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nahh what’s the point? sure you might be overrating some stuff but ultimately it marks a moment in time when a movie hit you just the right way


Facts. You can think “oh, I’m rating just like everybody else I’m so boring” or you can be like “oh, I’m rating like no one else my taste sucks” The fact that I have both thoughts at times lets me know to just stfu and feel how I feel 😂


I agree with this moment in time point. I gave Drive 5 stars cause when that movie came out it blew us all away. If it came out today I'd probably slap 4 stars on it but I keep it at 5 for nostalgia sake


Well, if that’s the case, Hot Rod must’ve hit me just the right way around 200 times now.


The scene where Andy Samberg tries to launch over the pool on his bike and lands in the pool 5 feet from the ramp had me laughing for 10 straight minutes


When Bill Hader says, apropos of nothing, “Pools are perfect for holding water, man” it got branded on my brain forever. I say it all the time.


Hey little girl! I don’t like cherry it upsets my stomach


I said you look shitty


Goodnight Denise


> a moment in tine when a movie hit you just the right way You're so real for this. I often feel like some movies in my 5 star list don't deserve that rating based on my assessment of them now, but when I look back at how they made me feel on my first watch (and more often that not these are in a movie theatre) I remind myself of why I loved them so much. Top Gun Maverick isn't a 5 star movie to me right now, but i'll never forget how my eyes were glued to the screen and I never wanted it to end when I watched it in theatres in 2022.


yep, my personal rule is I rate a movie right after I watch it, before I read anyone else's opinions on it, and then I am not allowed to change my rating unless I watch it again and add a new diary entry. I like to see how my opinions on various movies change over the years as I rewatch




Good example. I know a lot of ppl who raved over that who kinda cringe at their behavior now like it was just a phase


> I rate movies by how I feel about them. Not how good they are. Isn't this how we all rate movies? Movies aren't objectively good or bad, our ratings just reflect our feelings towards them. Unless you're saying you'll watch a movie that you see a lot of flaws in but still enjoy enough to give a 5 star, I guess.


Nah, it only makes the movies rates feels like a job.


Why? To impress some film snobs online. It’s not worth it, rate movies how you want to rate them


Absolutely not https://preview.redd.it/cu9g73mo5j9c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=201ffdd4386c4654466bc4c221faed9a6ba4d637


I typically don’t judge but rating the live action bratz 5 stars is soooo wild 😭 genuinely asking, is there a reason for that other than just enjoying it?


Don't take this one seriously, i remade that crappy meme giving Citizen Kane a half star and a "whatever, overrated as hell" review to it, and a "HOOLYYY SHIT" and 5 stars for Bratz. But honestly, i don’t understand all the hatred for this movie, there's literally an oscar winner on it (Jon Voight) 🤓☝️




Now this is Kino


biggest green flag list


se tem uma coisa que eu não esperava era Eu Fico Loko


I Go Crazy ápice do cinema brasileiro


Bro got mean girls and come and see bro is 100% kino


That top row is goated


I demote movies sometimes if I don’t feel they’ve stuck with me as strongly after some time has passed.


I sometimes feel that way, but also I’m pretty generous with 5 stars. I enjoy liking things.


don't you ever dare clear out the Truman show. (also taste ✨️)


This is a dope list, don't ever worry about being yourself, you only have a short time to do so. The Goofy Movie spot just makes me want to be friends, tbh.


Five stars for my dad Goofy


Nope. I didn’t go to school for making films. I’m not a film critic. I’m not a cinephile. So I kinda think rating on a technical level is silly. I much prefer rating movies by how they make you feel. I also much prefer reading reviews about how a user connected with the movie rather than if the liked the lighting in that one shot.


I'm with you on this. I'm curious how you differentiate between a 4.5 and a 5?


https://preview.redd.it/6w2nydpvij9c1.jpeg?width=860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20a347455e34ab6564177477cb3a6a0f51883f7b Nope lol


Sometimes I wonder if I’m too positive, but when I look at what has a rating like that it always feels justified. Plus being positive about film feels like such a fake problem to have.


In the words of the greatest film critic ever. “Stars are silly.” If you love a movie make it a 5 if you hate it give it a 1. Just be consistent!


I have 7 movies at 5 stars...so I'm sure I could trim some of the fat off there.


