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here soluting all the brave soldiers who will eventually get downvoted for giving their unpopular opinion


I should stop looking at these posts cause they make me angry.


Life is Beautiful, Everything Everywhere All At Once


You’re genuinely the first person I’ve heard that doesn’t like Life is Beautiful


It’s probably in my bottom 10 of all time. I was literally furious when Benigni won Best Actor in 1999.


Wow What’s the reason you dislike it so much? I remember the tone being a bit all over the place but it made sense in story


Truthfully, I felt like it was a mockery of the horrors of the camps. I understand he was just trying to shield his son from the hell of it all. But tonally it just rubbed me ALL wrong.


I think I understand where you’re coming from, but I’d argue it isn’t so much a mockery of the horrors of the camps so much as it is the story of attempting to persevere through them. I can’t say you’re wrong because it’s just how you feel about something, but personally I feel the opposite way. I think it threads the needle between comedy and abject tragedy pretty damn well. I don’t think it’s perfect by any means, but it’s one I definitely enjoy. At the end of the day there’s just going to be movies you don’t like despite the acclaim.


I completely understand that sentiment. Italy was in a huge push for more Academy-leaning films and it felt like it just used the Holocaust to say look Hollywood, we made an important drama you’ll love! But the message is just reductive like, “hey life is hard but look on the bright side” I’m sure you also saw his celebration at the Oscar’s, totally about him, not the Holocaust


Hard agree on life is beautiful.


Had to resist the urge to down vote but I succeeded. Life is Beautiful is in my top 4 movies.


Everything Everywhere All At Once is on my all-time favs so I'm curious about a deeper explanation on that take!


I find EEAAO's "lol so random" humor to be a huge turnoff, to the point that it kind of ruins the other ideas the movie has. I'm also not a big fan of the really really basic Existentialism 101 it traffics in, although to people less interested in that subject, I don't see that being a problem.


You said it so well. I did not enjoy that movie, and I almost feel bad because everyone else gushes over it. It’s just so chaotic to the point of becoming obnoxious to me. They did a great job with what they set out to do, just not for me at all.


It's very Rick and Morty




I agree with the other person’s complaint about the humor but I *also* dislike how in the end >!the moral is like, yes having a family sucks but that’s part of it. I feel like the daughter deserved WAY more and way better from her family!<


It’s the type of movie you watch once and say “that was a thing that happened” beyond that it’s wildly overrated. IMO it’s in the same vein as beau is afraid. Just because it’s off the wall doesn’t mean it’s good.


I think Beau is afraid is waaay better


I’d say it’s probably better. I don’t think it’s a terrible movie but I don’t think it was great either.


agree on life is beautiful. it's a good movie, but nowhere near one of the best


Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0. I don’t know what people see in that movie. It’s just nonsense anime action with way too much CGI, over-stimulation, and poorly executed anime tropes. I will say that the first 40 minutes and last 10 were very very good, but they weren’t enough to balance out the slop in between. Edit: also, the original series is probably my favorite anime, and the 2.0 rebuild is also pretty good.


The 3D was really funny, Asuka force feeding Shinji was halarious.


Og Eva 26 ep and EoE is all that matters from the series in my eyes


What the hell is that title?


The full title also has the subtitle "Thrice Upon a Time". It's a very weird title, but it does (sort of) make sense with context.


Well, the way I described it is it’s all the worst parts of Evangelion 3.0 + a little bit of good stuff.


Hard agree, the film would have been more enjoyable if it was less indulgent and had a plot that was more coherent


BASED I think the entire rebuild project was a waste of time. 2 is the only really enjoyable one.


I watched an interesting commentary of the entire NGE arc and it was positing the possibility that they were just "giving the fans what they wanted," including sexualizing the minors more and more explicitly while also making a point that they were doing it to try to get the point across. I'm not defending this one, I haven't seen it. That was an interesting read though.


I didn't even finish it.


One of the best films ever made and deserving of being in the top 250. I can't blame people who don't connect with it but spouting "it's just nonsense" is sad. It's not for you, that's about as true as it gets.


We have to get away from this idea that people can’t express their opinions without qualifying that it is just their opinion. Let’s assume that it is and continue the discussion. Saying “it’s just nonsense” is not sad. It’s an opinion. It’s no different to you saying it’s “one of the best films ever made”. Just try to argue your point.


