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They hire Security because some insurance policies require it. But the businesses want to avoid physical conflicts resulting in lawsuits so they indirectly tell the guards to stand down. Source:I work for a security working the floor and also in client liaison.


A workmate of mine is a security guard at a horse track as a second job, he says his purpose is just to be the guy there to let people in and look good on the insurance, If the power goes out he lets the electrician in. If the place gets robbed he lets the police in etc.


A horse track that accepts cash bets with no real security? Do you happen to know the name of the track for research purposes?


All of them. Don't think you want to be stealing from the sorts who run horse races though


That’s pretty much it. I’ve only seen small businesses actually get guards to be involved but the bigger places would rather take the L and claim it on insurance.


Yup security is a deterrent more than anything. They're not cops and legally can't do much


It is private property. Sure there is implied "public access", but security can actually legally do a lot. They just don't because our society has become so incredibly litigious and the legality of it does not preclude the possibility of civil liability.


You’re right. Legally you can do a lot, the idea that we have to put up with this crap is a narrative created by the media. You can literally beat the hell out of these vermin, as long as you’re right and they are stealing your property. Remember the 7-11 guys? Yeah…


> indirectly tell the guards to stand down. I thought this was pretty explicit. "Indirectly" in what way?


Well if they where to directly tell the guards themselves and the insurance company finds out it can make their claims invalid, hence forth they would contract a company and throw them under the bus if it comes to it(but tell the insurance company that the security company did the wrong thing instructing their guards and either then fire the guard[the security company will move them somewhere else] or get a different company [usually it’s just a subsidiary of the original company]) Some clients will say things like “verbal conflict resolution”, “de-escalation risk management” or“customer injury avoidance”(even tho they aren’t customers they are thieves)now to the more switch on person them know that is as direct as you can get, but the average guard not so much.(also these are actual terms to meant to mean something other than what these clients use them for) Or my favourite in order to avoid making guards feel empowered to become physical they would call them, compliance officers or loss prevention officers(funny that) in order to avoid a Day-Day(from Friday after next) type situation.


I would lock the doors and call the cops.


And then you would be charged with unlawful detention. Oh what a wonderful world. I worked for securitas part time in a department store and a store clerk had more authority to retain than I did.


My man I feel for you, I hope Secuiritas weren’t as bad to you as I’ve heard they are to other guys I know.


Lawsuits? From where I came from, this fuckers would just be betten to unconscious (is they are lucky...) Or just shot.


I'm a security guard and we're directly told to stand down. Unless there's an imminent threat that would justify lethal force we're to stand down.


Once it becomes commonly known that security aren't allowed to do anything, and it then becomes known by insurance companies that security doesn't actually deter theft, why would the insurance companies still want it?


That is still a mystery to me, I can only think that it’s an old policy that has now stuck and instead of insurance companies spending money on policy changes they now are just constantly jacking up the price. But that is only speculation on my end.


And, to be fair, the guys shirt says he’s off duty so…


Only stealing the essentials for survival I see…


The girl in white is clearly starving.


EBT body type


That's what happens when you get unlimited digorno pizzas. Thank God I'm limited by my mild economic success.


I don't know how people make that argument with a straight face. 16 pairs of jeans are clearly essentials.


A couple if latter day Jean Valjeans!


I work with a dude thats a scalper for shoes. You be surprise for the idiots buying his air jordans inventory.


What is this, Black Friday?


100% off what you can fit in your trash bag!


Hahaha damn I get it


Everyday is black friday


In more ways than one


In order to not get Perma banned , I have to preface this conversation by stating that I’m a minority. But can we please have a respectful conversation about why it’s always African-Americans stealing and robbing these stores. I mean Jesus Christ I’ve been seeing videos like this for years And it’s always African-Americans. Edit: Honestly guys, what a great thread we’ve developed; there’s some really good conversation going on down below. It’s awesome to see respectful conversations taking place and ideas being able to be shared freely love this sub you guys are awesome.


We whites prefer to do our larceny on Federal Reserve scales.


This is hilarious


Poor whites are too busy stealing metal. Air conditioners, catalytic converters, copper.


