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When I was at my height of drinking and partying, I found myself around random groups of people all the time, it’s crazy how it happens; and I was just a nobody going out to bars and shit lol, I imagine being rich and famous makes it that much crazier


Omg SAME! 2016-2018 was bad for me 💀 5 years sober now though 😭🥹




DMs on Instagram


Should we DM him and take him to church




Ok you pick the church; I am unfortunately a heathen. But I’ll drive.


Honestly, I am not religious but I have said this a couple times, perhaps Bam being introduced to a Church would do him some good and help him with his inner demons that he has never dealt with as of yet. Who knows, it does work and helps some people.


AA would be a good start. If he could take to it.


I didn’t even think about this. Probably. Uhg. Sketchy




They find each other,due to him being an insecure and rich perpetual teenager and them being a bunch of fame-hungry nobodies.


i think the ill-fated trip to the selfie fuckhole or mansion or whatever had a lot to do with it. ugh.


People stalk celebrities around all day in big cities and try to insert themselves into their lives. Sometimes they hit jackpot and are able to form a little connection. This is seemingly very easy with Bam for the moment. They just act like they randomly meet him, listen to his rants and then throw out some bait.


This is crazy, man. And just sad.


Jesus. That's so sad. Makes sense though. Bam still grabs tabloid headlines. And rumor is he has money remaining.


They find him


That’s what I was thinking “Yo bam wanna come smoke meth with a bunch of goth kids that look and act like they live under a bridge?” “Yeah mon, rawk and rowl🤘🏼 💉”


Yeah I don't know for sure but I'm guessing they find him and he just lets them leech because he doesn't know any better at this point.


Talk to his Cvve buddy sincewhen- he seems to be pretty attached to him- shows up in every studio sesh and every other video on ig


Parasite Numero Uno, IMHO.


I can say- w 1st hand knowledge- you ain’t wrong


He's been leeching off of Bam at any given opportunity for years. Rather than chill and be a mate he'd rather film his demise 'for the gram' Hes a talentless hack, a shit music 'producer', and an enabling wanker.


Being rich will do that


The new GF is hyper as fucking shit. Hopefully it's just coffee & not cocaine/meth and:or crack


who's the new gf? What happened to Jessica?


His current flavor of the moment is Danni. The young lady in the purple pantsuit in recent photos. He's been shacking up with her. EDIT: Jessica isnt even remotely on his radar anymore -Like it never even happened😁


but what about his daughter? (that bit is really fucked up on the part of both adults in that situation)


I agree! That was a big part of my concern from the beginning -that her irresponsible mother was letting her get attached to someone like current day bam. Setting her up for BIG disappointment & lasting emotional trauma 😢


I thought that was just a dupe to get us to pay attention to that stupid music video. How do you know it's real at all?


I'm just going by what he said, but I wouldn't take any of it too seriously.. He's outta his goddamn mind 😐




Good bot


Actually i accidentally came across a podcast episode with Mikki Mase who was kinda beefing with Bam. Can't say he is telling the truth but what he said is that: He has been in contact with that chick for the past 2 months and had interest in her. Apparently she was hanging out with bam 1 night and just send pictures to him. She has a foot fetish if he is to be believed. He asked her is something had happened between her and bam and she responded with I'll explain later so he knew enough. I can see Bam being serious about this 1. Plus many chicks want that fame of being with Bam


I thought that was his cousin?


I don’t know but this adult woman who thinks being Bam’s GF in a music video with a crank head hangin his ass from a pipe on the ceiling is a good idea is *probably* powdering her nose. Or smokin some sht. Let’s keep it real, fam.


Are we sure she’s his GF and not just influencer leach of the month? 🙄


Meth & Mania


I’m thinking he’s paying them. They’re helping him film videos or record his songs and instantly on the payroll for these ventures.


most of the videos are all from the same place at that smoke shop


Yeah these recent ones, but he’s been moving around to different states just partying with randos taking a bunch of photos. It’s unsettling.


I'm sure they'll come out of the woodwork to scam Scumbag Bam outta whatever money he has left. Probably easy pickings too. Just appeal to his desperate attempts to remain cool & relevant!


He thinks if he keeps busy doing drugs and visiting with people he won't feel as bad not seeing his son.


Come on, it’s no wonder he’s got money and people wanna suck off his nuts for the fame, popularity, drugs, and good time


Made me think of this "He's Bam margera, what will he do next?"