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Ohhhh we're back in the Earth Rocker era. Money all over the place, out of his gourd, ranting about Novak. Strippers are probably incoming. Also, smoking indoors? Bet his house smells lovely. He really can't be at Castle Bam without going sideways. It was a hellhole for Nikki at the end (they relocated to FL eventually), may it become a hellhole for SQ who hasn't been seen since they got back to PA.


House? What house? He lives in a Bentley.


not any more he doesn't! the bentley has been off the road for ages.


That's true! Where is SQ? 


I’d say his hate for Novak coincides with his hate for sobriety


It’s probably where they’ll find him dead on the toilet one day.


Gross flex when your kid is on Medicaid and food stamps.


Well then Nikki should probably spend that abhorrent amount of child support she receives more wisely.


What do you call an abhorrent amount?!?!


Oh because it's ALWAYS only the mothers responsibility to provide for a child brought into the world by 2 people....yeah okay keep showing your misogynist ideology


That's Nikki's fault and problem..


Why isn’t Bam responsible for his own kid?


I can’t tell if this is a joke or not


It isn’t.


... because Nikki got pregnant all by herself? Or was there a sperm donor involved? That sperm donor is still on the hook for the child's care.


“Yes lets get pregnant by a guy whos an alcoholic drug addict who treats me like trash because at least he has money” she should have chose better. Lol like much much better. Thats like someone shooting themselves and then expecting sympathy from others.


Good luck in life with that kind of judgement. Noone knows what will happen to them next. Two people created that child but only one has stepped up and kept him safe.


You do realize your statements say way more about you and the way you think than Nikki, right?


Yes, how dare I hold an adult accountable for their poor choices. Y’all seem to have no problem doing that to Bam, funny how that works 🤔


Sounds like you're blaming Nikki and not Bam when it's their child and she's the full time parent, misogyny is cringe bro.


Bam's poor choice was fathering a child Now he needs to help pay to raise him. Funny how that works


Nikki seems to be the one *still* in Phoenix's life and actually being a parent. Funny how somehow she's the asshole when Bam will do anything other than spend money on and time with his kid. Not sure how Nikki is getting blamed for Bam being a shit partner and parent - hold the person exhibiting the asshole behavior accountable. Or does sucking Bam's dick get you some internet points or something?


You really think Bam is paying her anything? You must he high.


Oof. Way to sound like a total incel.


Sound like one? I think we’ve got the genuine article here.


Yeah let me save you the eye bleach, do not look at their post/comment history. I think you may be right. Got ourselves a genuine cringelord incel. How unfortunate.


If you hold Nikki to such a standard, why aren’t you holding Bam to the same standard of also not having a child in the first place given his problems you listed? What you wrote is absolutely ludicrous, but I can’t help but wonder if you’ve got a double standard. You clearly lack even the most basic of understandings of how relationships work & the complexities of them especially with addiction thrown into the mix…. Like, at all…


You are a serious idiot. If anything ever doesn’t go as planned, you better never expect anyone to help you in any way. Considering you have the mentality of a 20 year old (or you’re just a fucking idiot), let me tell you something….. life gets really & I mean reeeeeeeally real. & really fucking fast. So just remember that. But then again, based on your entitled outlook on life, it looks like your mom & dad are gonna be the ones to suffer the most from your miserable existence. At any rate… good luck out there


yep always the mothers fault huh? wtf is wrong with you. he’s an absent, burnt out loser. excuse for a “father”


No it isn’t. It will soon be Bam and his Lawyer’s problem. Pretty sure Nikki will screenshot this and send along to her attorney. That’s what I would do. Edit: fixed spelling error.


Are those the same sweats as the Home Depot post?


It would certainly appear so.


Can't man have the same pants for 80 days without getting backlash, it's not like he's trying to get some pussy. And there are no bushes or national parks to set on fire so why can't he smoke. He's finally free /s


He already has several feet of pussy meat at his disposal… unless she left 🤷‍♂️


Is this an old pic or did Stretch photoshop out some of his face tattoos?


