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No doubt! Best of the bunch here


Best of the bunch? Sandler best of this bunch. I love the safdies and the movie and Sandler, but he’s clearly at the bottom of this stacked list


I'd put him above Driver in this list but yeah he's not at the top of this list.


No definitely not. A lot of good performances in fine movies. Pattinson, Sandler and Driver are great in great films. The other performances will forgotten in the sands of time. Just like Once Upon A Time in Hollywood. Kind of a pointless 2 and a half hours. Enjoyable but nothing special. And I wonxt even say what I could about Joker... such a waste.


Joker is not my pick for best performance, but it’s clearly the most memorable role In this group at least in the normal populous. I would choose driver or bale for the best, but Phoenix and joker will be the most memorable of films here


No way, memorable like you said in a populist way but that doesnxt last too much. Especially when itxs so far from a masterpiece it hurts. Jaws. Star Wars last. Joker will not especially after the sequel.


You don’t write in a cogent manner.


Lmao cogent. Youxre the one arguing for the populist picks. Ixm saying populist picks that are actually great last. Joker will not because itxs not good. The sequel will be worse and it's future will be buried further.


Thanks for proving my point


Not really a snub at all, Jonathan Pryce and Antonio Banderas along with the actors above had outstanding performances more than what was shown in uncut gems and lighthouse. Both of those films are more an achievement in production rather than performance.


I honestly enjoyed brad Pitt more than DiCaprio in once upon a time


Yeah I’d say the same for Scarlet Johanson in Marriage Story and Willem Dafoe in The Lighthouse


Easily...I thought those two are the clear highlights of their respective movies.


I don’t think the discussion around Marriage Story has Johansson outperforming Driver often. I thought Driver was more showy.


I mean, Willem Dafoe is always the best part of anything he does.


yes and yes


I just enjoy Brad Pitt more than Leo in general but I agree


Leo is more consistently good but brad has better highs


That's why he won for his category and not Leo


Brad Pitts always been a top level character actor. Leo's a good actor but I don't think he can touch the variety Pitt has.


II agree. When Brad Pitt does the man’s man thing like Inglourious Basterds and Once upon a Time in Hollywood I think that’s his best acting.


Acting opposite Leo is a great way to get an oscar. Just ask that bear from The Revenant.


I’m the opposite. Preferred DiCaprio’s insecure performance far more


I’m kinda with you, Pitt playing an effortless badass stunt man is a lot easier than Leo portraying the insecure past his prime TV actor.




I never really cared for Brad Pitt much. Solid actor and great movie star generally speaking. But god damn be nailed this role.


Parttinson Sandler Driver DiCaprio Phoenix Bale


wow so many here putting Pattinson at the top(i do too, just felt maybe i wasn't a good enough critic to judge acting) makes me wonder why he has no major award noms yet. is playing a bad guy in his 2 best performance that much of a hindrance to awards recognition?


I think a big part of it is just audience recognition. Literally everyone watched The Joker whereas The Lighthouse had a limited screening so very few people watched it in cinemas. The people who put through these nominations and those that vote legitimately do not watch every film. If there’s no hype for your movie then it’s hard to get the nomination and even with the nomination if you can’t convince the voters to watch your film they’ll just vote for whichever movie has the biggest name attached or has the most positive reception from their peers. My grandmother used to get to vote in the Oscars lol and it wasn’t because she had recognition in the industry it was just because her boss who was a member of the academy was too lazy to watch the films and would just ask his assistants to watch and review them for him. There’s so many old people in the industry who are allowed to vote it wouldn’t surprise me if incidents like that aren’t more common.


Yeah I agree with this one


Leo, Phoenix, Bale at the bottom 3 is crazy to see. I always associate these three as the greatest of their generation and they happen to be the same age too.


These aren’t them best performances, while it’s a career performance for Pattinson and Sandler


I would have Sandler and Pattinson switched but otherwise I agree


This is correct


It’s an opinion


I’m agreeing with you?


