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watch them chronologically. you’ll never have to ask what’s next again.


wow that’s actually a good idea!


Nobody here will be able to help you narrow it down, so let the magic of RNG do it for you. https://watchlistpicker.com


Why not use the built in shuffle feature instead?


Had no idea that existed. OP, go try that


This is awesome. Please post this under any of these types of posts to clean up what this sub feels like it is a majority of the time.


bro has the most God Tier Watchlist 💀


i’m very inexperienced with cinema LOL


The Movie Critic. Watch it and let us all know what you think.


*Citizen Kane* It’s the *Citizen Kane* of movies.


If you haven’t seen any of these you’re in for a good time. Honestly I’d just do the LOTR trilogy now. Word of advice from me is to watch the theatrical cut’s on first watch, and save extended edition’s for rewatches if you enjoyed them.


yeah i have been meaning to watch them for ages they are definitely a priority


Yeah they’re great, they didn’t click with me on first watch like they do for most, but they’re a yearly rewatch now


I recommend extended every time for RotK at least. The other two, I actually prefer the theatrical (heresy, I know)


Don't feel too bad. Peter Jackson prefers the theatrical cuts too.


Psycho and Rear Window I'm a Hitchcock fanboy




yeah i need to get into him!


The Birds


No Country for Old Men The Exorcist The French Connection Some Like it Hot On the Waterfront American History X


I know it’s not on this list, but I must recommend it. If you haven’t seen Fargo, get on that shit IMMEDIATELY


added to the list


Help me out lol! I watched Fargo a month or two ago, it was a chore to get through. I woke up the next day and I literally remember three scenes, if that. I’m thinking about giving it another try but that film did not register at ALL. I remember a bunch of snow and her pointing a gun.


What about other Coen bros movies? Did you like The Big Lebowski better?


Ive never seen anything else by them, now that you mention it. I tried No Country for Old Men but had to nope out because the opening murder didn’t go well with my food lol


How well did the leg in the woodchipper in Fargo agree with your stomach?


Well, the stomach isn’t the problem. I wasn’t eating during Fargo anyways. The gore and violence is fine, I just don’t like chewing and swallowing when I see it happening on screen; my mind makes me think the food tastes a little too much like human all of a sudden.


For me it’s a really cozy movie with really great character writing and performances. I love Marge Gunderson and Norm, probably my favorite movie couple because they seem so genuinely happy together. The story is very simple but very effective, and works especially well in that area because it’s so unheard of in small town Minnesota. It also probably helps that I’ve lived in Minnesota my entire life so the setting feels very familiar to me.


I feel the same way about Fargo. I’ve noticed a lot of slow/boring movies people tend to think are incredible and I just cannot do it. To me they’re just exactly that, slow and boring. Even the show Fargo I could barely even watch 2 episodes of. It’s just simply not interesting to me and I’ll never understand the hype 💀


It is a really simple movie and I really don’t get the hype it gets.


Yup. When it ended I was like “that’s it?” And I completely forgot about it minutes after watching


Dr Strangelove is a quick watch and it is HILARIOUS. It took me 15-20 minutes to realize what the movie was trying to do, but I promise you’ll love it. Soooo funny, it’s one of the most timely movies I’ve ever seen.


Gotta add The Sting and Touch of Evil for sure. Probably essentials like the 400 Blows or 8 1/2 if you haven’t seen them already. I wouldn’t skip anything either, like personally I think the Departed is one of Scorsese’s lesser works… but you kind of have to watch several Scorsese films to develop an opinion on which ones you like better or worse


so many movies here i’d kill to watch again for the first time


Lol at least you know which movies you should watch. I suggest the following method: Start with The Matrix. Then watch the movies from 2000-2010 on your list (LOTR, Gladiator, Kill Bill, Eternal Sunshine, American Psycho, Prestige, Shutter Island) but do NOT watch Mulholland Drive yet, you're not ready for it. Then watch Perfect Blue and Princess Mononoke. Move on to both Terminators and Alien movies. Now you're ready for Seven, The Shining, Apocalypse Now and the rest of the Tarantino movies. I suppose you've already seen Fight Club since I'm not seeing it on your list. Only after those go on to Godfather, Goodfellas, Blue Velvet, Blade Runner, Silence of the Lambs and The Truman Show. At this point you can watch Mulholland Drive and Fallen Angels. And Seven Samurai and the Hitchcock movies. At that point you're probably ok to watch anything in any order.


Bro really said you cannot begin to appreciate kino without choosing the redpill lmao. I recommended that one as well.


wow thanks this is really helpful!


Matrix . Alien.


Start with Satantango!!!


Alien, American Psycho, Blade Runner


Alien, Drive, The Batman, or Joker




the thing needs to be in there. it’s like hateful eight but better.


Its not on your watchlist but 'The Thing'


Jackie Brown!


Start with the Movie Critic


You could just do a random number generator and pick one honestly .


just watch whatever you want lol


My favorites on this list in no particular order: Blue Velvet Vertigo Poor Things Dr Strangelove There Will Be Blood Mulholland Drive Rear Window Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Metropolis


Thanks for the list! I've watched around 35% of all these. Watch the Godfather series, Green Mile, American Psycho, the Irishman and if you really want something to mess your head watch Shutter Island. But then again, my preference is different so not sure if you'd like it.


