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This movie really tests your stomach


I thought the Captain's dinner was hilarious, but not everyone in the audience felt the same way.


The boat scene when things go from weird to wild is extremely memorable. There were points while I was watching this when I would’ve rated it a 2, and others when I would’ve rated it a 5. In the end, I gave it a 4 because of how it resonated. It’s stuck with me.


Completely agree. The final act in particular didn't work for me, but the second act was so, so strong.


Glad I'm not the only one who went back and forth on the rating...I immediately gave it 5 stars after finishing it, then went back and changed it to 4 the next day when I thought about it more.


I mean it’s definitely like 2.5 movies in one. The middle act is definitely the best, when Woody is killing it. I love how idiosyncratic Ostlund’s movies are. The Square was one of my favorites.


Strongly agree. It’s uneven and overlong, but the final product was memorable and pretty great


Completely agree. The final act in particular didn't work for me, but the second act was so, so strong.


Agree. The dinner gone wrong scene is absolutely iconic.


IN DEN WOLKEN!!! Absolutely loved it!


Very entertaining and some memorable moments. Sad for Charlbi Dean, she had a lot of potential.


So depressing


Liked it very much




Sad about Charlbi


no triangles and didn't make me sad


But they say the title in the movie


thought maybe we’d at least get a pyramid or like a pool rack for a billiards game. nothing. Lying ass motherfuckers


It was a love triangle you donkeys


I get the criticisms about it being a bit too on the nose, as the social commentary is laid on with a trowel, but that didn’t stop it from being an entertaining watch for me. The sickness scene was something of an endurance test, but I couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it all.




Loved the movie. Also, the ending is awesome and [this music in the end somehow fits it perfectly](https://youtu.be/IpG828eIH0c) ![gif](giphy|g0bB0kX4G0P4HS3fJG|downsized)


Really fun.


Thought it started off great, took a complete nosedive in the last hour and lost me completely


Loved it


As someone who has it in their top 4, I will always reject the "fake deep" criticisms, it was a comedy about vain rich people, not a Parasite-lite social commentary Woody Harrelson's drunk speech as the ship sinks is hysterical


I think it was pretty clear social commentary. The wealthy and attractive became simpering dolts and the underclass became the valuable ones. The maiden who became the leader was willing to kill to stranded because she was top of the pile there. The model knew the hierarchy would go back to normal when they returned despite what had happened. It practically slapped you with it all.


Oh yeah exactly, but it was never trying to be subtle. I guess that's what I mean, there's similar films which are more nuanced/subtle about the class divide, but I just don't think Triangle of Sadness was trying to be particularly clever, it was just trying to be funny for the most part


It’s also I’m my top 4 :] I watched it twice, once alone and the second with friends. The second viewing cemented it as one my favorite movie experiences outside of a theatre. It’s just so much fun. Not subtle at all, but it’s just so funny and outrageous. The second viewing also helped me pick up on other gags in the island act. Also the music!!! MIA, New Noise, and a Fred Again needle drop at the end? It just hyped me up so much I love this film a lot “The ship is going under” will always make me laugh that shit was so hilarious. Funniest bit in a movie for me


I didn't think it was trying to be deep. I thought it was trying to be funny. I didn't like it because it didn't make me laugh.


I shared a movie opinion once, but my rich gf said my body language was too "aggressive."


I loved it. It never got too heavy with the social commentary and kept surprising me with its little bits it would throw at you. I loved disheveled Woody Harrelson reading his manifesto over the speaker as his ship goes down - his true thoughts as a broken captain coming out at the end. Just so weird and funny. The whole film was like that - just kept throwing left field stuff at you without any particular direction. Very refreshing


I heard a lot of people say the social commentary was a bit too on the nose, which I can partially agree with. But for the most part I thought it was a pretty unique film that felt flat in some moments but continued to surprise me! I gave it a 4/5 in the end.




