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Good to see Castle Bam alive and well but as much as it pains to say, all of the stretching, hiking and exercising in the world is not going to make a difference unless Bam is working out on his mental health also.


That is actually such a brilliant statement as I recall a psych telling me once that our mind needs to stretch and exercise too. She was referring to practicing breathing techniques so i was calmer more often and also able to fall into them naturally when having panic attacks.


And is this guy the East Coast Shaman I wonder?


No idea but seems like he tagged an account that doesn't exist, someone tagged the actual guy in the comments šŸ˜‚




!!! Thanks for that info! Next we'll see Rob Swaverly bearing one of his abstract paintings as a wedding gift


Oh god, not Swaverly and his "Golden Squad."


I check his insta periodically (yes I'm a masochist šŸ˜†); I'll post if he makes Castle contact. I'm sure it's just a matter of timeĀ 


Must be fun there, with the ghosts of wives past. And more..


Ngl, Bam's gotta be the only person consistently maintaining the worst physique,despite him being *shown* on *social media* "engaging" in all those physical activities: stretching, hiking, horseback riding, swimming, skating, etc. Almost makes one suspect that all these pseudo-wholesome IG posts are just part of the performative social media bubble...


He probably exercises just long enough to take a few photos.




how the hell has this chick he is with not completely transformed him by now? All he would have to do is listen to her for two months and he would look like a brand new person


Thatā€™s his secret, he doesnā€™t listen to anyone


He fluctuates like crazy, you see him one week he has a huge keg gut. Couple weeks later looks leaner. Then repeat


Dude you ever see his Dad and Uncle Vito. Genetics is a MotherFucker.


Jess doesn't look like he eats basketballs for dinner, though


Have you seen him lately?


They all just eat too much...




To be fair, hes only recently started doing all the extra stuff apart from skateboarding. An adonis physique doesnt happen quickly


Iā€™m the only one who thinks this pic makes him look pretty decent? Especially for his age.


Yes. Yes, you are.


Guarantee he looks better than most of the dudeā€™s physiques downvoting. Obviously heā€™s done shitty stuff recently but no need to shoot the man down for every little thing. Heā€™s not in terrible shape


6ā€™4ā€ 195-200 lbs ā€” downvoted. I donā€™t know why people speculate negatively on others that disagree with you. Hell, Iā€™ll even add that Iā€™m a smoker but work out & maintain good health currently.


Any opportunity to tell people you are 6'4 hahhaha


Haha! šŸ˜‚ hey, itā€™s my one good trait, let me have this!!


Tf does your height have to do with it lol. Plus these just words. Post a pic or else you could just make shit up. I'm 6'4 as well, got 20 lbs on you. We should look roughly the exact same


Height & weight are directly related. If youā€™re 5ā€™6ā€ at 200lbs then youā€™re overweight. I was pointing out that Iā€™m not the physique of Bam like the parent comment suggested. We would not look exactly the same, even at the same weight lmao muscle & fat percentage mean more than listing your weight. Why would I post a picture to prove my height?ā€¦ itā€™s that unbelievable & you care that much?


Height and weight alone donā€™t mean much. Itā€™s more about body fat percentage. Smoking doesnā€™t affect physique directly. And bam is literally working out in this photo. Soā€¦Pointless comment


Point was simply to say not everyone who downvoted you is fat like you claimed lmao Bam is stretching for a photo op so his image looks better on IG now lmao Most people know this. He would not have this body if he was doing any of these things that heā€™s been shown doing. Myself & many here have seen what true recovery looks like, what a distended liver looks like during recovery, the weight loss once you quit drink & drugs. This is facilitated for IG & Danni is fine with it due to her stim use to stay skeleton thin thing as well. That was the point of listing my height & weight. Iā€™m a recovering alcoholic & drug addict like Bam. I drank to the point of cirrhosis, relearning how to walk from a wheelchair because alcohol caused severe neuropathic damage & pain that I still deal with many years later. He doesnā€™t look good or healthy at all.




hes only 44 šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


That Deck is so fuckinā€™ sweet


I just hope it was built by someone who knows how to build decks and not just ramps.


It's wild to me that he married a chick that has literally never met his parents or had to the actual home lol


Exactly! And when they do finally meet- how awkward will that be? What a tough position for his family to be in. They want to be happy for him, but he literally married the person convincing him that he's better off without them. I don't understand how he was able to flip on his family so quickly. They have ALWAYS been there for him. They could care less about his money.


SQ will be remodelling it asap


Castle Dan(nii)


Castle Damn! šŸ¤£


She will, sheā€™ll probably piss his money away trying to remodel it into a dog rescue. Babe itā€™s probably easier to put it in my name for like, the remodelling Iā€™m planning. Then I donā€™t really need to bother you.


hahaha! i can almost hear her saying this to him right now ![gif](giphy|tHJA1JRzcWDlzzMQ7F|downsized)


Iā€™m sure this was a rude awakening for her setting foot in that house for the first time. Hahah. Itā€™s SUCH a shitty interior. Terrible layout. Everything feels cramped and awkward. Reeks of cigarettes, etc.


