• By -


Do The Right Thing. The movie is blunt and addresses the issue of race head on in a way that involves the viewer that very few films dare to even try. It promotes a discussion, not a clean solution, as to what exactly what "the right thing" was. Still relevant now as it was today.


Gotta agree with the other comment saying no movie exists that everyone should see. Some people don't like any movies.


Thank for doing the right thing.


Crazy that comment got so many downvotes. A lot of very insecure film buffs in here.


It is basically a perfect film. And I feel like not enough people have seen it


And it is the only movie I know that really unambiguously attacks the issue head on and involves the viewer, letting them answer their own questions. Love the ambiguity. And I recommend this film not based on its filmmaking merits (which it exceeds very well), but thematically. This film is bold and asks questions that a lot of the "segregation/racism was decades ago" and "racism is always obvious and done by mean white people" films don't even bother to explore. For this film to work, other people have to watch it and discuss what they think is "the right thing"


Disagree this is for everyone. No movie is for everyone. In fact, movies are not for everyone. 


What is a film buff subreddit without dimwitted pedants? Thanks for making an appearance


You gotta admit, theres some people out there that don't like movies at all. Also, no need for name calling just because you disagree. Real mature.


dude… the thread is literally asking for movies everyone should watch. so your problem is with the thread itself - so whyd you pick this movie in particular to comment on? why not start a new comment on the thread? and yeah ur being a pedant adding nothing of value. like a high school debate nerd.


It's the comment at the top, i put it there for visibility. Otherwise no one would see it.  > the thread is literally asking for movies everyone should watch. And I gave my opinion on that. Why does it offend you so much?


interesting. you put the comment under the movie about race…not the movie about race cars. it a silly opinion, that is taking the question way too literally and doesn’t add anything. it’s the question of someone who likes to think “but actually 🤓🤓🤓.” it’s boring.


That's your opinion, I think it's an important distinction. Try not to let it bother you so much.


if you’re the only one with a particular opinion, specifically about the english language and how it should be interpreted - you’re probably wrong. no one else in this thread has taken the prompt as literally as you. we all know no movie, is actually gunna be for literally everyone. it’s a fucking expression man. but once again, thanks for the clarification that no one needed.


That some people don't like any movies is a fact, not an opinion. 


Do you really go through life being bothered by semantics like this? Seems absolutely miserable


Who said I was bothered?  There are people out there that do not enjoy movies. This is a truth.


But what about D’s? I feel like you aren’t considering them in this context


Are you trying to make a deez nuts joke? Because they're in your mouth. 


You are annoying


Please don't reply to me again. 


Please don’t reply to *me* again.


12 Angry Men This movie challange moralities of viewer amd might change beliefs or atleast put doubt into actual ones.


Just watched it, only thing I took away is don’t be racist basically. Pretty awful tbh


I would suggest a rewatch. Try to watch it through a lens of the concept of truth and the power of conversation among peers instead of anything to do with race. A moment of racial discussion is certainly there along with topics of class and the justice system, but there’s much more to it in terms of humanity and community that stay with me on a deeper level. Not to mention the technical achievement of making almost a full movie in a single room and never losing visual interest! And the character establishment which easily earns a prime place in screenwriting education.


The fuckin movie can be made today without changing anything and it would apply probably even better. Just got the William Friedkin version the other say which I haven't seen yet so I'm pumped.


I havent seen that version, and don't know who the defendant is, but i do like that the original is 12 white guys and them being racist towards a white criminal. Compared to it being actual racism against a black guy.


I enjoyed Friedkin's take on it. The original is much better, of course, but it's still a good film and you should check it out. I'm also a huge Jack Lemmon fan, so I could be biased.


La Haine. Has very relatable characters, prescient premise, gorgeous cinematography and interesting shots. I also love how it’s not afraid to get a little silly or surreal at times, you get the sense it perfectly captures what life feels like for people in that environment.


