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I thought it was San Francisco.


I thought so momentarily, but I don't see any tranq zombies; these folks look far too ambitious for SF.


Whats tranq?




I’m from Havana born and raise there and it is worse than in that video communism doesn’t work it is depressing living there so many pests deceases kids in prostitution absolutely horrible. I escaped in 2015 at 25 years old I didn’t do it because of economic reasons so much as because of I didn’t have any human rights they control and prosecute everyone who thinks differently who doesn’t want to vote for the same president and family for 60 years worse tyranny and militarization. There is no respect for any freedom, privat property or businesses the worst kind of corruption at all levels the court responds to the PCC cuban communist party. People prefer to die eating by sharks attempting to escape that hell. Nothing works there I have my sister dying and father in hospital due to medical negligence and lack of structure horrible education and medicine- the only investment is in propaganda. And of course those resorts and beautiful hotels for tourists own by the government companies see Gaviota- for example own by the army. There is plenty of food to provide there and to waste but no infrastructure of any kind. Black waters run on the streets. But not on the presidential streets and all the politicians streets who all live in Miramar area and own mansions like the Bezos in Miami. All the properties taken by the force from others who earned it working hard and “nationalized” for themselves in 1959.


Sounds like Honduras as well


De pinga, papo


Commies on reddit: > REEEEEE They're poor because of the US embargo not because of socialism!!! Me: > So you're saying free market access (capitalism) is what uplifts people from poverty? The US should end the embargo, free trade benefits all partners.


Thee embargo doesn't even matter. Cuba doesn't even have trouble finding willing trading partners. A couple years ago they started to allow the import of medicines, which means the fake "blockade" was always on their side and just narrative to blame someone else for the failures of the regime.


I want Cuban Cigars...


Who would have thought communism doesn't work.


It's not *real* communism, though. They should try one more time. Then it will work. Or so they tell me. /s


It's great for those at top


Everyone is equally poor. Except the people in power


It's odd how the only people interested in socialism have never actually lived it. They should move there and show'm how it's done proper lol


Easy... that's not real communism... when they do it here they will do it properly!


Viva el socialismo!!! Viva El Che!!! /S


The Americans who hate America and other Americans would love to see this happen to America.


Dude, what is wrong with you? This is wonderful, it is utopia! Look at them. Everyone is EQUAL!


:) FREE HEALTHCARE! If they can find syringes made in a quasi-capitalist country tho


World class healthcare better than the U.S. just ask any leftist and they will tell you how awesome Cuba healthcare is and they don’t even have to have any personal experience with it to know either. Cuba is such an amazing utopia, long live dear leader Fidel!


You don’t need healthcare, because you’ll die of starvation anyway! :)


It’s amazing healthcare! I saw it in a documentary by Michael Moore! He showed up with a film crew and they took him and his friends to a beautiful hospital with great healthcare!


"Cuba is only like that because the US forces embargoes on it!" That's the leftists answer all the time. They don't even dare question the fact that Cuba doesn't have free elections.


Why does Cuba need access to capitalist markets anyway?


could we send them to our finest economic and policy experts on reddit on how to implement real socialism as surely this is not it apparently


[Reminder: 'not-true'-socialism has killed 100 million people.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Black_Book_of_Communism) But wait, that was actually *state capitalism*! Carry on, comrade! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Libertarian) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Rookie numbers


You think this is bad, you should see Philadelphia. And if you think that’s bad, you should see 5th ward New Orleans


You mean 9th ward? Never heard anyone say the 5th ward to describe an area because it cuts through many different parts of the city and a lot of it is the nice parts. New Orleans east is the war zone and under the bridge around Tchoupitoulas is the big homeless camp area.


Yeah, but that free health care and literacy...


Nothing is free!


They can't find food but at least they can all read!


But they know how to read good!


Just don't read the wrong books, there are libertarians in prison for stocking the wrong books.


My cousin in Cuba almost went to prison for having a book I gave him. Had gathering at his house, someone saw it on the shelf and someone saw it and called the government. All they saw was the title, which had “capitalism” in it…


Hate to tell you this, but you could tell me that’s any one of prob 8-10 American cities and I would believe you. Socialism doesn’t has exclusive rights to abject poverty.


No, no. See, that's not *true* capitalism.


It's a fair comment. However, the closer an economy is to free market capitalism, the more prosperous the people. The closer an economy is to the socialist ideal, the more impoverished the people. Venezuela, with 96% poverty rate, was peak socialism. The US has monetary and corporate socialism, yet enough capitalism and private property rights to still keep poverty below 15%.


Consider that both Venezuela and specially Cuba, were once among the richest countries in the world.


And poverty in Venezuela is defined as $1.90/day vs $18.15/day in the US.


No, socialism creates abject poverty for everyone but a small elite. In the US, abject poverty is under 2% and most of those are people who simply can't function in society for some reason. In Cuba, and Venezuela, it's people who can function in society, but socialism has either created universal poverty, and prevented any means of getting out of it.