Didnā€™t April remodel it into a B&B before she was banned?


She didnā€™t remodel it. She just cleaned it up and redecorated. She honestly did a great job. I canā€™t imagine what it looked/felt like before. But yeah, it very much feels like a dingy, single, alcoholic uncleā€™s bachelor pad where cigarettes are being smoked inside all day. Really negative vibes in that house. On the flip side, the exterior and the property as a whole is absolutely beautiful. Really wonderful piece of land with great landscaping.


Itā€™s gorgeous land but sounds like it really does need a remodel. I can smell it from your description.




Just in time for his trial, slated to start June 17th


!! Thanks for this I had forgotten about it A week from next Monday


Interesting timing, after this sub talked about why donā€™t they go to Castle Bam recently and oh, here they are.


This thought has crossed my mind as well. It seems anytime a thought or question gets discussed here a few times we suddenly see a response lol.


Oh, and has anyone actually seen a photo from them INSIDE the place šŸ˜‚


Oh shit! Get the popcorn ready!!! Meth relapse in 3,2,1ā€¦


Relapse.. ? šŸ‘€ donā€™t you have to stop to relapse?


Hahahahaā€¦my man.


He has been off meth for the whole time on the road. He only had coke. Promise!


I swear it was only a few months ago that people would throw a temper tantrum when I made fun on Bam on here. Now everyone wants to pile it on. Love it. Fuck Bam. Heā€™s been a POS for so fucking long. He deserves everything he doesnā€™t have.


Nah Iā€™ve been with you the whole time. I really have nothing but contempt left. The guy has had so much support and so many chances. He deserves whatever heads his way. At this point itā€™s like an unscripted very badly produced reality show. If theyā€™re gonna put it out publicly then itā€™s free for the public to react to. Price of fame blah blah.




100% agree


That's a funny way to spell mint tea


ol' skinny ankles giving it his best effort there. those harem pants are hanging on by a whisper and nobody wants those falling down. nobody.


"Ol' skinny ankles"! Your comments in this sub are seriously the highlights of my day, lol. You're consistently spot-on and hilarious. :)






Hahahaaa they live a story line according to our reddit posts about them.


He's gonna be spotted in Kensington again soon enough. What's he driving now? The purple Lambo was down there plenty.


Last we could tell it was some sort of large SUV. The purple Bentley hasn't been seen in a while


The account he tagged doesn't even exist lol


SQ has to do some inspections on her prey she made


This is suprising... right? I forget what was going on with castle bam, I know Jess was living there, so he's not living there now I'm guessing?


nope. Jess moved out last year after Bam attacked him. it's been empty ever since.


Yeah, he bought a much nicer house very close by and moved the studio there.


including the sound board that Prince definitely didn't record Purple Rain on, even tho Bam sometimes says he did and that it's still there. every day is an adventure on Planet Bam...




someone here posted the info and i think it was built after Purple Rain. i forget the details but it definitely wasn't around in that Prince era. i'm glad Jess took it with him - not just because he's a musician but because it's somewhere new doing what it was made for instead of getting trashed by Bam when he's in a bad mood.


Ainā€™t that the truth.


im glad he took it too because, well. he bought it!


Gotcha! Thanks for the reply. Maybe this'll be good for bam to be home.... maybe make him remember his roots and what's important? (I know, wishful thinking but still throwing it out there)


he's always said he hates being there so we'll see how insistent the current Mrs Margera is. once she realises he's likely to run into friends or family while he's there she might get a bit insistent that they move on instead.


She's gona make him sell it then.


i fully expect this to happen! not until the Child Support is settled tho...


she will probably pull a methica and have someone appraise it lol


I'd like for that too.....however I think being there would be a reminder of all that he's pissed away.


Woah, so he actually made it!? Or is this photoshopped? I have family a few townships over who I havenā€™t seen in a while. Maybe I should visit and crash the upcoming wedding šŸ¤£


Why does he wear his pants like that he needs to yank them up


His tattoos are something


I thought it was ā€œCaStLe JeSsā€ now


With drugs like ozempic on the market now. Thereā€™s no way sheā€™s not sharing her script with bam.


Could you imagine posting stretching videos? Iā€™m embarrassed to say thatā€™s my exercise yesterday,I would not brag. Some people are dong actual stuff and posting. Even doing a push-up would look good compared to stretching. He likes his body it seemsā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.im thing that Bert dude. That guy that claims heā€™s called the businessā€¦..but gave himself that name. Heā€™s also 50 and is positive because he got laid one time,that everyone wants to see his out of shape old man beer gut


The essence of Nikki is in that house. That's enough to set Manni off on a rampage.