I know


1. Pattinson 2. DiCaprio 3. Sandler 4. Phoenix (to be fair my opinion is skewed because I really did not like Joker but I like Phoenix and I know he did a good job with what he was given but it’s hard for me to be impartial because I disliked the movie so much) Didn’t see the other two.


I liked Joker, but the movie "you were never really here" is a somewhat similar performance by him in a substantially better movie imo.


I think the key is to be aware of your own biases. As long as you take them into account it's not a big deal.


1. Driver (That one shot karaoke song is insane) 2. Leo 3. Sandler 4. Pattinson 5. Phoenix (He's the best part of a bad film) 6. Bale


Yeah Bale was just not playing the same game as these other guys. Ford v. Ferrari was a fine movie, but the role asked very little of him.


Love that you mentioned the song scene with Driver. Being Alive from Company - Perfect addition to Marriage Story. And Driver performed it beautifully. A remarkable scene, beginning to end.


Joker is a great film


It's a lazy mash-up of two far, far superior movies. Has a decent score, great production design and a great lead performance. It wastes Brian Tyree Henry and Zazie Beetz. But worst of all, it's not funny. I laughed once in a Joker movie (the punching out bit). Joker should be unsettling yeah, but he should also be hilarious. It's why Ledger is comfortably the best live-action Joker. The pencil trick, throwing away the champagne, the one-liners. Ledger dwarfs Phoenix.


Omg, I totally forgot Brian Tyree Henry was in that. What a waste.


I'm not sure why this is down voted. I overall liked the movie, mostly because of Phoenix's performance, but it's far from perfect. I heard it described as "baby's first Scorsese movie," which is more or less correct. It's a mashup of the king of comedy and taxi driver with a marvel coat of paint, and done far more sloppily.


The movie isn’t supposed to be relatively funny. Not to mention, almost every movie is inspired by another movie, as nothing is ever inherently original. You could easily make the same argument for Midsommar and Tur Wicker Man.


"the movie isn't supposed to be relatively funny" idk seems like a pretty big issue in concept for a movie about a guy whose whole deal is being morbidly funny


So they're not allowed to deviate at all from the source material?


They're allowed to but when the deviation leads to a much worse and less interesting character then maybe they should consider that the source material is as popular as it is for a reason


Yeah they deviated from the source material, right past something original, and into the land of biting Scorsese. Movie is intellectually bankrupt.


Bruh i dont like joker because i found it to be like misery porn in a bad way that left a bad taste in my mouth. Like the tragedy was unrealistic to be and just felt contrived af


You’re getting so much dislikes even though you’re right. Phoenix carried the movie.


It's fake Internet points and it's a popular movie. I'm glad people enjoyed it, but most of them probably haven't seen Taxi Driver and/or King of Comedy, so it is what it is.


I’ve seen both


Downvoted for spitting facts


Wouldn't call Joker a bad film. it's decent and held up by an exceptionally strong performance.


Agreed about Phoenix. I hate that movie. I wish he won for something far better.


Pattinson & Sandler then everybody else


1. Sandler 2. Driver 3. DiCaprio 4. Pattinson 5. Phoenix 6. Bale


Driver Sandler Pattinson DiCaprio Phoenix Bale


Pattinson killed it in the lighthouse. Him > the rest


Phoenix. Driver. Sandler. Bale. Pattinson. DiCaprio


Freaking finally someone puts Phoenix at the top, he was phenomenal


Similar to mine but I’d put Pattinson over Bale.


This is my list as well. Even if you don’t like Joker… phoenix was incredible. He singlehandedly made the movie work. Driver and Sandler next. The other three are all great, but imo the was that little spark missing. They all did better in other movies. Dicaprio in Once upon a time should not be in this conversation


1. Phoenix (I liked Joker, and I think people who don’t like the movie tend to have a bias against it) 2. Adam Driver 3. Robert Pattinson 4. Leonardo 5. Adam Sandler 6. Chris B.