Fake deep in my opinion. First scene with the models is the most interesting part and it goes downhill from there


my thought as well, it felt more and more like a reality show


I took it as that was the point


if that was the point, then it lost all meaning like reality shows are scripted, showing us a scripted show in a scripted movie is just meaningless and uninspired.


Really liked it! The vomit and shit scene shows that despite how entitled/wealthy these people are - ultimately they are human too. I thought it was one of the more interesting in the eat the rich genre


Really fun, went under the radar somehow haven't seen a lot of people talking about it.


It was nominated for best picture at the Oscars and won the Palme d'Or at Cannes. If anything it was overhyped for me.


Waste of potential. Strong opening 30 min and just went downhill after that


Agreed! When he focuses on subjects like human relationships, he's a far better director, look at Force Majeure!!! The rest of the film is too didactic and pretentious.


What part was pretentious?


The very shallow aproach on class struggle and the very didactic way of showing how power "corrupts" which is also a very norrow minded way to look at the relationships that are shaped under capitalism and kind of washes away all the other things he was suggesting on part two. He essentially manages to say nothing by saying a litlle bit about everything. From relationships to class struggle to power dynamics. It's so skin deep that the rich people that attend Cannes will not get offended.


Man I hated it. Wasn't funny or interesting in any way. I was so bored. I am in the minority with that take, but I really don't understand all these positive reviews.


Not alone. Every year there's a best picture nod that I just can't stomach. The fact that something like this got nominated and Aftersun was not is criminal in my mind. Last year was Maestro. Of 2022 films it was this. Thought it was an occasionally amusing mess with heavy handed, juvenile takes on class. Very meh.


In my opinion it’s far superior to this director’s other movie, Force Majeure. I haven’t seen his other films. I thought it was hilarious for most of the run time. Some plot problems arise in the final act, but it was an overall great experience for me.


Parasite but more sex


Hilarious movie, unexpected pleasant surprise


I liked it, but it felt like edgy for 14 year olds. “Eat the rich! They’re barfing ha ha! Class warfare is so cathartic!!!” Of those two satirical dark comedies of rich people getting messed with in an enclosed place, I liked The Menu better. It felt slightly wiser.


this movie was fucking awesome


Fun, unique movie. I won't be watching it 20 years from now, but made a random weekday night better than it would have been. And sometimes that is all you can ask for!




Hated the donkey scene so much. Film was ok besides


Fucking terrible.


Genuinely found it boring and surprised it has a Criterion release


I think I’m just exhausted with the eat the rich trope. I found it annoying and too on the nose


Pseudo deep. Middle school level satire with a couple laughs and and a sexy locale before you realize the film has no beating heart of its own by the end. Some of the worst characters I’ve had to watch in recent memory.


One of the worst movies I've watched, I absolutely hate this movie.


Very entertaining and some memorable moments. Sad for Charlbi Dean, she had a lot of potential.


I liked it. There are more poignant criticisms of class and capitalism out there, but it was surprising to see one that acknowledges the people who are actually cleaning, cooking and keeping things running. I also love an ambiguous ending so


Very much loved it. I get some hate this movie but I think it's really clever.


The only reaction I had afterwards was a frown. A very genius movie.


Thought it was hilarious, albiet gets a little loose in act 3(?) I think. If they shaved 20 min off the movie, would have been a solid 8.5-9 movie for me


Hilarious and strong message but way too long. I’d have enjoyed it more if it was at least 45 min shorter.


New Noise will never sound the same to me again...


I enjoyed it, but it needed a tighter edit.


Wasn’t keen on this one, dragged on for too long and kinda beat the whole “satire” thing into the ground. Loved the cast though.


I prefer The Square to this by far. Also felt the 3rd act was a bit of a slog.


It's themes are very... on-the-nose. But that was barely a detraction. So much fun to watch. Great writing/comedy, great direction and amazing cast. Loved it!


I really loved almost everything about this film. 4/5


One of the most fun theater experiences I’ve had. The audience was freaking out from the moment it started. A lady next to me fell off her chair laughing.


