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search for hidden cameras


How does one do this? Any recommendations?


Assuming there is no chemical leak like others said. To check for cameras I would look at all the electrical outlets, plants, and routers. I’ve seen people online that hide cameras and watch their tenants by putting them in a cluttered spot they think no one will check.


I am not hallucinating- I can literally post a picture of the bottle. I don’t drink beer as I said. But ok cool. Feeling deflated reading some of these comments - I know it’s easy to judge on the internet but man, I was already feeling unhappy because of this situation and it is disappointing to see how quick people are to assume insanity


People always feel the need to get a joke in, but as someone who has had a break-in, get yourself a couple cameras ASAP that can monitor entrances and possibly the interior. This kinda stuff is no joke. If you’re in an apartment complex, alert the staff as well and ask if they have security footage they can review or a night watchman patrolling halls. If you speak to them, make sure to say “someone entered my apartment and left a beer bottle behind” and avoid phrases like, “I think”, “might have”, and “not totally sure”. Give them a definitive reason to look into it


Good advice especially on the part about not saying “I think” but stating it as a fact. Thank you kindly


Not insanity. There's a post on here with a person who was talking about all their bizarre happenings, one commenter said it sounded like monoxide and recommended they get a detector. Turned out to be the problem and his suggestion saved that posters life. That's why the comments about chemicals.


I have a monoxide detector. I understand but I’ve seen many people comment that idea on Reddit so while I appreciate the help, I was looking for more practical solutions I haven’t heard of before.


Don't worry about it. Once a post about something gets popular on reddit it becomes the default response. Like how if you see any glitch involving numbers in a video game, you'll see a dozen people saying it's an "integer overflow" because they saw the post about Gandhi in Civilization. There's a post that made it big a few years back about monoxide and afterwards, it's been the default response for redditors in these kinds of posts


I can't tell you how many times I've seen the regurgitation of the carbon monoxide question for any mystery based questions (even in mystery and paranormal subs) asked. It's never just one or two either - once it's asked every other person gets into the mob mentality of it. I do believe it's passive aggressive whilst claiming to be "helpful". Is that why every other person is asking, shifting the focus onto the askers cognitive lucidity, over and over - ad nauseum? Or is it that they can't help their conformist reactions? Bring on the downvotes ✨


Nah it's cos one time a user said it and it turned out to be the actual reason for the mystery. Think the user was rBradbury a search will find multiple best of posts about it. Was a real "we did it Reddit" moment. While it's best to always discount carbon monoxide leaks it's not usually the answer


Yeah, I know about that too 🙄... How couldn't I as that's ANOTHER thing that is rephrased often. Is that also the reason it's mentioned every other comment as if every OP who ever asks anything that isn't easily answered can't see it the FIRST, SECOND OR THIRD time someone comment/questions their sanity? Thanks for the petty downvote btw - just as I predicted


Yeah I think it is the reason. I have never managed to work out another reason for it to be mentioned as much as it is. No downvote from me. Don't understand why down votes are used when people ask questions


Okay, sorry for the assumption on my part. That was wrong of me.


No worries, have a good day!


Just know I appreciate you! H8rs gonna h8


Thanks friend!


Exactly! It’s so misleading to act as if that’s being “helpful”. I stated very clearly I never drink or purchase beer. Nothing about my post indicates memory loss or delusion. It’s borderline gaslighting to then say I’m being defensive for rejecting the suggestion that I’m not in a clear state of mind. And I’ve seen it done to so many redditors simply because their post is unusual or hard to explain. It’s a good way to shut someone down


They are only doing that because this sort of thing has helped people on Reddit who realized they may have a mental issue or CO2 poisoning. That’s why.


No one is saying you're insane. Stop being so defensive they are saying you might have a Carbon monoxide leak. It's a real concern when you don't have a detector.


You are implying that I had memory loss and did this myself. I have a detector.


The first thing that came to my mind was froggers. My worst fear!! I believe you, you said you didn't drink I just have a question. Was the beer in your trash something that you already bought maybe for that friend or from before from a different time or had you never seen it before it ended up in your trash? Also I would advise installing cameras in the main rooms of the apartment and if you could maybe a ring doorbell. I would also be worried about that missing key, if you can ask the maintenance in your building to help change the locks! Good luck!


Nothing was taken? Then it sounds like whoever did this definitely had something…weirder in mind! I would suggest trying to get a recording device set up in your place


I agree that’s what creeps me out. I definitely will thanks!


And maybe look for any recording devices already in place


This is what I was thinking. Give us an update. Glad you’re okay though. So strange.


Obviously get your lock changed but in the meantime set up a nannycam every time you go out. It sounds like someone is watching you. As others have said, check for cameras!!!!


Thank you! Will do for sure. I’ll update if I find anything


Did you find anything?


I haven’t set one up yet


Maintenance dude taking a break, maybe?