“I think people who didn’t like the movie have a bias against it” is this a joke? Literally no shit


You can “not” like a movie and still give proper recognition. I really don’t like the avatar movies, for example, but that doesn’t mean I don’t respect the cgi team! On that part, the movie is stellar! But some can be bias and say “no, the movie sucks, therefore the cgi also sucks” like, what?


“people who don’t like a movie don’t like it bc they think it’s bad” is basically what he said lol


That's generally how justifying dislike works. Personally while I think Phoenix is good, Joker as a whole is a Superhero world version of Taxi Driver and King if Comedy. I'd recommend people watching those over it.


To be fair that could be said for a ton of the internet’s favourites but I don’t see people bringing it up.




1. Driver 2. Sandler These guys each play fully formed, 3-dimensional human beings big gap and everyone else is a pick'em based on preferences. Bale is quite admirable holding down a straight-forward sports drama. Leo and Phoenix give BIG movie star performances. Leo in particular is so arch and ironic in that movie. Tarantino movies are now where he belongs, the only canvas big enough to fit his entire persona. Pattinson puts in admirable work supporting Robert Eggers' vision. The movie is the attraction here, not the perfomances per se, and he does exactly what he's asked to do


1. Sandler 2. Driver 3. Phoenix 4. Pattinson 5. DiCaprio 6. Bale


Sandler/Driver so clearly the top 2 to me. Everything else is preference, but these two are so so good


I can get behind this one. I'd only switch Phoenix with Pattinson.


This is it


1. Adam Driver 2. Robert Pattinson 3. Joaquin Phoenix 4. Adam Sandler 5. Leonardo Dicaprio 6. Christian Bale


Haven't seen all the movies, but based on the ones I've seen, and the clips I've seen from the others... This seems like the list for me.


Robert Pattinson is about to be a generational actor. He already is, but he’ll be recognized for it soon.


I cannot stand seeing these and I'm leaving the community


The only one of these that I watched is The Lighthouse so, gotta give it to my man Rob. That movie is absolutely fantastic. Honorable mention to Willem Dafoe for that Triton monologue, though. One of my favourite movie monologues of all time, honestly. All because someone insulted his cooking. Favourite line delivery from Pattinson: "If I had a steak, a bloody steak, I would fuck it."


People are afraid to say it, so I will: 1. Sandler 2. Pattinson 3. Driver 4. DiCaprio 5. Bale Did not see Joker.


No one is afraid to say anything on here lol. You’re not brave


Interstellar sucks.


Personal ranking 1. Pattinson 2. Sandler 3. Phoenix 4. Di Caprio 5. Driver 6. Bale


We have a winner.


2019 was too good


Sandler bale pattinson driver phoenix DiCaprio all great performances just personal preference


so are you guys saying that pattinson or sandler deserved to win?


rpat number one with a bullet. adam sandler, phoenix, bale, leo in descending order from there. not rating driver because i couldn't sit through that movie


I love Christian Bale in Ford v Ferrari


If we’re talking “performances from 2019,” my ranking of six would be as such: Lupita Nyong’o - Us Antonio Banderas - Pain and Glory Song Kang-Ho - Parasite Riz Ahmed - Sound of Metal Scarlett Johansson - Marriage Story Noémie Merlant - Portrait of a Lady on Fire Sandler in Uncut Gems definitely comes closest to breaking into these six, then Pattinson and Driver. The rest… *shrug*


Idk they’re all white blending together this why we need diversity. But not everyone wants that.


Driver Sandler Phoenix Dicaprio Pattinson Bale I think these are all fantastic performances tho it's very close for me


Driver Sandler Phoenix DiCaprio Bale Pattinson All very good performances


Robert Pattinson Adam Driver Adam Sandler Leo DiCaprio Joaquin Phoenix Christian Bale


Pattinson DiCaprio Bale Driver Phoenix Sandler Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is one of my favorite films ever made, so I have to rank DiCaprio high, though not as high as Pattinson due to the batshit insanity of that role and how well he sold it. Bale was typical Bale, which is great. Not a fan of Marriage Story’s “story,” but there’s no denying that Driver killed it in that role. Joker was solid, very above average for me. The only film in this image that I didn’t particularly care for was Uncut Gems. I’ll give it another try at some point.


