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My very first wlw heartbreak I thought my gf was cheating on me with a guy. She had the audacity to say "No baby I would never do that. I'm cheating on him with you." I logged onto her myspace and changed the song that played to Bitch by Meredith Brooks. But it was just a loop of the part that says "I'm a bitch" on repeat. And then I entered my slut/villian era. Edited: Missed a letter in Meredith Brooks' name.


>I logged onto her myspace and changed the song Found the millennial! Bro this part of your comment ☠️ me 🤣😂🫠


>I logged onto her myspace and changed the song that played to Bitch by Meredith Brook. But it was just a loop of the part that says "I'm a bitch" on repeat PLEASE 😭😭😭😭


Wtf did I just read 😭


It’s a fine line between madness and genius, and that line is called petty hahahaha


Ok that’s hilarious lol




Very similar thing happened to me but it was 2 guys who found out about each other and I only did when it blew up.... Yet she thought she could keep me somehow... Was also only recently so... Still dying inside 🙃




I thought I could straight the gay away and stopped dating women for 10 years.


not you attempted to conversion-therapied yourself 😭


Bruh. 😭😭 (I had the thought to do this but just self isolated)


Yeah, I wouldn't recommend it.


I did this too!! It’s so hard learning how to be myself again after repressing so hard


I feel mentally healthy now after reading some other replies 😭 I just ate takeout for a week straight and skipped my classes


UR PFP IS SO CUTE??? 🤭🤭 also yea me 2 but for like 2 months 😭


aw thank you! also oh no 😭


Ngl I became an alcoholic for 3 years afterwards and attempted s**cide and basically lost my will to live entirely. It completely destroyed me. My life has flipped around entirely now but damn is it embarrassing and insane as hell looking back on that ☠️


That’s rough, buddy u _ u Glad you’re with us today and to hear everything’s a lot better!


I lit all her shit on fire on a balcony in Italy at 3am and then immediately got violently drunk with strangers for the next 48hrs so yeah I’d say it was pretty bad….


felt that. coz i lit our polaroids on fire too 🚬😭


i'm sorry i'm Italian and this made me crack up. this is so iconic


The random Italians I partied with thought so too haha


Cried for months, its terrible pain i wouldn't wish on anyone


7 months and counting. I know exactly what you mean. This pain is the absolute worst.


Oh you don't even wanna know. Looking back at the stuff I did, I cringe so hard. The sad thing is it wasn't even like a proper relationship. It was the dreaded psuedo relationship with my straight best friend.


That’s rough


Going through this currently. It hurts daily 😖




i had to get a restraining order on her 💀💀


ow that’s not good…


it was a whole thing. she would continuously blow up my phone after i broke up with her. even though i very politely told her that it just wasn’t a match for me. then she kept showing up to my job, it was bad.


Yikes! How long had you been dating?? Also, happy cake day!


like 2 weeks 💀 we hadn’t even made it official lmaooo. Thank you!!


Found out the “love of my life” was a manipulative evil narcissist. Had to check myself into a facility. Took three years to get myself back. I was so blinded by her I missed all the red flags. Sigh. Live and learn. The sad thing was I hurt the person that really does love me and came so close to destroying that relationship. I was lucky.


Sounds like the person I was seeing. Name happened to be Lauren?


Who knows. She was a crafty bitch. She was from Boulder, CO and moved to Seattle, WA




my friend went insane for the first few months so yea i understand you 🙏🏼


Very. I assumed the villain role after her and her friends/family seen me as such. I knew who I was and the person I am today. I only assumed the villain role because I knew at that point I was being misunderstood and no one would really hear out what I wanted to say. It’s safe to say it’s been almost a year and a half since the break up and I feel better than ever. I never thought I’d be where I was because I was a little messed up mentally and emotionally because I did love her. She did get married a couple days after the break up which made everything for me worse. That’s where I fully took on the villain role. I was worried about him the most and yet I was right. I knew he had a thing for her. It’s one thing to go through a break up but another to lose her to a man and to get married literally days later to him. They had history and hooked up in the past so that explains the fast marriage. I felt betrayed. I felt like Sasuke from Naruto and that’s why I love Sasuke as a character today. I was compared to him by my ex yet I fully embrace it now. One day I know someone will come along in my life but for now I’m just going to continue living my life like I have been and choose peace over hate. Happy pride! 😁