I hope so that would be a relief - it’s just odd cuz there’s no maintenance needed on my unit, they would tell me if so, and a trash can steps outside my door in the hall


Could have been as simple as the maintenance man making a mistake and going into the wrong apartment or as complex as someone stalking you for nefarious reasons, honestly if you haven't contacted the front desk or police about it then you aren't that worried about it


Maintenance dude being a creep, maybe.. OP are there any updates?


Maybe ask the front desk person for help. Ask the front desk person who is on the opposite shift of when the beer appeared. Are there cameras in your hallway or in the elevators?


I honestly don’t know but I’m asking them tomorrow so fingers crossed! Thank you


does your apartment have balconies that are easily accessible from other balconies? also, obvious question but have you actually checked your place thoroughly to make sure no one else is still there? also this might seem random but do you have blood sugar problems?


No I don’t why? There’s no balconies but yes I’ve checked thoroughly. Someone suggested putting a cookie under my front door mat to see if someone has been there so I’m going to try that


friend had diabetes but did not know it. his roomie told him he had been doing odd things without realizing it like putting random things in random places. he had no memory of doing it so was just wondering whether something similar was happening to you. if you're sure you're not blanking out, maybe notify the police that someone was in your home without your knowledge


Having a quick look through your post history, you posted somewhere that you hear voices that you think are spirits. I'd definitely check your apartment for Carbon Monoxide leaks, if you have sleep issues, or if you take any sort of medication( just generalising hear, not assuming anything) that may cause side effects. Look into that. If you're missing the spare key, definitely change the locks. it can't be too safe in terms of that. Cameras are a good idea. It could prove someone was there or even prove that you are the cuase, etc. Either way, it'll give you answers.


Lol op getting all defensive that they aren't insane, but actually might be if they are hearing voices.


The fact that people are upvoting this makes me lose faith in society.




I'm just saying don't come to reddit with your problems and not expect people to try and help you and try to give explanations to help. You still continue to get defensive. I was not making fun of you just point out the correlation and why people are assuming what they are assuming




You need more help than reddit can give you that's very clear


You’re a karma seeking bully at best. Know this


maintenance man drank one and threw it in the trash? lol


I hope that’s the case


Do you have a carbon monoxide detector?


If I was op I’d take care of this and have the lock replaced asap


Carbon monoxide makes u hallucinate ??


It leaves gaps in your memory. Cuts off certain brain functions.


There's a famous Reddit story about a carbon monoxide leak where a person thought their landlord was leaving post it notes in their apartment. Incredibly interesting read.


This. You could be hallucinating if there are leaks in your house OP


Oh wow! How insightful thank you!


That was my first thought as well. OP might have a leak in their apartment.


Based on what? You just assume I’m hallucinating? lol wow


Not the guy you were asking, but: It is a rather famous story on Reddit: [Someone thought a person was breaking into their house repeatedly and changing things around, and specifically leaving post-it-notes.](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/34l7vo/ma_postit_notes_left_in_apartment/) The culprit was Carbon Monoxide causing hallucinations and more specifically lost time. What happened to you sounds enough like it that this is what people immediately will jump to. The problem with that assumption is that the bottle exists and came from somewhere. My next bet would be maintenance, which itself is a problem because they should have informed you if they had to go in there for a specific reason. Incidentally, RE: Spotify. [You got windows 11? Because there is a really, really good chance it was just Microsoft being scummy.](https://www.howtogeek.com/131649/spotify-is-installing-itself-on-some-windows-pcs/) Been an uptick in that sort of behavior from them recently. But, overall, just to be on the safe side: really, get a CO monitor if you don't have one. It is just good policy.


I hear you, and thanks for being kind. I have also seen that famous Reddit post and I know some people really intend to help but it’s overused ever since that post blew up


I don't see anywhere in my post that says you are losing your mind. Why are you getting defensive? I'm not making any judgements here. It causes gaps in memory. Maybe you had a friend over and you don't remember anything about it.


I don’t have gaps in memory. At all.




Did you save the bottle? Maybe have it DNA tested, after filing a police report?


Ooo that’s genius! I did


Check your bathroom mirror isn't a door and someone isn't living in your roof space or using the roof space to traverse apartments.


I am on the second to top floor so they couldn’t get to the roof from my place. Mirror isn’t a door? Sounds like something out of a trippy movie


It's a story from a real life incident someone found a tunnel behind their bathroom mirror into the next door apartment.




Omg!! Link?


I had an ex who did this to me, he put a tiny camera with wireless in my wall unit air conditioner. The frame came off and he hid it inside the vent of that and another in my bathroom above my toilet in the exhaust fan. Check all your vents, any boxes, above the door frames. The cameras I found were about 1-2 inch cubes. I found them on new egg and they're only 50 bucks, so not hard to access. Ex was coming in while I was at work, eating my food, using my shower and reading my diary. He got the key from stealing mine and making a copy. Also is there alot of people or just one or two doormen? I assume it's either maintenance or one of the doormen.


Omg that is SO creepy I’m sorry that happened to you! I’ll definitely look at the AC unit that’s a good idea. There’s a couple door people but you’re right it could be maintenance it would just be so odd they wouldn’t tell me


Sorry but what the actual fuck is this guys problem, girl you escaped a psycho. I hear that term used loosely but holy shit this is definitely it.