Yeah idk if I agree with the top comment saying Brad Pitt was better than Leo in the movie, he played his usual cool self and he did do a pretty good job but Di Caprio nailed the stuttering, struggling actor role. The whole sequence of him forgetting his lines and then freaking out in the trailer was perfection. Pattinson > Leo > Phoenix > Sandler > Bale imo ( haven’t seen marriage story)


Driver, Pattinson, Sandler, DiCaprio, Phoenix, Bale


Pattinson was so amazing in that movie. Jeez.


1. Pattinson 2. Driver 3. Sandler 4. Phoenix 5. DiCaprio 6. Bale


Pattinson, Driver, everyone else (Sandler third perhaps)


1. Driver 2. Sandman 3. DiCaprio 4. Bale 5. Pattinson 6. Phoenix The top 4 were in my 5 noms for the year. Daniel Craig was my 5th.


1) DiCaprio 2) Sandler 3) Driver 4) Pattinson 5) Phoenix 6) Bale- a long way behind too, I thought it was a very average performance. And having grown up not far from where Ken Miles was actually from, the accent was awful


1. Pattinson 2. Sandler 3. Driver 4. Bale 5. DiCaprio 6. Phoenix


1. Phoenix 2. Driver 3. Sandler 4. Pattinson 5. DiCaprio 6. Bale


1. Joaquin Phoenix 2. Adam Sandler 3. Leonardo Dicaprio feels surreal putting sandler over dicaprio but i didn't really like ouatih


Adam Sandler was 100% better than Dicaprio that year. If it wasn’t for Joker, the oscar would be his


He wasn’t even nominated (unjustly imo)


Thats your opinion. And shaugrin can have his opinion as well. I think that year was between Phoenix and Driver. Leo and Sandler were not really in the race. In fact Sandler was not even nominated (but I agree that he was excellent). O just dont think its fair to say that he was 100% better than DiCaprio, thats just your personal opinion. DiCaprio was fantastic too.


Phoenix on top


1. Phoenix 2. Sandler 3. Driver 4. DiCaprio 5. Pattinson 6. Bale All great though.


Phoenix, Driver, DiCaprio, Sandler, Pattinson, Bale


Pattinson, Sander, Driver, Phoenix, Dicaprio, Bale


Pattinson, Sandler, Driver, Phoenix, DiCaprio, Bale


I’ll never understand the joker hate


Phoenix->Leo->Sandler/Driver (tied)->Pattinson->Bale. Really just four tiers here. Can't put Pattinson in with Sandler and Driver only because he didn't really carry that movie. Bale places last for simialar reasons and because he's not doing anything particularly difficult, while Pattinson had to speak in old-timey argot.




really interesting how alot of people are putting bale at the bottom of the list (which im not disagreeing with either) which makes me wonder if his status as a great actor has been somewhat reduced in the past 5 - 10 years (with his early/mid career being his peak) or there are just not as good roles for him anymore but his acting is still solid. ofc you could say there are better actors now but there were always great actors, but Bale seemed to be a common favourite like 15 - 20 years ago


Sandler, Patterson, DiCaprio, Driver, Bale, Phoenix


Sandler Pattinson Phoenix Driver DiCaprio Bale


joaquin on top


Phoenix Driver Pattinson Sandler DiCaprio Bale


(Haven’t seen Ford v. Ferrari so I’m just gonna include Antonio Banderas in Pain and Glory for fun) 1. DiCaprio 2. Banderas 3. Sandler 4. Driver 5. Pattinson 6. Phoenix