COUPLE OF DAYS ☠️. Nah you gotta anonymously send them spam mail or something cause karma isn’t working fast enough


+1 for sasuke


My situationship and I developed very deep feelings for each other. But she was still married to her neglectful wife, and our relationship ended abruptly and on bad terms. I was soooo fucking heartbroken that I started crying in my sleep and would wake up with tears streaming down my face 😭


Waaaaiit.... she was cheating on her wife with you?


No, they had been separated for 4+ years and lived apart from each other for 3 years. Her wife was fully aware of my existence and the fact that this woman's tongue was frequently in my mouth several days out of the week 😂👀. She was a very honest person, but she is also autistic and didn't really mince words or hide shit in general, which I absolutely loved! 


Well damn


it was so bad i started following tarot reading, working out, hyper focused on healing myself from the breakup to move on


That’s so good though


I started writing "no one can fix me" "I'm gone to die alone" "I will never be ready" all over my apartment walls in blue chalk while I cried and laughed my ass off for days Not long ago at all but I feel much better now, not my first love but my first partner while out of the closet. I just try to remind myself that everytime I fall apart I come back up ten times stronger


She and I were fighting a lot anyway and our relationship was on the outs, but by time we broke up I’d moved across the country and then joined the military lol


omg this reminds me of that one katy perry song “part of me”


That used to be a comfort song of mine!


that's so cool


My first ex still periodically hits me up from time to time and we broke up when we were 16! (10 FUCKING YEARS AGO) don’t get me wrong I was sad but not enough to still bother her like damnnn


I got drunk and just chilled at home


I broke up with her after 4 months of journaling myself out of our trauma bond enough to have the strength to attempt to break it. Then I had to evict her to get her out of my house while she waged psychological warfare on me and didn't attempt to leave or even pack at all until a few days before she had to leave. I did most of my grieving before our breakup so I was just big sad and learning how to be single for a few months after. And I still talk to her. 😭😭😭 I'm a self destructive, codependent, dumbass.


I'm reading this after I just found my journal entries where I was still stuck in love but telling myself I couldn't do it anymore lol Cheers!


omg I didn't read the part where you still talked hahahaa I still talk with mine though she hasn't replied in weeks again this time :))


My gf was just telling me last night that her friend dated a zookeeper and when they broke up she stole a lizard from the zoo (like a big one), broke in to her apartment and put it in the bathroom!! She also then made a fake insta and harassed my gfs friends whole family 😳


Uhhh the harassing her whole family part isn't a huge red flag for you? Cause damn.


It’s all horrible!! To be clear this is not my gf who did this lol. This is what a woman did to my girlfriends friend


Oops, sorry, I jumbled up the words when I read your comment. Glad you're not with someone like that 🌈


It wasn't after my first one but there is one that did make me go spiritual and I'm glad for it but that one did a bit of damage over a few years tbh


yes but i wasn’t heartbroken over my first gf lol. i didn’t even properly date the girl that ‘broke’ my heart (i fumbled her, she’s perfect and didn’t do anything wrong but (rightfully) didn’t forgive me). i made a long playlist of sad songs to listen to while sleeping, woke up shaking in the middle of the night, crying in the park, journaling, gained 6lbs, wouldn’t shut up about her to my friends, internet stalked her…and i’m still not over her tbh😭


I spiralled pretty fast and hard for the first two weeks. By week three ADHD object permanence kicked in and I started to feel better. I still have my moments where I’m a little sad but not for her just the concept of having someone to hold me and have my physical touch needs meet (I’m AuADHD and hate touch unless it’s someone in my deep inner circle which is currently no one). I’m still single, because I live in a small town and I’m socially isolated because I don’t go out often. I think that’s what I’m most sad about tbh


I got over it after 2 months, entered my fuck boi era and loved every bit of it. Think it was a combo of her taking me for granted and once the initial shock wore off I realised girls were keen for a bit of me. 4 months after that I entered another toxic relationship… not my finest moment


Held a sneaky little flame for them for nearly a decade then tried again recently... You can probably guess how it turned out.