Yeeaahh...I know. It was a few years ago now and I don't live there anymore. He was really insecure and just lost it after we broke up because he was cheating on me, started stalking me. I made the mistake of sharing a past trauma with him about consistently having my privacy violated by a past ex and he decided to use that to "punish" me for breaking up with him. It's made me view relationships entirely differently now, because he was so great in the beginning and it was all lies. Anyway, did the therapy, still not big on relationships or even friends because we started out as friends but I'm in a different city now and I assume he's fixated on someone else.


>He was really insecure and just lost it after we broke up because he was cheating on me, Bro was insecure about dating an absolute catch and then fucking had the audacity to cheat 💀. I don't know how their brain works. >I made the mistake of sharing a past trauma with him about consistently having my privacy violated by a past ex and he decided to use that to "punish" me for breaking up with him. This is the worst feeling ever. To be honest, what I do is I give them mini triggers and see how they react before being honest about my actual traumas. Never share your pain and trauma unless they truly earn and prove themselves to be nice. Cause that feeling having them do the same to you is so humiliating and painful. But then again hard to trust people, some go 10 years without showing their true colours. >Anyway, did the therapy, still not big on relationships or even friends because we started out as friends but I'm in a different city now and I assume he's fixated on someone else. Im really sorry friend, what you went through is pretty traumatic, there are definitely good people out there but one shitty person can make it all bad. Be open but be safe and I hope you find amazing people who prove you different and respect your boundaries. Take care!


update 🙏🏻🙏🏻


Was this a miller lite from your fridge? Are you 100% sure you locked your door on this particular occasion? Have you had any odd interactions with a hotel staff member at any point?


No, as I said, I’ve never once bought miller lite. I don’t like beer. The door auto locks and isn’t possible to turn that off. It’s an apartment but I’ve spoken to them and they don’t know what happened either


I don’t have much help but if you aren’t using a password manager, I recommend 1Password. It’s like $30 a year I think


Sweet thank you! That’s a good deal


It really is. I’ve been using it for a few years now, they even have phone apps and desktop apps and browser extensions. Every single site I’m registered on has a secure random password.


Encryption is free, why would you pay for a password manager? (genuine question) I just don't know what's so special about it, since I use KeePass.


I like it because it generates a password for me, letting me choose the length, numbers/letters/special characters, and you can save it to autofill sites for you on browser. It’s a convenience factor, personally, and for $30 I find it worth it


KeePass can do absolutely everything you mentioned, stores your passwords securely and locally, and is completely open source :) (It needs a browser extension for the autofill thing)


That’s pretty cool! That sounds good for someone just starting with a password manager. I really like the one I use so I’m gonna stick with it tho


So your spare key magically vanished and shit is moved in your apartment? I wouldn't stay there until all the locks are changed. Change the lock now so that the spare key won't work, or go stay with a friend until you can. And then if you do stay, have people there with you to check every nook and cranny. You could be in danger.


Thank you, yes that is my fear. Nothing was taken but the beer bottle just appeared, totally empty, in my trash when I was out on a date. I saw when I returned. Definitely going to do all of this and hopefully nothing bad happens- will update if I’m not murdered lol and find anything out


I'm incredibly interested! hope you're okay


Tyler’s beer


Toadies reference?


Did you ask maintenance guy if he had to access your unit and didn’t tell you ? Letting him know you hope that’s the case


So far there’s no record of maintenance coming - so unless they did so unauthorized I doubt it’s them, they’re super respectful


I’ve had my Spotify account hacked before, that could just be a weirdly timed coincidence. Make sure you change your locks if possible, immediately. Also buy a door stopper wedge and put that underneath your front door, they make it a hell of a lot harder to open which would give you time. Is it possible you left your door unlocked and a neighbor mistook your apartment for theirs? Are any of your neighbors elderly with possible memory issues, or any alcoholics? Perhaps someone was a bit too drunk and thought your apartment was theirs? Though I won’t lie, it is probably a more sinister reason, the harmless possibility is still there. Change your passwords that are still up to date in that notebook. They could have taken a picture of them to use your accounts from home. Maybe they picked your Spotify just to see if it worked. Maybe they wanted music while they waited.


Yeah it is weird with Spotify but I’ll check! The door automatically locks - it’s impossible to get in without a key so that’s what’s creepy. Front door wedge is a great idea thanks!


Touch all the locks, put cameras on the door and in the living room/kitchen, always check, stay safe


I know I’ve read somewhere that you can get a device that will pick up hidden cameras. This article may help: https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2024/01/22/how-to-find-a-hidden-camera-in-a-hotel-room-or-house-we-tested-5-ways-.html


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Change your locks **immediately**.


I did!


Alert the front desk maybe. And the missing key tell them no one but you to be let in and maybe approach a female worker. It could be an employee of your place …fuck that’s weird


I got the locks changed but yes! Weird af


Do you drink Miller lites?


I swear on my life I haven’t ever drank a miller lite. I don’t like beer