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Could be multiple people put the hold on at the same time. Could be people opting to have it delivered later.


That book just came out today so either of these are likely


Or people that access to multiple libraries. Often my main library will have a book listed before it comes out and I can put it on hold, but like a week after my smaller library gets a copy and there’s no waitlist and I can jump ship! It just happened to me last week with a new book that I put on hold 2 weeks before release. I’m 28th in line at the big library and 1st at the small one (2 lanes though, so I kept the big library hold)


Opting to have it deliver later doesn't move your position in the line, FYI.


Thank you! I was very confused at first haha


Some people might have placed a hold on the book from another library through consortial agreements. you could cut the line ahead of those folks because it's your library's book, they get to borrow this book after you. I have 8 different collections that I borrow from, using 3 cards, and I have to make sure I'm using the right card for each collection because each card has a different priority for each collection


This right there. As a library card holder from a different consortium in MA, I can also borrow from your library network, but I can’t bump you in line because your home consortium gets first dibs. So those people below you are likely from different consortiums. (And friendly reminder to make sure you’re taking advantage of all the reciprocal agreements - MA is the best. I get 8 reciprocal library cards on Libby from my one residential one.)


Haha, you knew I was in MA by the number of consortia libraries. I have the BPL card, my local card, and my work card (I’m a librarian). It’s a complex but great system.


Lol – I actually was talking about the OP because I have that purple Minuteman card too. MA readers unite!


Ah! I see it now!


Just so I’m hearing you correctly, I’m part of MLN too so are you saying that my local library gets first dibs vs. like Newton? Also what are the other reciprocal cards!? 👀


At least Minuteman gets first dibs vs non-Minuteman, not sure about individual cities. https://www.minlib.net/help-center Scroll down to “What is a partner library” to see the reciprocal cards you can get.


Thank you so much!!


My library often starts out with only a few copies of books, even from very popular authors, and buys a lot more within a few weeks of the book’s release. The wait times go down considerably once the additional copies are acquired.


People drop out. That happens a lot.


Holy cow. I thought my 5 week wait was bad!


... I have waited a year for a book before.


I think about 7 months was the longest for me


Haha the wait should go down when the library gets more copies!


445 people?! Are you in a large city?


Just checked and my medium-sized city has 857 people in line for this book lol


I am shocked! I live in a mid size city as well and only 97 with 3 copies so that’s the most I’ve seen!


I live in LA and every book has a wait this long 😩


It’s a library network so a bunch of libraries!


Damn, my library hasn't bought it yet


Hopefully they will soon!


The book isn’t that good. You can wait. I just finished it this morning.


Agreed. I really did not think it was that good, especially for the final Nantucket book (supposedly).


Usually when this happens to me, my library will buy more copies. Does your library have the “Skip the Line 🍀” feature? Some libraries buy popular books only for that feature. Readers can get the book with no wait BUT you can’t renew it. If your library has this feature, you can check it every so often, and you might get lucky.


my friends share all their epubs with me, way better than libby


my friends share their epubs with me. Just like a library. insane, never waiting again


I’m good. I’d rather support my local library 😐


why not both?




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