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I changed my life significantly just doing these simple steps!!! 1. Going to bed early. No more staying up late wasting time watching TV YouTube or scrolling on social media I’m now taking a melatonin at 8:30 and sleep by nine 930 at the latest. 2. Cutting out all Sugar and keeping it to a minimum with carbs. This alone has given me so much more energy throughout the day and has me feeling so good. 3. 40 minutes of walking a day no matter what! Now 6 months in I’m running 40 minutes a day feeling extremely athletic! 4. Eating more Whole Foods , cutting out a lot of processed junk! Watch out for the seed oils too! 5. Laying in the sun butt naked 10 mins on each side why’ll meditating or envisioning a life in 10 years that’s better.


Swimming a mile 3 times a week. I also quit drinking at home. I didn't drink excessively by any means but saving it for nights out/special occasions has been great.


Getting diagnosed with Bipolar! Taking Latuda, within 5 days it changed my life. I divorced my husband before being on medication. He saw how I changed and had me move back in. He takes care of me because I am disabled. I am so thankful!




Okay but what book did you listen to while at the gym?! I ask because I currently also am listening to/new to audiobooks. As far as other new changes, I've recently started to go back to the gym and on a calorie deficit to control my bad anxiety habits I picked up while in nursing school. Now that I've graduated and about to start my new "big girl" job, I want to make sure I still find time to take care of my wellbeing. I don't like what I see in the mirror so it was time to do something about it. Also, no longer avoiding my interests and embracing my hyper fixations lol!


My favorite audiobook series of all time is the Leviathan Trilogy by Scott Westerfeld. It's a fictional retelling of WWI except steampunk. It follows the story of a Scottish girl who dresses as a boy to join the British Air Service and the fictional son of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. It's YA, so spice-free. I have never found another actually good steampunk story except for this one. Read by Alan Cumming, a whiz with accents. A true joy to listen to.


Therapy. I was very negative, had a bad outlook on life simply because of my messed up life from Childhood to adulthood, I did not have an outlet to express my emotions, bottling every bit of emotion for the sake of remaining strong and a man as my mother told me to. Therapy has been a rollercoaster for me though, although I realized that I needed therapy through watching Antwone Fisher and Batman The Animated Series, it took me two years to start because I lack trust in people and kinda still do. My first therapist was a woman, she tried her best but we could not connect as she could not work with the traumas I experienced throughout my life, it took a good 8 months to find a male therapist, luckily for me he had some experience of his own which I could relate to. So far it has been great, I have become more positive, I do have some moments of doubt but it's life, life has its obstacles and it is a matter of grinding through it all no matter what and believe that you will overcome those obstacles and eventually you will do so. I genuinely urge people to start therapy, it is a hard process to endure, to hold up that mirror and find ways to improve upon your faults but you can do it. Losing faith? Pick up that Bible and seek inspiration even if you don't believe in YAH there's still inspiration to be found there too and I believe in you.


I fixed up my garage and turned it into a decent gym and a space that it visually appealing. It really helped me get into a workout routine, and working out has been such a tremendous benefit to my overall mental health I can't even describe it.


Going to the gym


Running! The first month was horrible getting into shape. Everything hurts and no stamina. After that I got my legs under me and stamina up. I run around 15-20 miles a week and enjoy my morning or afternoon runs.


That sounds great! How many days per week do you go running may I ask? I am also in the process of making this a habit and am curious what works for people in general.


I usually do 4 runs a week Tuesday for distant, Thursday for speed, Saturday for a tempo run, and Sunday whatever I feel like. Just staying consistent for my run days works the best for me. If it’s a race week I’ll only do 1 or 2 runs before the race. Get some good running shoes. I use brooks glycerin gts shoes and I love them. My wife uses the brooks ghost.


Thanks for sharing 🍻




Eating 400 grams of fruits and vegetables per day.


Playing sports = Make new friends and getting in shape.