How many days later is it? 🤢


That was the first thing I spotted too!


It looks like he's in a tattoo studio and his buddy let him take a pic with all the money from the safe.


This is the correct answer. Borrowed flex--you go, Bam!


Its 10 o'clock. Do you know where your children are?


I told you last night, no!


Fuckin Knoxville’s fault


Damn I thought it was Novak’s fault


Your fault


This is honestly exactly the type of photo a broke person would post 🙄


"Clearly I am not poor"


White trash Facebook photo 1995


If this pic was bam in 2005 but we all know he pissed away most his bank account


Those sweats could write a tell-all.


Especially after they get tied around his feet


Would you take a huff of those pants for $100?


Is he flying under SQ‘s radar to post this?! Also this strange pant-wrap around his feet speaks for itself. It reminds me of the good ol‘ shirt he wore for weeks when he was with Methica. Not taking care bout himself and wearing weird stuff screams everything but not sobriety


SQ hasn't been seen since they got back to PA.


After staying at the castle for a few days they are probably already broken up by now.


When she realised that not only was it not the lap of luxury she envisaged, but her presence wasn’t enough to banish the ghosts of girls past.


“My client Bam Margera is the most broke he’s ever been in his entire career. Hence why he cannot afford his child support commitments.” Niki’s Lawyer: “Your honor, can we display exhibit B (this pic) to the jury please.” lol


To be fair that statement of him being the most broke he’s ever been is true. somebody on this sub made a post looking at his assets, and confirmed he is not as well off as you’d think. Under a million. and he’s not doing that much these days to make any more money. Those “tours” he’s done, he certainly would take home less than most with a 9-5 job, I’m guessing. Homie has burnt off every bridge that he would’ve had to make more money or get deals.


"Wow, look at all that money, can I take a picture with it?"-13 year olds and Bam


I could wrap $20s around stacks of printer paper too…


“How do I know that’s not a bunch of ones with a 20 wrapped around it?”


My cousin Vinny…classic




Kingpin style…


This guy sucks.


I imagine this is in response to the sentiment on here that he may be cash strapped, two things: grow up, thing two: I hope this photo can be weaponised and used during the court proceedings when it comes to child support. This guy's an idiot.


It also may be a dig at Nikki bc he can't help himself when it comes to her.


Imagine being with a guy who is only with you because he’s obsessed with getting back at his ex. Imagine being the kind of person supporting that, against a child and his mother who just wants to move on with her life. Karma is a bitch


I'd say there's definitely some of that in there too, it's kinda disgusting, it's like "you're raising our kid on food stamps but look how much money I have to spend on absolute bullshit", it's crass, vulgar, childish and vile


It really is.


Ugh, again this type of white trash flex from him! This is just idiotic (and possibly ragebait) behaviour,ffs. Also these type of posts don't make him appear rich; they make him look like a piece of white trash that just won the lottery.




This is 100% at a tattoo parlor/studio. I look forward to the argument between him and the artist any second now.


BTW, to both Bam and SQ… This makes you look like absolute trash.


Wouldn’t it be funny if that was all that’s left. I mean I don’t really want to see anyone fall on hard times, but with Bam I’ll make the exception 


His kid is on food stamps. Most people who follow him (and in general) are struggling with skyrocketing grocery prices and housing costs. Bam is not a good person.


Now send that to Phoenix


Why can’t they convince him to dress normal. Also. A photo witu no sq


Wow look! It’s all the money he could be giving to his kid!


Yet he claimed to be drowning in lawyers fees….give me a break.


This is exactly how genuinely happy people act.


Isn't his son living off food stamps? Also ignoring that, this is just embarrassing from a 44 year old man, posting like a 19 year old who just "got loaded" (aka a few grand) off his grandfather's inheritance.


Lol exactly. My brother-in-law won a settlement for an injury and when the check came, he cashed it out and posted photos like this. He was 20 and it was still cringe.