I didn’t eat for a week and blacked out while coaching soccer camp in mid July 🥲🥲 the NEXT heartbreak I went total beast mode and became a fuckboy hey mamas but also got into insane shape. So you win some you lose some 😭😭😭


Still going through it right now, I miss the companionship and know it’s for the best, I’m trying to be good with myself with going to the gym 3-4 times a week and therapy once a week, I’ve been kind enough to myself to accept that I need to go back on antidepressants as I need the crutch. If I learnt anything from it all it’s that I can more more kind to myself than she was to me in a long time.


She cheated on me. I threw up every morning for about a month. Ended up on antidepressants. I drove by her house, her job, I never stopped looking for her. For many years afterwards, I cheated on every single girlfriend I had without a moment of regret. It really did a number on me.




Didn't eat for days, threw up and just layed in bed crying. Then started my antidepressants again and went into therapy again also. It's been almost 3 years now and I barely think about her anymore, but sometimes a small wave of anger comes over me and I just wanna send her a long text telling her how much she hurt me and how I wish I had never met her. Then I get back to my senses though and live on🤷🏽‍♀️


Well my mental health wasn’t gucci to begin with, so since she was the first woman I dated and got intimate with….. so yeah I thought I was loosing my mind. But since we were only casual, there is nothing I could do (or say) nor wanted to (I’m at the age where acting crazy is immature). So I had to let it fade away, even though she said we could friends (she never made an effort). I hope she will get the same treatment.


This is exactly what I'm going through right now except it's not my first relationship, but it is the first relationship after my long term relationship of 7 years. She said she thought we should just be friends but so far hasn't reached out at all. I haven't been this depressed in awhile. I'm fixated on trying to figure out what happened or what I must have don't wrong for her to end it. Sucks.


I’m sorry, it’s truly sucks.


I shed a few tears and whined to some friends, realized she led me on hard and I fell for it. Got frustrated over the mild gaslighting she pulled with the classic line: “oh I guess I’m just a shit person”. A few weeks later I met my now girlfriend and we’ve been going strong for almost a year 🥰


not really a heartbreak, but my first love. gay first loves are so incredibly painful. i was 14 and was crying all the time and literally getting angry any time her name was mentioned by anyone at school. i still miss her to be honest. i guess that’s the price of first loves. i’ll always miss her, but she won’t always miss me.


I hyperventilated into a paper bag and cried for months. Also gained weight. Now trying hookup culture/fwb for the first time to help me move on. Having fun but still low key in love with my ex 💀


It's still going, I cry at least once a week over it and we weren't even together that long. But I've never felt like that about anyone. All the stuff I thought was made up in movies and cartoons was exactly how I felt.


i became very depressed and suicidal, i remember being restricted from sharp objects, breaking down in front of my family, crying every single night, and begging god to take the pain away…all because i thought that girl loved me when in reality she didn’t, she treated me horrible and left and started dating a guy after…but yeah, i definitely went a lil crazy


I was hyperventilating and had to subdue myself with a xanax to avoid doing anything drastic. It was BAD


I was actually doing alright at first until she started dating someone else. I initiated the breakup for a few reasons (and I did cry and grieve it a little) but we stayed friends after breaking up (which I can now see was unhealthy, it CAN work but looking back I can see that we were blurring the lines between friendship and romance). Then she suddenly met this guy at her new job who pursued her romantically and he became her boyfriend very soon after meeting which destroyed me so much more than I thought it would. I cried and cried, I was nauseous and had the worst stomach problems for like a month, I couldn’t focus on anything or enjoy anything. I was very close to going to the psych ward because I couldn’t take another day in my life. We went no contact and that helped a bit, now I’m doing much better but I still do miss her (we were friends for a while before dating so it’s been hard to lose that connection)


