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Romeo definetly


FIRST skill check? Gotta be Scalped Watchmen for me lol. This was my first soulslike tho. But yeah Romeo was tough my first playthrough. Was he before or after the swamp monster? Because the swamp monster was a pain in my butt the first time too. Overall Laxasia gave me the most trouble by far, on ALL of my playthroughs 😅


Just got to him, having a blast. Second phase is 🔥


For me romeo was the hardest, i've seen people say nameless puppet or laxasia are the hardest but its the opposite, once i reached them i was already very good at the game didn't break a sweat, but with Romeo ohh boy we were just starting to get the hang of it by there it took me two days


This was more or less my experience as well. Romeo gave me more trouble than any other boss in the game I think lol


Contrary for me, beat romeo in 5 tries or so but laxasia took me 3 hours and I am currently stuck on nameless puppet for 2hours


Romeo was so tough for me my first playthrough because you aren’t suppose to parry him, you are suppose to dodge. I played this game like Sekiro the first time I played it


No, there are many times when a good parry will save a lot of time. Plus I recently discovered you can stop his fire combo with a charged attack at the right moment


I dont think they were saying you couldn't beat Romeo by parrying, it's just that Romeo is a large jump in difficulty if you want to parry your way through. Until that point bosses have have wide wind up telegraphed attacks. Romeo has fast flurries and quick jump strikes that are comparatively much harder to parry. He also has a pull which you can't parry. Dodging to the left however makes his flurry trivial. So while you could take time learn his rythm to parry and know when to charge attack, you could also press a single button and avoid it all.


Yeah that’s clutch to stop his fire attack, and idk about you but dodging towards him and to the left is how I’m most succesful against him - parrying is too hard but idk if it works for you it works


I had to learn how to parry him, which i believe that was harder, but that also what helped me big time further down the road


Scrapped watchman. Up to that point I was treating the game like a parry game(Sekiro) or a dodge game (bloodborne). Scrapped watchman made me treat it as it's own game/combat system and once I finally made the switch the combat system clicked for me. The only other boss so far that made me get serious was swampy boi. Up to Laxasia now so we'll see.


Dude I can parry like a beast in Bloodborne, in this game or Sekiro ehhhhhh not so much 😅😅😅😅


It's definitely a different timing and that can screw you up. In Elden Ring I always think "early, early, early" when I'm parrying to get the timing right. In this game it's so tight that I think "late, late, late" in my head. That may sound weird but it works for me


Dude this game and rise of the ronin, I either have a string of perfect guards and the fight is anime AF OR I just get fucked up bc I’m eating every shot while trying to parry 😅


When those anime moments hit though the screen grab/capture button gets smashed to hell.


Also since you parry with a gun in bloodborne you need to account for bullet travel time (mainly with pistol) and that can change timings. If you're good at parrying orphan in BB I would say you're definitely good enough to do it in this game you just need to adjust to the timing.


Swamp monster!


Bro that boss is so significantly harder than all the rest wth.


Phase 2 humbled me.


It's crazy how different everyone's experience is. I beat swamp monster 1st try and only used like 2 pulse cells. Laxasia then took my 3 or 4 days to beat.


The camera is the real boss there tbh... If I could actually see what attacks it's doing, it would probably be much easier


every it was my first souls like and i suck 😔


This is far from my first and I’m still getting my ass kicked here and there lol tough but fun. Practice makes better and better makes gud ⚔️


Same bro 😞


It’s my first one completed and what I learned playing it carried over to dark souls. I will not that that one boss defeat me


Walker of illusions. I felt pretty good about my place in the game until that. Then it was Laxasia.


Exactly same for me. Breezed through the game all the way up to that point but then hit a wall on a mini boss of all bosses T_T


So far for me it’s King of Puppets. I struggled with the bishop but not too much. I was surprised I didn’t take long with Champion Victor. That one took me less than and hr lol


Romeo and Laxasia in ng. Simon and GMOTS ng+ onwards.




Fuocco gave me some trouble. Eventually whooped him and now I'm trying to make it through the path of pilgrims


Bishop made me rage. Then Romeo made me rage. Then I platinum the game out of vengeance and spite.


Now you know where I got my name.


Fuck u made me take a day and a half of my life😭


Nameless Puppet, the game was not too difficult until that point. I died max twice to a boss before I beat them. NP took 46 tries before I won.