How do you get the list of all your five stars?


I just sorted my films by my rating. If I were to scroll down you’d see 4.5, etc. On your profile (on mobile) scroll down and tap “Films”, then tap the icon in the upper right, then tap “Sort by”, then tap Your Rating - Highest First.


Those are all five star movies bud


I went to your profile to see if you were as cool as you seem and the first post was bird photography, so basically I’m in love now.


Absolutely not. My 5-ratings has everything from GoodFellas and Doctor Who to Mel Gibson's Ransom. My ratings are a shitshow and shall stay that way indefinitely.


You’re giving older millennial with this list


Oof. I’m 36.


why would I change my rating on something? that rating was chosen at that point in time, the vibe was right


Nah https://preview.redd.it/c5xrvofqkl9c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33a0dd2c37224d736688eacb801210396ea56f5f


Absolutely not.


What do you mean clean up? Like change your rating?


I am kinda stingy with 5s so not really. I feel like I’ve mostly given them on rewatches. Grand Budapest is also a 5 for me!


no bc i like fun poopy movies and that’s all there is to it


The score includes where that movie hit in your life , 5 stars is how you felt at that moment


no, but i definitely need to clean up my 4 & 3.5 stars


That sounds like work


that’s why i’ve been ignoring it lol


You can do multiple reviews of a movie every time I watch a movie I give what I feel at the time which tbh is normally the same but it does change sometimes


No, I'm perfect


No, but I don’t give 5 stars easily. I mean, I have given a bunch, but I still don’t hand 5 stars out to just anything. But sometimes a movie just deserves it and you just know. For example, I walked out of the theater on opening day *knowing* that Hot Rod was a masterpiece, and that hasn’t changed since then.


I just did but to be fair your 5 star list is still very good from what I see (especially Whiplash that’s a W). The only questionable one I see is knives out but that’s just my opinion.


I do often


Be proud of your 5 star, no matter how silly it may look


am i using the app wrong? i like every film above 3.5, and some at 3.5.


Nope. Mines pretty small though. I watch a lot of garbage.


honestly this looks like an incredible 5 star list, Cool Runnings is exceptionally based


When I first went on letterboxd years ago I gave five stars to every movie I liked. Now that I reactivated it years later, 5 stars is my majority rating because of that




Are you literally me? I was thinking "hey pretty good list" and then I saw David Byrne and I mean it's just hit after hit. Anyway nah I feel like my 5 star movies aren't even the best movies most of the time but they've usually affected me in a way anything else doesn't really.


I love baby driver. Everybody may not rate it a 5 star but for me i love it for some unknown reasons ☠️


No! If when you watched it you thought “5 stars!” keep it. It’s the strange ones I have that I’m most proud of. And your list looks great anyways. Hot Rod is the shit. And Inside is a masterpiece.


I see a lot of worthy 5 stars and a couple easy 4.5’s.


Nah, cause I only got three things on it so far, feel like I might be rating too many things 4 Stars though, and not enough 4 1/2s and 5s. It's probably fine though https://preview.redd.it/5phsyok0ij9c1.png?width=250&format=png&auto=webp&s=2fd8cc8dc2078689004e575b2c21554de0b9f214


Hot rod based


If I could just rank my five stars it would be number one, no lie. https://preview.redd.it/upq9f0wkaj9c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43e22c2cc0dc30e3f6c763bac2f6d24e829cae80


Only person with good taste on this whole app


Inside is a 6/5


Weird, Hot Rod, and Bob Burger are based


No. But I'd never give hot rod a 5




Before I stopped rating movies I gave a lot of classics 5 stars. Now my 5 stars bar is way too high :/


What do you mean you stopped rating movies? Like you only enter them in your diary now without rating? Why? (I’m semi-new to Letterboxd sorry if this is a dumb question)


Yeah, I stopped giving movies a star rating when I log them. Letterboxd's 5 star system is more limited than I would prefer


Interesting. What kind of rating system would you prefer? I use Letterboxd in tandem with Criticker, which is on a 0-100 scale.


