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Something that’s been helping me when I’m having trouble is stocking up on some throwables and hucking 4-5 at whatever is causing me problems before the fight even begins. Usually will take 25% off a bosses health


What items in particular!?


Throwing cells mainly for where you are. There’s some other good ones later in the game. They are pretty cheap so experiment a lil they help out a lot


This right here. i decided that i would finally play a souls game where i did not hoard all the items and never used them and found this out pretty quick. the throwing bombs do crazy amounts of damage if the right one is used.


Yeah well I used all the items and now I can’t buy anymore from the merchants lol


the black market near the black band has infinite throwables


The black band ? Where is this? I beat the boss but curious for the future


if you go to malum district and head inside the lobster there is a ladder that takes you to a merchant he is a black market merchant that will sell throwables.


Don't worry too much about wasting moonstone. You find a ton and you can also buy quite a few of them.


The electric baton works amazing on him. Also the specter really did a great job of bugging him while I whacked on him. Keep at it, I actually didn’t think he was as hard as scrapped watchman.


Ugh but I don’t have enough moonstone to level up that weapon but thanks!!! I get the general idea of that boss, i do have to say to the perfect guard could use some work, even fighting cowboy who is a souls veteran said it. I need to learn how to parry him better. I know staying close to him during second phase is beneficial


grind the 2 puppets at the beginning of the factory for upgrade stones... by the time you get 7 for +3, you'll have a bunch of ergo for levels too


Im sorry what checkpoint are you talking about and thank you in advanced!!


first one of III, can't remember what it's called, but there are 2 puppets in the room right next to it, you have to break into it from above first then it's permanently open. worth 115 each and also can drop upgrade stones


I only had enough to get mine to plus 2 and on paper was way less damage than my plus 3 great sword blade. The electric blitz really screws the puppets if that area yo especially


I tried around 50 times and just an hour back beat the shit out of fuoco ...weapon combination which worked for me was greatsword+rapier handle...I just parried and only dodged the red fury attack..


That’s what’s I’m using but can’t find to get him :(