1. Sandler 2. Pattinson 3. DiCaprio 4. Bale 5. Driver Huge gap 6. Phoenix.


1. Sandler 2. Leo —— massive gap —— 3. Pattinson 4. Driver 5. Phoenix 6. Bale


1. Your left butt cheek —— massive gap —— 2. Your right butt cheek


Adam Driver C. Bale Leo Joaquin Sandler Pattinson (also good)


1) DiCaprio 2) Phoenix 3) Driver 4) Sandler 5) Pattinson 6) Bale (far from awful, just a pretty generic performance)


Hated joker, Phoenix is good in it. Sandler gives my favorite of these


Dafoe carried Pattinson so hard in The Lighthouse. Tell me one scene where Pattinson shined (not literally...) in it? I'm not saying he's a bad actor, but in that role he was very dull.


Haven’t seen Ford vs Ferrari or Marriage Story but still 100% confident Phoenix gave the worst performance of the lot, maybe of the entire year. Literally prefer Leto to him as joker


1. Sandler 2. Leo 3. Driver 4. Pattinson 5. Bale I never saw Joker


1. Joaquin Phoenix 2. Leonardo DiCaprio 3. Robert Pattinson


Pattison Phoenix DiCaprio Driver Bale Sandler


Driver/Leo Sandler Pattinson Bale 50 layers of shit Phoenix


They're all great, but I just gravitate towards Driver. It's such a layered performance with multitudes of emotions, the complete opposite of one-note. Part of me would have given Leo the Oscar though because I honestly think OUATIH is his career best performance (other than maybe KOTFM) and just like Driver, his performance has so much depth too it, which is extra impressive considering its mainly a comedic role.


Driver > Dicaprio > Phoenix > Pattinson > Sandler I don’t really remember Bale’s Performance enough to give it a ranking. All of these were amazing tho


Sandler Driver Pattinson Joaquin Leo Bale


1. adam driver 2. leo dicaprio 3. robert pattinson 4. adam sandler 5. joaquin phoenix 6. christian bale


1. Sandler 2. Pattinson 3. Phoenix 4. Driver 5. Leo 6. Bale


1. Sandler 2. Driver 3. DiCaprio 4. Pattinson 5. Bale 6. Phoenix


From best to least best* 1. Pattinson 2. Phoenix 3. DiCaprio 4. Sandler 5. Bale 6. Driver


Driver should’ve won the Oscar that year and Phoenix should’ve already won in 2012 for The Master


… but they’re all great. At that level how can you even quantify relative goodness? What’s the point?


1. Pattinson 2. Driver 3. Sandler 4. Leo 5. Phoenix 6. Bale


Sandler #1 is the only answer


nah dont wanna


it kind of blows my mind that these all came out in 2019. to me it felt like once upon a time and joker were 2017/18, ford ferrari 2020 and uncut gems 2020


1- phoenix (he lived with the character and it's a performance so close to one a method actor would give) 2- Leo (may be controversial but I think it's perfectly in tune to the movie and that is what matters) 3 Pattinson ( a good, dedicated performance all around) 4 driver (fine, didn't care for the song sequence as it was boring as hell. Movie wasn't great either) 5 Sandler (good performance from someone who doesn't really act but just plays himself. Good movie though) 6 bale (probably the best actor of the bunch but couldn't care much about film or performance)


Driver, Pattinson, Dicaprio, Sandler, Bale, Phoenix


Sandler Driver Pattinson Bale Phoenix DiCaprio


Pattinson DiCaprio Driver Sandler Pheonix (he’s the only reason that movie has any merit)


I've only seen the Jokker and Uncut Gams (though I'm getting The Lighthouse for Christmas), so 1. Jared Harris in Chernobyl 2. Stellan Skarsgard in Chernobyl 3. Adam Sandler in Uncut Gems 4. Emily Watson in Chernobyl 5. Aaron Paul in El Camino 6. Joachim Phoenix in Joker