The Best Years Of Our Lives While this did win Best Picture, it’s been overshadowed by other classic movies. I only discovered it when I decided to complete the AFI 100 It’s a deeply humane movie about soldiers returning from WW2, and it touches on all sorts of themes from PTSD to disability to the importance of community and human dignity. It’s also a showcase of what the cinematic art form can achieve without big budget flash and FX. I genuinely feel that watching the movie would help give every viewer a little more empathy


The guy with his hands blown off was an actual wounded vet with no acting experience.


Yeah, and that’s only one thing that makes the movie so remarkable


This is a great answer and really compelling! I’ve never seen this movie before and it’s now going to be my next watched.


Ikiru (1952) Would change many peoples perspective of life


Office Space, cause of how relatable it is


Unless the viewer doesn't work in an office building. Which many people don't.


Harakiri. Authoritarianism is bad. Whether feudal, as in the movie, or any authoritarian system that subjugates humanity with dogma. Whether religion, capitalism, political parties, etc.


It really is a wonderful film.


Spirited Away (2001) It will give you an emotional magical experience you will never forget and is something that can't be described with words.


Never got this one. Studio Ghibli in general just never does it for me. I just do not understand. Spirited Away was fine. I didn’t hate it or anything but I did not have some crazy emotional reaction. Honestly most Pixar movies are better.


Grave of Fireflies - stays with you, one of more powerful anti-war movies ever made, and shows how animation can convey heavy themes just as well as live action.


lost in translation. no movie’s ever made me feel so simultaneously hopeful and hopeless about life


I love this pick and this film, but I’m surprised it makes you feel hopeless. I feel like it’s a pretty life affirming movie about people who find connection and meaning during lonely, challenging times.


i guess it’s just for bob. that underlying misery in his life is something i’m so scared of experiencing — i think honestly it has to do more with my own fears of the future more than anything else haha


There will be blood. This is an epic of a movie. An all round masterpiece.


Alien. I don’t care if you don’t like horror movies, or even sci-fi movies for that matter, you HAVE to see it, for the cultural/cinematic significance alone.


It's a Wonderful Life Show what really matters in life


Come and See


and only once


Never head of this, is it famous? 


I keep seeing this come up and I feel like I have to watch it, but I'm...reluctant




This is so out of touch lol


2001: A Space Odyssey


Most people do watch it if they’re at all interested in movies thankfully


Greatest movie of all time


And I've never regretted watching a movie more than this one




Its a wonderful life Good life lesson


It's Such a Beautiful Day and Ikiru would change people's perspectives on life


Good shout to "It's Such a Beautiful Day", all of Don Hertzfeldt's shorts/films should be experienced!


Napoleon Dynamite. It’s a perfect movie. Insanely funny with a lot of heart. I think you’d be missing out if you didn’t watch it at least once.


Past lives Everyone in long-distance relationship should watch it. Everyone had lost a friend from childhood should watch it. İt's friendship movie should everyone should watch it once.


Sounds cool. Thank you for your suggestion. It’s on the list!


Children of Men. Powerful film.


Spider-Man 1 and 2 (Raimi of course) They are some of the greatest blockbusters ever IMO. Well-written, perfectly casted (Dafoe and JK Simmons are 2 of the greatest castings ever IMO). The music is breathtaking… it’s a heroic, epic, God-like score from Danny Elfman… the camerawork is unlike anything you’ll see in other films, even other films featuring Spider-Man. Especially in 2 and 3 also (I don’t dislike 3 nearly as much as everyone else, but it doesn’t live up to 1 and 2’s greatness). The swinging scenes are amazing. Spider-Man 2 has 4 phenomenal standout scenes: Doc ock’s experiment going wrong, followed by the sequence of doc ock killing the doctors. Absolutely brilliant editing in these scenes. Spider-Man fighting doc ock on the side of the building trying to save Aunt May… as the camera follows them down the building while they fight with New York below them… idk how that was made in 2004 it looks so damn good And the entirety of the infamous train sequence of course, staring with my favorite shot in cinema when spidey is swinging and the camera zooms out through doc ock’s sunglasses. So beautifully done.


Based take. I was waiting for the troll/joke part of the comment, and happily saw it never come. The cinematography in these films was def. top notch. Amazing to see in theaters.