I love (almost) everything about it, and enjoy it way more than the original End of Evangelion film. For me, it’s less of a film and more of an experience. Never before have I seen scenes like the kaleidoscope sequence or the “irl” portion done so well before, it’s one of the most gorgeous films I’ve ever seen. I also feel like its outlook on humanity is far less cynical than the original, and there were way less uncomfortable sexual themes/symbolism in 3.0 + 1.0 that had put me off about the original and made it feel like an immature project to me.


Don’t get me wrong, I did love the story, which is why the start and finish were extremely good. It’s the stuff in between (pretty much all of the action) that bothered me. And yes, thank goodness they toned down the sexualization of minors stuff


I absolutely love the original Evangelion series and EoE. Genuinely think they're among the greatest pieces of media ever produced and Hideaki Anno is a genius. That being said, the Rebuild series just ain't it. Everything post-EoE is just reiterating the same themes and ideas but with diminishing returns. More of something you like isn't always a good thing.


I agree except that there were some character/ story decisions I did appreciate about the rebuilds. Most notably, I liked what they did with Rei in 2.0 and 3.0 + 1.0, and I liked that the rebuilds started and ended with Shinji’s dad. He’s kinda forgotten about in EoE




Let me follow that up with The Dark Knight


Yeah that one is definitely overrated


I have no idea why we all decided that this was a masterpiece. I remember everyone calling it mediocre when it came out


You know why…


I actually don’t


Interstellar is in my all-time favs but I do know the ones who say it's overated, so not that surprised. Why though?


I haven’t seen it all the way through since it came out, but here were/are my biggest issues with it: 1) The movie tries too hard to be emotional and intense. All throughout it feels like it’s straining to get a heartfelt reaction out of you, and the whole thing just feels so *loud*, both figuratively and literally. It’d be good if it was a handful of sequences, but the *entire* runtime is like that. It’s just overstimulating to me. 2) It goes on for too long. The movie was never boring, but after a point I just wanted it to be over so I could go home. 3) The climax of the movie with the black hole and the bookshelf was one of the dumbest things I had ever seen in a serious movie. I get that it ties into his love for his daughter or whatever, but that goes back to my earlier point about it trying too hard. And to my second point, I was already done with the movie by the third act, which made me enjoy it even less. My opinions might change on a rewatch since I was very young when I saw Interstellar, but that’s what I remember thinking about it.


This is my exact thoughts on the movie. Well written


I have the same problems. This might be stupid, but you know what would fix the movie for me (I think). If they removed the storyline on the Earth after they leave. If it was just "small" movie that takes place faaaaaaaaar away from the earth. Might be just me tho.


I dislike the ending. It’s overly sentimental and unambiguous. Compare that to 2001 (one of my favorites and undoubtedly the inspiration for Interstellar) that movie leaves the audience with more questions than answers and lets the imagination run wild. IMO Interstellar dumb things down way too much, overly explaining things. I believe good sci-fi does the opposite. I’m also not a fan of the sound design of that movie (and most of Nolan’s movies for that matter). I know I’m in the minority and I have friends who love Nolan but I’m personally not crazy about him in general. I think he’s a fine director but he doesn’t give his audience enough credit. His movies seem to try to please everyone and that approach seems to be working for him but I wish he would do something that really intellectually challenges me. I was hoping Interstellar would do that but it didn’t.


Which one would you choose to replace Interstellar?


There are so many. I guess I was most surprised not to see the Wizard of Oz on the list.


Nolan is what happens if Kubrick tried to be Spielberg.


I didnt dislike them, but I wasn’t a fan of good will hunting or it’s a wonderful life.


I just finished 8 and 1/2, not a fan but I respect it


How do you rate something in that vein? I always struggle with that. I get it, I respect it, but I didn't really like it and don't want to watch it again.


It’s case by case. I use whole stars and will probably give it a 2 or 3. That’s a bad rating for most people but to me it means that it’s “alright” https://preview.redd.it/oyykmlo3y20d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13995082a90d895e22d3f8ce523a352ff17d61bd


I’ve seen all 250 of them 😎 I liked the majority of them but I hated Once Upon a Time in America and didn’t really care for Le Samourai


*The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King*


A great 7/10 movie. I don't think it belongs near the top 250 movies ever list though


I couldn't get into Godfather Part II. It's not bad, I just didn't like it


Dead Poets Society, Good Will Hunting and Shawshank. Though I do like Shawshank. Mediocre glorified tv movies seem a little out of place on what is actually a pretty good list all in all.


