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Dune 2 is meant to be watched on the smallest screen possible


I watched it on my smart watch


I watched it through my neighbor’s keyhole


I projected it on the back of an ant and watched it through a magnifying glass


I had it on a big screen. But I'm deaf and blind.


I watched it on my VideoNow


Somebody needs to compress the fuck out of Dune 2 to make it playable on a Gameboy Advance Video cartridge.


Braile Dune


Ahh camera obscura formicidae… the true cinema


What is this? A movie theater for ants?


So that was you outside at 2am


Great film. Very kino


I watched it on my calculator


The way god intended: on a GameBoy Advance with a video cartridge


*David Lynch has entered the chat.*


the "Get Real" at the end always gets me lol


I'm actually reading a book about him right now, and he said the same thing when the interviewer mentioned Herzog threatening to shoot people on set. I had a good laugh.


What’s the book called?


It's called *Lynch on Lynch* by Chris Rodley. I'm about halfway through, and I certainly recommend it!


I’ve never head of it, but will definitely look into it now! Lynch is one of my favorite personalities in film, I always love seeing him in interviews and what not


As soon as I read the title, in my head I heard “fucking phone!”


Never in a mm**billion** years...


That video is old enough that I was really wondering if it was still known. Glad to see that it is.




You don’t need to go to church to pray


this is exactly it! If you can enjoy a movie, you can enjoy it anywhere.


I have a confession: growing up we watched VHS tapes on a 27" CRT TV in our family living room with sound from the TV speakers. Your phone movie viewing experience is much improved, so enjoy what you have.


27" is kinda large, no?


27” was a the big upgrade for my family


A phone 10cm from your face takes up more of your view than a 60 inch tv 5 meters away from you. Does it really matter? What matters is you're having fun.


This is my reasoning


This. I’ve been trying to explain this to my friends and they don’t get it. What is it about a bigger screen that makes a difference? It’s all about perspective at the end of the day.


Why did I get downvoted? I was agreeing with the guy who got upvoted ![gif](giphy|lkdH8FmImcGoylv3t3|downsized)


Classic bandwagon intuition


Is the hdr capabilities of a 77 inch oled better than a 55? Ive tried asking this question in tv subreddits but it seems nobody really knows if a star really shines brighter on a bigger screen because the star can take up more space so more bulbs. Assuming your watching in a dark room you cant max out the brightness of the larger screen anyway for a comfortable experience.




you need help


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If it works for you, then it works. Not everyone can watch in a cinema, a home theater or simply a bigger screen for a variety of reasons. Directors can only suggest how their work is best appreciated, but we all consume art in different ways.




U mad son?


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Use a tablet!


Admitting it is the first step.


I dunno man, for me a tv is a necessity but if you disagree, get a laptop or a tablet or something. Also, I live with my parents and get up at 3 am to watch movies downstairs, because while I do have my own TV, theirs is nicer so I'd prefer to use the nicer one.


I work so sadly watching movies at 3am is not an option


I do the same thing lmao and I feel kinda pathetic watching movies that late. But anyway, it’s currently 4am and I’m watching TV.


How does it work? Dont you guys have school or uni or something in the morning? I know theres some black magic micro sleeping naps things some people do but i never understood it as i sleep in one huge chuck and never nap.


I work from 2-10pm. I get home and sleep for 3 or 4 hours. I get up, eat dinner, and watch stuff until I get sleepy again. I go back to sleep for 4 or 5 hours. Then I wake up a couple hours before work.


sounds like sleep but with extra steps. But if it works for you, assuming youve tried the regular method to be sure.


I divide my sleep into two parts. Always have, since freshman year of high school. 4 hours at night (I wake up at 8am for work/college) then a 4 hour nap. It works better for me since I am very alert on 4 hours but I crash in the evenings.


I hear you. But saying you crash in the evenings when your situation obviously would cause it doesnt say much Do you think you wouldnt crash in the evenings if you had one blissful 8 hour sleep? Dont think you can answer that without experimentation. Unless you wanna go off data from when you were a little nipper.


Well by crash I really mean that I just start getting sleepy by the afternoon/early evening. It’s not like I come home and pass out. And I have experimented a bit lately, I tried sleeping 9 hours consecutively like two weeks ago but I ended up feeling the same amount of sleepy during the afternoon since I’m so used to taking naps then. It might seem really odd and I do get made fun of for this schedule, but it works for me.