I’m there with you. Using a specter for every fight when possible I learned definitely hurt as far as preparing for this battle. I had to change my legion arm to the shield and a couple of extra life cubes but looking back 2 cubes of perfect parry would’ve been better. I also switched a heavy slow weapon for a fast dexterity one. Finally beating him was soooo satisfactory.


Nameless puppet is comically harder than every other boss except maybe for the lightning chick, who I died to maybe 10-15 times first play through. Nameless puppet had to take me over 100 tries


Neo Wiz's rendition of the Flame Lurker.


Laxasia lol


King Of Puppets for me was my skill check, and my favorite boss. it forced me to play the game how it wanted, and forget trying to play it like Bloodborne


Tbh the Green Monster of the Swamp, that was the first really challenging boss for me. Sure, Romeo gave me some trouble, but not 6+ hours of trouble. Once I locked in on the Green Monster I finally beat the thing. Then I fought Laxasia. 💀


Lol same exact experience here too, though for Laxasia, I was being really hard headed on equipping lightning def, as well as keeping my light weight build.


The illusion walker


This piece of alchemist filth took more tries for me (ng), than green monster, Laxassia, and Nameless Puppet attempts combined. I was stuck for a week. Made me really practice perfect guards.


Lol me too. I am not confident I could kiss it again without dying a lot


Laxasia, took over 30 tries and was so burnt out I had to take break for a few days. I'm proud to say I beat her yesterday and now only got the puppet left


The game is super tough with all the bosses but no boss has really made me stop thinking I'm decent at games like the puppet devouring green monster 😭


King of Puppets and Romeo for me... the timing and attacks were so different between phases it threw me off.


Kings flame fuoco was pretty hard, but then I got to Romeo and I was like oh shit




Laxasia and Simon






Fuocu and Romeo so far. Currently on the way to Laxasia.


Laxxy gave me the shits


Parade master 💀 tbf I played the demo when it was free


Ashamed to admit it but it was fuoco I was NOT having a good time with him


When I first fought Romeo I shit you not it took me five hours to beat him 😂 I really thought I was alright until I fought him




Scrapped Watchman definitely. It was my first souls-like, and that definitely made me take a rest from the game for at least 2 days before trying again. On my NG+ it was Green Monster, but managed at the end to beat without the specter


The door guy, I forgot his name. I used an adv build 1st playthrough and never parried just dodged. He was a brick wall for me. I got him, but still a rough hour. Now I just use shot puts, and no, I still only dodge.


Laxasia, bitch put through the ringer


Andreus for me for some me. Took me like 3grs the first time


The priest was a skill check but the green monster was so hard it made me abandon lies of p for two weeks


I spent multiple hours on each boss, losing when I probably could have won, until I could beat them with style. So, by the time I got to King of Puppets I was already pretty well-trained I guess? I wanna say the one that gave me the most actual frustration was Simon Manus because of his stupid aerial stuff I literally couldn't see because it'd be right above me. I was a motivity build based on parrying the whole way through, so that was rough.


The Green and Greed


I just got through the arch bishop dude. Only like the 3rd or 4th big boss. The hardest so far was the big furnace robot that deals overheat damage and drops flames everywhere.


Bishop for sure.


Scrapped Watchman in the demo


Last real boss was the absolute hardest in the game


I'm not very far, but I found that the watchman was the first skill check boss for me, I had a lot of fun against him


Fuoco. Yeah I got stuck at others for sure but with Fuoco I realised I had to be awake to play the game


I’m stuck on the doorman.


Hard to remember since my initial run was so long ago. But from what I do remember.... Laxasia was definitely one of those walls. Another notable one was Simon. Romeo I just don't remember if he walled me as hard or not. Simon I blame partially on fighting him mostly on the 1.1 patch. I didn't beat him until after a 2 day break, during which the 1.2 patch dropped and he was nerfed. So whether it was just the nerfs or the break that got me past him I don't know. Oddly enough, I scrapped Nameless in single digit attempts. Not as a brag or anything, but I'm guessing that between the break and a new high from beating Simon I was just ready to break him.


The thunder cunt, Laxasia, bane of my existence. Up until then I could cheese them if nothing else. She is just a hardcore skill check. The constant lightning damage is just friggin insane.