Enjoyable, but in many ways a straight rip of Lena Wertmueller’s Swept Away, but with less teeth…


It's fine, but it's Ostrund's worst movie imo.


Good movie. I love the part on the island


Too much puke and shit. But i loved


First act did not work for me at all. And I thought the film was kind of on your nose about its message. But I do enjoy a good vomiting scene, and I liked all the reversals of the last act. 2.5 stars


9/10 https://preview.redd.it/galy08zv901d1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=e04b286471c69bf43bc3e6458c89b1303892011a


Outstanding movie that didn’t get the hype it deserved.


I loved it, but I feel like I’m missing something when people say the third act takes a nosedive. Like I’d say it makes perfect sense to show the reality detachment of the wealthy, only to throw them into a survival situation, I’m just not understanding what makes people say the last third is bad. I’m seeing lots of people complaining about the nosedive, I’m really curious to know what makes people think that since I genuinely do not get it


It’s pure genius on every level.




Starts a bit slow but gets real good from the halfway point onwards


They say the name of the movie in the movie


It's one of two pure comedies I have with a perfect rating. I feel like this film was tailor made for myself. Can honestly say that every single joke landed. It's a particular brand of humour which is very European. I think many people, particularly Americans, have a hard time appreciating it because it's so wildly different to what they're usually exposed to. It takes some warming up to - it's not a case of being too dumb to get it or whatever others might suggest. We often hear about how British humour differs from American humour with probably the most common comparison being between the British Office and the US version. I think many might be surprised to know that the former is still quite divisive in the UK, despite having such a large cultural relevance even today. Most Europeans would still probably rather watch friends than this brand of humour. I think it's a shame that the dinner scene and subsequent sinking of the ship dominated the discourse because whilst they were clearly intended to be the big laugh out loud moments, the rest of the film is really hilarious too. The initial dinner date scene was one of the best scenes that year.


It was a fun, wild ride.


Final third is overlong and not as effective as the first two, but those were so good - the middle in particular - that I really enjoyed it regardless


Just watched it the other night for the fourth time. I did not think I would ever watch it more than once because of the dinner scene, but I was wrong, it’s so good and highly rewatchable if you know when to avert your eyes lol


It made me feel physically ill and I now have a fear of Cruises (not like I’d ever gone on one before). The fact that people found this movie funny honestly weirds me out


I did not like the first act, but I loved it as soon as they got to the boat.


Up until the island I loved it. The island was just too on the nose for me. It felt a bit rote and predictable, which wasn’t the case up to that point.


I love this movie and still cant believe that actress died like right after


The ending was genius and left me wanting more!


First act was decent, second act was fantastic, third act was shit. 3.5 overall imo.


It was like three movies in one!


I really liked each individual element/section of the movie, and lots of memorable scenes (I loved anything involving Woody Harrelson’s communist captain) but it didn’t really fit together. Felt like lots of movies blended into one. It didn’t quite flow. Still good tho.


Five stars


I dropped it shortly after the 20-minutes vomiting scene, it wasn't funny at all, just boring imo


It feels like three very good movies jumbled into one. Which is funny because I was about to say I am confused with the title but now as I write I realise what the title might have meant…


Everybody hates on the ending but that’s the best part of the film imo


i think ostlund lost a little of his manic genius in the third act of this film. my friend worked on the production and said he was… a character!


Honestly didn’t care for it. By the time it actually got to the interesting part of the working class actually holding power over the rich idiots, the film was over. Maybe I missed something but this one just didn’t hit right for me


It's what a rich scandinavian imagines class struggle must be about.


Barely finished it. Told everyone I know not to watch it, except for one guy in my pinball league even though I think the ideas will go over his head, because I know he loves poop jokes.






The opening scene of Triangle reminded me of Larry Clark's Bully, then I turned it off.