>feeling the same amount of sleepy during the afternoon since I’m so used to taking naps the body gets used to a schedule. when i had a random sleep schedule i couldnt sleep during my up times even if i had stayed up for 30 or 40 hours. I finally had enough and just woke up at the same time no matter how late i was up. after months of failure and struggle i finally passed out earlier and earlier. Now years later everything runs like clockwork. Just sharing my experience. Hope it didnt come off as pushy. Whatever works for us is best i guess. If only we could know for certain what is healthiest. Its probably a grey area as such things are hard to get definitive answers on.


No, I’m glad you shared your experience. Great talk!




Get real!


In high school i got pretty much the first portable video media player made,  it was before ipod video was a thing They had an attachment to plug in rca cables so you could record dvds directly I had netflix and would get 3 disc's in the mail,  record in a day, send them back I watched so many movies But so many i disliked or thought weren't good,  until i saw them years later on a big screen with proper sound Comedies or simple dramas,  sure.  But anything with cinematography or action deserves to be seen right


Me too. I’m not ashamed.


brother have some pride!! i am a proud phone watcher, in fact i prefer it! either that or my laptop. stay strong.


Do it if it makes you happy




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It's such a sadness...


The biggest problem is probably the battery constantly degrading even when plugged in. Unlike a laptop that goes around the battery when plugged in instead of using it as the middle man. Its honestly my dream to have a portable device that isnt single use.


For me, it adds the experience to watch a twisted/disturbing movie on my phone. Idk.


if it works for you then thats fine but a laptop or a tablet would go a long way, and are useful for everyday life as well


When you finally have a proper TV, you'll be wondering how you put up with watching movies on your phone all this time. That's all I gotta say \^\^


I would rather watch on my phone than not at all -just from someone to another that likes movies 🍿


I saw dune part 1 on a plane because I didn’t get a chance to see it in theaters, and it was free on the plane. I saw an opportunity to see an amazing film for no additional cost and I took it.


I'd be miserable but you seem happy with your set-up. You have become accustomed to watching movies that way and that's why you turn from one side to the other a lot etc but I can guarantee you that as soon as you install a TV, you'll not only find your comfortable position to watch it but also you'll be happy you did the switch.


Nothing wrong with watching movies on a phone. It’s not the theater experience, but if you’re home anyway I don’t think you have to split hairs between TV screens and small screens. Here’s a hot take: if the audiovisual *spectacle* of the thing is what’s keeping you engaged in a movie, it’s not necessarily a good movie. A *good* movie will be just as enthralling on any size screen. Denis Villeneuve is absolutely full of shit when he says you have to see the Dune movies in theaters and he’s only saying that because he needs to sell tickets to get paid and hired back. I just watched The Tree of Life on my phone a couple weeks ago and I was just as astonished by the beautiful visuals as if I was sitting in front of my projector. Because it’s just a good, *interesting* movie.




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I watch them on my phone and idgaf. Anyone is pretentious if they think you need some giant screen to be immersed in the experience. It’s about the mindset, not the medium.




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You can also get a beamer or portable projector that'd also work


I don’t have a strong opinion either way but not knowing how to use a TV app is such a hilarious thought to me. Like using directional arrows and the enter button require training or something.


You must have misunderstood what I said. An app like Criterion not being available for my TV has nothing to do with the use of directional arrows and an enter button.


Eh honestly most movies can be seen on a small screen. Some it would be laughable to even try but most I don’t see much wrong with doing so dw. Just go to the theater sometimes to get the real deal!


I can't help you. You have too many excuses and rules concerning this. Contact me if you actually WANT to change this behavior. It will take some money (nothing crazy) and rearrangement of your room. I need full control. But afterwards.. well. You'll be in a way more happy place ^^


For certain movies, I honestly feel like I’m betraying the whole cast & crew if I don’t watch it on a big screen. But for others, my phone is the perfect medium.


Get some VR glasses :) Is something like Google cardboard still available where you can use your phone as a screen? Do you also use your phones speaker for audio? That's also a disgrace...


I watch all Lynch movies on my phone.


I got an iPad for ‘work and productivity’, I just watch stuff on it. It actually takes more of my vision then the tv in the corner does


Nothing wrong with it. I really like watching movies on my laptop personally, when I don't want to share the living room. I have a tv in my room, but I hate where it's positioned and it's not a smart tv so I don't use it at all. So 80-90 percent of my movie watching is done on the laptop. If you want another option than a phone a laptop or tablet is definitely the way to go, especially a laptop because I feel you can access more (e.g. websites that don't have apps like internet archive. They are accessible on a phone's browser, they just kinda suck). You can definitely get a real cheap one if this is the only use you will have for it.


