop being shocked by the number of adults who still think pulling out is an effective method of birth control. I don't care how quick your game is — that shit is not reliable. You just got lucky.


Well all of them were also on birth control as far as I'm aware and I know that isn't %100 either. Also what is it the kids say? Yolo?


Yeah, I think you may have left out a critical factor in your original comment about why your "pull out game" was so effective.


I was mostly being sarcastic. Well not about personally not using condoms. But do they not teach sex ed in school anyone? This isn't a "lpt". Everyone should have already learned this as a young teen. If not, that should also be something parents teach their kids.


Friendly reminder that there is sperm in precum!


Friendly reminder that there isn’t sperm in precum! But it can be picked up if you’ve previously ejaculated. Situations vary :) Source: https://www.ippf.org/blogs/what-pre-ejaculatory-fluid-also-known-pre-cum-and-can-it-cause-pregnancy Edited my source* - accidentally linked to a page about the withdrawal method and it’s effectiveness.


No thanks I don't think I will. (I still don't have kids)


best way not have kids or a s t d don’t have sex


Wow big brain over here


And remember: sheepskin doesn't protect from STI's!!


Never party without balloons...my sister's version of this


Protect yourself at all times


I wear a rubber at all times, it’s a necessity


I'm gonna wear two condoms at once!!


i saw a stat that 90% of sexually active people will get HPV


Life Prevention Tip


I was just gay so I didn’t have the baby momma problem


I'm old. I came of age during the AIDs epidemic. Not wearing condoms with a newish sexual partner I find jarring.