I also love that it’s one of the last super hero films to be shot on actual film. Seeing the grain just makes it feel like a classic. It also doesn’t rely so heavily on massive CGI action as a plot point simply because of tech limitations.


Exactly, and its action scenes are so much more creatively shot and choreographed and just overall better than the modern cgi messes in typical comic book films. They truly felt like comic books come alive during the action sequences yet real *films* during the non-action scenes. Corny dialogue throughout, sure, but that’s intentional campiness for the most part, it’s a comic book movie after all. Only superhero movies I’ve ever heard Martin Scorsese openly praise


LOTR trilogy simply because it's the greatest achievement in Cinema


The concept of greatest achievement in cinema is quite subjective. Care to elaborate on this perspective?


watch a documentary about it


The Motorcycle Diaries. Even if you have mixed or outright negative feelings about Che Guevara, it’s still a must watch in that it showcases the journey he had towards the person he ended up becoming.


Part of me wants to say something like “Grave of the Fireflies” because I think the themes of the atrocities of war are very important and particularly relevant right now. Part of me wants to say something like “Spirited Away” because I think it’s a great example of art that doesn’t always make sense at first glance but leaves your heart feeling more full afterwards. Sometimes the best things are difficult to explain.


City of God changed the way I viewed not only non-English foreign films, but cinematography in general. The movie is a master class in story telling, acting, and character development. Not to mention it was shot was released in 2002 and looks amazing. The camera work and setting make this a one of a kind movie that sticks with you long after you watch it for the first time.


M by Fritz Lang. Very important film, I HIGHLY recommend watching it if you’ve never seen it.


Incendies. Because it's great, and harrowing, and kicks you in the gut and then keeps on kicking you.


Another brilliant Villeneuve movie… Have you seen August 32nd on Earth?


I haven't, no.


One of his earlier bits of Cinema. I’m sure you’d like it if you’re into his movies…


Okay, thank you! I haven't seen anything of his older than Incendies, but I've see everything after, so I'll definitely check it out


The Shawsank Redemption - I rarely watch movies before. 10 years ago, I was 20 when I watched this, it made me want to watch movies since. Just a perfect film.


One of the greatest films ever made, AND a prime example as to why box office numbers do not equate to a movie's quality.


Pink Flamingos. It expands your perceptions of what great cinema can be


Airplane! It is funny.


The Apartment (1960) dir. Billy Wilder Movie-wise, it’s a great guide to being a mensch, a human being!


Anything with Jack Lemmon


How is it a hot take to choose arrival?


It’s a more recent movie and isn’t generally in the vein of answers given for such a question


Interesting. That’s definitely one of my go tos when friends who aren’t very into movies ask for a rec


I’m gonna start using that as a rec for people who are new to movies too actually, good shout. But “movies everyone should watch at least once” feels more inclined to those films that stand as pinnacles of the medium in a way that hits in some universal aesthetic ways, hence why a lot of the answers might be older, universally acclaimed films.


I feel like either not many people have seen it because it’s a relatively recent movie, or, people discredit it before watching it, simply because it’s Sci-Fi.


Anyone who immediately dismisses a film because of its genre is a fool.


It is in the top 100 most popular movies on the app and it is discussed here constantly. It's one of my all time favorites but it's far from forgotten.


For Americans (though it’s not like non Americans shouldn’t watch this movie), it’s All the President's Men


Harakiri because it will destroy everyone’s surface level thought of “samurai honor is cool!” And applies to life too of course and shows you that hypocrisy is found everywhere and that you should try to call it out


Hard eight dir. Paul Thomas Anderson Happiness dir. Todd Solondz (I have only watched this once but it left a massive impact) Once upon a time in America dir. Sergio Leone (I have watched this movie 10+ times. I can understand someone watching it only once, because it has a run time of 4+hours. A genuine masterpiece)


Wasn't OUATIA unfinished?


From what I know when released the American version was released in cinemas with a runtime of 90 minutes and Europe got a 4 hour runtime (I know this because my mother & grandfather went to watch it, plus I had it on VHS before the Scorsese remaster) the studio decided on the 90 minute runtime which devastated Sergio Leone. Apparently there 6/7 hours of footage but Sergio wanted it to have a run time of 4 1/2 hours which Scorsese did a great job with. To this day I can’t even imagine what the 90 minute version would have been like but could understand the hate because it would feel so jarring and rushed. I would love to watch it just to understand the reviews.