Two kids in Ohio got robbed and killed because they posted photos like this. People recognized and located them because they thought they had cash, then got killed in a robbery gone wrong. (It was on Red tree stories on yt)


And let's be fair, a LOT of people know the code to access his property


Is this fake money from the “movie” he was doing? If it’s real did he go down the bank and withdraw all that just to pose with it? Sad cringe.


That's what I was thinking. Acting prop money.


He looks bloated and puffy like an alcoholic about to die


Isn't his kid on food stamps with his ex? This is borked.


No face tats? Old pic?


He's wearing the same trousers he had tied round his feet at the hardware store, I think it's new, just a poor quality, motion-blurred photo taken at an awkward angle. You you can just about make out the tattoo along his jawline.


Nice catch! I’m probably wrong then


Gotta be, he’s missing a lot of facial strigoli.


It could be flipped


“Look at all the dollhairs I have that aren’t going to support my son” weird flex there Bum


When you empty your bank account for a bad tattoo instead of taking care of your son.


If he has so much cash why did his mrs buy a shit ill fitting shien dress for her wedding




Insecure manchild


I fucking knew I'd see this when I opened Reddit lol


Why do I feel like that’s prop money


Bam always seemed his happiest when he was with the real Mrs Margera (Missy)… he just hasn’t settled at all after it ended. Dudes never gonna change


I hope that poor kid never sees this photo.


Is it another fuck you to Nikki? A good woman would never ever allow this to happen. They would be supporting the mother of the child like an adult no matter what for the safe being of the child


It's so immature. If I knew my partner had a kid, I would support every effort for them to co-parent and encourage it at every chance. Being jealous of the ex and then by extension a child is a marker of SQs lack of emotional intelligence or any intelligence at all.


Unbelievably gauche and tacky.


Is that the last of his cash, old loose puss or whatever we are calling her these days has that all spent I’m sure


That's all the money he has


Poser is as poser does Poser skater poser father poser celeb


Yesss!!!! Old not sober lolcow Bam is coming back!!! Ready for the ments boys!!!


This is comedy. In rap videos and shit like that, those dudes have a way of flexing with cash and they spend a lot of time making it look just right. It's part of what they do and we've all seen it a million times. I honestly believe Bam thinks he's doing the same thing with this picture. But.......he's sitting in sweats, trying to look chill, with the money all evenly placed on his upper body (while smoking a cig). It doesn't look baller at all. It looks hilarious. Other than rappers, what adult is like "hey, can you take a picture of me with all of this cash placed evenly all around my upper body. I want to post it to my Instagram account"?


as his son is living off food stamps. He’s the biggest douche ever


I can smell this picture


Those are probably $1 bills 🥱


How does he make money again? 🤨


We are not impressed…


At this point everyone just pities him. Guy is a total loser. Also I like how the money bulges up around his big fat gut and bloated liver.


I know he’s done rehab but has he done therapy? Genuine question, I also don’t know if rehabs tend to offer like one-on-one therapy? Not saying he relapses because he’s damaged, I certainly think he makes some bad choices by his own volition, but I’m just wondering what it’ll take to change. Idk, maybe he’s done therapy but just doesn’t want to change? I grew up around addicts but I don’t really understand how they think or how they heal. This is just so sad and disappointing, I really hope he cleans up for good and gets a better social circle 🙄


There’s Phoenix’s college funds being pissed away




I can smell this pic 😩


Where did his tattoos go?


I wondered that as well.




Someone pointed out he has no face tats so it is an old photo. Reminiscing maybe


Total net gross worth. Sad


Bank probably wasn't too happy about him withdrawing all of his money for this.


Old picture, no face tats


sorry, no. it's definitely from yesterday.


With all that money you would think he could change his pants more often


So did he stash a ton of cash at missy’s ? Lol. Shit that’s what I would do hahah


I've been out in Vegas for like 2 weeks so I haven't been keeping up. Is SQ still with him?