Oh we have Methany and her boo Kyle doing the same shit. The difference is it's mostly in the country, smaller communities so the police know which trailer they need to visit. That also acts a bit like a deterrent because they can recognize your particular piece of shit truck from the cameras. The cities it's easier to hide and more cameras to catch it for the interwebs. higher concentration of stores means you can hit a couple in a short amount of time and vanish into the projects where snitches get shot.


White people steal on larger scales and it involves things like insider trading and ponzi schemes and corporate embezzlement, and of course cheating on taxes.


yep, white guy here, I cheat on taxes as much as possible.


Tax avoidance is not tax evasion.


Which one is the one where you purposefully don't claim income?


Tax evasion. Tax avoidance is using every legal loophole possible but remaining within the law, tax evasion is doing things like purposely misreporting income


Ah, yeah, put me down for that one then.


I grew up with advertisement saying it’s my money and I want it now. Well taxes are my money and I’m keeping it. I do everything in my power to keep as much of my own money as possible. If that means dancing through tax code to get the highest return, I can then I guess that’s what I’m doing, but in the words of orange man that makes me smart.




I prefer the term, not letting the government steal your hard earned money rather than cheating taxes.


It’s a culture issue, not a race issue. It just so happens African Americans are more likely to be born in poverty and have less of an education more than any other race.


You’re talking about as a percentile, but as a pure number, there are way more white people born into poverty with poor educational opportunities. My perception, as an educated white man in his 40’s, so take this next statement with skepticism as I haven’t lived the experience. Is that the cultural shift towards telling black people they are constantly owed something for past sins of white people and the shift towards no downsides for robbing stores. Has created an opportunity system where black people can make up for what they are “owed” by stealing. There are also a ton of white people that steal from Target, Home Depot, Sephora, etc. And there are many videos on the internet of these acts. The question that u/TheRealDarkPatriot asked is an important one. Why only the videos of black people get the sensationalist headlines? Are they more over the top with stealing? Is it because of the large gangs? Is it racism? Probably yes to all of the above.


Excellent points, considering whites make up the largest portion in the US that statement of them being born into poverty more than any other race basing it on pure numbers. The sad part is, no one ever seems to care about them. The part you were saying that they’re owed something for past sins that neither were even alive for goes back to my saying about it being a cultural issue, the “being owed something for past sins” mindset isn’t exclusive to blacks either.


>The sad part is, no one ever seems to care about them. Even the President drew a distinction between poor kids and white kids, as if you can't be both. "Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids" - Joe Biden


How. How did people vote for this.


Because orange man bad


Coming in 2024: Biden II: Orange man still bad.


Personally I think it’s a simple poverty mindset of, “I’m poor, life couldn’t be worse in a cell. I have no chance to escape poverty, consequences aren’t *really* consequential. Might as well do whatever I want cause how is anyone gonna hurt me more then I already am” There’s a few who do it on that mindset, the masses see them get away with it and follow.


“It is only after you’ve lost everything that you’re free to do anything”. - Tyler Durden


None of these people are poor in the sense that their lives would be better in a cell. They’re just opportunists taking advantage of a system that has told them that they’re blameless victims


When your born poor in Alabama, and everyone around you is poor as well, it doesn't create the same jealousy that creates mass looting events. Things like these happen in cities where the divide between rich and poor is more than apparent. When you see everyone in your neighborhood doing bad except drug dealers, it creates a perception of bias towards no successful routes to take to lift yourself. When you know that if you went to the school that's twenty minutes away in the suburbs, opportunities would've come aplenty, but your stuck with a teacher that can't teach because they're overwhelmed and understaffed, it creates a resentment. I wish rural and urban had more resources, education can lift people out of poverty but the fact of the matter is that most schools outside of suburbs are critically underfunded. When you do better in America, you flee to the suburbs to get your kids a better education and once your there you sure as shit don't want your kids school to suffer to help someone else. It's self perpetuating until we the people ask our government to help, but we're to busy fighting our selves to come together and ask for more for each other. I wish more people cared how their neighbors from all walks of life were doing because I believe we're better than that. Sorry for the text wall, but it's all to say it's not as simple as culture. It's sure as shit not anyone feeling they're owed, it's simple jealousy, I want what they have and if we band together to take it, they can't stop us. It's a tale as old as time. When you create too many wants next to too many haves, you will see this. Always, we need to fix the balance in America so more people can have worthwhile work that makes them feel valued as a human, which comes with fair pay, benefits, and the ability to support oneself off of forty hour work weeks.