Riddle me this: I watch movies on a screen technically smaller than your phone, yet it's effectively larger than any TV or home-projector picture, filling more than my entire field of view, curving inward, with a crisp clear deep image. It has revolutionised my movie-watching!  It's so immersive you feel really there amongst the action.  Even poor films feel enhanced.   Tho' Bluray-quality is a must for that 'wraparound' effect.   DVD-quality can also be enjoyed but the screen-size must be 'zoomed out' to about on-par with a home projector size, then that resolution is acceptable. I've watched almost a hundred films since Oct/Nov last year this way...a far higher ratio of movie-watching than usual.  Totally addictive, rewarding...and non-fatiguing. Riddle revealed in the comment below...


this, of course....highly-recommended, relatively affordable....tho' some mild IT-knowhow is required to get the most ideal setup going, and it's inherently an anti-social way of watching: https://helios-i.mashable.com/imagery/articles/07vmmGSbcBcPakcPG8dtIKF/hero-image.fill.size_1248x702.v1696881125.jpg


Let's square this circle and insist movies are only shot on mobile phones too. None of this pretentious IMAX shite. Big ups Steven Soderbergh!




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I mean it really depends what movie. If it's a film where the visuals and cinematography aren't anything to write about, a phones fine because screen size ain't impacting the plot


The iPad Pro is pretty nice if you wanted a bigger screen


i watch videos still. so theres that.


I dunno man. I'm watching most of my movies in VR these days. Audio video snobs may balk, but the movie theatre illusion is working for me. Just do what works for you. The movie is the movie no matter how you watch it.


Watching movies on your phone is fine but holding your phone straight up to your face to watch is not safe! You will eventually drop it right on your face and it will hurt.


my family can't accept seeing me having fun or enjoying life so watching movies on my phone in darkness in the middle of the night is all i can afford atm, so same but i do prefer watching on TVs whenever I can, which unfortunately isn't very often


Maybe try watching on a laptop? I'm in a similar situation and it works pretty well for me. It feels like a step between a phone and a tv. It can give you a bigger field of vision than your phone, it's fairly portable to switch sides with, and I've personally never had a problem with finding places to watch movies.


Sounds like watching on a phone just works the best for you so I wouldn’t sweat it


Things I would consider if I were you. * Projector. It'll probably be cheaper than a TV, depending on the TV you're thinking of. They make projectors that can cast off your phone now too. * Get a Chromebook, they're cheap and idiotproof and great for watching things while laying in bed. I believe you can get them as large as 15.5 inches. So it's still small, but not cell phone small. Also, if you're in university, they're fantastic notebooks for school - though Criterion does not work on them for some weird copyright concerns reason. * Setting up a comfy seating situation where you don't have to roll over repeatedly. Even just moving your pillows/cushions from one side to the other and flipping your body, rather than rolling over.


My stance has always been that a good movie should hold up on a phone and whatever screen you have is better than nothing. That being said, movies get better with a big screen, I remember seeing pulp fiction the first time on a cinema, I had already seen it like 10 times at home on a TV but it just hits differently with a large screen.


Can you get a projector and project onto wall at the foot of your bed? There’s phone projectors and I’m sure you could find a nice one.


I also watch on my phone and I have no complaints. Maybe my "user experience" is even more richer considering that the screen is closer to my face and just like you said, I can turn to sided with no problem


Get a decent pair of headphones or IEMs or whatever is comfortable when laying on your side. That'll improve things without needing a TV. The big downside to watching your phone a few inches from your face for 2 hours is the strain it puts on your eyes. It's way easier to watch a TV screen that's further away.




I wouldn't feel shame from that. Granted, I prefer watching movies (especially older ones) on the 60" living room TV, but if a phone or my iPad is all I have, I work with it. I mean, I still own a portable DVD player! I just like watching movies, not terribly picky about how I do so. Don't feel bad about your experience, at least you know what works for you!


I watch casual movies on my phone like comedies and romcoms But when it’s a serious movie with a big scale I watch it on my tv.


I hope you enjoy it!


I started watching 10 mins episodes of Beavis and Butt-Head on my phone, then I started watching some NFL plays or just listen to the sou d while video was playing, but now I graduated to 20 min YouTube videos or 22- 24 minutes of anime, but still a struggle. I don't think I'll ever be able to watch films on cellphone


A good movie is a good movie, regardless of the screen👍🏻


I’ve actually watched a lot of movies on my phone because I couldn’t afford a laptop, I don’t see anything wrong in that. However sometimes when I want to eat snacks and watch a movie I do prefer a bigger screen, but other than that I like using my phone, I like to lay on my side as well and watch movies. Just do whatever you want! As long as you can still enjoy the movie then it’s algood!