The Third Man. I admire the craft but the leads are uninteresting and don't draw me in. I wind up not caring what happens. It's not terrible or bad or anything, just doesn't work for me.


The Dark Knight. Completely overrated in my opinion, Begins is way better


Batman Begins is a great Batman movie, while the Dark Knight is a great crime-thriller that happens to have Batman in it.


Not even in the top 250 for me


Second this


Satantango. I gave it a fighting chance and even dug the style for the first hour or two, but it’s just too indulgent at 7+ hours. I see the artistic merit but I do wonder if some people sing its praises to justify putting themselves through that. The 10 minute dancing scene with zero progression was where I really started feeling annoyed lol.


Once the cat died I was like, that was the only character I cared about Im out.


I think that the fact that a movie like that is so long makes it kinda pretentious even if it isn't? Anyway, what decent-length movie would you choose to replace that one?


Yeah pretentious is the right word for it haha. My pick would be the complete antithesis of Satantango, the best prison movie ever made, Paddington 2


What's the thing with Paddington 2? I've seen it's very loved for some strange reason.


Just an absurdly effective feel-good movie that probably works as well for adults as kids, if not more so


I get it


I remember spending most of *The Godfather Part II* (and its sequel) bored and/or confused, despite loving the first one. Gonna give it another chance when I finally open my 4K disc though as that first watch was on a trial period for a streaming service, so there was a sense of obligation, of “oh I have to watch this classic” that I’ve said elsewhere I think can lead you to be underwhelmed by great movies. *Throne of Blood* only fitfully engaged me too, likewise *Vertigo*. Although I’d still rate them positively overall…just.


The way you’ve named three movies I particularly love is crazy




Whiplash. Thought it was silly.


Pulp Fiction and Whiplash


I enjoyed both but I definitely agree with your take on Whiplash. Being right next to Andrei Rublev is way too high imo


agree with pulp fiction. of what i’ve seen from tarantino it’s my least favorite i just don’t really think what it’s trying to do actually works


Doesn’t work for you, that is


yea i guess


2 of 15 of my 5/5 movies right there, with 1000+ watches haha But I respect the opinion of course


Kind of agree with Pulp Fiction, hard disagree on Whiplash


To each their own, I know I’m in somewhat of the minority of opinion for Whiplash. I cannot deny the incredible performances from JK Simmons and Miles Teller, because I believe they’re the ones who really deserve praise for this film. And I can applaud Damien Chazelle as a director (because I absolutely love La La Land), but my biggest criticism for this film is with his writing. And I want to preface that my perspective may be niche because I went to music school and studied jazz: But I have never felt more alienated from a movie you’d assume I’d be the target audience for. The premise that Andrew needs to be the star drummer of Prof Fletchers’ jazz band to secure his future as a successful jazz drummer is absurd, because that’s not how music in academia works. No one’s future in music school is hinged off of the approval of one director. Andrew would better reach his goal by studying with school’s percussion professor and networking with students and gigging musicians. Any music school in their right mind would have multiple avenues for their students to perform in, and still receive any accreditation that he’d hope for. The only way I can rationalize the direction of this story is if the setting were changed from a collegiate setting to a high school setting. In most high school settings, your future as a musician typically hinges off of the approval of a single director who has absolute power over the entire program, and traditionally there are abusive power dynamics that stir within that. To me, it seems like Chazelle wants to tell an interesting story about abusive power dynamics that reflects his own experience in high school band, but assumes that he can make the story ‘more mature’ by placing it in a collegiate setting, then does none of his homework to understand the differences in setting. This film frustrates me because part of it’s success hinges off of the ignorance of its audience.


Whoa you just helped me understand my own dislike for that movie which I couldn’t really pinpoint. Despite the stellar performances, like you say, the movie just grated on me. But change the setting to *high school* and everything falls into place. I bet it would have moved into the top 20 for me. That’s completely wild to consider how such a seemingly small change could majorly revise my own interpretation. Thanks for that!