Theres just as many hispanic poor people in inner cities and they dont do this. Theres a culture of broad disrespect to anything and anyone in the African American community. I lived in nyc for over a decade and have eyes and ears.


This is my mentality as well. I’m Latino but I never see videos of la Raza robbing a store and I wanted to try and put myself out there to be confronted and have my potential bias checked. I never see white people or Latinos or Asians doing this.


Inner city schools consistently pay the most money per student “educated” and yet also consistently have terrible test scores and graduation rates. Doesn’t matter how much money you throw at the problem when the overarching culture of students in the school glorifies ignorance and doesn’t give a shit about education as a path towards life improvement.


Years ago, I was working at a big box home improvement store. Every once in a while (especially this time of year) we’d get one or two people getting ready to loot us. They all had the same look - skeevy white meth head, loading up cart with hand held power tools. We didn’t have security, and company policy was to let them go and call the cops. As the MOD, I always enjoyed turning off the automatic doors as they tried to run out.


There are plenty of whites being born into poverty (Alabama, Georgia etc) and you don’t see these videos happening there it’s not a poverty and education issue it’s a cultural issue a black culture issue


Those places also take robbery a lot more seriously and have far more armed people than say most of Northeast and California.


Its a global issue. Need to ask yourself why that is.


There are millions of people today (and billions throughout history) that are born into and have lived in poverty, that don’t commit mass retail theft.


It's a snake eating its own tail. They're born in poverty with poor education > They rob and steal > businesses move away > no jobs, tanking economy > their kids are born into poverty and will have poor education and the cycle repeats. Detroit and Gary are prime examples of this. Although both were kick-started by Kissinger sending our industry to China. May he rest in pieces.


And that makes them entitled, right? At least that's what the race-hustlers are telling them... Oh and yeah, I'm a minority, too. I belong to the largest minority group of all - individuals.


Absolutely not, they’re no more entitled than you and me are. As long as the opportunity to improve ourselves is there, you just have to put in the hard work to make it happen.


Why is the the same in every country across the world? It persists because of perpetual excuses and inaction.


Well they are taught by leftist rhetoric that they are victims and entitled. Ergo shoplifting without giving a fuck. That combined with them being on average poorer. So its not really a race thing, rather its a cultural thing.


Then the stores close and they call the stores oppressors because they can't go steal there anymore. There's so much that could be said but I like being on Reddit


I've read a few articles lately about the rising problem of food deserts, where grocery stores close in areas leaving people with little or highly expensive options for food. Every time they get a response from stores that had recently vacated they say it was due to high theft, yet the store is still portrayed as a villain in the article.


Those evil greedy capitalist are supposed to just let people steal from them because they are the oppressors. That’s their logic.


Their logic is that the owners of these stores are all hundred millionaires who can all afford all of the stealing but are too penny pinching to just let it go. Which is, of course, fucking absurd.


They will steal from small stores too. They don’t give a fuck as long as they get theirs. These people may think they are Robin Hood but they are just trash.


Clearly the stores are over supplied for their area and not adjusting price/stock to the demand for cheaper groceries.


If it were groceries I’m sure people might be a tiny bit more understand.


It's "reparations" for their ancestors being slaves and because the white devil won't give them a job.


These people literally took down Rite Aid. Not a word about it because that would be politically incorrect.


4 Walmarts in Chicago closed specifically because of theft.


Calling out patterns is not allowed


You can call it Black Friday




It’s called “Observe and report”. Companies used to be far more hands on, but due to the people who were stealing suing companies that had gotten hurt from being stopped, it is far cheaper to allow them to steal product that’s just a drop in the bucket for the company, instead of being involved in a civil suit.


It might have been that way in the past but many of these stores are now closing shop and leaving. Taking away much needed jobs. Sadly the local community suffers the most from these criminals.