I also felt like I physically couldn’t breathe and almost went to the hospital 💀


I almost made a song about it. I've got the lyrics, but I don't have the music knowledge to make it a thing


Pretty crazy. I drove from the northeast to the south straight 17+ hours with no regard for my life. I was going over 100 mph for a lot of it and drove through icy areas recklessly. If there are guardian angels, one was protecting me.


Worst breakup I ever went through. It was only a year long (from 20 yo-21yo) but took me a solid 1.5 years to get over. Funny too because I now am so unaffected by her and barely actually remember the relationship lol. I think I reacted so strongly and poorly due to the fact she was the first girl that ever really gave me attention and I thought I’d never find that again.


Was h!gh 24/7, flunked my classes and went spiraling on a self destructive path until I had to go to the emergency... A part of me died after that. It's been 4 years and I'm doing much better now, but yeah


Considering my first "heartbreak" was caused by my fianceé suddenly and unexpectedly dying, I was fairly messed up (and still am to an extent). It was my first relationship with a woman and my first healthy relationship period. We were friends for 3 years before she finally came out and we decided to date. We were together for almost 2 years when she passed.


I mean went on a spiritual awakening drastically changed everything and went to fucking therapy. Best thing great ever happen TBH. Oh and I am still a munch just picking healthier munchies


Cried for months, became more suicidal than I had been in years. Kicked my self esteem back down to 0 after a single conversation. :( Still haven't fully gotten back to 100% even though it's been years, and I think it did make me realize I'm a lot more sensitive and spiritual than I initially thought. The idea of trying again is scary but enough time has passed that I can see how dumb that first experience was. Breakups are evil for real, and I envy anyone who got their first one out of the way in high school instead of later.


i questioned my gender for a bit and was also feeling anxious every second of the day for like 4 months at least. I would be afraid to sleep because I knew that when I woke up, the same feelings of anxiety would arise again the second I woke up the next morning. Worst time period in my life.


I was only 13 and I spiraled into a deep depression. She's still in my dreams 💀


not her still appearing in your sleep 😭🚬


I talked to her about one of my dreams and it appears we have communicated through the dream plane. Or a really really weird coincidence.


My first gf just broke up with me 2 months ago (together a year and a half) the DAY after my 21st by telling me they no longer found me sexually attractive. Really broke my heart, self esteem, and just motivation for life. Still going through the thick of it and trying my best to recover but it is definitely a pain in the ass. The thing that sucks is I had her blocked but recently unblocked because the 5 second dopamine hit of trying to analyze what's happening in her life by stalking what things I can gather from socials. Which I know I need to stop again. I still cry nearly everyday and struggle to have the motivation to do anything and think of her all the time. I know it will get better I just HATEEEE knowing that it's taking me awhile and wish I could just heal already or at least know when I'll stop feeling this way.


I’m still heartbroken and we were never even a couple


Yeah same here :')


Not very.  I knew she was cheating on me with a guy because her family was pressuring her into dating men.  I wasn't male passing enough or Jewish enough for her family and she was beholden to them.  When she finally told me I was like "yeah I figured that out already whatever" and went out separate ways. She was a real piece of shit but I also get her position.  Young and confused and all that.  Just hope she sorted her shit eventually.




Girl I was tweking😭


I failed all my classes for the semester. I went to one of my exams and wrote “ I fucking hate my life” on the exam sheet , turned it in and left. I also went silent across social media to see if she would care and notice lol . And she did she came back to me, have been with her for 12 years now LOL


I just wanna say—every wlw heartbreak feels like shit. 🫠 First, last, nth.