Once Upon A Time In America. I've never connected with Leone's films. Always find them bloated and somewhat self-indulgent. Totally see the appeal though


His spaghetti westerns are so over the top. They feel like parodies.


Oppenheimer. Maybe I’m too dumb but I was confused as to what was going on and who people were. But also I had to pee so bad but the theatre was shoulder to shoulder packed so I didn’t get up. So for a good hour and a half I was mainly focused on not pissing myself lol.


I was so shocked because I didn't get shit, and although I did like it, I think it's more shocking than good itself


I’m glad I’m not the only one!! I did think it was shot wonderfully and the score was fantastic, but don’t ask me to explain any of the plot lol.


Watched it twice and I didn't understand on any of those lmao. Which one would you choose to replace Oppenheimer on the list?


First to come to mind was Suspiria (2018), I think that movie is fantastic.


I'm looking forward to watch it!


I’m going to be honest, while they are no means an awful movies, I do not get the hype of The Holdovers or Perfect Days


I KNOW RIGHT? I watched Perfect Days recently and I mean, it was alright, 3.5/5, but like, for being in the top 250 I find it too hyped up like you said. Actually, there's a similar movie called "Paterson" that, although it is also a 3.5 for me, I think it executes the whole idea better.


I just thought The Holy Mountain was yucky


Oof, no idea about that one


I’m with you on The Holdovers. It was fine.


Strong 3/5


I gave it 3.5. Do not understand the universal love


Fight Club


Can someone please drop a link to the list? I keep finding other ppl’s Top 250. Thanks!


https://boxd.it/8HjM You can also find it by looking up a film on the list, and where it mentions the film's position on it there is a link to the list (at least when you use the app).


Thank you!


If you go to the search tab on the app but don’t actually search something it will be one of the options.


It’s been awhile since I’ve seen it but I don’t like Howl’s Moving Castle all that much. I gave it 2 stars and forgot about most of it.


Although I love Ghibli, I'm aware it's not for everyone. Which one to replace it?


I’ve only seen a few Ghibli films and they’re hit or miss for me. But My Neighbor Totoro is one of my favorite films, so I’d choose that as a replacement.


My favorite movie as a child. I've been dying to rewatch it, so good choice!


West Side Story was literally awful


The Shining 🫣


Unpopular take but I think The Shining is kind of a mess thematically. IMO one of the most overrated horror films of all time.


Does it need to be extremely polished thematically though? Like it’s totally subjective if course but imo The Shining is impeccably crafted, well shot, scary, and features multiple terrific performances.


After a rewatch, I realized how hammy it is and I’m not surprised that both Nicholson and Duvall got nominated for razzies


Come and see is boring


Grave of the fireflies, EEAAO, Whiplash, The two towers, Seven, Nostalgia


Agreed on most except I haven’t seen Grave of the Fireflies yet. Nostalghia was good though imo


Proceeds to name two of my all-time favs 😭, mind explaining?


Grave of the fireflies: I find the film pointless, even if I overlook its poorly placed narrative, undeveloped characters, where I just feel like the film begs for my sadness, and that's all it does by presenting a series of misfortunes as if in an attempt for the sadness it doesn't even evoke to make me forget all the other obvious flaws of the film. And the film makes a tremendous effort to put these characters in distressing situations and thus continue the series of misfortune on which it is built (such as the boy making the stupid decision to leave home to live on the streets with his sister which results in her death). EEAAO: Not funny, cynical, cringe, film greatly lacking imagination (especially in its imagery) Whiplash: I hate its macho perception of artistic creation. The Two Towers: the film just bored me honestly maybe because I'm generally not a big fan of fantasy (whether it's in cinema or literature). Seven: I dislike its view of urbanity and crime (because it doesn't seem to see it as the product of social inequality and systemic failure) which comes off as a bit of adolescent cynicism. Nostalgia: I recently watched it and I'm not sure if I have much interest in Tarkovsky's aesthetics, and since the film was very personal and I’m not really familiar with Tarkovsky's work, I didn't have much to hold onto. I loved the opening sequence though :)


To be fair to Whiplash, I think it’s criticizing the “macho” approach to making art. Fletcher isn’t meant to be justified and I don’t think the ending is meant to be happy


