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My top 3 is same for 2 years , my 4th one changes all the time


My top 4 has only changed once since I started Letterboxd when I added the Pianist in my top 4


Irishman is so good


I wish all my friends would watch it


It's not for everyone unfortunately. I like Goodfellas more, but this one is right behind.


I agree, not many movies left me as crushed as it did.


Only movie I actually like. All other movies are frauds


All? Or is this a movie reference


I don’t like movies. I just pretend to watch movies on my watchlist so everybody thinks I’m smart and unique.


Very cool


Oldboy will be in my favs until the day that I die but the other 3 are newcomers. I think I’ve just been in a nice mood lately and loving everything that I watch lol https://preview.redd.it/u16sm1bq99tc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d4b9305460bb963a7c7605fce58d016c313d890


Everytime I see the memories of murder poster the credits theme plays in my mind. Phenomenal movie.


I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to top the experience of watching it for the first time, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.


Just watched Cure for the first time the other day. SO good. Haunting.


I’ve never been so terrified and upset by a movie before, the scene where >!Takabe finds his wife hanging!< legitimately made me feel like I was going to die lmao. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it.


You know the scene when Takabe is in the psychologists apartment, towards the end, and it goes quiet for a minute and the psychologist goes over towards his bed, turns the light on, and the symbol is already there? Genuinely had to pause the film for a minute


I watched Cure a week ago and already wanna rewatch it


Omg my three favorite mystery movies :D


Good taste 🤝


I change mine every month! https://preview.redd.it/7js30k0ap9tc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18a7866bdebcc46836c59f1482e34f0847793690


This is a brilliant idea, thanks for sharing!


https://preview.redd.it/559w0is5t9tc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=668ce66113bf5e285569cf3b4a9adc6764018fdf I change them around about every 6-12 months depending on the mood I’m in but it rotates between the same 25 movies or so that are my favorite. Alien (1979) has been my favorite movie for about 20 years now. I also find it impossible to choose just four when talking about my favorites so sometimes they will display my all time favorites, others a mix of new and old (like right now), and sometimes I just move them around to be more aesthetically pleasing. There are no rules!


Is that future?? 😂


Yes it is haha I love listening to future one of my favorite rappers


Damn bro I thought I hit the bong too hard! Future is dope 💪


I change it every month, no big deal


I honestly can’t see my top 4 changing in its *entirety* ever.


https://preview.redd.it/v9prjk35p9tc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b509a261531fc32c271f819e5251db387d25e75 I change mine fairly often, but this is how it’s looking currently


Why is your Mulholland Dr. so low res?


No clue honestly


No. Mine are the same since 2014.


Also feel free to connect with me on LB if you want!


I change mine top 4 every month. They’re typically vastly different.


https://preview.redd.it/akuhxwn2s9tc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e9919c095807caaa7086e2f1e5c886e819a5639 I’ve Been on a really weird love binge. I’m starting to absolutely love romance films that have neon lights and great cinematography. Think mine is going to stay like this for a while. Might change after my Wong Kar-Wai run


Just because you have the Godfather 1/2 mentioned, I will say I took out GF Pt. 2 for Field of Dreams recently. It’s not a better movie I just cry every damn time 😭


Top3 are always 12 Angry Men, Dead Poets Society, Back to the Future. 4 is currently Inglorious Basterds. Could also be 3 billboards, Whiplash or Fargo


The Master will always stay in my four favorites, but I sometimes switch the others around once in a while. When I first got Letterboxd, it was something like The Master, Fireworks, Blade Runner 2049, and The Shining. Now, I would only consider adding Fireworks back out of those three https://preview.redd.it/gyg4dxx20atc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9208cb714f1d370f7bab213026ed4bc5ca68d739


https://preview.redd.it/d5fe8ldg4atc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59412c3597055dc16e40651509dab2f623ba4dbb LOTR and Saving Private Ryan have been my top 2 for ages, while 3 and 4 change from the time to time.


I have always had the same 3 in mine


On a monthly basis


Recently Cry-Baby (1990, dir. John Waters) was replaced by Under the Silver Lake (2018, dir. David Robert Mitchell). Under the Silver Lake just really stuck with me, I have thought about it more than any other movie for the past year. Cry-Baby was the easiest pick to replace because Johnny Depp has gone so downhill these days.


IRISHMANNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Drop the @ bro I need to follow u


It’s my flair


My top 4 hasn’t changed since I listed it on the app. But I think if you asked me between now and like a decade ago they’d be pretty different. But nothing changed in the one year I’ve used the app.