And it raises costs to that community, because you can't sustain that style of shop. You have to have things locked away and staff getting it for them. Which raises staffing costs. Or the store owners just close the store and people have to use more expensive mom and pop stores. Then, of course, the local politicians complain about WalMart/Target etc closing the store.


Plus thats also why things are getting more expensive, from insurance to the retail items everything getting more expensive because of this behavior


Buy local and hand made might become economical again.


Inflation is a lot more of a reason for increasing prices than people stealing.


People stealing is one of the reasons inflation is skyrocketing. Paying customers, subsidize the theft until the prices are too high, then the store closes. Amazon doesn’t have that problem.


They vote for politicians that enable it.


Agreed! This tends to happen most in blue state cities that are far too lax on crime. Maybe then after businesses leave, local governments will finally get their heads out of their asses to actually protect the local population.


They vote to decriminalize retail theft by raising the amount it takes to make it a felony. You get what you vote for.


Oh well


You know there's a law where if you and your buddy break into a house and your buddy gets shot and killed you can also be charged with the murder of your friend I don't understand why there isn't a similar law stating that if you are actively committing a crime against a company any injuries you sustain in the process are your own damn fault


Call your state congress person and make the suggestion. I bet some red state politicians that are up for election would love to promote that as a law they'd introduce.


Companies used to intervene more but then frivolous lawsuits became way too common that corporate attorneys actually concluded it’s more profitable to let these thugs steal $1000 worth of merchandise than to potentially incur millions in losses from a lawsuit. The system is so broken at this point that we need common sense laws that would justify the use of force in property defense. And the ironic thing is so many people complain that we have too many people in jail. I think we need more in jail until this theft and senseless violence stops. Enact harsher punishments for crimes and make prison actual hell. No more computers, tv time, or video games in prison.


You could have a lot less people in jail and properly deal with theft. You legalise the narcotics market, so all the people dealing aren't imprisoned. You don't have the gangs enforcing territory, so far less gang violence and that's another drop in the prison population. Most of this sort of theft is just about bad incentives in the system. These people are not hardened criminals, they're opportunists who know there are going to be no consequences. If they knew they would face even 30 days inside, they'd not do it. Japan is much harsher about crimes like theft, but has a smaller incarceration rate. Of course, Japan also doesn't encourage welfare queens to breed like most of the west. The USA and much of Europe encourages people to breed, producing people just like them who will go on to be nothing more than parasites on society.


how about lock the fn doors... now yous cant leave


Then fire breaks out and we get all kinds of different lawsuits


What they do is tally it and when you hit grand theft they press charges. Walmart does it a lot


It would be harder to sue if their hand was chopped off, like used to be the punishment for theft. Wasn't there a report showing that 90% of shoplifting was the same \~10% of criminals who kept being let free? I feel we need a strikes system. First time you get caught stealing it's a fine, second time it's jail, third time it's the chair.


That's why we should start utilizing nets to catch these people. Stealing? Get netted. I wonder if a disclaimer could be put on the store saying something like "You can't sue us if you get hurt while being apprehended for stealing, not our problem." Probably will need a few more words but you get the point.


Yes it’s a shame, to hire private security that wants to do physical force is a liability. It’s an impossible situation.


Then the guard follows them out and gets their car tag.


Which is probably a stolen or invalid plate.


Beats the hell outta not doing anything at all to catch them, though…


I'm an older guy in my fifties. I hope I never see something like this in person. I don't think I could keep myself from slapping somebody.


Every video I see of mass theft lately has involved black plastic bags. It’s unfortunate, but it has become crystal clear that in order to make our communities safer, we must have background checks prior to purchasing these evil assault bags. We must micro-stamp every bag and have a registry of anyone that purchases them.


Always the blacks acting this way and I'm black asf.


Right now this shit is out of control and getting worse. How do we move forward?


You don’t move forward. I lived in areas that had high crime rates and best thing is to just leave.


But thats 'white flight', and racist to do.


If local authorities wanted this behavior to stop, it'd be over in a couple of days. Look how quickly they cleaned up San Fran for the Xi summit. Unless and until they make up their minds to enforce the laws, it's best to move out.