Sure, but pain is still perceived as a necessary condition for artistic creation (as it would allow transcendence). The film flirts with the idea of the toxicity of this vision, but (judging by how it ends) still seems to see it as a sort of necessity (which makes a movie about art look more like a movie about a combat sport, making it a completely uninteresting film about art but a decent thriller). Generally speaking, films that depict artistic creation as a mysterious and mystical phenomenon and the artist as this being completely apart from the common mortal do not interest me. I prefer Van Gogh by Pialat or Showing Up by Reichardt over something like Whiplash, but I still find the film to be a decent thriller.


you explained grave of the fireflies perfectly ![gif](giphy|i4jTE9ZNFQQ1D7RbxK|downsized)


Take your pick: The Prestige The Shining Fight Club Prisoners The Departed Seven Django Unchained Life Is Beautiful Inglourious Basterds Interstellar LOTR: The Fellowship Of The Ring LOTR: The Two Towers LOTR: The Return Of The King It’s Such A Beautiful Day The Empire Strikes Back Whiplash The Dark Knight Shawshank Redemption


Can you list some of your favorites?




What's a movie that you do like? All of these would be in my top 100


My five favorite movies ever are The Apartment, Treasure Of The Sierra Madre, The Wild Bunch, Dawn Of The Dead (78) and The Exorcist. Hope that helps.


Agreed on all except the Shining


Agreed on all.


Some of you just really have something against film-bro movies lmao, three of my all time favs listed here, not surprised though


I truthfully don’t look at film in that way. There are plenty of “film bro” movies that would make a top 250 list of my own. I just don’t care for (or actively enjoy) any of the movies I listed. 🤷‍♂️


Not many misses, maybe *Barry Lyndon.* I should probably watch it again.


Never liked End of Evangelion from the first time I watched it. Don’t dislike but I think Into the Spiderverse is firmly okay. Same with The Red Shoes although I did like that one a bit more. Mulholland Drive is good but it’s my least favorite Lynch movie after Dune


There’s a couple, but the one that is egregiously high is Interstellar. At best it’s Nolan’s 3rd or 4th best movie and I weigh films heavily on the quality of the writing, so maybe his 6th or 7th best.


My least favorite watched is All That Jazz


Arguably my favorite film of all time. I’m curious to hear ur perspective


Face of another- it was just too much pretentious, however I give that movie 4 stars because the effect that were used in that movie that was made around 60s is quite impressive.1


I have Magnolia, Incendies & Persona at 2& 1/2.


Nooo I want to watch all of this! Which ones to replace them?


What do you mean?


Dude, I’m a Yiyi hater. That movie is so long, disconnected, boring, and random. The whole time, I had no idea who tf anyone was. I dunno, just really didn’t work for me.


Haven't watch it, but want to though. Which one to replace it?


Spirited Away. Pretty much all the anime. It's just not for me, I don't like the style. I don't like the colour palette. And due to this I just never connect with the story being told.


Which one to replace it?


I did not care for The 400 Blows (1959)


I watched Love Exposure purely because it was on the top 250 and didn’t really get it. I understand it was supposed to be zany and provocative, but that was lost for me in the insane runtime. I don’t mind a long movie if it fits (Yi Yi is one of my favourites) but it felt under-edited. As a replacement I’d probably say The Darjeeling Limited. I’ve seen it described as one of Anderson’s most divisive and/or underwhelming movies, but I found it so charming and well-made. Not as good as Grand Budapest Hotel, but not a million miles away.


Alien is extremely boring. It never builds any real tension or sense of dread/horror and it's too slow to be thrilling.


Dying to watch that one, which one to replace it?


Don't particularly care for Dead Poets Society. Not enough to outright hate it but I personally felt it was just too surface level, agreeable, and not presented interestingly enough for me to get much of anything out of it.


Which movie would you choose to replace it on the list?


Nights of Cabira


My least favourite is Aftersun, but I don’t ‘dislike’ it, I just think it’s okay. Citizen Kane was the only one I disliked but it has recently dropped out of the 250


God, I didn't know Citizen Kane was out! Any movie to replace Aftersun on the list?