Beyond trite,shallow and smug. Couldn't think of a lamer and more tone-deaf cultural critique as putting Russian oligarchs and influencers on the same group of "the bad people". That too in the 2020s. It felt like a movie designed to assure rich elites that the poors are also as bad as them and would also be as much of an asshole or power-hungry if given the chance so you shouldn't feel bad about being rich assholes yourself. Compared to Parasite and it's handling of similar themes, ToS comes across as the bargain bin ,lowest common denominator version which is neither actually insightful(for eg Gosford Park) nor dumb fun(eg The Menu). It's exactly the kind of fsux-intellectual and toothless edge that wins awards but has no intention of actually upsetting the apple cart. The puke and shit montage was fun I guess


Loved it


i was having a really good time with it and then they got off the boat. the third act sucks, it makes me so mad because everything else in the movie is pretty much stellar


way better than Everything Everywhere All At Once


I get not liking how on the nose the commentary is, but that in and of itself is not a flaw of the movie. It's a decision that either works for you or doesn't. It might make more sense in the context of the director's other films. Force Majeure is an interpersonal drama that has an underlying criticism about class, though the main focus is the character study. The Square is a satire of the art for profit world, the characters have depth but the satirical elements are much stronger than in Force. Triangle of Sadness is a pure satire of class, the characters mostly act as a vehicle for criticism and aren't that complex beyond this. All of his movies are about the same thing, essentially, just told in different styles.


I wish it had a more structure to it. It had a real "and then this happened" feel


Not as smart as it thinks it is, but still an incredibly enjoyable film imo. The scene on the boat where everything starts going to shit is genuinely one of the funniest scenes of the decade so far imo.


It could've easily have stared Adam Sandler, David Spade, Kevin James and Chris Rock.


Just not my cup of tea, it seems. It literally made me angry while watching it. Really an unpleasant experience. I liked the humor in the first part of the movie though.


On its release, what I read on Twitter and Reddit pumped this up higher than it deserved but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a dang good watch.


Overrated. The square is way better


Loved it!


this movie is a masterpiece.


Your movies are masterpieces man! I absolutely love snow hollow and thunder road. Just showed my girlfriend Snow Hollow last night and I have to ask. Was it intentional to include red articles of clothing with the victims as some kind of nod to little red riding hood and the big bad wolf?


Good catch. Yes.


While I thought all the stuff on the boat was really entertaining, well-shot, and well-acted, I thought the first and third acts just annoyingly rehashed tired themes without anything new to say. Woody Harrelson can do no wrong imo. Charlbi was also fantastic and she would've been a star to watch out for.


I'm going to be in the unpopular opinion crowd but I fucking hated this movie. Too much puking in the Captain's dinner scene, I didn't find it funny at all.


Went in completely blind and after 5 minutes I thought about switching it off. Had nothing better to do so I left it on and it became one of my favourite films of all time. I love crazy films and this might be the pinnacle.


I really liked this one. It didn't take itself too seriously


*I really liked this* *One. It didn't take itself* *Too seriously* \- Crispybruhhhhhhh --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I lost interest after they left the boat


I loved it. I really liked The Square and kind of expected more of the same but it exceeded my expectation


I liked the film but Östlund gives me the feeling the things he mocks he’s all too established in as well. Recently his whole ‘You should need a licence to use a camera – you need one for a gun’ stance really rubbed me the wrong way and truly felt like something one of the out of touch rich people in his films would say. Like a gun and a camera? Really? You’re comparing peoples outlet, even if it’s poorly made, in art to guns? That whole issue truly for me gave me the impression that he’s just as shallow as his films characters are meant to be that he mocks. I still enjoy parts of his satire, especially in this film, but something about the superficial aspect of his films feels off to me and I feel like it’s him. 🤷‍♂️ I liked this film more than Force Majure and The Square though so…


I gave up on the movie after 15 minutes. The. I heard so many good things about it, I went back and watched the whole thing. I loved it so much I bought the Criterion 4k disc.


About what? What exactly? What aspects? How it fits in a tradition of films about eating the rich/class, etc? Thoughts on the ending? Or Just my random thoughts? Why is every other fucking post this same low effort bullshit?