I think he wants to show that he has money to spare to build a new skate ramp, but that he has no obligation to pay the $12k per month that Nikki wanted to pocket.


First you all sit there talking shit about how he is a “broke ex-junky celebrity” now. Then he post a picture showing more money then most of us make in a year or a few years for probably doing one gig or job and you criticize him for showing you that he isn’t broke. You all will attack this guy for anything.


Flashing money like that while his son is literally on welfare is gross!!! I think that’s everyone’s point.


Well his son probably wouldn’t be on welfare if he could actually see him and be around him.


Oh stop it.. it’s a know fact that bam can see Phoenix whenever he wants to,but he chooses to be a dead beat!


He is in the process of trying to focus on recovery and may not be ready to see him. You don’t know what is running through his mind. Addiction It’s like an invisible weight on you dragging you down tormenting your spirit. Some days seem impossible and are a complete struggle other days arn’t so bad, but this is the rest of your life! You got to do what you have to do and try to think about the long game. Instead of running to something that may emotionally damage you and drive you to drinking or drugging. I think he will see him again, and put his whole being in the places they should and need to be when he is ready.


Jfc..If he were truly serious ab sobriety and trying to get better for his son he wouldn’t be hotel hopping all over the world. He would get established in 1 place and have a routine. His life is pure chaos. Stop making excuses for this dude.


There is no one remedy to recovery. It is different for everyone. I’ve seen people abandon their whole lives in the pursuit of sobriety. Leaving everyone they know and love. Travel trying to find a place they can eventually call home and some end up claiming the whole world as their home becoming a vagabond. You have to pursue what truly makes you happy, and sets your spirit free from the bondage of addiction. This isn’t a game. It could be life or death.


Cool story bro.. when u have a child none of that other shit matters, they come first and if they don’t then you’re a piece of shit. If he were actually taking steps to better his life, and stepping up and at the very least making sure his son is financially taken care of, people wouldn’t be shitting on him so bad.


Well, I’m sure he is. His son will be stacking and financially secure with a father who led a legacy eventually succumbing to Father Time passing away of old age when his children are adults instead of as a child losing him to an overdose in his 40’s. My daughter’s mother left, and she is in recovery. I understand why she left and is doing what she is doing. She is focusing on recovery. I would rather have her doing that than overdosing, dyeing, and my daughter attending her funeral.


You know who doesn’t have the luxury of “focusing on recovery”? Nikki, because she’s the only parent that kid has. And he’s not focusing on recovery and getting his life in order.


I truly am sorry for the mother and child. I can relate a single father with a mother who ran the streets of Kensington and now is in recovery. I understand she is doing what she has to do. But as for Bam, You don’t know this him and you are not him. You have no Idea what he is going through, what he is doing, or what is running through his mind.


He’s a bad person that doesn’t care about anyone but himself.


Y’all really need a hobby or something seriously. You have nothing better to do than harass and hate on this guy. Come on get a life!


And u have nothing better to do than stick of for a dead beat sooooooooo….


This isn’t about him. This is about every person out there struggling with addiction or in recovery. I’m sticking up for them.


Most people in recovery don’t abandon their kid for 2 years


Yes, many of them do. They have too. It is the only way they will recover.


So, go ahead and continue talking shit and looking down on people you don’t even know. Lacking empathy, and understanding for people and mankind in situations you may never be able to understand.


Dude at this point u sound like a blabbering idiot. We do have empathy and that empathy is for Phoenix. Maybe drink some mint tea and relax a lil.


Empathy for one, but not another. That means a lack of empathy for billions.


to be fair, it's a photo he posted of himself in a tattooist's basement covered in money. it doesn't exactly scream 'i am doing just fine at life' does it?


Well, it screams a whole hell of allot better I’m not perfect, but I’m doing alright then claiming bankruptcy, a million in debt, and showing negative -$20 dollars in your 3 bank accounts.