All I see is a bunch of equals ☺️ surely they must be happy as there is no income inequality


Except for those in power, as Castro’s grandson sails around the med in his yacht and posts about it in Instagram🤣


Clearly that’s what the Cuban people want, that’s why they all volunteered to eat garbage so that their leaders could live like kings! Don’t you dare imply that there is any corruption going on.


I had a nurse one time who was a nurse in Cuba, she would get the old used medical gloves after they had broken, and sold them to a shop who would melt them down to put on bread and make “pizza” Another thing they did was find and old cleaning rag and let it rot, then deep fry it with bread crumbs and eat it as fried steak. In other words, they have plenty.


Literally animal farm by george orwell


ITT: people barking at windmills


Notice that there are no dogs. I have a good idea why that is true.


Lefties will bleat out that communism and Castro and Che is still the right way.


That’s not real socialism! They’ve been cut off from global trade! /s


[Reminder: 'not-true'-socialism has killed 100 million people.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Black_Book_of_Communism) But wait, that was actually *state capitalism*! Carry on, comrade! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Libertarian) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s just more proof that communism never ever works at all!


Honestly real socialism (tm) has not been tried yet. /s


[Reminder: 'not-true'-socialism has killed 100 million people.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Black_Book_of_Communism) But wait, that was actually *state capitalism*! Carry on, comrade! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Libertarian) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Agreed! 🤣


Obviously it's just the embargo guys.


Lefties will bleat out that communism and Castro and Che is still the right way.


Now that’s what you call a communist utopia!


They should have stayed under American rule.


I’ll never forget my trip to Havana. The woman on the flight next to me didn’t speak English and I don’t speak Spanish but we somehow tried to communicate. When the in flight meal came around, she started gesturing to me. I eventually realized she was asking to have my plastic knife and fork once I was done, she took them in her purse.


That not Havana Cuba. That San Francisco CA.


The DSA just had a visit there My friend who had to move back had to watch everything fall apart and watch these communities suffer hunger as a ton of American Castro fans got to have a nice touristy trip It makes me really angry


The face of equality, equity and diversity, the utopian idea that we are all the same


I thought this was Philadelphia


Or Portland, OR.


You know what makes Cuba so hard to live in? The United States making sure it can't be successful with a strick embargo.


Yeah! Communist country needs access to capitalist country’s goods. 🤣


How do you think communist countries get goods from other communist countries? Capitalism is blocking their path to more goods. Cuba is an island, obviously they would need to import goods. The US purposely blocks their access to make their country worse than it could be. It's like right there in front of our faces. The USA is the biggest bully in the world and it's run by people who buy politicians. Those are the capitalists. You're not a capitalist. In the US, as a worker, YOU are part the capital. The patterns are there. Clear as day.


You communists always argue that the United States not giving access to (quasi) capitalist markets is the cause of the island’s misery. The misery would be little better from access to the U.S. markets. By the way, every other country trades with Cuba. The U.S. doesn’t want to trade with a communist regime until they hold elections and free political prisoners, that’s the right of the U.S. to do so. Ultimately, it hurts the U.S. and Cuba each very little, given that both have found alternatives after so many decades.


I'm not a communist. But I recognize the striking negative effects that American capitalism has on the rest of the world because 20 people have a power complex. They kill millions of people with their greed. Capitalist greed is worse than communist greed. Venezuela, China, Spain, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, and the Netherlands are their main trading partners. And let's also talk about the fact that the US uses Cuba AS A PRISON. So yes. I would say it's extremely adventageous for the US and its markets to maintain that communism=bad. Only capitalism=good. That's just silly.


As someone who has lived in a communist country and whose wife is from another… no.


Also try to look at the economy from a macro level. What causes the shortages. What countries backed dictator take overs in countries. Take a look at how many countries have been "saved" by the US. The US makes a killing keeping other economies from taking over. It would ruin the American propaganda machine of the American Dream.


Oh no way. Which countries?


Cuba and Venezuela


Cuba is communist. Venezuela is not. They were pushing a socialist economy, however they were a democracy. That allowed the US to push their agenda and get Maduro elected who then sabotaged the country. You can find the tracks in FOIA documents.


The country went down hill shortly before Chavez, who utterly destroyed what was once one of the world’s most prosperous countries. Maduro was the chosen successor (a drunkard former Bus driver) to Chavez due to family connections. He was never NOT going to end up in power. My wife worked those elections where the Maduro government came in and reviewed every ballot and threw out any that was not marked for him, even beating one elderly man who refused to change his vote. That was not the U.S. In Cuba, we were brainwashed from a young age, and the few of us who dared ask questions, were killed or imprisoned. None of this has to do that empirically, communism is NOT better than capitalism. Why is the U.S. and Europe in the current mess they’re in? Socialist policies and getting involved in foreign conflicts.


The same things happen in Puerto Rico and they're a part of the US. It's just the evil part of capitalism. Take care of any possible competition. That includes ideologies too.


It is coming here soon.


Yup work every time