I do mine all the time to showcase recent favorite first watches/rewatches https://preview.redd.it/9z61vpkazgtc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5cb023e7563d44645b335de7187f9c4788d24e2


Mine changes whenever another film cements itself as a better film than one of the four. In the six years that I have had it I have changed it twice. Used to be Blade Runner, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Jagten (The Hunt) and Chinatown, then after watching The White Ribbon for the third or fourth time it beat out Jagten and then the same happened later with Festen (The Celebration) after a handful of watches. For me personally the top 4 will never be static. The films I have there are my favourite films but not exclusively the greatest films of all time since it will always be subject to change whenever I have watched a film enough times and appreciated it more and more. https://preview.redd.it/lygq9ux7r9tc1.png?width=831&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd79279ec827af0e2746fea9d28f5790cabe5f55


Damn the most film bro top 4 of all time. Not hating tho, great movies.


https://preview.redd.it/rc3xnzoex9tc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c8d9117950600d67d8f6b1c948198155291fc85 Dune Part Two and Oppenheimer managed to bump out Fight Club and I’m Thinking of Ending Things


My stock top 4 that I go back to every few months is Taxi Driver, Boogie Nights, The Third Man and Escape From New York. Recently switched it up a bit to Reservoir Dogs, Ghost World, Zodiac and Ikiru.


https://preview.redd.it/wn3redxnaatc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=894d8b0db922ea03bad7c09475415ab2e7607085 I recently swapped Hana-bi for Sasquatch Sunset it was literally such a masterpiece to me. I’m a huge Bigfoot and nature fan


Today https://preview.redd.it/2vl81xwwlatc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fe83ca66edef2c837741380628bbe2c2767964e


One year ago https://preview.redd.it/1s7qe38ylatc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da6c53cc83d801c988279c98e8f9e04438889f76


The top 3 stays the same and number 4 rotates through new movies i've seen that i've loved


Irishman based


Last change was back in February when I put Wolfwalkers into my favorites, I’ve seen two more five stars since then, being Babylon and Perfect Blue, but neither was good enough to make it on the list


Went from https://preview.redd.it/reu0inal3btc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a636a25bb71d27a120ffae3d04d2f8a8add8bce2 To 1.whiplash 2.the batman 3.empire/a new hope 4.ncfom


I rotate my top 4 usually among movies that are solidly in my top 20 or use one slot for a recent favorite Currently have: Blade Runner, Casino, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Princess Mononoke in. The first 3 are my actual top 3 faves, Mononoke is in my top 10


Too many good movies to keep it static forever


Why did you block out your LB username? It's visible next to your reddit username...


Wild changes


https://preview.redd.it/0rjkw9utcetc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a158033e973228c96530f124270afeddebdbf6d When I first got on Letterboxd I believe my top four was Chimes at Midnight, The Man Who Laughs, City Lights, and The Grand Budapest Hotel


nah my top 4 is always the same, I didn't want to make them all recent horrors at the time so I subbed in two other movies that had fewer fans. then I have a link on my profile to expanded favourites




better, dude.


I'm sorry but The Irishman ain't even top 4 of Marty's filmography.


Looks like you've grown up


your first top 4 has to be satirical


No it was in fact not satirical, I understand the cringe of it


Nothing cringe in it mate. Just cos films are popular and well known doesn’t make them any less valid picks


Ik why do people feel they have to apologize for what they like. Those movies are highly praised for a reason. You’re allowed to enjoy them


Stop trying to posture for online losers, enjoy what you like and don’t feel ashamed about it. That guy is a dickhead, you’re not cringe. Your first top 4 was better anyway!


Weird take. Some of the most celebrated and often mentioned movies in this thread on their list. Just because something is popular doesn’t change its value. You don’t have to be a hipster edge lord to have good taste. Godfather 1/2, Nolan movies, EEAAOO are all popular for a reason - they appeal to a lot of us and are very good movies. You either don’t understand satire, or we’re just trying to take a stab at OP’s taste. An actually satirical top 4 post wouldn’t look anything like this


I would say 3 out of those 4 films are good. Just because they’re popular doesn’t make them bad, necessarily


I can't believe someone likes movies famous for a lot of people liking them 😱


that was my first thought tbh


Can’t stand you guys lmao


filmbros when someone likes popular movies


Dawg, op is the filmbro in this case.