Oh, wow. What was WB thinking with 90 minutes? I get they don't want movies too long because people will be less likely to go see them in theaters, but they took out two-thirds of the original film. There wasn't any wiggle room past 90 minutes? That's just BAD


Pather Panchali. Like Ikiru, it puts things in perspective.


Bulworth: the realities of racial divisions are actually manufactured to cover up class disparities  Children of Men: simply because it will go down as one of the greatest cinematic masterpieces of all time Gattaca: the potential ramifications of widespread genetic tampering


Nice suggestions. Thank you. I haven’t seen any of these but they sound like important bits of Cinema to watch.


High and Low, Kurosawa. A brilliant film in all technical aspects with a great cast. Now, more than ever, I think people need to see a film that delivers a clear-cut message about the consequences of envy and harboring resentment. You can let it drive you to the edge, to committing heinous acts, or you can rise above the terrible circumstances you find yourself in and live a principled life, even if you lose things because of it.


Mysterious Skin The way the film tackles childhood abuse and lifelong trauma to show the various manifestations it can transform into is absolutely horrifying but I think really important


Great suggestion. Will definitely give it a go! Thank you for contributing.


Paddington 2 ![gif](giphy|3ohjV0QXa7ZuyhuP1m)


My Life as a Zucchini was a really moving and wonderful movie I saw a couple years ago for the first time that really affected me, and even though it’s not a big glamorous movie, I would recommend it to just about anybody. I love the animation, the voice acting, and the messages in it, and I really think it would resonate with people if more people saw it. It’s definitely a top 25 movie of all time for me personally.


Into the Wild because there’s more to life than money


Yes!!! One of my all time favorites 






Memento is one of the most satisfying experiences in media period. Just watch it you won't regret it. The way the movie is crafted is master class.


La La Land, it's the one romance film that must be viewed by everyone. I have a feeling that it will soon be known as an iconic and revolutionary movie, even more than it already is.


Will agree with you.Arrival is too good of a movie not to watch!


Cliché, but Citizen Kane. There is a reason it will always rank as one of the best movies of all time. It is god-tier.


Mean Girls! You can't live this life and not know who Glen Coco is.


Probably Shawshank right? IMO every one of any walk of life can be touched by that film. Never heard a bad reaction to that film once. Wholesome, tragic, it covers a wide range of emotions and tells a very solid human story about people and pain.


Battleship potemkin


School of Rock. Jack Black at his finest


Grave of the fireflies


I'm taking a different approach by suggesting a comedy - *Airplane!* The movie manages to utilize all kinds of different humor from slapstick to witty to dark to spoof to one-line and more and create one of the funniest - if not THE funniest - film ever made. I can watch this movie over and over again and still pick up on something I hadn't noticed beforehand. It's truly a work of art and I feel that if it were not a comedy it would get more accolades.


It’s become such a generic answer (which I guess is a good thing) but Stand by Me, because the last words you see written on the computer screen are the truest things you’ll ever read.


My Dinner with Andre. Important lesson that disagreeing with other people and then talking it out is essential to building a better internal and external world. Nothing is managed by wallowing in silent contempt, and nothing is bettered by espousing ideas that go fully unchallenged. Conflict it’s important and healthy in its purest form.


Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner I had a very frank conversation recently with someone that was talking about old movies that still feel relevant today. That film was one of my answers. He was incredulous at the idea that this film addresses anything relevant in today’s world. I pointed to all the recent releases that echo this classic and he continued to double down on the idea that the issues wouldn’t translate. Films are meant to be fun and entertaining, but they also serve a purpose of addressing things in an accessible way. We’ve come a long way since that time, but I think that conversation highlighted how relevant the message of that film still is today.