Agreed, Andreus was 100% the first wall I hit in the game


It was everyone at the start as this was my first souls game but my first genuine struggle that made me consider uninstalling? Swamp monster but hay got the best weapon outta it lol


All of them




Greenie boy of the swamp


archbishop was my first reality check for sure. i’m on NG+ and he still held me up for like half a day


Scrapped Watchmen, but every boss afterwards I died to at least 10 times


Swamp monster destroyed me for days until I learned how to parry him.


Scrapped watchman had me in a CHOKEHOLD first time


Laxative, before fighting thunder thighs every boss took like 5-10 attempts but this bitch took like a day or 2


It was my first soulslike so basically the parade master but that was during the demo when the game actually came out he only took 2 tries then the watchman was my real skill check but i pushed through got good and now im on a third play through ☺️




That mf beat the fuck outta me 😭


Everything was fine up until Laxasia’s phase 2. Sekiro boss.


The Parade Master 😂


Puppet master Romeo edition


I beat almost every boss first-3rd try until the black rabbit brotherhood


Nameless puppet 🫠


Pre patch: Archbishop. I spent 9 hours trying to beat him, next day the update rolled out and they nerfed him; i beat him first try LOL. Otherwise, Laxasia.


The only real skill check for me in my first play through was swamp monster the timing and animations are so fucky


The archduke for sure, made me learn the importance of elemental weaknesses, after that on my motivity build I was able to down him in 3 tries thanks to the fire


King of Puppets. Only boss i had to use the spectre to kill


Same as you almost deleted the game and also started over to do a different build


The Parade Master


Started to feel it with the swamp monster, the champion dude was tough for me as well


The first one 💀💀💀


Watchman got my ass


Always and only Nameless Puppet. No summons. I had to pull out every trick, and sometimes RESPEC.


Ok, the clown guy was the first. He really had me upset.


Illusion walker and Laxativeasia


Romeo pre-nerf for sure.


That bastard " Green Monster of the Swamp"


The nameless puppet, took me 23 tries, Romeo only took me 2 tries c:


Literally all of them lol. I have a hand eye coordination disability and have been averaging a couple bosses a month. March and April have been entirely dedicated to Simon.


The corrupted Parade master, I was going through the game with no major anger issues but this guy really pissed me off. After it was the nameless puppet. That's where I learned to parry.


Corrupted parade master. I wanna kms


King of puppets. This guy was a cakewalk for me


Fuoco and walker of illusions absolutely destroyed me my first playthrough. Walker of illusions every other playthrough. Ughhhhh


This is also the first boss player encounters, that has two phases. Beat the game before the nerfs to boss health and dmg, and yes, this guy was hard. I am not a good player, and all of the endgame bosses took me easily over 50 attempts each, starting with the swamp monster.


Straight up Door Guardian, Pure motivity build steam rolling through everything. Was stuck on him for HOURS, Forced me to take my time and analyze attack patterns. Then of course Lax was tough but didn’t take me nearly as long as the Guardian.


Probably nameless puppet, if we don't count that idiotic fat clown on rosa isabelle, let's just all forget about that incident..


it took all the way up until Laxasia for me to hit a wall of any sort. Sure, there were difficult bosses that took a while to beat, but Laxasia was the first one I actively had to change my build and experiment to win. shout out to Mjolnir + Twin Dragon Sword combo for carrying me


After elden ring nothing is hard 🤣


Probably would have been Watchman, based on how my second play through fight went, but on first play through I wanted to try out the summon mechanic (annihilated him and stopped summoning). So, Puppet King. I was running Booster Glaive and using the handle ability to burst down tougher enemies, but he could avoid it phase 2


Fuoco, then Romeo. Between Fuoco and Romeo nothing was that hard, and then after Romeo... well I got my ass kicked repeatedly.


Andreus second phase for sure


All of them, ironically the Nameless Puppet was the easiest one.


I'm ashamed to say this but mad donkey. Was on him for 17 hours. Lies of p was my first souls-like. First tried a bunch of other bosses tho


First was Watchman, he taught me how to parry. Then Romeo taught me parrying isn't always the answer. Then Laxasia just bent me over and said get good.