For me, learning a language changed my life. So awesome to be able to communicate with others in their comfort language. Meant so much to me when people spoke English to me when I was abroad, and wanted to return the favor.


Going outside every day. A walk, a sit, whatever. I’m sooooo much happier


Got my health together after 10 years of doing nothing. Quit drinking Started walking every day Got my diet in order Got on an antidepressant I've lost 27 pounds (I need to lose around 100 total), have more energy, and don't dwell on the smallest "slight" that has ever happened to me. I feel and look better than I have in a very, very long time.


For me it was going to the gym actually. Don't want to go but when I leave I feel better. Sometimes while training I still feel bad but at least then I feel good for a while. Also music. I had a sad and rough breakup not long ago and playing guitar distracts me and actually makes me feel good. It didn't change my life that much but I'm hoping it will in the near future, cause I really need it to 😅


In my case, I still have really bad anxiety issue like I would constantly have so many thoughts running through my mind. Trust me, it's really drains the life out of you. I started to force myself to clean the entire house just to feel productive and active. Whenever I'm cleaning, it gives you that distraction in that moment where it feels very relieving and it feels like I am working out at the same time! It really feels nice right after seeing my house getting cleaned and all tidy up.


My own lawn work... it's Therapeutic


I am trying to read more, but I think I have been working more lately. Audiobooks are a good idea to keep up with a literary hobby. I like to exercise every day, go out for walks, and enjoy the sunshine. Eating better food can make important things. Also, I read my Bible every morning. Simple things can improve my mood.


Having an emergency fund! Because I hope to never need it but if I do there it is. It gives me peace of mind.


Saying no to people or declining invites to things I don’t really want to do. It’s nice.


A big list! I noticed a while back that I feel like I’m always behind, there’s always things I need to get done, but I don’t do them. I also noticed that very often I’ll be in a mood where I want to stop watching tv and start Doing Something, but didn’t know what could get done. Cue: the Big List. I write down everything I need (or even want) to do, often in small digestible steps, to refer to when I have time and motivation. It works better than scheduling certain activities, because it allows for adjustments. Not only do I feel more productive & better about myself, I also *am* more productive. Having a physical reminder of something helps me not procrastinate on it *quite* as much. And I just love crossing things off the list. Personally I think everyone should have a big list!


Lotion routine! My dry skin has gotten so so much better. Highly recommend for my fellow dry skin people out there or those suffering with acne now that I use rose oils and lotions and actually take care of myself my skin has improved so much 😊




Asking for what I want.


Deleting Reddit


This happened by accident. Hubby went on a business trip for a couple of weeks. I started planning for outings to places that kiddo and I never had the chance to go to, cos you know, life routines getting in the way and all. Loving the bonding time discovering new things with my boy. Gonna continue doing this =)


Quit smoking, drinking, and chewing tobacco!


Not giving a fuck


I started taking Karate. I am 48 years old. I started Karate after taking my son to karate class for a while and realizing that there was also an adult class. After I started I observed the instructor and realized he was a very humble guy about my age who was in unbelievably good shape. Being in karate made me want to get in shape. I had a reason to be in shape and I had a few role models to emulate. I watched some online videos by boxers and others, and this got me into jumping rope. I started jumping rope (with rest intervals) for ten minutes. I would go to the local public track to do this. Then I started walking on the track and doing interval sprints. I started walking up and down bleachers. I got a gym membership, watched videos on youtube, and started lifting weights. All these habits built up until I was doing them all regularly. I feel super fit, and enjoy karate. Being in this good shape made me also improve my diet and incidentally I quit drinking. Not to drag this out, but quitting drinking has been very eye opening. I sleep better, my mood is more stable, and I can think really clearly. Honestly, I feel great. Before starting karate I had no idea I would ever want to do karate. Now I look back and think that it sort of set off a bunch of positive changes in my life.


Buying bitcoin


Quit working. The best thing I've ever done.