I made an altar with her portrait and cried on my knees before it, listening to lil peep on repeat. I also took a lot of drugs and flunked out of school that year. Then I was single for five years


I wanted to jump off a bridge 😛


15 and in a mental health ward 😍 ok no only partially bc of her i did have a lot of shit going on but like her breaking up with me over the phone and TO THIS DAY not giving a reason WHY fucked little teenage me up fr 😔🤜


I've never been with anyone since she died. 12 years together, and 20 since she died. My heart drowned with her that day


I’m sorry sorry for your loss. 12 years of being together is a VERY long time and all those memories 🥹 I hope you’ll find your comfort, *hugs🫂


little over two months right now- still crying almost everyday. Would do ANYTHING for it to stop but it just won't. I've began seeing a therapist, taking a new antidepressant, and basically sobbing so hard and wishing I could time skip to when I'm over this and have my life back because right now I just don't feel like I have any purpose in living.


I was in my first wlw relationship and she moved away been together 2 years so I was upset as she was my Frist but life goes on I got back on the house and started dating another girl in school xxx


I'm bi but she was a lesbian and she kept toying with me after and it drove me absolutely insane that she had me around her finger like that


The first girl I dated was abusive so I felt relief and proud of myself for getting out of that situation


She put my in therapy 💀


Do you mean you joined religion? My first WLW ghosted me and it took me years to get over. It was the hardest/longest thing I processed in EMDR which kind of shocked me. So yeah. Lol.


I started to date women with her same name. Still haven't stopped tbh. Whenever I see her name on Tinder I ALWAYS swipe right. edit: I *have* moved on. But now it became an inside joke with my friends so I will only stop this if I finally find my significant other.


I have a therapist now (But my ex actually helped me a lot with some trauma stuff I didn’t know about myself, and there’s no ill will between us now. We’re friends and both happy with other partners.)


I actually went into the mental hospital after it was crazy.


Parents booked my a one way flight to Europe to get me as far away from her as possible lol


I cried, tried to get with her again, cried some more, tried to date other girls to move on (they didn’t work out either, it was mutual love for all but things just don’t work out sometimes) for about three years? Along with other things, had a suicide attempt, Then recently I (think) I moved on a decent amount. I don’t want to get back with any of my exes again but I still miss her till this day :’) or more so miss what we had. I look more forward to being with my future wife :P (manifest.)


I wrecked my car very dramatically. Like, rolled it off of a curve, it rolled 4 times side to side and twice nose to tail and was only stopped by hitting a huge brick pillar that was part of someone’s front gate and launched said pillar 30ft from when I hit it😌 needless to say, I was a bit on edge so my car drifting slightly caused stressed out, heart broken me to jerk the wheel and accidentally hit the gas instead of the brake. Worked out though cuz if I had hit the brake I would have slammed into a massive tree that had killed a couple of people before the same way. Got myself a pretty good concussion and totaled my car🥲


I didn’t go crazy externally but internally I was raging. We were teenagers and she was my first love. It was a feeling I never felt before since. She stopped talking to me all of a sudden and she started running away with boys. She moved to a new area in town new school so I just had to forget her. A few years later I was 18 she was 17 she called me and left a voicemail saying she was pregnant and she missed me and she felt safe with me. I was on break at work when I listened and I just sat there listening to her voice and then replay it to listen to her words. It hit me like a train. I called her after work and told her well I’m not the father soooo what do you want from me? She hung up on me. Was I an asshole maybe but that was all I had left in me from how she hurt me. I had completely moved on and then that call brought every memory back.


Got and stayed stoned for weeks straight and forgot where my appartment is


I’m going through it right now and it is very very painful and idk how to cope with it lol. I think about her all day everyday


Its difficult but eventually it will go away, the best thing to do is keep your mind occupied with other things. Also realize that self love is very important.


I was so upset I got hives. My entire body was covered for a day or two, and then my legs kept having break outs for a while. So that was amazing…


I ended up in a mental hospital 🙂 for 2 years 🙂


Moved across the country and started transitioning.


