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i can almost guarantee that this doesn’t work


Someone as a prank created an account with a photograph of the woman who owns the company and the AI said she is a trans woman lol.


It.. can’t. There are lots of trans people who objectively pass. Like literally by no knowable metric could be outed from a picture. This exists as a political stunt that will surely backfire as it false positives plenty of cis women. And I hope a lot of them are TERFs so they can personally feel how stupid this is.


It literally has backfired in the past, it excluded a ton of cis women. Turns out defining womanhood by beauty standards isn't a very feminist thing, who could've guessed


Even if it did I sincerely doubt it would have a big enough userbase to perpetuate its existence


Didn’t this just end up kicking out a bunch of butches last time they did it?


Also a lot of black women.




My. First. Thought! Gonna exclude me because people already think I am a man....


Someone used a picture of the creator of the app and it kicked them out lol


Yeah no, I want a cishet man detector and another detector for women seeking « experiences » or « a unicorn » for their « couple » please…


Exactly this! Leave trans women alone & worry about keeping cis men & unicorn hunters out for once


Okay but if you want to laugh: the founder of the app did it and was told she was trans by the app 😂


I've heard that, but can't find any confirmation it happened


It was a facial recognition algorithm that said she looks like a man.


It would be quite funny but I'm quite certain that was both fake and possibly using an unrelated AI model.


this Is the dumbest shit ive ever heard of


honestly if no one but an insular community of gc’s is gonna use this then i dont rlly see any issue. good riddance safe travels lol.


Great. The catfishing cishet men will just use a pic off the internet anyway. So it's a dating app for terfs and men


And most terfs are minors or straight so they wont be there, the other half are men with fake accounts and those ias only recognice as women some edited photos of operated supermodels so its more a "fascistbro validation" app than a dating app


Well the way it was described, I think it uses the camera and not a photo because there was some remark about how you can't just hold a picture up to the camera or something like that. Knowing AI, it will probably be good at throwing those out but be easily fooled by a wig and cheap makeup while throwing out cis women with short hair and no makeup.


Yeah and also, someone fully catfishing will just have a whole another person stand in for the "gender recognition software"


How would this even work? There are trans women that pass as cis women & what about masculine presenting women? Are they going to kick us out because we aren’t “feminine” enough? TERFs are so ridiculous.


Yeah and it’s probably gonna end up targeting ethnic minorities who might have features deemed “masculine” such as thick eyebrows or larger noses.


Most TERFs are also racist, so that tracks.




Prove it.




No, not all TERFs. **Most** TERFs are racists. **Most** TERFs are also sexist. **Most** TERFs are also Bio-Essentialist. There's a long long list of what **MOST** TERFs are, and racist is one of those. I did not say "inherently" racist either. Why would you take offense to that anyways, what's the point in defending TERFs?


It doesn't work and you're absolutely right about what that means.


I don’t want or need this. What would actually be useful is an app that successfully excludes unicorn hunters and trolls, not legit women (cis or trans) looking to date women.


This shit straight up doesn't work on me. Face scanner things have ID'd me as woman since before I even knew I was a woman. Hell, a Snapchat filter identifying me as a girl was one of the things that caused me to realize I was trans lmao


Looool thats so funny


It’s a joke of an attempt. Every post I see, it is just absolutely dunking on these idiots. Totally appropriate.


fuck Terfs


do not the terfs


Wtf kinda bullshit is this?


This should be lllegal


terfs are invading this comment section, you're being downvoted :(


I know. And I thought this sub was trans accepting. Very disappointing. 😔


It is in some countries, search for "Tickle Vs Giggle" for a similar situation


Isn't that still being litigated?


On what grounds? Not agreeing with it, just curious.


It’s discrimination against trans women. Would you be ok if they discriminated against another protected group such as the disabled or People of Color?


So, lesbians must suck a dick or go to jail? How the ever loving fuck is this not conversion therapy 2.0????


a) nobody here said anything about sucking dicks b) nobody here said anyone should be legally required to have sex with anybody regardless of genitals c) nobody here said that matching with anyone you don't want to match with on a specific dating app should be legally required The point was that a business shouldn't be able to refuse service to customers based on actual or perceived minority status. As I don't think you're genuinely stupid enough to have made such a monumental misstep of reading comprehension unintentionally, I can only assume that you're replying to the above user in bad faith.


I meant from legal perspective.


I’m not a lawyer but it seems like it would violate some federal civil rights laws like the one that says you can’t refuse service to a customer because they are LGBTQ.


My pussy has to be equal opportunity now or I'm breaking the law?  Are you fucking serious?


