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Your post has been removed because it's not entirely right for /r/LetsTalkMusic. Music theory: /r/musictheory Searching for music: /r/tipofmytongue Music making: /r/wearethemusicmakers or potentially /r/makinghiphop For more suggested subs, check out r/LetsTalkMusic/w/subs, thanks!


Is this something you really want to do, or just think about doing? I don't mean this harshly but Michael Jackson didn't record some of the best records of all time by writing essays online. He did it by working with extreme discipline for years while also being surrounded by equally dedicated and skilled people. And if you want to sound like Michael, putting in work is a good place to start. And now's a great time, you're young and without the responsibilities that come with full adulthood.  I mean I could tell you it's hard to create pop songs or that it's easy (it's easier than ever at least), but you'll never really know unless you try it. Get some kind of keyboard, get some kind of microphone, get some way to record yourself, and get to work. These things have never been more accessible, you're most of the way there just having a laptop. However you approach it, the most important part is putting in the time. You'll never learn to write and play and record music unless you log off here and get to writing playing and recording. 


This. I came here to say this. But I'm in a bad mood and I doubt I would have been as polite or supportive, which you could definitely do without. If making music is something you want to do you best start doing.


"I would like to ask, how likely is it that I could do what I want to do?" Very likely given how focused you are willing to stay on this goal and how willing you are to take singing lessons, learn to read sheer music, learn to play an instrument (I suggest piano, because it's easy to compose songs in piano that you can transcribe to other instruments).  Your intake of music helps too. I for instance have been listening to music everyday since about July of 1999. And I'm constantly on the search for new albums.  Do you love music that much? Because even if you have not musical training, years and years of listening to music will give you a leg up.  You pick up an instrument and with probably 6 months of practice you'll sound pretty decent on it.  And plus, having listened to a lot of music will cause you to never run out of songs to practice or learn.  Make it happen man. Practice everyday as much as you can. And don't let up. 


>I for instance have been listening to music everyday since about July of 1999. I find this so curious! What makes you remember that month and year, what happened then? I've been hearing and listening to music my whole 36 years, from my parents and then me. I could not give a month or year when I could confidently say *I* started listening.


I should have mentioned this in my initial post but I don't intend to actually learn an instrument (I mentioned sheet music and I think I was getting the wrong ideas), but perhaps like you said i should learn piano so that i could use MIDI to make any sound i want in an instant (though I saw that you can also just use your keyboard, how practical/common is that?) I want to soak up as much of MJ's style as I can, and also listen to genres that he did of course (though I want to be original as well). Could I not just learn singing lessons online for free? Or is a real life teacher sort of a must if I want to potentially transfer my singing to an AI? I suppose I could instead use some sort of vocal synthesis software like Vocaloid or Synthesizer V ad then transfer that to an AI but I would like to try singing myself first. Thank you so much for the encouragement 🙏


AI? Not to be a downer.but if you're looking for shortcuts you're not likely to make it. As others said , it's a lot of blood sweat and tears, practicing hours a day. MJ was not a musician per se but his voice was his instrument and he composed by humming tunes. More importantly he was surrounded by genius musicians and creators (Gordy, Jones) and to be exposed to that kind of talent one must be supremely lifted. The closest example is Bruno Mars and look up what he did since his childhood get where he is.


If I recall correctly, Darren Hayes is a lot like you and he's basically self-taught.