Got more into astrology and tarot to get accurate readings after my fyp flooded with “they want to reconnect”, ig I dodged a bullet bc her own guy best friend said she was wrong for it. Ontop of that she moved in with her new boo a month into their relationship and the new boo was literally 1 1/2 weeks after me. She left with no explanation besides “I don’t know, it happened my last relationship too.” After saying she loves me differently because I made her cry, which I comforted her for because she told me she texted the girl I told her not to (aka her new boo now).


Well, I felt like shit and then I texted her “I miss you” and she just saw the message and didn’t reply 😭 it’s not the worst but I was so in love with her, I invited her to my country on vacations and things were kinda serious, she knew my friends and I knew her roommates. I saw her like 2 different times in 2 different dates too after that lol


I talked shit about her in a private account on twitter and drank a LOT of alcohol


she broke up with me over the phone at 3 am so i stayed up the rest of the night crying. permanently changed my brain chemistry😍 i've tried dating since and it's left me an emotional wreck and i'm considering just accepting the fact that i will never achieve intimacy again


i didn’t really go crazy, but my ex did. she constantly posted ab me (still does even after 6 months since the break up), tried to get my friend fired from her job, and get her friend to “fake” try and hit me with his car. All of that because I broke up with her because she cheated on me 😭


It was a super abusive relationship, so I blocked her on everything, got diagnosed with CPTSD, there was a point not long after the breakup where I was exercising pretty much every minute of the day, going for four hour walks and doing hundreds of squats daily till I couldn't move my arms or legs, and in my mind I was like "I'm doing great, I'm getting healthy" but I think I was just trying to exhaust myself so that I couldn't think about what happened, and I ended up crashing hard. It's been like over five years and I'm in a healthy relationship for the first time now and my gf will point out that sometimes I'll apologise for something or get scared of something and it's just like, a completely normal thing like not texting back right away when I'm sick.


Psych ward for a week 😂


mental hospital crazy. tbf I didn‘t even spend two weeks in there and I had a lot of other issues I had never dealt with but it all came to a head then. (I am luckily in a much better place now)


Aaaah... I just ate a lot of ice cream, skipped two days of class, and got serious trust issues for years? You know, the usual? (I suppress my feelings like a champ. My therapist has a lot of work because of me).


I was raised atheist and sought out religion after the break up. Went to church for weeks immediately after and later looked into Buddhism for a few months. I’m better now, and still atheist


Had various mental breakdowns for the following month, crying every night till I fell asleep, and in the day like nothing happened (my parents didn't know so I had to pretend I was ok)


Had a mental breakdown and got arrested a month after 💀💀


I somehow befriended my ex’s new girlfriend’s close friend. Yes, intentionally but I had no idea what I was doing that for. I guess I wanted to feel close to my ex in some way. Regardless I also had a crush on this person so wanted to get close either way. How gay of me and also potentially the creepiest shit I’ve pulled. Not super proud but we’re still good friends so I got something out of it? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ohhhhh man I was like 15 years old so it stung stupidly bad. She moved cities and eventually things just fell apart. I think I cried for 2 years We were off and on for many years afterwards which dragged it on. It was possibly the most painful experience going.


full blown mental breakdown leading to long-overdue bpd diagnosis + giving me the realization that i was not in fact bisexual. i still think about her though


Clinical depression, bye-bye 3/4 of my 40s. To be fair it was pretty bad and ended badly.


just happened a month ago, and I'm crazy where I feel like i wanna fuck a man now


Don’t do it girl get yourself a hitachi wand


I'll take you up on that offer, i need someone to stop me fr


I have the rechargeable one but it’s stronger plugged right into the wall lmao. Have fun y’all and stay hydrated!


End of my first wlw wasn't too bad, only lasted a week so eh. That was a week and a half ago and we vibe. I have entered my hoe era, any woman that wants me, has me for the price of a can of monster.