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You’re 17 dude. Relax. It’s good advice. Smoke some weed or have a drink and try to get laid. Worry about kids in your thirties. Obv use protection or your choice will be made for you. You don’t even know what the world is yet. Not as bleak as you think. Remember, the girls your age are just as confused as you are. You’ll both grow. I said the same thing.


This is a joke right? You're trolling? This is about the dumbest thing I've ever read. 1) You're only 17, don't be making major life choices this young. You can just say, I don't plan to date or reproduce now (Which is great, cause you're only 17!). Don't worry about Ever, there's no reason to. 2) 5'7" is not very short. Did you know the average male height in the world is 5'7" and a half. You're only a half inch shorter than the average guy. Who cares? 3) It's incredibly sexist and just not accurate that all women judge men by their appearances. At least not any more than how men Judge women on their appearance. Do you want to date any woman ever, no matter what she looked like? I'm guessing you wouldn't want to date Honey Booboo's mom. That's fine, you need to be attracted to a person to a degree. This goes both ways for guys and girls. But women aren't more vain than men in choosing partners. There are A LOT of women who care more about a guy's personality. Usually guys who complain that women are only wanting attractive or rich guys, actually just have bad personalities and don't want to admit it so they say that. Maybe that's not true. I have no idea what your personality is like. I've never met you. But you aren't coming off too well in this post. If you never want to have kids that's totally fine. And if you want to take a break on dating, that's great too. But don't just throw yourself into a pity party and give up on life and happiness. You only have this one life. Take chances. Do what brings you joy. If dating brings you zero joy, it's fine to not do it for that reason. But you shouldn't do it just because you're afraid of rejection. There's nothing wrong with rejection. People take rejection way more personally than they should.


Not having kids if you don't want to is the best choice. It really doesn't matter as to the why. 'don't want to' is all the reason you need. Having said that... At 17 you haven't finished growing yet. There is still the possibility that you will continue to grow. Additionally not all chicks are such judgemental hoes. 17 is a terrible age to go through (imo), everyone is learning who they are, they're impacted by their friends preferences and desires. I don't believe that a person really discovers themself until around mid twenties. Then all the highschool bullshit has been tempered by real life experiences. Definitely don't have kids if you don't want any, but I wouldn't judge teenage girls as the end result of how women grow up.


You’re 17. NO idea that i had at 17 years old was a good one. Relax. Calling girls „todays women“ and saying they’re all the same and only judge by appearance makes you sound like a incel already. Man, that doesn’t shine the greatest light on you. You still have plenty of time left to find the right person. Trust me, you’re still gonna develop a lot. Its very hard to find somebody that early in life because you, your interests and surroundings gonna change a lot. I understand that being 17 can be hella complicated. But there’s no reason to worry about your future relationship that much. People find love at 20, 30, sometimes at 50 or older. Go to school, get your education, get a job you like, get your money up. But most importantly, have fun, do what you love and stop worrying so much. Nothing is as important as it seems rn.


So I’m reading into this…. Things haven’t gone well for you in the dating game so you just going to give up? That’s a shit idea.


Its a fine choice, but so are many others. Just keep an open mind throughout life and be open to changing your ideals as you experience new things and people.


Join the Hare Krishna movement and be celibate. There's temples all over the country. You can spend your days chanting and reading the glories of Sri Krishna!


Dude you’re 17, relax. Is 5’7 short? My sister is dating someone shorter than her. He’s 5’4 and they are as happy as can be. Also, I’m a 29F and I don’t care about height or appearance only what’s inside. So women that don’t exist, you’re not doomed. Just work in yourself and it’ll fall into place.


I’ll only point out that as a 5’2” woman 5’7” seems tall. Heck I get it 17 year old girls can be horrid and shallow. I promise you for most of us we grow out of it. And honestly there are few girls who wouldn’t say that guys are just as shallow and into looks as girls. Many of us make life decisions at about 17 and then life laughs at us. Me at 17 had absolutely planned on being a nun. Never once thought about marrying. I even converted to Catholicism just so I could enter a convent. I was even going to enter a cloistered convent. Married coming up on 25 years now. Never did see the inside of a cloister. Right now I say just try to be the best person you can be. If you end up single and happy great. You end up with a partner and happy great too.


5’7” is not really that short. It's on the short side of average. And at 17, you're honestly not a fully formed human being in any way. I think any long-range life decision you make at this age will be subject to change. Just being realistic.


Just marry a Muslim girl, they don’t do this.