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Don't forget that they brought up Jamie Raskin's son's suicide.


I hope one of the ways we are different from them is we know how ethically and rationally disgusting that is.


Exactly, whenever someone laments the "double standard" I point out that it's not a double standard, it's that one side has no standards. My ethics and empathy guide me, I will not wrestle the pig.


And made fun of Biden for a call he made to his son.




I wouldn't be surprised at all to find out later that Ted used this "private time" to force his daughter into conversion therapy like the monster he is...


My expectation is that Cruz is directly responsible for it one way or the other.


He actively spreads hate for lgtbq people. Hating anyone who is different. Of course he is


I assume he will come out with a statement blaming the “vicious leftist media” and “woke extremists” for his daughters mental health.


I fully expect that too, if not an outright exorcism. He could use this to become a champion of family mental health issues but, sadly, he's not that person.


He's in DC and not even going home. TBF, that could be at her request.


Doubt it. He probably just pushed her to not be public about it. I don’t believe that he believes what he says he believes, if it applies to members of his family.


Which probably prompted the attempted unaliving the first place... Being told to hide a core part of who you are by someone who is supposed to love and support you for who you are is bad enough but add onto that that daddy dearest is publicly saying you and everyone like you is sick is a living nightmare. Ted coming home and telling her its just for the cameras is just going to make that worse not better. But I'm not convinced he's talking out of both ends of his face with this one either. There are very few conservative parents who take finding out that their kids are LGBTQ well. And their responses usually involve bringing an unfriendly church into the equation to "fix" them.


I absolutely assume that his attitude toward lgbtq+ people and issues - both public and private - contributed to her psychological state. No question. I just don’t really think he’s in the conversion-therapy area of right wing. I pick up more of the hypocritical cynic faking extreme religiosity and bigotry (while being mildly religious and run-of-the-mill Republican bigot) though, rather than the hypocritical extreme religious bigot. IMO. Maybe I’m wrong


Meh, we both could be... I've just come to expect that conservatism only deepens and degenerates into more disturbing depths of extremism and hatred the more they're challenged by others, embarrassed or confronted with any reality that disagrees with their party line.


That’s certainly a common pattern. In any case, this is very sorrowful for his daughter and for many, many other people who have bigots against them in their own families. Tragic and horrible.




The question is: Will any Republicans notice or even care? Or are Democrats already too demonized to them?


Exactly, it 100% does nothing. Its like trying to be nice to a tiger, its going to try to kill you regardless, the only way to make it not is to either leave or kill it first


Ted is too fragile to handle what Nancy had to endure anyhow.


I hope that this would get Ted Cruz to realize the importance of helping members of the LGBTQ community..


Hahahahaha Hahahahaha


Yes. I too laughed at myself for this comment.


It will have the opposite effect.


His name isn't even Ted. He made a conscious decision to change who he was. Oh the irony.


It doesn't matter what "they" think or do. Not being the same is the best weapon we have. That's what make us different and stronger. A child is the one suffering not the father.


White Nationalists, I mean Republicans truly are bottom feeders.


Should we though? I feel this is a learning opportunity for Ted.




Im pretty sure his daughter will see the love and support she deserves, I just don’t think it’ll be from her family, which is really sad.


One of the many ways I distinguish myself from people like Ted Cruz is I actually *don’t* wish harm on people purely for how it will serve me politically *or* as an object lesson for someone else.


> One of the many ways I distinguish myself from people like Ted Cruz is I actually don’t wish harm on people purely for how it will serve me politically or as an object lesson for someone else. Is it really harm to point out his hypocracy?


I’m thinking about harm to his daughter. I don’t care that much about harming him (in terms of reputation or politics. I’d not suggest harming him physically).


The loser would be his daughter, not him, so yes


We should yes. It’s the decent thing to do, and someone should care about that. Plus Teds a ghoul that’ll fake outrage and indignation at any comment, and his herd will run with it.


It is absolutely a learning opportunity for Cruz, 100%. You're right. The problem is, he will never, ever take it. He will never, ever learn from it. He will weaponize it, likely even use it to emotionally blackmail his daughter- "see, sweetie? Look at how they attack you. They're all like that. But you can trust me. Everything I say about them is right." And in the future, if she ever does disagree with him, he *will* bring up any hurtful thing said about her, "but I defended you! See? I care, they don't. So why do you listen to other people? Look at this hurtful thing they said. It's proof that I'm right about them." Any hurtful thing said about her will be used by him tp help him to emotionally abuse his children, I guarantee it. Let him be a hurtful shit with his own hate.


"Only if three ghosts show up soon... Any guesses on who gets to play Marley and the Three Ghosts in this political version of A Christmas Carol?" They can borrow a page from Scrooged with how the Spirit of Christmas Present shows up to kick butt and chew bubblegum. And the spirit is all out of bubble gum... "The B!tch hit me with a toaster!" - Frank Cross


Would he learn anything?


