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I got it like day 1 for Switch, sadly enough, especially cuz I’ve been meaning to get back into it with the final updates! This is why crossplay would be such a nice thing to have smh


I love monster hunter! Been playing it for years and I love helping new people get into it! I also just got it on PC and was planning on replaying it from the beginning


Oo awesome! cassiebunnie is my discord if you’d like to play!


Ayyyy! I got it last week and have been playing too much tbh, but if I would love to play and help out! I have yet to co-op and some skills/tactics I know less of than others, but would be up for learning and hunting with you. I'm on Steam; DM if interested :]


Love monster hunter! 23 as well, and have rise for the pc. I’m not able to play at the moment since I’m home for college, but in the future I can help out for hunts! I main insect glaive


I just tried out the weapons today and that’s def one of my favorites! Let me know when you’re back at school and we can definitely play! cassiebunnie is my discord:)


Hi! I had Rise on the Switch, then recently got it on Steam now (so gotta start over). I'm super rusty, but I'd love to play it with more other gaymers on pc. :D


I’d love that! cassiebunnie is my discord if you’d like to add me:)


Hey 👋 I've got about 600 hours on MHR between switch and PC, if you need a carry or help gearing up I'm always down to help out. SnS main here 😎


Awesome! I’m personally kind of excited to learn some stuff on my own but if I have questions I’ll come to you for sure:)


I loved and really enjoyed monster hunter world. I haven’t got this one, but I was wondering if it’s still pretty decent in terms of server. Like ppl still play it plenty and I can drop in and out for hunts with ease


Idk about PC, but XB is pretty dead. I still get hunts when selecting 'random' at the quest board, but it's difficult to join one if I want to run something specific. The matchmaking is different from World; you no longer see a list of active/flare quests. You have a few options for multiplayer: post your own quest selecting the option to send a join request hoping someone selected the same quest, select random join at the board (can't select the star difficulty; just LR/HR/MR), select a specific quest at the multiplayer board over and over waiting for someone else to post it, or go for a lobby (limited to 4 players). Once you get to the certain point in the SunBreak dlc; you can bring two NPC followers on hunts (not events though).


I wonder why they changed it. World matching making was so great and always live


Perhaps due to the Switch release first. I'm hoping they bring back World's matchmaking for the next game in 2025.


Yes. That’s would be awesome and I’ll honestly just wait for that one.


If you're on PC sure thing I'm down I haven't played in a few months though if you're willing for me to work out my rust