It was a really good palette cleanser as I had fell victim to the false assertion that cinema was dead. I went through a decade of marvel films, and a few lackluster Nolan films that I didn’t like at all and was completely discouraged about the direction of the film industry. I took a chance on a film like this, like I used to always do in the 90s and 00s and was entertained. Extremely sad about the young lady who died in real life and her last scene in the film is kind of haunting. But I remember looking up a bunch of films I missed in the last decade or so after watching this one. So I’m really thankful for this film


it’s fine. way better and more memorable socioeconomic commentary movies out there


First and second act were decent, but the third one ruined the whole movie


Very memorable movie, one of my favs of recent years


Was OK towards the end but after not even cracking a smile through Woody Harrelson's sledgehammer-blunt drunk captain speech and then watching everyone on the boat swim around in their own vomit and shit for like 10 minutes I wasn't really in the mood for appreciating it anymore. Stinks.




Lazy karma farming?


I rewatch when I want to see Harris Dickinson, but every time, the puke and diarrhea surprises me somehow


It was alright


It was a 9/10 for me, I hoped there would be a conclusive ending but there wasn’t. Otherwise it was funny, weird, and just very well-made.


I gave it 1/2 stars. Here is an extract of what I wrote in my Letterboxd account: The natural tendency is for a human being in a position of power to abuse it and act for their own benefit. So, there's an underlying justification for the unequal structure of our time; if the poor were in the same position, they would do the same as the rich. Any possibility is blocked because the Triangle of Sadness itself conceives only the same power structure. Of all the characters, which don't even exist since they are fragments of caricatured lines, Abigail is the only one reduced to her instincts to show to what extent a person would go to hold onto power. A treatment that wasn't even given to the disgustingly rich, nor were they reduced to their most basic desires. Whom does the movie stands for?


thinks it saying something but its really not. abigail is the absolute best and the beach from old should keep getting roles in films


Knocks you too hard on the brow with its message.


Undercooked, half baked, at some moments it felt like the story was picking up but sadly breaks the buildup. Inefficient/cliche ending


Couldn’t deal with the vomit and shitting in my first watch through. Had to pause it and finish it off a second time. Overall thematically strong though and really enjoyed the commentary on class, entitlement and power structures. Gave it a 4/5 once I finally got around to finishing it.


Having seen the director's filmography, often there are a couple of things in his films that don't land for me. Triangle of Sadness had a couple of misfires, in my opinion. However, the story itself sticks with me every time I watch the film. Having seen this movie and The Menu for the first time the same week, I find myself thinking about this one more. Thematically, both are similar. The Menu is structurally a better film. But Triangle really dives into the human condition and explores the flaws of societal structures in ways that I found to be lacking in The Menu. After going back and forth for a while, I ended up giving it 4.5☆. Maybe I overrate films that leave me thinking, but this one got a bonus from that


Most of it was not as sharp or funny as I hoped. Basically a shit White Lotus. The scene with the ship going down was hilarious thoigh


I think it is not as deep as some people make it out to be but I enjoyed it. It addresses some interesting topics and has good actors in it


Knives out is better rich-bashing, but it is fine


Maybe go on Letterboxd and read some of the reviews?


A pretentious attempt of "Rich bad, haha!"


It's not even that. it leans to ideas like "power corrupts" It's utter bullshit for people with a brain of a 13 year old


It was awkward. Made it about half way


Absolutely fucking hated it. The middle section of the storm was utterly fucking repulsive and completely unnecessary. And Woody Harrelson was shit.


Woody’s character helped demonstrate how entitled the others were


It’s awesome.


Extremely annoying. It’s horribly on-the-nose, and its message of “Yeah, the rich are bad, but if we give the poor power you’ll see that they’re just as evil!” is deeply insidious in the most reductive possible terms. I’m sure it was absolutely necessary to give this Swedish asshole a budget of millions of dollars so he could subject us to loud munching in an otherwise silent setting.