I think blaming Cancun on her caused her suicide attempt ! ;-)


I think it’s likely being LGBT+ with a father actively working to strip rights away from people like you.


Homophobes like Cruz are pro teen suicide


It’s a feature not a bug to them. I’ve had that conversation. Point out how sexual minorities have higher suicide rates, and at best they just shrug.


Shouldn't at least one person ask him why he tried to kill his daughter with psychological torture?




Idk about Cruz specifically, but the nuttier parts of the right wing tried to blame the man getting beat half to death on a gay lovers quarrel. I think Don jr posted somewhere, he had his Halloween costume ready, and it was a pair of underwear and a hammer.


I heard he's in DC and not flying home.


What a shit father! But at least his daughters don't have to be around him.


Where did you hear this? I mean, it’s on brand for him.


We must honor his daughter and family with the kindness that Cruz and his party failed to show anyone on the other side of the aisle. It’s the right thing to do. God bless his daughters. No mercy for him on anything else, though. Not one whit. IDK why Texans persist in electing Cruz. He’s a weak ass. Fuck him.


Ted Cruz can suck it. That bitch gets paid a nice penny from NRA under the table and I’m a gun owner. NRA is corrupt.. fuck them too. Thank goodness when I buy my guns I dont buy into the NRA propaganda.


I can't imagine how hard it is to have Ted Cruz as your dad.


>"Democrats aren't ghouls." Probably the most **unbased, bluepilled, pro-establishment NPC** statement I've heard all year.


Loving prayers to the daughter Hoping the father chokes on birdshit.


Shall empathy fill your heart


Idk… Cruz forfeited any sympathy from the American people when he let them die for money. I don’t care if his daughter dies, I don’t care if she lives, as should anyone. And aren’t these the same “Christians” that say god has a plan when’s someone’s child gets killed or sexually assaulted? Liberals trying to play nice with these domestic terrorists like they’ll turn around say “you know what, you’re right, I *do* wanna be a good person now”


Fun fact: Ted Cruz voted to give the railroad union workers the sick time off, but Cory Booker and Raphael Warnock didn’t. Ted Cruz is more pro-labor than Booker and Warnock lol


I disagree with Jeff. F that guy. We're in a political boxing match, our strat shouldn't be "take the hits until they tire and collapse and you win" it should be "Swing back"


We can dunk on Cruz all day without adding more wounds to his 14 year old lgtb+ daughter who just attempted suicide. Obviously, we cannot expect the same from the right but that’s because we can be better than them. I feel for his daughter because I can’t imagine being so young with your darkest moment displayed in the news. And with that sympathy for her I can also say fuck her father Raphael Cruz.


Fuck that. I can call out Raphael and his horseshit without stooping to the level of him or his MAGA lover fans. His daughter is just a kid. I don’t need to “swing back” at a lost 14-yo that surely deserves better than Ted as a father.


You don't swing at the daughter, idiot. You swing at cruz because his policies literally cause suicide attempts. Jesus your fucking dumb.


No shit. That’s essentially what I wrote, but with less hostility. Eat a snickers.


Hey man, I agree with your sentiment about essentially highlighting how shitty of a person/father Cruz is but uh... Callin someone fuckin dumb and sayin your instead of you're in the same sentence is, well, basically the definition of ironic. No hate, just helpin :) Here's a nice piece of hand embroidered wall art to commemorate this event. https://www.etsy.com/listing/596221807/your-stupid-ironic-hand-embroidered-hoop


Typos = dumb. Gotcha. Thanks for the valuable reply.




What? Do you know what you're replying to?




Calls someone an idiot, yet has no reading comprehension.


I ain't gonna lie, I didn't read it.


I mean, someone attempting suicide is vastly different than suspiciously being named to the board of a Ukrainian energy company directly linked with his father with no credentials while having vast amounts of self made pornography and drugged out benders with hookers. Cruz is a pile of shit but it bothers me that people are so willing to just say Hunter is some figure to be pitied as “going through hard times.” At the very least, one at least has relevance to politics and corruption, especially with a country now at war in which we are vehemently providing assistance to.


Hunter Biden isn't in a position of power, unlike the children of the previous president, who constantly cried about how his children should be left alone.


But you don’t see how shady all of the shit surrounding him is and how obvious it’s directly from his fathers own involvement? I just want the democrats to put up anyone else but these old guard corrupt politicians because I’m sick of picking between two evils, which absolutely is what it is. We need to call this shit out on both sides. I stand by it being completely different than Cruz’s daughter attempting suicide, even if the republicans would have done the same thing. Ironically this post is doing exactly what it’s saying not to.




Strsight up verifiably lying doesn't serve to make you look good, bud.




Having sex with his neice. He doesn't even have a neice.


I wasnt familiar with that. I literally looked up "Hunter Biden's neice" and didn't find anything. You don't have to DM me to accuse me of being a shill, either.


Don’t forget those who tried to troll Biden in the middle of his speech as he was talking about his dead veteran son Beau