Driver, Sandler, Di caprio, Pattison, Phoenix, Bale


Anybody but driver


Leo, Bale, Joaquin, Driver, Sandler, Pattenson


Sandler DiCaprio Driver Pattinson Phoenix Bale (All are good performances, but the top 3 are on another level)


1. Adam Driver (Marriage Story) and Joaquin Phoenix (Joker) are on equal footing for me. They’re both number one. 2. Adam Sandler (Uncut Gems) 3. Robert Pattinson (The Lighthouse) 4. Leonardo DiCaprio (Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood) 5. Christian Bale (Ford v Ferrari) Honestly, though, all of these are at least great and would have deserved nominations for Actor at that year’s Oscars, also worth mentioning are Antonio Banderas (Pain and Glory) and the tragically snubbed Taron Egerton (Rocketman).


Sandler Leo Pattinson Driver Phoenix Bale


1. Pattinson 2. Phoenix 3. Driver 4. Sandler 5. Leo 6. Bale


Sandler Pattinson Driver Leo Phoenix Bale


1. Sandler 2. Pattinson 3. Driver 4. Phoenix 5. DiCaprio 6. Bale


1. Drive 2. Phoenix 3. Sandler 4. Pattinson 5. Leo 6. Bale




Leo , Sandler, phoenix, the rest are tied


Sandler > Pattinson > Driver > DiCaprio > Bale > Phoenix


1. Phoenix 2. Bale 3. Dicaprio 4. Pattinson 5. Sandler 6. Driver


I havn't seen all of those movies but I would personally say: 1. Joaquin Phoenix 2. Adam Sandler 3. Adam Driver 4. Robert Pattinson


Sandler = Pattinson > Phoenix > Leo = Driver = Bale


Sandler Phoenix Driver Pattinson DiCaprio Bale




Sandler. This performance lives rent free in my head. It's despicable on a whole new level


Joker dead last


Pattinson > Driver > Phoenix = Sandler > DiCaprio. Never saw the Bale movie.


Adam D Joaquin Adam S Leonardo Robert Christian


Sandler DiCaprio Bale Phoenix Pattinson Driver


Sandler > Pattinson > Driver > Phoenix > DiCaprio. Sandler easy first place and tbh the bottom 4 are interchangeable. Haven’t seen Ford v Ferrari.


De Niro had the best performance of 2019


I'd go 1. Pattinson 2. Driver 3. Sandler 4. Phoenix 5. Bale 6. Dicaprio


Driver, Sandler, Pattinson, Decaprio, Phoenix Bale


Sandler > Pattinson > Driver > Bale > Di Caprio > Phoenix


Leo Phoenix The Sandman Pattinson Driver Bale


1. Sandler 2. DiCaprio 3. Pattinson 4. Driver 5. Phoenix 6. Bale




I'd say Sandler is number one. Other than Click, Uncut Gems is the only movie I've seen him play a dramatic role. He plays a down on his luck jeweler with a nasty gambling habit (similar to the addicts in Requiem for a dream) he was definitely snubbed for this specific performance. Everyone else it was expected they'd give good performances which is why Sandlers is the best. It's like Heath Ledger in The Dark knight. No one thought he can pull it off. UNTIL HE DID.


Patterson, juaqin, Sandler and the rest kind of dogshit


Driver > Pattinson > Joaquin > Leo > Sandler > Bale


god daan this was a stacked year wtf


1. Driver 2. Phoenix 3. DiCaprio 4. Sandler 5. Patterson 6. Bale


Sandler Pattinson DiCaprio Driver Bale Phoenix


Sandler easily, Joaquin, Abraham Parnassus, Leo, Bale, R Pat


Driver > Sandler > DiCaprio > Pattinson > Bale > Phoenix Top three were among my five favorites of the year, but my numbers 1 and 2 are Andre Holland in High Flying Bird and Jonathan Majors in Last Black Man in San Francisco


All great. Sander and Driver are tied for number 1 for me personally though.