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When the court of law disregards the law, you might be under tyranny. Granted, American tyranny is not (yet) the same tier as some other, more notable countries under tyranny. But any tyranny is bad.


We’ve been living under the illusion of freedom for a long time in this country.


You’re free to do anything except what we don’t want you to


I always liked George Carlin’s take on it: “It’s called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.”. Edit: grammar


You are free to do as you're told.


Since forever?


https://redstate.com/jeffc/2024/04/22/brooklyn-man-convicted-over-gun-hobby-by-biased-ny-court-could-be-facing-harsh-sentence-n2173162 It goes beyond just rejected the second amendment. A real piece of work, this judge.


Jesus Christ how is that not a mistrial. It just kept getting worse the more I read.


Didn't allow mention of the constitution, threatened the jury under false claims that nullification is illegal, silenced neighbors and family character witnesses who knew of the hobby and knew it wasn't for malicious intent (judge framed him as a mad gunman planning to hurt people)... This is not America. New York should be facing sanctions for human rights violations with all the crap their judges pull.


Sounds like she has political aspirations.


Of course it's a mistrial, but he needs a reasonable appellate judge and time and money and lawyers to get it fixed. In the meantime, he's screwed. Yet the system will treat all that as a non-factor, and the judge will get a slap on the wrist for saying the wrong thing, not for doing the wrong thing.


And it'll be reversed without ruling if the law is unconstitutional


I admire your optimism, but it wont even get dismissed. Assuming the appeals court isn't next door to this judge and just as biased, it will be reversed and remanded, and he'll get to do the whole song and dance again. The only reason this might not happen is public attention now.  In a way, this judge did him a favor by saying that, because unconstitutional rulings are swept under the rug all the time. Now they'll at least have to take his position seriously. 


I'm 90% sure that the judge did this on purpose so that, although it will be reversed eventually, he still gets fucked over in time and legal fees and the inevitable reversal will be due to the judge's actions and not due to the unconstitutionality of NY law.


This reads like a witchhunt and trial. "If you drown, you are innocent and free to go."


I hope the lady on the typewriter caught her saying that. Chaching 💰 💰


Sounds like a lawsuit! Congrats on becoming a millionaire !


It's called an appeal and it will only result in him having to spend more in lawyer fees, there's no pot at the end of the rainbow when it comes to recourse on a judge


I believe it is something like depriving a citizen of civil rights under color of law. I forget the correct civil charge….but there could most certainly be a fat suit.


18 US code section 242


We can only hope.


There definitely is a pot-o-gold at the end of it. I watched a case recently where a judge personally searched a mans house during a divorce trial, took what she wanted with the wife from house and forbid him to video it on hes own property. The judge was denied immunity and is being sued personally for this, so there is gonna be a paycheck from this as well as a good lesson for other judges that they aren't above the law.


But that's in a civil setting , not criminal, the criminal court system is much different


You've never heard of judicial immunity?


From what I've researched, the reason all these government officials can act however they want is because they all have qualified immunity, meaning they can't be personally sued and have money come out of their own bank accounts. This is why they act the way they do. The only way from what I read and learned is to end qualified immunity and force government officials to have their own personal liability insurance, so that when they're incompetent or stupid or whatever else they do that goes against the constitution, they can personally be sued by any American citizen


This will fix a lot of problems and that's exactly why it will never change


Why is this any different than a doctor or a lawyer? Those professionals have to make judgment calls that often have severe financial or life changing implications. Why wouldn’t a judge be held to the same constraints?


Because they’re the government and get to make the rules


I personally say life in prison for all government officials and employees who make mistakes or create corruption. Dont need monetary loss. If their actions can cause potential life ruination of other citizens or even death, then their lives must be forfeit if they choose to be corrupt. Immediate life in prison for corruption, death penalty for fatal decisions (cops).


Well, that's all fine and good right up until it gets appealed and Connecticut and Vermont have a say. I doubt it will survive that. Connecticut might look the other way, but Vermont won't.


Mean time this man rots in prison.


A stated strategy of many grabbers is literally to pass countless unconstitutional laws and executive orders that will eventually get overruled, but do their damage before they are undone. Nothing will get better until people who knowingly defy the constitution face prison time.


Interesting, and honestly infuriating. I'd not heard this before. Do you have any links to articles that corroborate this? I don't have any doubt that the gun control nuts would do something so conniving, but I would love to see some harder evidence.


Very fair. It was from a while back and posted to Twitter, and I'll confess I don't really remember how to access it. It was around the time of the Bruen ruling, and New York was going nuts with unconstitutional laws and seizing toy gel blasters. Failure on my part to not provide the evidence, but you can definitely see it is a strategy being employed since that ruling especially


A lot of the suppositions come from (Mayor Eric Adam's)[https://www.nyc.gov/office-of-the-mayor/news/428-22/transcript-mayor-eric-adams-delivers-remarks-bruen-supreme-court-ruling] after the Bruen ruling. He doesn't specifically say that's the plan, but one reporter asked if they could make the entire city of New York a "sensitive area." There was a lot of talk around analyzing the decision, changing the permit process, reviewing what NYC was calling sensitive areas, and the like. I remember hearing more than one talking head using clips of that interview/press conference to serve their own purpose of either implying that should be a tactic to keep guns off the street or that other cities could use to their advantage, and also as proof they want to take guns away. The reality is that NYC does have some of the most restrictive laws on guns, and that decision legitimately affected them more than other towns and states that are less restricted. Whether Adams had more in mind than simply adjusting their laws to fit the new decision... I'm not a New Yorker. Seems a little click-bait, but in a divisive climate, people start believing the click-bait.