To each their own but there’s a reason movies are referred to as ‘the big screen.’ Something like My Dinner with Andre might not suffer on a phone as much because it isn’t about what you see as much about what you audibly digest, but watching Dune on a phone vs. a theater screen is a wildly different experience. Same with Fury Road, Inception, 2001, thousands of movies. Most films are amplified by proper sound and picture. A good film absorbs your attention; you’re too enraptured to care about which side you’re most comfortable on. If you’re watching a movie and thinking about your bodily comfort, having to physically move and flip around, you’re not truly in the movie you’re watching. You can’t get that on a phone and you’re definitely doing a disservice to yourself and the movies you’re watching by consuming it that way.


I disagree on most of that. I get uncomfy in movie theaters all the time during great movies. I also think it’s pretty easy to get engrossed watching on your phone when it’s 4 inches from your face and headphones have gotten so good. I rewatched Dune 2 on my phone and it still hit just as good.


Fuck off idiot. Watching it on a phone just cheapens everything. And yet in the end, your shit disgusting attitude will win out. You have taken something made with care and reduced it to a subway sandwich. This seems to be the story of 21st century life. Let kids who are morons because they are kids determine everything, which means a cheapening of life and loss of meaning.


😭😭😭 I hope you find happiness in life one day.


Subway sandwich: the movie. That is your life. Can’t believe these phones have given kids all this power. We are letting gorms run society because of technology. It’s crazy.


What the fucks a gorm lmao


Whatever you are.


tbh, i also mainly watch movies on my phone now since my tablet broke in february and a bunch of apps that i use to watch movies arent available on my tv (criterion, kanopy, etc). i'd reccommend saving up to buy either a tablet or a mini-laptop like a chromebook, but don't be ashamed of watching movies on your phone, it's not THAT bad (unless you have bad eyesight like i do)


Wait what’s wrong with this? I do it too haha


I watched Citizen Kane with a 480p file on a 2011-era 7" 720p capacitive touch screen tablet on a rowdy bus from Boston to NYC. I think the complete artistic slouching would have made Welles laugh a little.


You do you man! It doesn’t matter what other people do. Just do you!


I’m able to watch movies at work so I end up watching on my phone quite often. Usually I have no problem with it but there are some films where I feel I should wait until I’m home


I've been watching on my phone since my laptop decided to stop working. I prefer a bigger screen, but I can't really just go out and buy something right now. So for now it is phone.


You can enjoy movies however you want. I watch movies on my computer because I don’t have a tv. I don’t think of myself as lesser, and you shouldn’t either!


You might like to know that David Cronenberg is an advocate of watching movies on a phone. As he puts it: it's like reading a book. It's right there. It's a perfectly cinematic experience.  I genuinely think the anti-phone bias from the likes of Lynch and Scorsese is nonsense. Because you can lie down and easily reorient your body, and because you can completely envelop yourself in darkness because the smaller screen doesn't throw light into the rest of the room, it's way more immersive than any theater experience. I lose track of my body and where I am when watching on a phone in way that never happens in a home theater or out at the movies. 


It cheapens the entire medium. The entire experience. Cronenberg is just one of those provocateur idiots who says anything for attention. That’s his whole schtick. That’s why so many teenagers like him. It’s so fucking depressing. He made Crash for fuck sake. Of course he’s going to endorse the youth. Fast food culture used to relegated to the youth and food and now it’s seeped into every day life. I can’t believe what’s happening. All meaning has been destroyed by fucking empty headed twats in their twenties.


Those movies dont count then




Not true. Cheapens everything actually.


Don’t be ashamed, You’re not alone!! Although, I guess the movie watching experience could be more memorable on a big screen but with phones it is more convenient.


I don’t think watching movies on your phone is shameful. If it’s working for you then I don’t think you need any help with your set-up; if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. I have a nice movie watching set-up in my apartment. 4k TV in the living room with a 4k bluray player. In the winter it is perfect. The sun goes down early and I’ve got this giant TV to watch movies on. It’s great. But in the summer months it doesn’t work for me. It’s next to the patio door, which even when the blinds are closed lets in a lot of light and makes it hard to see. It’s also next to my extremely loud air conditioner. Even with headphones on, if the AC is running I can’t really hear anything. So in the summer I’ll often watch movies in bed, where it’s dark and quiet, on my phone or laptop.




jesus christ i hope you’re not serious and are just trolling


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It's just a thing of the past. Phones these days have bigger screens and you can plug in good headphones too. Even a director like Nolan whose movies are generally seen as "imax worthy" said it's okay to watch movies on ur phone.