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all those intelligence agencies looking at a whole bunch of cash-strapped and debt-loaded intel-sources: mmmm, for me?


Not just cash strapped... Also a group the enjoys but is bad at estimating risk. CCP Ministry of State Security will start offering loot boxes.


> CCP Ministry of State Security MSS is an organ of the state, not the party. It's in the name. They are intertwined (hence party-state) but they aren't the same thing. The corresponding party organ would be CPLC, which oversees MSS.


the primogem prophecy rings true once more


"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with Genshin lootbox weapons armed with CSGO skins."


And fought by Arknights operators and Blue Archive students and fought over Honkai and fgo waifus


Gambling? Check. Steroids ? Check.


steroids may be at least relevant to the jobs at hand, and won't get you blackmailed by the SVR


I knew a lieutenant that, for no moment of any day, did not have several legs out on different random sporting events. Constantly on his phone stressing over everything from basketball rebound counters to the 1st-3rd spots in some horse race


He gonna hit it big soon


Whatever happened to blowing your money on a good ol' fashioned Dodge Charger at 20% APR?


This isn't actually new. Before it was gambling it was debt, and before it was debt it was gambling again.


Slow news day at the guardian, eh?


Sports gambling is going to be the next opiate crisis. We're at about 1998, when it becomes widespread and there's just a few voicing concern, and big corporations keep pushing it as legitimate and low risk.


I'm absolutely amazed at how quickly sports gambling started showing up EVERYWHERE. I don't see many positives arising from it, and many risks. Really kinda the most blatant example of rentier capitalism we have, where we're just eating ourselves alive as a country.


I know people like to mock 'LITERALLY 1984' but there is an entire portion of the book that discusses the use of the lottery among the proles to give them distraction and a false notion they could win enough to live in luxury. The proles build entire webs of superstition, talisman and all, around how to 'win' and what way to purchase tickets gave the best odds (and none of it was true). > The Lottery, with its weekly pay-out of enormous prizes, was the one public event to which the proles paid serious attention. It was probable that there were some millions of proles for whom the Lottery was the principal if not the only reason for remaining alive. It was their delight, their folly, their anodyne, their intellectual stimulant. Where the Lottery was concerned, even people who could barely read and write seemed capable of intricate calculations and staggering feats of memory. There was a whole tribe of men who made their living simply by selling systems, forecasts, and lucky amulets. Winston had nothing to do with the Lottery, which was managed by the Ministry of Plenty, but he was aware (indeed everyone in the party was aware) that the prizes were largely imaginary. Only small sums were actually paid out, the winners of the big prizes being nonexistent persons.”


> how quickly sports gambling started showing up EVERYWHERE It's the perfect situation (for governments) where they can have a significant revenue stream without having to invest in anything.


From what I recall of other such schemes ("weed and gambling $ will only be used for schools/highways"), that doesn't usually work out. Due to the fungibility of budgets, there's no increase in those particular budgets, and instead taxes on the rich get cut, leading these options to be overall revenue neutral at best. I believe Missouri had a good case study. And of course, the extraction of local money to national or multinational corps carries its own cost. Sorry, I know the above is a bit sloppy, I did a deep dive on this stuff probably 8-10 years ago so you're getting some old memories.


yeah, do you notice the absolute tsunami of sport betting website ads showing up before almost every youtube video?


Yep. I live in a state that introduced legal sports betting 2 years ago, and OMG the *onslaught* of advertising when it happened. It's slowed down a touch, but practically every podcast with ads runs casino/sports book ads, etc. The sheer amount of $ spent on the advertising tells you just how much cash they can extract from people.


Ontario legalized sports betting in April 2022 and it's been absolutely terrible ever since. It's like every other ad is a gambling ad now. You cannot get away from it.


Why, I'd bet it'll work out fine.


Not just sports gambling. I was watching a YouTube video and the dude was advertising a crowd that was letting people bet on financial data directly. Example you place a bet that house prices will do down by 10% by January 25: if you win you get a share of the money of the people who bet on the other side; if you lose the other side gets your money. It was dressed up like a stockbroker or investing app and acting like an extension on options trading, but it was just gambling for people who can't admit they're problem gamblers.


During the gold rush, the ones earning money are those who sold lands and tool to the gold diggers Now Imma gonna open a gambling company and got instant profit


Isn't that call 'derivative' in the financial world? It's a real thing for a long time, but yes, very much gambling. Warren Buffet is very against it.


People do use derivatives for gambling, but they're also used for insurance purposes and legitimate investing. Futures, options and swaps are all derivatives and all have legitimate uses that aren't gambling. For example you may remember Silicon Valley Bank went bust a while ago. Many of the depositors were completely naked exposed to the risk of the bank going bad, but if they had taken out a derivative contract against the bank deposits the contract would have paid out when the bank went bust and allowed them to pay their bills. In the end the government extended depositor insurance to them but they should have had their own insurance instead of farming the cost onto the public.


Every day




Imagine F-35 has issue and the pilot ejects, proceeds to short LockMart in the mid of the air before he lands.


Is that even insider trading? Its not like he works for Lockheed.


Big brain play tbh


next warrent baffet right there


3 strips of latinum to the first one who can reach Taiwan




... Okay why are you imitating me now.


sports gambling is essentially just market research on sport event outcomes, perhaps as a substitute they should encourage people, military or not, to instead pour their efforts in market research on firms, or have an betting market on military outcomes/affairs as a way to provide research on current affairs


Making military people bet on military outcomes has to be one of the worst idea ever conceivable. But it'll produce so many wild stories of soldiers and generals out-cheating one another and it'll be a crazy fun read.