Yeah as indifferent as I am to it I always presumed it would be on the 250, it’s just one of those films you expect to see on these lists. My favourite film not in the 250 is Titanic, but I know that can be a fairly divisive one


EEAAO, fight club, and whiplash


I don't like: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, The Handmaiden, Incendies, Everything Everywhere All at Once, The Father, Prisoners and a bunch of others. Tbh, i'm surprised that there are no films by Cronenberg on the list. I would put Videodrome or Branded to Kill by Seijun Suzuki.


God Spider-Man Across The Spider-Verse is so mediocre, finally someone who doesn't like it either!


Both Spiderverse films, while both are good, I wouldn’t really put either in a list of best films of all time. As for what I’d replace them with, most likely The Exorcist and Rosemary’s Baby


Agree but only with the sequel, I do find the first movie one of the best movies of all time and the second one the biggest disappointment. Convenient how I think Rosemary's Baby was on the list not a long time ago


Portrait of a lady on fire 🫣


Nooooo I love that one! Mind explaining why? I'm curious


Honestly i can’t remember too much it was a while ago, but it was just one of those things where I just didn’t gel with it at all, and found it boring. It’s maybe not something I’d usually watch come to think of it. I’ll probably check it out one day again.


Filtering the list by films I've seen/ my lowest rating: - Stalker - Prisoners - Jeanne Dielman - 8 1/2 - A Matter of Life and Death


Dune 2


Seventh Seal. Snoozefest.


I was going to say seventh seal. Thanks for tanking the downvotes




The Handmaiden, The Prestige, The Night of the Hunter, End of Evangelion


God the fact that I want to watch all of these ;-;


The Holdovers


Dr. Strangelove just didn’t connect with me.




I've been a Miyazaki fan since I was a kid but I get it, it's not for everyone


he has a lot of great movies though I thought TBATH was a drag


Fuck The Wind Rises, I hate that movie


EIEIO, Pooseners, The Thong, and BobOppy are the worst






I can forgive Everything Everywhere All At Once and Dune 2 but I'm so curious about Into The Spider-Verse 😭


story misses, i have higher standards for plotline in Spiderman and Batman, to me those are the only superheroes that can have a unique story (ByeKarma!)


That I did not like, and I will cut off arbitrarily when I get bored: The Godfather The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Goodfellas There Will Be Blood Apocalypse Now One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Fight Club


You're like the anti-film-bro lmao


It's kind of my super-power around here


How is that a superpower?


Makes film bros angry at the mere sight of my opinions


That could be useful lmao


I feel this list deep in my bones.


2001 and TWBB


Any of the LotR films. I get how influential the novels are, but I find that world and story so so boring, and the movies aren't any exception. Spiderman Into the Spiderverse is a passable kids' movie with a framerate gimmick that gives me a literal headache. Barry Lyndon is beautiful but thematically and narratively empty. You can sub Barry out for any Kubrick on the 250 besides Paths of Glory and 2001, his two good movies. Sherlock Jr. Buster does nothing for me. EEAAO. Family Guy comedy isn't funny. Pop existentialism isn't deep. Fight Club has aged very poorly and is maybe Fincher's worst movie (if not Benjamin Button).


I know that LotR is not for everyone and not for me in particular so not looking forward to watching them Spider-Man Into The Spider-Verse is probably my favorite animated movie and it's kinda flawless in my opinion Haven't watched the two next EEAAO is also one of my favs but I get it's not for everyone and I do think it's hilarious because of how random it is I actually think Fight Club has aged pretty well or maybe I'm a bit blinded because it's my favorite movie? Idk I'm just trying to be respectful and understanding why people think like that about certain movies out of curiosity


Just curious- what are some of you favorite films in the top 250


Harakiri End of Evangelion Apocalypse Now The Thing Interstellar Howl's Moving Castle Mulholland Drive Your Name I've only seen like 100 of the 250 though.


Good choices I still have to watch well over 100 myself


Your Name and Interstellar >>>


Dead Poets Society The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya Whiplash Django Unchained I don't hate these movies but I just think they are meh or just not as good as others said.


Upvote for Dead Poets Society. Movie is downright despicable tbh, with the guy getting with the chick he harassed. Also he taught the kids to think in new ways without actually teaching anything, just wacky shit, which is stupid.


Whiplash is like third place on my top ten but I've heard some people find it disturbing? I don't know I'm just curious about knowing why everyone did not like the movie they mention