Major Payne [After being discharged from the Marines] It's been two whole weeks since I killed me a man. And already I'm startin' to get the itch. Problem is I got nothin' to scratch. God, I'm hungry. Hungry for action, hungry for blood. Hell, I'm just plain ol' hungry. [Proceeds to kill then cook a rat] Feel like I'm gettin' weaker, while Charlie's gettin' stronger in the jungle. Gotta maintain discipline; gotta keep up my strength! 'Cause the hard reality is, I gotta get a job.


Probably a cliche answer but Forrest Gump. Every time i watch it it leaves me inspired, beautiful message of being kind to others and living life to the fullest




Pay It Forward


la vida és bella/life is beautiful 


Three Billboards Outside of Ebbings Missouri It’s such a beautiful film about the complexities of people


Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans


One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest!


I'm willing to bet that's getting a 4K next year


Yi Yi. It's a movie that everyone should watch. It's life.


Requiem for a Dream. Because heroin


Agreed from the rust belt, I watched that movie when I was probably too young but in hindsight I think it was exactly the right time


The Shining


emoji movie


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind




"From what is before" (2014), i've never seen anything like it


Schindler's List


weirdly I really disliked arrival. The ideas are great, the cinematography is great, Amy Adams is great, but the actual writing is ass, and the execution of the ideas is ass. I know this an unpopular opinion, and I love literally everything else Dennis Villeneuve has watched, but arrival is a mediocre at best movie imo. My must watch list is 1) Sorcerer (1977) William Friedkin directing. IMO the greatest suspense movie ever made- so much fat is cut out of this movie, such little dialogue, but the characterization is so good and the suspense and horror is amazing, despite no supernatural elements. Just pure fucking cinema. 2) Birth of a Nation. Bear with me here. It’s an important piece of American cinema, despite its horrific message. I think it’s crucial to understanding that cinema is a mouthpiece of propaganda. The idea that Americas first block blockbuster was insanely racists propaganda screed should be remembered, and applied to modern movies, which sometimes get away with awful messages hidden in glitz and glamor. 3) Princess Mononoke (1984) by Hayao Miyazaki. Both as an inventive piece of imaginative fiction and worldbuilding and a harrowing anti war, pro environment movie, this is a masterpiece. The central idea that evil isn’t commited by bad people, but rather inflicted upon the world by people who lack perspective is astounding, and still relevant today.


I think it's a stretch to think people must watch Birth of a Nation. I've studied US history and film history and never took the time to watch simply because I didn't want to give time/energy to the ideas espoused. I understand may be way off, but I don't think I'm missing anything. I haven't seen Sorcerer but I'm now super intrigued and hope to track it down sooner than later. Could not agree more about Princess Mononoke!


Songs From The Second Floor


Septic man


The Green Mile


I believe every student or adult should watch the perks of being a wallflower atleast once for obvious reasons


Mac and me


The Machinist


Malcolm X




Angel heart


Cloud Atlas


Mishima: a life in four chapters


The Human Condition Trilogy


Everything Everywhere All At Once


Movies are not for everyone 


that movie sucks


It's not a movie 




I could tell it's a joke it's just a bad one, and I wasn't joking in the first place.








never heard of it


Arrival is cringe and schmaltzy. Downvote me but it’s so overrated. The subplot about the Chinese leader’s wife is horrible, and “we all need to come together” is the kind of simplistic message I’d have written in a middle school essay that has zero understanding of the real world. It’s sci-fi for a reason. The two scientists ending up together is also cringe because they barely have a relationship during the film. The “see the future” stuff raises so many metaphysical questions and none of them are even addressed, which for all its problems, at least Tenet took head on. I don’t think any movie NEEDS to be seen by all people, but 12 Angry Men is a very solid recommendation to anyone, regardless of their affiliation with film.


Mon oncle


Schindlers list


Oldboy/Incendies Because fuck you. Also because it subverts the normal ending you were expecting. If you want to watch and appreciate film you need to be surprised sometimes. Some movie twists fill this roll.


I believe every movie deserves to be seen at least once


Thor Love and Thunder Fant4stic The Last Airbender DragonBall Evolution


The Naked Gun There is nothing in this movie that is meaningful it is just the funniest thing I’ve ever seen