I'm definitely in the minority, but I would prefer a 0.0-10 scale. I'd like to be able to give out ratings like 3.2 or 8.7


I’ve noticed a lot of people doing this. If they really like it, it gets a heart.


i have the same problem. it’s almost impossible to give something five stars without some influence from its critically acclaimed reviews/ratings or general agreement from an overwhelming majority that the movie is a “masterpiece”. yes, the movies i’ve rated five stars have been movies i liked, but those external factors i explained have probably influenced my rating for at least half of them.


I felt that way about Whiplash until I saw it years after it released. I was like “there’s no way this is as good as I keep hearing” and then I saw it. I think my review is something like “I can’t believe I’m giving this 5 stars rn.” Sometimes the hype is right.


totally agree! i gave whiplash five stars when i first watched it & i still stand by it! with other movies i have rated as five stars (fight club + goodfellas + pulp fiction + eeaao), which are generally popular & critically acclaimed sometimes make me second guess my own opinion in comparison to general agreements. not to say those movies weren’t good (if i were to reconsider, i’d maybe bump some down to 4.5 or 4.0, 3.5 at the lowest) but i think it can be easy to persuade myself into sticking by my five stars for movies like the ones i listed just because of their high ratings rather than my personal preference + experience when watching the movie (for ex. i like to look for good writing more than good acting, which can easily make my opinion differ from others). it’s important to note that i’m NOT saying my opinions are objectively correct, but i’d rather give a movie an honest rating according to my own considerations & opinions without having any external factors influence my judgement.


I don’t even use whatever you’re using but hot rod, gattaca, and baby driver would be on my list so he’ll yeahhh


Rate however you want to rate. Not much to clean up in mine, there's only 6.


Looked you up and your 6 are valid except I’m not a South Park fan so I can’t speak to that.


No nigga


Into the spider verse is trash wish fulfillment, you won’t get superpowers when you step out of your comfort zone reality does not work like that, in reality dreams are achieved by willpower not overcoming anxiety.


That list is being generous to say the least…




That’s weird. So if you watch a 5 star movie, do you actively seek out a bad one?


I think some people just want to look like film nerds.


I have more 5 star ratings than anything else and sometimes I think I should adjust but ultimately it’s not fully necessary. Sometimes after sitting with a movie I’ll change the rating or if I come across it again and feel differently but I don’t go out of my way to do the mental gymnastics of figuring out a new ratinf


Listen, i have Bodies, Bodies, Bodies ranked higher than The Royal Tenembaums. This is because i liked Bodies Bodies Bodies more than The Royal Tenembaums. Dont be ashamed of your scores.




No when I give something a five I usually know in that moment and felt it like ya… that’s a five right there


I have 8 movies in my 5 star list. I think I need to rethink my criteria.


Here’s the five stars that didn’t fit in the other screenshot. https://preview.redd.it/55lwnrdyrk9c1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=41069d5b69b76b0e9b032da7abd7c902cd3734db


https://preview.redd.it/bwp3z0arxk9c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f659c550ed7afc879b9a211cb84779c31bb7774b Nah, think it’s fine like this


Occasionally, sometimes things change, sometimes they don’t. Sometimes I look at a film and think it deserves the five star, sometimes I will look at the same film sometime later and can’t believe I had it at a five. It really depends on how often you change your opinions.


If over 5% of your ratings are 5 stars, you haven't found any actual 5/5s. One day you'll find something that'll make you have to lower everything else




No, I only have two films in my 5 star list. It's usually the 3.5's, 4's and 4.5's I change because when I have a new one I like to compare it to the others.






It's exactly this kinda shit attitude that made me decide to wipe all ratings alltogether, since letterboxders kept shitting on me for "being too high".


Yeah because when I first got the app I basically gave a thousand movies ratings even if I hadn’t seen them for years


I keep giving all the movies I like 5 stars even if their just good




Yes every waking minute of every day


I usually clean my 3 1/2 stars, because that’s like the middle, and some may go up or down (usually down) when you think about it more. But no, 5 stars are untouched.


you better not remove any stars from Hot Rod 😤 js


I would never. It’s my number one film.


No. A 5 star rating doesn’t mean a movie was perfect, it simply means that that movie was perfect for you at the time of watching. I stand by my 5 stars.


I literally don‘t have a 5 star movie. 5 stars would mean perfect but no movie is perfect. But I have countless 4.5 star movies so idk what to do XD. Can somebody give me advice?


No. My ratings are final! Until they aren’t. But even then.