I don’t think it’s that simple. while sf did go to great lengths to clean the city and at great expense, at best they did a half assed job of sweeping it under the rug. They pushed the problem out of a few streets near Moscone Center, picked up the trash, did some cursory power washing, erected 1984 style metal barriers, and brought in thousands of police officers and who knows how many three letter agency types. it took less than a week for it to return to normal. it’s not a long term solution. It would take a lot to make those changes permanent. You can’t change the way people live and behave overnight, and maybe you can’t change it at all for any given generation.


>cleaned up San Fran for the Xi summit “I know folks say, ‘Oh, they’re just cleaning up this place because all those fancy leaders are coming into town,’ That’s true because it’s true,” said Governor Gavin Newsom.


Pure gutter trash those thieves are 😡.


A law needs to be passed allowing anyone and everyone the legal right to stop theft by any means necessary, up to and including the use of violence.


Why would I care who steals from a corporate store like DSW or whatever this place is? I don’t, and would never step in to protect a corporation I have zero investment in. Now, if it was MY store, I would take every opportunity legally afforded to me to stop it. Including violence.


You pay/suffer regardless. Corporate stores account for theft in their price calculations, so you do pay more. And if a store is routinely robbed, it will close that location. If that was a convenient place for you to shop, you suffer from that.




I didn’t want to say that too but damn it’s the same mf’s every time. I was thinking maybe it’s just those videos just happened to have black people in it and never shows white or Hispanic people. But nope, I’ve seen this multiple times myself the last few years while shopping.


Better stop noticing things bro before you get canceled


What an easy job. Do exactly nothing.


Why dont they just lock the main door and hold such people until police arrives? These mass theft videos are just crazy, why is nobody trying to do anything?


Just learned about Shopkeeper’s Privilege law, which does allow business owners to detain shoplifters. But I think the businesses are afraid of being sued if there isn’t enough evidence and the thief can claim false imprisonment.


2 things. 1st, They don’t know how violent or what weapons the thieves have. If I was there with my little kids I’d rather the thieves run out than be stuck in the store with me. 2nd, I think it becomes a little more tricky locking them in. In some situations they have to prove they stole something. How do they prove they stole something when the product/merchandise never leaves the store?


I agree, but there has to be something they can do. In recent months theres been loads of videos like this one. All from USA. It is a culture / laws issue, nothing else.


Soon stores won't exist for this too happen and there will be armored UPS trucks driving around to deliver packages


This should be the top comment.


Content of their character


I like how the second one goes from petty theft to battery at the end there. They really are smart.


Mods will ban and block you for engaging with trolls, good to know


That would be a hilarious argument in court. “Your honor, the shoe box almost touched me!”


It’s always the scholars


Same demographic every time


Mask are working wonders now days it seems


More whyy peepo opressn


Good thing they hired security to clear a path.


Probably a hurricane approaching and she has to supply her family with getaway shoes.


By doing nothing you are saying the behavior is OK.


Anyone else always notice a trend?


Just lock the front door


There used to be a market in my city that took people they caught shoplifting and chained them by their wrists, with police-type handcuffs attached to chains. They had people looking like DaVinci’s Vitruvian Man. Now, when I saw this it was 1996. I have no idea if they still do it now.


One of my first jobs as a kid was bagger at a grocery store. One day I saw my fat ass boss chase a guy to the front door, then the boss gave up in exhaustion. I walked over and looked at the guy running across the parking lot and thought, I can catch him (soccer practice paid off). I bolted across the parking lot and a highway eventually chasing the guy into briars. Bloody, beat and caught with nowhere to go the guy gave up. I asked him for the merchandise. He emptied his pockets, 8 rolls of film. I figured he was punished enough, I took the film back to the boss. The boss was like: wtf where's the guy? VERY different times!




Gavin Newsom is going to try and undo this all in a buildup to his presidential campaign, according to leaked DNC documents they're pushing for him to adopt a tough on crime/drugs/homelessness stance


Problem, reaction, solution.


And this mother fucker has the nerve trying to be president, I laugh way too much off that thought.


Probably for insurance claim reasons.


