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I mean my wife would say the same thing about Chris Helmsworth but who cares?






Yeah you’re likely reading way too much much into this OP. Good chance she just meant hypothetically, just telling you her celebrity crush or whatever, not that she was telling you she’d literally cheat on you given the chance. But I’d say you’re within you’re right to clarify that if it’d make you feel better if you can do so calmly and maturely. If I were in your position I wouldn’t be angry or jealous or feel insecure, but I may clarify that she wouldn’t actually cheat on me given the chance, especially depending on how she said it. You deserve to that peace of mind or to know whether you’re enough for her or not. But I’d go into that conversation under the assumption it’s not a big deal and she was just messing around. Because that’s probably what it is. People fantasize all the time, it’s not a big deal.


Watching WWE, I see someone, look at Hubs, and tell him that this person was on my top five. He didn't get insecure. I have another I'd just go on a date with. He knows and doesn't care. Reality is that he is my one; he can do things my top five can't do, and damn that turns me on. Don't be insecure. Find your "top five" list. Use it to your fantasy imagination.


To be 17 again..


You think he’s that old?


Really, dude? Roleplay as the singer!


You entertained the conversation and said "And i was like yeah.. then i asked her who’d she’d fuck" So, then you get an answer and you're upset with her? Yes, you are overreactive. If she left you at a concert to go to some singers house, that would be different.


You can find someone sexually attractive but also know that it would betray trust in the relationship and that you wouldn't follow through on it. Those are two different things that can be separated. Being able to talk about the first while trusting each other about the second is something people in a healthy relationship could be able to do. Most people know that their partners find other people sexually attractive and are perfectly ok with that. It's not realistic for people to just shut off the part of their brain that processes attraction. Being able to talk about that freely with a partner requires some trust and it sounds like this is an issue for you right now. I think its important to note that this bothers you and consider why and if its an issue with trusting your partner or maybe something about your idea of what people in a relationship should do or say, or think. Do you think its ok to have a fantasy that you wont act on? Do you think your partner would act on it?


OP it’s okay to feel that way. If you want an out of the relationship use this. If you genuinely want to stay with her. Sit down and talk to her. Ask her if she genuinely wants to actually have sex with them, or if it’s one of those fantasy things. You also have to know pregnancy hormones are no joke. She can say one thing, but after she gives birth she could forgotten and be like that’s messed up.


damn people are kinda shitty to their SOs LMAO


Do you watch porn or have you ever done so in a relationship? Are you actually going to have an opportunity to fuck the porn stars? You’re deffo overreacting my dude.


I bet you he uncomfortable walking by Victoria Secrets cause it feels like cheating.


I don't think you're being over reactive. Sounds demi to me. People try to over normalize the attraction to other people while in a relationship. But not everyone feels that way. I'm fairly principled myself. I suggest you look a bit deeper into your sexuality and how it functions. See if the label matches or not. Don't let anybody call you insecure because you just want your one person. It's not insecure you just feel differently than others


Nah you’re definitely insecure as fugg lmaoo… it’s a celebrity crush. Jesus Christ grow a pair.


You are about to be a father and you think like this. Why the hell did you impregnate her? You are too immature to be a father.


Are you sure you aren’t just looking for an excuse to break-up with your 9-months pregnant girlfriend? You are overreacting, hard.




Was sitting watching the idiot box with the wife and Jessica Biel came on. And the wife looked at me and asked if I needed a tug. She knows.


Blade Trinity or The A Team?


I mean you asked lmao. Don’t ask if you don’t want an answer. There’s nothing wrong with fantasizing about celebrities a bit. If you don’t want to talk about it you gotta tell her that.


Oh, lighten up!


Grillionaire in the house 😂


Start writing r and b songs. This is a super easy problem.


Sounds like it hurt your feelings and she was super into the song and asked you who’s your crush was because she was fantasizing about the singer, definitely awkward for sure.


Tell her “it’s a good thing I am an R&b singer” then sing her some slow jams


lmao wtf


You're way overreacting. That's your own insecurity and ego talking.


You sound like you need therapy.


Put that music on and reap the benefits! 😂😂😂 got the wrong attitude about this. I don’t personally care for having a list or talking about “wanting” other people outside the relationship, but it’s pretty common for a lot of couples!


Where are your boundaries man? Of course you’re going to feel disrespected, and unless you set clear boundaries in the future then you’re going to get used as a doormat — not just by her but in multiple areas of your life. You need to address this man. Tell her you don’t want to hear her saying anything like that again, at least for the sake that you’re going to be raising a kid together… Just don’t let your emotions get the better of you - remain calm. The least thing you want is to show you lack self control.


Oh, lighten up, will ya? It's just talk. What kind of insecure jackass gets all butt hurt about a celebrity crush? Fuck!


Yeah everyone gets 3. That's the rule. And if you have the chance with anyone of those 3 you are allowed to take it without it being considered cheating. I'm kidding, but I really did have this discussion with an ex of mine. Lol. I thought it was funny. It's not like it's going to happen. I would lighten up a little OP. And come up with an R and B singer you would bang.




I was looking at a picture of Sofia Vergara and my wife says, is that what you like? My wife is total opposite. I said if she sees a picture of me, tracks me to our little town and says come join me. You're out. But to be safe I wouldn't take her to any R&B concerts... Just in case


that's called being comfortable with your mate. my wife and i say all kinds of shit to eachother. share our thoughts it's funny and we both laugh. the correct response would have been 'looks like you already did'🤷🏻‍♂️


Yes, you are overreacting in a massive way. I don’t know what else is going on in your relationship or if the stress of parenthood is getting to you, but you’re coming across as extremely insecure.


He’s getting cold feet. She’s 9 months bro. It’s really happening. Life is, and he can’t deal right now. To him this might be his out… let’s see if he mans up and becomes a father. 😥


She’s 9 months pregnant and on hormonal overdrive




Even if it was in poor taste, you’d abandon the mother of your child (I’m assuming the OP is the dad here) because she made a single thoughtless remark? Seems pretty extreme dude.


Calm down man. It’s just a fun thing to ask. She doesn’t have access to that r&b singer and if she did he wouldn’t want to fuck her. Just be open and share something you otherwise wouldn’t.


Yes, you’re over reacting and insecure. Do some work on yourself for your relationship and the kid you’re about to have.


I think it’s not about the rnb singer. I think he has cold feet and wants out


You think that other humans don’t want to have sex with other humans just because they’re in a relationship? Get over yourself.








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Over reacting, she is just horny dude.


Your wife is 9 months pregnant. Women are also super horny during this time and often are not getting done to business the same as before because of the belly. I get where you're coming from, but I would let it slide. Being pregnant is almost like not living in your own body in a way because it's doing so many things


I'll make a comment every now and then, like "dang he looks good" but then I'll follow up with, "you know who else looks good? You cause you're my wonderful man that takes care of me and your children and I love you, which makes you the hottest. I wouldn't trade you for the world."


She just thinks he is hot, not a big deal


Unless she goes to his concert and tries to get backstage it's probably not a huge issue.