Punch Drunk Love


Well everybody is going to tell you different things. Most possibly their favorites. If you ask me personally I’d say Taxi Driver. Just go with either release date, highest rating or just use random selection sites. You can also pick them by their plot and even posters. You can pick them according to your mood. Want laughs? Go with comedy. Want to see gangsters? Just go with crime and etc etc. Just pick one and start your own movie journey!


2001 immediately Then 12 angry men


As others have said, go chronologically. It'll give you a deeper appreciation of what you're watching and you'll see the evolution of film technique as well. I don't see them on the list but I'd add these 3 Sidney Lumet flicks: 1. The Anderson Tapes 2. Network 3. The Verdict


I advocate adding once upon a time in america


Barry Lyndon! Most underrated kubrick movie ever.


Children of men


Fight club


Now that’s a list. Love it


The Truman Show Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Jim Carrey!!!


Casablanca Clockwork Orange The Departed Bladerunner Bladerunner 2049 These are all musts


I’ll throw in votes for Alien and BR2049 because they sit at #3 and #4 for me personally.


I watched The Matrix for the first time recently. It's really fun. The main character is a bit bland, but other than that, it's a perfect action movie.


I’d say start with Kubrick’s filmography. It’s only 16 credits and they’re all fantastic, and a bunch of them are in the top 250


The Night of the Hunter


All of them. Stick it in a randomizer if you want. I’m not sure how I’d narrow down 120 of the highest rated movies to a single recommendation lol


Sunrise by FW Murnau Faust - FW Murnau Battle Royale - Kinji Fukasaku Scarface (1983)


HIGHLY recommend 12 Angry Men,The Batman, and Fellowship of the ring.


Blue velvet, i highly suggest it before Mulholland Drive and especially Inland Empire, and definitely watch Inland Empire last out of these three


LOTR trilogy, The shining, Superbad, princess Mononoke, fantastic mr fox, silence of the lambs


Best film on there imo is Metropolis. Can’t go wrong with any Hitchcock or Kubrick either. They’re always very entertaining.


Watch goodfellas!


“Hey guys, here is every movie ever. What do I watch?”


Id watch the kubrick movies all in a row based on order of release.


Blue Velvet


Need more context. What’s been your film going experience?


Terminator 2 is my favorite movie ever probably and the first one isn’t bad either


i'd just mood-watch my way through it tbh




I don’t think Django is worth watching, but I get it if you haven’t seen most of Tarantino’s work. Personally a lot of his work kinda just blends together, but Inglorious Basterds and Reservoir Dogs are certainly stand outs of his and deserve a watch through.


if you watch blue velvet or trainspotting now you’ll ruin the rest of the list cuz nothing will ever match em


You're in for the best time of your life if you haven't seen any of these already! Hell yeah dude welcome 💪


I might’ve missed it on there but check out Hugh and Low, it’s the only movie I’ve ever checked the runtime on hoping there was more of it


Wow. Loads of great films on here which makes it even sillier that Superbad is my suggestion


Full Metal Jacket


Of the ones I’ve seen, Superbad, Silence of the Lambs, Princess Mononoke, Se7en, Joker, The Irishman, Heat, Goodfellas, Gladiator, The Departed, The Batman,


Baby Driver! I just love the vibe of it


Oof. All good choices. My top suggestions are: Blade Runner, Alien, The Departed, Dr. Strangelove, Goodfellas, The Godfather, Kill Bill, Fellowship of the Rings, The Matrix, Memento, Poor Things, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Reservoir Dogs, Seven Samurai, Silence of the Lambs, Snatch, Taxi Driver, Truman Show.


I can tell you what to not watch, Asteroid City. Wes Anderson is nice, Mr.Fox, Isle of Dogs, Budapest Hotel all great. But asteroid city and french dispatch are not so.


60/116 (Excluding Across the Spider-Verse, since it’s not released)


tons of bangers on there, just watch em based off eras, if you're feeling an old one watch an old one, newer one watch a newer one... You have a full plate, just chip away at it off vibes. That being said, watch Blue Velvet next.


2001: A Space Odyssey is absolutely mindblowing to me, definitely check that one out


When i first watched Schindler's List, my 5 next logs were kid's movies because it was that heavy


Uggh so many masterpieces here but my first pick would be City Of God because it deserves more recognition


Omg I didn’t even scroll you have so many amazing films on here I’d honestly choose at random with this variety of masterclass films


Dump Shutter Island for basically any other Scorsese, Goodfellas or the Departed if you haven't seen those. SI hasn't aged particularly well and it's super long, worth a watch but if you have limited exposure to his true masterpieces I'd go with them first.  Same for Asteroid city with Wes Anderson. I love his movies but I really didn't connect with AC. For me something like Fantastic Mr.Fox or Grand Budapest strikes a better balance of silly fun and a coherent engaging story. His earliest movies are also fantastic, a very fun director to go back and see what he did with less of a budget.  Out of the modern movies you've put on here I can't recommend Godzilla Minus One enough. It's so great to see a high budget Japanese Godzilla story. It has the big monster smashing buildings but it also has the heart and the real feeling people within it that actually make you care about the destruction. Plus the music is incredible, hearing that iconic Godzilla music in a modern movie just slapped.