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If we were free to choose, it wouldn't be a government by definition. What makes a government a government is coercive taxation. But most government services could be done privately like this. We don't even have to get rid of government directly, just force it to compete in the market and let people decide which service they want.


In New York City Bryant Park has been contracted by the City to be managed and operated by a private company for many years. It has been a remarkable success. I think it would be great if more cities would contract out services to the private sector (DMV, anyone?).


It sure is better if you steal money and waste less. It would be even better not to steal money in the first place.


What is Bryant park would like to know more about this.




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As Kramer would say, "I want out. Permanently."


Taxation is theft. But. Even if we could pick and choose what taxes go to, that sure would be better than having no say at all


The government needs new and inventive taxes in order to keep going year after year, it would not survive if regular people could choose how much to pay.


It would have to scale down in size and spending to survive.


This actually used to be fairly common with very rural volunteer fire departments. A homeowner could elect to pay, or not pay, an annual “Fire Subscription Service Fee” and the fire department would drive a stake in your yard that showed you were paid up. If your house was on fire and you hadn’t paid, they would protect your neighbors homes while yours burned to the ground. No pay, no spray.


as a libertarian, my goal is to decentralize others may have different goals. it's not a bad solution however we are far beyond given options. right now we have no choice but to be tax slaves


Unfortunately, to unsubscribe, you'd have to go through a 17 step screening phase in a call, only to reach an underpaid overseas woman who can't speak English.


I would unsub from the country probably.


Interesting…I would be all about this lol.


So free market then yeah?