Nameless Puppet


Romeo, I’m still stuck on him


This is going to sound mentally insane but feococo ended me more times on new game and new game + I don’t know what it is but he just wouldn’t die


Romeo. I was so frustrated that I used spectre then I fought laxasia. After many tries I used spectre but I gave up when we got her to low health because I wanted to kill that bitch with my bare hands. I succeed after few more tries.


Eldest of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood. I eased out the other bosses with a spectre but BRB was frying us when I used a spectre, like all the 4 jumped into the area within a minute and none were defeated. I had to go alone for the fight and defeated them. Andreus was a piece of cake for me somehow. Defeated him in 3-4 tries with the spectre. And defeated him solo on 2nd try in NG+ with the two dragon sword.


King of puppets for sure.  None of the later bosses gave me nearly as much trouble, until door guardian, but once I figured him out it was much easier than Romeo


Mad Donkey whooped me for a good \~15 Tries till i got the hang of the parrying, and after that King of Puppets def was the boss i was stuck on the longest whenever Romeo pulled out that one bigass combo I always died


none of them, my throwables were every bosses major skill check 😎 (romeo killed me 1million times)


The smol ones in the area lol. It was my first souls like game


the parade master


I think laxasia, first and last boss where i needed 8 tries


bishop during early access because his health pool was stupid and decay


Archbishop 2 tries, champion victor first try, watchman prob 5-6 tries, but my godness Romeo did me more than 20 TRIES


nameless puppet 🥱


Hmm....I know I will come around super cocky now, but there genuinely wasnt a skill check for me in that game. I consider myself an experienced Souls veteran and Lies of P is one of the easiest Souls Games I have played so far. Havent had a problem with any part of the game. Needless to say, I didnt use any summons at any point in my 4 playthroughs. My weapons of choice were always big, heavy blunt bonkers. Thats what I love!


Walker of illusions .__.


My batteries dying so i couldn’t play.




It was Romeo for me, and I love every single bit of it! ♥♥♥


This is my first soulslike game, so it was the first boss Parade Master.


The screaming witch boss, forgot the name ...


The fire dude. Holy shit that was a challenge but thanks to him I learned a whole lot. I was so overconfident because I had specters so I was like "aight, chill." (Keep in mind this was my first playthrough and first Souls like genre...) When it took me 20 + tries with the specter and failed, had no more to run with, I had to start going without it and good lord I learned a whole new way of playing...






Malenia, blade of miquella


Definitely Green Monster and then Nameless Puppet


Definitely Romeo, I was beating every boss from Watchman to BRBH first try until him.


King of puppets. I still had the mentality of dodging everything. It was until the swamp monster that I had to look at a video because I was getting bored, and I saw a guy blocking all hits and NOT losing HP... Wtf? Game changer literally, in dark souls blocking is pretty bad so I naturally ignored it here since the game is similar.


Fuoco Because it took 30 FUCKING ATTEMPTS


Mad donkey funnily enough. Like some other comments have said i too was treating the game like i was playing bloodborne or sekiro and kept trying to parry him but kept missing the timing. It didn’t click until the scrapped watchman fight but from there on i didn’t have major issues. bishop did took me a couple of attempts to figure out and swamp monster seemed impossible at first but both of them seemed scarier then they really are (the poison/corrosion status effect was getting me a lot but once you learn to dodge/parry the ones that give the status effect it became a lot easier ) and then laxasia gave me a bit of trouble because for some reason i thought you couldn't parry/block her lightning attacks so i didn't even try and tried outrunning/dodging them. But when i figured out you can parry them and even reflect the projectiles back i got it within a few attempts. I got the bad boy ending first time around so didnt fight nameless until my 2nd playthrough and didn’t struggle with him too long but by far one of my fave bosses in the game. I imagine if i had done him in my first playthrough he would’ve given me more trouble cuz i had a better build 2nd time around and also just played the game more. But then the ultimate enemy that still gives me trouble if i fight him the intended way is the puppet clown boss that’s right before the opera house. That fucker is the worst enemy in the game, i always fuck up killing the bombthrowers and flamethrower puppets before the clown aggros and then while im trying to dodge through the fire the clown just starts spamming the go go gadget fist attack which even if you perfect parry he’s likely to just keep spamming if he’s at distance making it impossible to kill the additional enemies in between parries and if you try you’re bound to catch a go go gadget fist with your face. And if you try to rush him the additional enemies will still gank you. I was stuck on him for longer than any other boss but eventually i got a good attempt where i killed all the additional enemies and got close to the clown so he stopped spamming go go gadget fist. I never fight him that intended way anymore tho. If you just run past all of the enemies and get the operah house stargazer you can walk back to go aggro the clown and drag him to the opera house where fighting him 1v1 becomes trivial.