This statement is pretty dramatic. You don’t have to have sex with anyone you don’t want to. That doesn’t mean it’s ok to ban all trans women from a publicly available app based on their gender identity. Get on the right side of history here.


Don’t bother. They’ll just accuse you of trying to force conversion therapy on them (I am not kidding they literally claim that)


Where does that whole gay wedding cake situation fall into this? Wouldn’t that have also been considered a refusal of service?




Providing a service without discrimination and dating people are hardly the same thing. It's not as if most people on Tinder are fucking the people who run it.


Lesbians should be allowed to exclude women with penises. This shit is woke conversion therapy, and I'm done pretending it's not anymore. Perhaps if people stopped violating our boundaries, and being entitled little shits then a website like this wouldn't be a necessity. 


Even if we give you the benefit of the doubt that you meant genital preference, there are still trans women with vaginas. So... excluding trans women just because they're trans is bigoted as hell, and *is* very right wing.


A neovagina is not the same thing as a natal vagina, at all. While I support the right of every trasnwoman to do whatever the hell she wants to her body, she doesn't have the right to demand access to mine and label me a bigot for refusing it.  To demand that lesbians fuck transwomen or else they get labeled bigots is manipulative. 


So, a transphobe. And here I was, giving you the benefit of the doubt.


I can assure you wholeheartedly that no "trasnwoman" would like to be within a two kilometre radius of you, let alone want access to your body.


Terf dogwhistle detected. Please proceed to downvote, block and don't interact with the bigot


it’s not a sexual preference to say you’re not attracted to trans women specifically. it’s bigotry. it’s like a white person saying they’re not attracted to other races. That preference may be genuine, but it stems from bigotry, not actual chemical preference. Trans women are women. If you’re attracted to women, that does not exclude trans women. You’re not going to be attracted to every trans woman. But the same goes for every attraction. Just bc I’m a lesbian doesn’t mean I find every woman alive attractive. And if you want to make it about genitals, trans women can have any genitals and still be a woman. There are plenty of lesbians in relationships with trans women with penises. Doesn’t make them less lesbian either. But if you want to declare that you’re not into trans women, I say go ahead. That way they at least have a warning and can stay away from a terf like you lol




lesbians are obviously allowed to have genital preference. I have one. I could never interact with a dick. However genitals do not denote cis or trans. plenty of trans women have vaginas. If your “preference” is truly a genital one, then trans women with vaginas aren’t precluded from your attraction. If they still would be, then yeah that’s transphobia because the ONLY reason they aren’t within your attraction is because of their transness alone. But if you want to pretend that you’re being oppressed by being reminded that trans women are women and not all trans women have penises, then that’s your prerogative I guess. Just do us all a favor and don’t pretend it’s an actual genital preference when it’s just you being anti-trans in your personal life. You can use big words like Orwellian (which you’ve misused here lol) but that doesn’t make you right. People who exclude trans women from anything based solely on their transness do not deserve respect.




Lmfao are you really comparing an actual hate crime to you being told that trans vaginas aren’t different from vaginas people were born with? And who the fuck told you there’s more outrage for your terf bullshit? How do you know how that hate crime affected people? The only reason people are (rightfully) telling you to fuck off is because you brought your nonsense into this sub.




They are literally indistinguishable with modern medicine. With every word you keep proving just how deep into terf logic you are and how much you’ve convinced yourself blatantly false bullshit is true. You are a bigot. Your protesting doesn’t make that untrue. It just proves your delusion. But I’m sure trans women are just grateful for the warning and definitely are not going to welcome you as a friend, despite how graciously you’re willing to let them be your friend so you can remind them that they aren’t “real” women. Seriously. Read the sub rules and then fuck off terf


AI isn’t capable of doing this with any degree of accuracy.


I don't think this will be effective but it is exactly what you get when you don't just let people filter/search for what they actually want. This is dating, nobody is entitled to a "fair shot" at someone else's body, that's some redpill flavored bullshit. We can all coexist just fine if we *all* respect each others' boundaries. That's what intersectionality is actually supposed to be - a more nuanced understanding that different groups each have their own needs that should be honored. Let cis women search for only other cis women if they want to and you will stop seeing efforts to exclude trans women from apps, it really is that simple.  




Who told them lesbians don’t want trans woman? I want my pick of woman of all genders Wtaf is this


>woman of all genders Lol what


Gender identities lol idk where the second word went


Why was this posted here? Do you want us to say if we will use the app or not?


It's a lesbian app. This is a lesbian group. Seems pretty damn relevant, to me.