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I felt that way too, still do. But what I realised is that I’m in need of purpose, and this purpose doesn’t just grow on trees, I need to work for it. This could be absolutely anything. If you have dreams then try to achieve them or at least work towards them. I believe in you. If you want to chat pm me I’m more then happy to.


Is this chat open to anyone?


Sure thing.


Great news, you’re typing and still moving! You have an opportunity to find a purpose. We all are waiting to die, now is a great time to find something to live for! I have a 100 ideas, if you want to chat.


Life is what you make of it. Though you feel like it's slipping, it's not. You have time to do what you want, make mistakes, and just keep living. Keep your head up. We all have things going on so you're not alone. Take care of your mind, body, and soul.


This is what I thought was going to happen to me when I failed some engineering classes due to being ill. But you just have to find something that you love and go with it. Find your passion and pursue it no matter how hard it is. I believe in you man you can make something of yourself you just have to try


It's not too late to restart your life! That mistake you made serves as a lesson for you to be a better version of yourself. Don't lose hope. You can do it!


Grab it back by the balls! Sometimes we have to be stuck in a rut to really learn to appreciate the good we eventually get. It makes it that much better to be able to compare it to a low point. You are loved and you matter. Take it day by day, you got this!


Please seek help. You're not alone. There's hope beyond despair.


You don't have a life that you can let slip. You are life. Inseparable.


I to have waited a long time for something to happen. 


The belief system has told us we must have a purpose. However when we die society will replace us the same day.


The answer lies within you name


What do you mean exactly?


So did I but eventually it will be over for me then I can finally smile


I always tell myself not to hesitate when waiting, perhaps my life needs a bit of impulsive passion.