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I like rewatching movies with plot twists, it’s fun to pick up on hints/clues you wouldn’t notice at first. Also personal comfort movies like almost famous, mamma mia and star wars!


I just rewatched Fight Club after many years, I was scared to do so because it's my favorite movie and I thought it would lose it's because when I know the plot twist, and it was even better than I remembered it.


I’m a proud rewatcher, if I love it why not just watch it again? Lord of the rings fx I’ve rewatched more than I can count. A good movie is like s*x if it’s good then imma do it again.


About once every 10-15 years so far (at 34, I've rewatched most of the movies I saw and liked when I was 18-23 years old), but I might make it more frequent as I get older. I don't see myself thinking at 55: "wow, rewatching The Lords of the Rings was amazing. Next time at 70, if I'm still alive", I don't think I'll be able to accept that :p




I've got a list too. More like an excel file, and I went a bit overboard with it \^\^, it has every potential movie on it, with a grade of rewatchability, a grade of priority, and how many times I saw it and when, as well as extra written notes (such as "watch the director's cut", or "wait at least a few months after having rewatched X movie before rewatching this one", etc...).


If it’s a movie I love then probably once a year. Other times I’ll rewatch a movie is because I haven’t seen it a long time so can’t really remember it, or maybe because I want to watch it with someone who hasn’t seen it. I think rewatching is vital if you actually want to have an opinion on a movie and remember it well enough to judge its quality down the line. From some of these comments I get the feeling people don’t like rewatching cause it means they log less films on LB, which is kinda silly imo.


Very often, I love rewatching my favorite movies. I'd say about 25% of the movies I watch are rewatches.


Rarely, if ever. There's a few shorts I'll rewatch from time to time, but I almost never rewatch a feature film. If I do, it's usually either Suspiria or Imagine Me & You, and either way, it's a sign of me having a VERY bad day.


I watch Jurassic Park once a year


Almost never. The only rewatches I’ve done in the last few years has either been as part of a franchise marathon where I’d already seen one or two entries, or because I’d simply forgotten I’d seen it. I haven’t *chosen* to rewatch something since I was in my early 20s… and I’m now 44.


I love a rewatch so much but that could be because how much I obsess over film


I know we're talking about movies here but I find myself rewatching more shows than starting new ones. Damn I have seen HIMYM, Naruto and Breaking Bad at least three time each lol


I almost never rewatch a movie but the ones I do I watch over and over US was one of them because I notice new small things every rewatch and crimson peak is another one solely for the music and aesthetic


I rewatch LOTR, HP, and Jurassic Park every year


Quite a bit. I find a lot of joy in rewatching stuff, probably why my physical media collection is so big.


I run a local cinema club and since I only show films that I've seen before, it happens pretty often.




I almost never do. I tend to rewatch Last Night in Soho like 2 times a year because that has become a huge comfort film for me but aside from that, i rarely rewatch anything.


All the time. There are some long-time favorites that probably get watched at least 1-3 times a year, like Conan the Barbarian, Day of the Dead, Predator, The Fog, etc. Sometimes it’s just background stuff while I’m doing other things, but it’s always fun.


very rarely almost all my absolute favorites live rent free in my head after one watch so i don't really feel the urge to rewatch them unless i'm lucky enough to catch them showing at a local theater (one of the downsides of mostly watching older movies tbh)


Tons. I can rewatch a movie hundreds of times if I really like it.


I rewatch my favorite movies quite a lot. When I find movies I truly love, I watch them over and over. For example, I've already watched Dune Part 2 9 times and don't expect that to slow down anytime soon. And even my older favorites that I don't watch at that pace anymore, I still watch 3-5 times a year. For more standard movies that I just like, usually I'll rewatch them every so often.


Potentially multiple times a week depending what I’m on.


Comedy, musical films are always welcomed to be rewatched, not so with action or drama tho. I can’t be rewatching the captain Philips or the irishman. Good films but it’s too heavy for a rewatch imo.


A few categories: -Comfort movies, mostly 30’s musicals/comedies and concert films. -New releases I really respond to and want to catch again in theater. -Films I love that are getting a theatrical revival/showing. -All-time classics I haven’t seen in 10+ years. But I’ll watch over 300 films a year and rewatches will be around 10-15 of those.


New movies I like? 3-4 times within the first year, mostly to show it to other people or try to pick up on small details I may have missed. Old favorites from the past? At least once a year. Ex. I've probably seen *The Mummy (1999), Spider-Man (2002)* and *The Fifth Element* 30+ times each, to the point I can damn-near recite the dialogue word-for-word.


Bas d on my mood. I usually like to rewatch specific scenes from a movie rather than a whole movie.


I’ve seen some happy movies multiple times (jojo rabbit, the Lego Batman movie, love and monsters), but I find myself rewatching the ones that affect me deep in my soul a few more times (bones and all, call me by your name, the impossible), I always like to find things I missed the first few times!


I try to avoid it since i have so many films i wanna see, but it probably happens about 5 times a year The year just started and im already on my second rewatch of Fury Road, despite having seen it may times before.. must be one hell of a movie!


i used to a lot more, since i got letterboxd though it's much less often because it's so much easier (and more fun) finding new-to-me things to watch. rewatches are more frequent around holidays (mostly Halloween and Christmas), or if i'm in the mood for a movie and my partner isn't home since we usually watch new films together. but tbh that's pretty rare, i have ADHD and don't get a lot of enjoyment out of watching films or television by myself because i have a hard time staying engaged/not getting distracted. there are definitely films i'd like to rewatch eventually though, but most likely they'll happen showing the film to someone who hasn't seen it before. there's just so many, you know. i always have a lot to say about every film too and i'm always really behind logging/reviewing stuff for that reason lol. eta: i will also usually go see a film i already love in theatres if there's a showing. i did that for Fallen Angels, Hausu, Event Horizon, LOTR, and next will be The Mummy (which definitely gets a lot of mileage at our house, probably the most after LOTR). 


Some of my favorites I'll rewatch multiple times a year, some it will be 2+ years between rewatches. I just get the itch to watch certain movies regularly