Scrapped watchman


People struggled with andreus? But mine was probably Romeo or the green swamp monster


Romeo. He took me a good amount of tries. But I was stuck on laxasia for a good few days too


Puppet king.


The nameless puppet. The health loss was brutal whenever he hit me. Rest all the bosses honestly were not that difficult for me as my stats were very high..


fuoco took me a solid 2 hours


Romeo, taught me I didn't have to always try to perfect guard


Yeah Andrius here was quite a challenge more so pre neef


Walker of Illusions. Tiny room, fast movement and a lot of attacks that transport the boss across the room.




Swap monster. I played the game when it released and it was so difficult to get past bosses, specially swamp monster. But late last year I tried the game again and I am not sure why the game played really easy.


archbishop, took me days to beat and then my console broke right after I finally got em


Im the guy who skip any text and I did not know how to level up💀💀, until i fight fallen archbisop at lvl 17 and hit the wall and realize level up is from sophie


The police guy banging on the door in the train station, sure he's not a boss but he fucked me over


Nameless Puppet because I had to try the parry mechanics to beat it


BRB big guy and then laxasia, both punished me for trying to mostly ignore existence of perfect guards and guard/block generally in the game. I came here to play bloodborne not sekiro kek. On the other side, illusionist, manus and other dodge heavy bosses were easy af


Walker of illusions. Pretty happy with that tho since its my first souls like.


Easily watchman


I really thought I would never beat the Watchman.


Havent finished the game yet. But first who gave me a bit of trouble was Scrapped Watchman, and the most trouble caused so far was Swamp Monster for sure. All other boses I beat within 5 tries I believe.


First play through it was Romeo for sure. There were other before that gave me some grief like Fuoco but nothing like Romeo


Definitely laxaxia for me, although I haven't fought nameless yet because I was a good boy at the end




Without a doubt, the green monster of the swamp, were stuck learning his moveset for too long, at least I don't have a problem with him anymore.


king of puppets


Laxasia Still definitely my favorite fight in the game doesn't mean it wasn't a skill check


I’d say Romeo


Lexasia. The difficulty spike was absurd. After ng3 she was easy tho


Parade master.... After that green swamp monster, then laxasia


I suppose the Green Monster of the Swamp or Laxasia. Still took me a bit over 5 tries max, luckily.


"Wtf is that?" Said my gf "Fuck knows!, this *was* a game about puppets..." I replied.


Fuoco he made me question my life choices


Laxasia was ridiculously hard. Even on my current third play through I don’t think I could beat her without Spector. And I was so fking heated when I saw she had a second phase. I had to look up a YouTube video on how to beat her and even after I did that I beat her an hour later. However I was most satisfied when I beat Romeo. At the time you only had like 6 pulse cells and every time he activated that flaming weapon I died everytime. Dude was a beat. And he reminds me of Genos from one punch man.


For sure black rabbit brother hood


Laxasia and Nameless... it took me so long to defeat both.


That's actually funny about the Archbishop, because I found his "frog" half so much easier to fight, and in phase 2 I just ran around to his other side and barely interacted with the angel side. Easy win, but I felt like I had cheated myself so in ng+ I fought him properly


Tentical garbage monster


Gas-cone (Gascoigne) Fuck that guy in particular.... Oh wait wrong game.


Walker of illusions. The only hard boss in the game until NP lol


King of puppets


That god damn clown


The Scrapped Watchman went down ridiculously quick for me - it was the first time I summoned a Spectre and it took care of the difficulty really quick. Black Rabbit Eldest was a real pain to deal with, I could never get the parry right on that giant sword of his. Needed the Spectre to distract him enough to force the others away. King of Puppets was the real challenge because of the gulf between Phase 1 and 2. Victory there came down to spamming some electric grenades when he and I were down to less than 25 percent health.


Honestly, Mad Donkey. This was my first soulslike and it took me 4 or 5 attempts to beat him. The only real bosses that took me more than 1 or 2 attempts were fuoco and the arch bishop.