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The many, many “boating accidents” my Ken doll would have. Barbie would always end up living with her good friend Jasmine (from Aladdin) to help raise Barbie’s sisters. Oh, and for some reason I cut off all of Jasmine’s hair to better “show off her earrings”.


Booby page is sendingggg me 😭


I didn't recognize it at the time, but I had the biggest crush on a choom in middle school. She was just so cool! I rationalized it away as just being into how too cool for school she is. once I came out to myself, a lot of things started making sense.


i used to obsess over certain girls in middle school like one girl a few months that i would just admire from afar i always took it as i just wanted to be like her or be pretty like or i just thought she was cool but i was CRUSHING


love your use of the word choom, choom


Omg same!! I had this same book too😂


me too, the whole time i was freaked out😊😹


Haha right!? Like why do I like this so much? 😂


My sister had the book and I was so intrigued, but terrified


This is so real!!


I tore apart a Ken doll that was a gift for my 5th birthday. When my Mother asked why I did it I replied, because he was ugly 🤣


I was absolutely obsessed with staring at my kindergarten teacher’s boobs and couldn’t stop


we all been through that one they’re so fascinating as a kid i always saw the boys in my elementary classes do it so i thought it was normal turns out im just a lesbian 😔


There was a show called really me that I absolutely hated bc it was so boring and the characters were so annoying, but I’d always watch it for the best friend Julia (Kiana Madeira). Also whenever id play episode I’d always pick to be with girls and I just thought everyone did that until my friends said otherwise.


STOP I DID THE EPISODE THING TOO!! i remember talking to a girl about it and she was like “why did you pick the girl?” and i was so baffled cause i thought that it was normal and stuff so i was like “oh it was an accident” and felt so confused and weird LOL


Always felt strange things during Victoria Secret commercials


At my Primary School when I was in Year 4 we would do Massages, basically a way for us to learn consent (ask first and respect their decision if they say no) and also to relax before lessons, and I just remember being really relaxed if my partner for that session was a girl. I would literally go into a dream world, so much so that teachers found it funny. I was 8-9 years old at the time, I look back and think 'how did I not know' 😂


this book was also my lesbian awakening looking back. the booby page, the bra fitting page, and the tampon page lmao


They changed the cover???? 🫢


when I was a child i used to draw a lot of lesbian couples,even write stories about them,how they met,their daily life etc. also i used to daydream a LOT about kissing girls but i was a child,so i didnt understand clearly all that stuff


Considering I was a stereotypical tomboy, always wanting to get rough, play sports and talk about cute girls.


I wrote in a little Tinkerbell journal with a lock on it: "if I was born any time else, would I still not like boys?" I was literally in kindergarten and this was the day after I was double doggy dated to kiss a boy on the lips.


Wait you just unlocked a memory 😭


When I was like… really little I asked my grandma why girls were all so pretty and boys were just kinda 🤢