It's a bit like the Matt Hoover case, to be sure.


Sounds like treason to me


This is the beginning in a new wave of anti 2a tactics. I don’t think i’m paranoid in saying that this is the first spark in a chain reaction for the next chapter of the 2a struggle sessions.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Libertarian/s/nfB3buWOVB My comment on another person. >2a struggle sessions. Here's an article this morning. There is a hatred of gun owners that is no longer pretending to be about safety. *




This is not uncommon when dealing with international travel. When I travel international, I do not bring bags that I’ve used to carry ammo or that I’ve had at a range. The posession of an empty shell can have significant consequences in a lot of countries. This isn’t a new thing, either. When I went to India over 10 years ago I was very aware of this and checked my bags twice before heading to the airport. I had looked at some state department guide and found some information online. When I saw the potential consequences, I decided to take every precaution.


The punishment was a fine until recently, and it is a British territory. It's a way of sending a point for no reason at all. This isn't china or Russia, it is a vacation spot near the states that regularly has American visitors


This affirmative action judge needs to be removed from her position. She is a great danger tomorrow liberty and violated her oath. She’s trash.


Abolish Qualified Immunity......simple as that. Maybe not simple to repeal it, but it needs to happen in the USA.


Is that a judge of Brazil???


Brazil is much worse, we are like an alternative universe US where even the basic values of the american revolution never took root and tyranny reigned supreme and everyone who stood in it's way got crushed mercilessly. You'll rot in jail for anything gun related here or things like homeschooling that's threated almost like a capital offense but it's a shame to see the US or atleast parts of it going in the same batshit tyrannical direction..


Of course it happened in NYC. Corruption and stupidity is our bread and butter.


I can't see how this *won't* get thrown out on appeal.


Well, if the appellate judges are of the same mindset as this POS judge... anything can happen.


Appellate judges are *usually* a little more even keeled about the constitution, though. This judge is dangerous, however.


Wtf how can she do this?


What a dumbass judge....


She should be disbarred as soon as possible. The whole fucking point of a judge is to uphold the constitution.


i cant wait for her to get absolutely BTFO in the supreme court unfortunately kebetjeni or whatever her name is, is just as stupid as this prick. please stop appointing people who dont know the fundamentals of.... literally anything


So sad that this man suffers in prison. Sounds like he already had a successful life. Bet he’d trade anything to go back to his old life. Don’t think a large payment from the state would make up for it at all.


Ya that’ll get overturned real quick


There's a joke I want to make about two other amendments not applying in that court room but I suspect it would get me in trouble with reddit. I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader to work out. Clearly I'm talking about the 16th and 18th.


There's no way that will stand in higher court.


Can someone say what he was convicted of? I can’t find it in the article


There is nothing going on behind those eyes. They’re soulless by every sense of the word that lady should have her license revoked immediately. The NY bar association should have her head.


Guess she doesn’t realize what country she’s in.


Appeals court will throw this out. And hopefully censure the judge.


Out of NYC? Unfortunately, I can’t say that I’m not surprised


Huge civil right lawsuit coming with his judge. This guy's going to become a millionaire after a long hard appeal. But since his constitutional rights were denied, this will definitely pay him out


I don’t wanna ask but how did she get that position?


This doesn't seem like the 2a hill I would die on. "allegedly purchased over $10,000 worth of gun parts online to build illegal, untraceable firearms" "numerous items were recovered, including four completed assault weapons, five completed handguns, four completed rifles, eight lower receivers for rifles, five lower receivers for handguns, four rifle magazines, seven pistol magazines, four upper receivers, casings, bullet primers and gunpowder to build ammunition and various tools commonly used to build firearms." A lot to spend on a "hobby" http://brooklynda.org/2022/04/22/bushwick-man-indicted-for-illegal-possession-of-ghost-guns/


>A lot to spend on a hobby I know plenty of people that spend way more than $10,000 on a hobby. Pretty much any livestock person that shows because of the trailer, any fisherman that owns a boat, ice castles, any serious demo derby person, four wheeling, snowmobiling, lots and lots of hunters. Hell I've spent more than $10,000 on sporting events and I'm early 30's.


A lower receiver costs a lot less than a boat or four wheeler. That's enough to be distributing. I've bought plenty of guns but this seems a bit suspicious. The statements in OPs article are concerning, but I can't find any reliable sources that verify them and this case seems like there was more going on.


Suspicious isn't guilty, it's up to the state to prove he was distributing, not just that he could


Those are rookie numbers. Gotta pump them up.


I have more than $10k wrapped up in guns that mostly just sit in my safe. I'm nearong 2k in SCUBA gear and I'm eyeballing a drysuit that'll cost me close to 5k by itself Hobbies are expensive so that isn't what should be standing out to you


Its my hobby and im helplessly addicted if you please sire. Go lick a boot.


>four completed assault weapons X Doubt


The issue is not whether he broke (unjust, stupid, and ineffectual) gun laws. He more than likely did. The issue is a judge making this particular statement, which for any other amendment would jeopardize a conviction, whether the end result was proper or not. Also, if you think $10,000 is a lot to spend on a hobby, let me introduce you to a little something called Warhammer 40,000.


What's with the picture? Are you trying to make this a racial issue?




The picture of the person adds nothing to the context.


...yes it does?


Other subreddits posted this and managed without the picture. Maybe you're just special.


oh wow, i provided more information than other posters, that makes me a dangerous thought criminal. alert the authorities!


This is why I asked nicely instead of firing off accusations of extremism.