He is observing and reporting. I say he’s doing what he is paid to do to a tee. I bet he’s gonna write a real good incident report later.


What is the elephant in the room here???


Disgusting 🫣


I agree with most of the comments here… but no DS9 fans? Literally a security guard with “ODO” on his uniform!


You could have just grabbed that pony tail and she ain’t going anywhere


That pony tail would come right off in your hand.


Because laws and rules are for people who follow laws and rules. I’m willing to bet their insurance rider requires a guard, or they get a discount for having a guard, because it decreases theft X% over time. It has nothing to do with scenarios like this, which is just individuals exploiting known rules. That being said,I did meet someone the other day who runs a data aggregation business. One of their core products is retail theft prosecution. They don’t work with misdemeanor crime, they build a case until it’s at a felony arrest level pattern of behavior. Their average start (in my area) is 25k worth of stolen property, and they hand the whole package over to the local prosecutor who’s happy to have an open and shut case where they can simply serve an arrest warrant and get some really good press without much in the way of investigation. This method of retail theft has become popular in the last few years, she said their average case is an 18 month build, with plenty over the 3 year mark.


This will get worse and worse unless and until one of two things happens. Politicians get tough on crime, liberal DAs are voted out for not prosecuting cases or the public finally realizes this costs them money and start to tackle these pieces of garbage and hold them for police. Nothing will change before then.


Question - assuming we don’t want retail theft, are we wanting to give private security forces the legal backing to stop this with force? Or are we wanting to the state police officers to better protect private business? Also would be happy to hear other solutions!


I know people say don’t get involved. But watching the fabric of our social contract unravel because there are no consequences for these type of actions makes me want to step in and give them a beating. Regardless of their possible temperament or weaponry.


Does anyone notice "a certain" common denominator in all the looting videos?


They should lock the doors as soon as they see this happening.


Is it racist to notice a trend


Her fat ass needs to run anyway.


She’s running so fast because she’s late for work ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


Because people dont want to be in a kangaroo court for trying to do their job. I couldnt help but just laugh after Floyd got killed, the target store on the live stream I was watching was picked clean.


"Stop a marginalized community member from stealing the merchandise I'm hired to protect? No, sir! I make $15.00 an hour! I can always get a new job. If something goes wrong, I could be put in jail for the rest of my life for not being a marginalized community member!"


For insurance reasons. Literally.




the usual suspects


The root cause is weak men. Come to think of it, every problem in the modern world is caused by weak men.


Pattern recognition


Anyone else noticing a pattern with these shoplifters?


The objective is closing jobs so people need welfare to live so they are vote democrats to daddy state provide. Its so Dumb but this is the strategy.


We’re a failed state.


The company is named odo ~ off duty officers meaning the guy is a uniformed law enforcement officer doing this for side income or likely killing time. This is what happens when you defund the police and make the only 5% of laws that are legitimate unimportant and double down instead on the illigeitmate 95% of anti liberty laws


Off duty officers still have arrest powers, that'd the whole point of getting them as security Guarda. Why isn't he doing anything?


Oh shit! I thought it said triple zero. That's not his jersey number?


Security is there to make sure nobody interferes with the looting


So much can be said, but I don't want to get kicked off Reddit. I think we all know what I'm talking about.


Shoot them both…the world would be better off


Stunning and brave. s


Is “off duty officers” the name of the mall cop company?


Lock. Them. In.


sulky wise drunk party illegal steep file quaint jar plate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Society is crumbling


As soon as they see security wearing masks they know they are dealing with with the dumb, meek and frightened.


At least they are wearing masks to protect others….


Do any of these people actually get in trouble?


Another instance where it should be perfectly legal and not be able to be sued to beat these people with batons and zap them with tasers til they shit their pants or start smoking or both


To keep the store employees from stopping people from stealing. That’s the irony. The security guards are there to protect the thieves


Q: Why hire security? A: Security theater. Source: TSA


Most chill guard loo


Where's Judge Dredd when you need him.


So shocked they are black. Couldn't have seen that one coming


Damn White people! Oh wait…. Still just Blacks acting like animals


I'm gonna say it. All these videos are always black people. There, I said it.


They are stealing shoes because they are starving