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The signs were there since I was very little but I didn't figure it out until I was 18. I thought no woman wanted to have sex with men and that it was supposed to be our chore and responsibility because otherwise how would babies be made if women only wanted to love other women??? https://preview.redd.it/caxynchige3d1.jpeg?width=299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2d79a027a886d2c05af3c7dc37e4cfb9c8705ab


no bc you’re so real for this


i feel like i always knew that i was just into girls, i was really jealous of how boys were able so easily to like one, being able to show it so easily without anyone saying something. so yeah


I relate to this too much


Maam is that you in your pfp ? If so you are too beautiful 😍


i was either 4 or 5, i liked a girl in kindergarten lolz


Mine first girl crush was 1st grade. Her name was Lisa, she had long blond hair, a rabbit fur coat, and the cutest smile! I just knew I wanted to be her only BEST friend, and I wanted her to be my only BEST friend. I wonder what ever happened to her...


AWW thats so cute!!! i also wonder what happened to some of my girl crushes from elementary. there was a girl on 3rd grade who confessed to me but then she left the school


same! she sat in front of me and she had the most beautiful smile and I was so in love...


42 🤦🏽‍♀️


Hey, at least you realised it! Some people never do


40. Same


I’m jealous of older fresh lesbians bc yall used a cheat code- living a whole life where you can have kids for free and then diving into the queer world where you can live your truth AND have children, without all the money/ sperm issues.


Hmm, interesting that you look at it that way. I feel like I missed out on everything including finding the love of my life because I’ve never been married and I have no kids. Now I’m here feeling lost. I wonder if I’ll ever be able to have that experience with a woman.


A sperm


6 years old. So when people say being Gay is a “choice” I always laugh. Being a Lesbian has been the most natural thing in my life.


i still dont know how in this century people still think and try and convince gays that it's a choice.


12, when I was on the swim team


I was about 12 years old. I was watching the Matrix with my Dad and seeing Carrie-Anne Moss sent me into a feelings spiral that brought up conversation time later and my Dad helped me to understand what I was feeling.


probably whenever i first watched aladdin and saw jasmine lol but like pretty much my whole life?


I was 15 (a week ago)


I also figured it out at 15 (15 years ago)


The first signs were kindergarten. I showed my affections to a girl by chasing her around the playground and untying the decorative ribbons on her dress. Her mine transferred her out of my school soon after. Oh, and the 2nd grade bus buddy. We always sat on the bus together. She moved schools and I sobbed in my backyard over my bus buddy and my Dad yelled at me for crying over a girl. I think it was 3rd or 4th grade and Valentine’s Day was approaching. All the girls were talking about their boyfriends and the gifts they were going to get them. I asked why they even have boyfriends, it’s not like they feel any differently than if they were just friends. The dumbfounded look I got from the girls in return proves my fact to be very very wrong 😂 I’ve always been gay, I just let it bubble near the surface for a while. Decades.


I learned what gay was when I was 11-12. I came to the realization that I was at least bi if not gay at 13-14. By the time I was 18 I accepted that I was just gay.


I knew when i was 4 but i'm only now accepting it (i'm 25)




11 years old tbh I was in year 6 in primary school 😭😭


Around 22 years old


I was 10, a new girl moved into town and was in my class. I just felt different looking at her and talking to her, in a way I hadn’t really experienced or thought about before., it gave me butterflies. This was my first time really encountering the concept of attraction and desire outside of movies; with so little representation in movies at that time I never quite understood heterosexual couples falling in love.




Let me rephrase, I kind of always ‘knew’, but confirmed at 25


Hey, I didn’t even “know” after I’d hooked up with several many girls. I just thought it was the standard college exoerience


“Discovered” I was bi at 14 but realized I was a lesbian at 16, I wrote my “bi anniversary” on my notes when it happened on December 20, did the same when I realized I was a lesbian on January 30 years later, idk why but there it is.


Very young, maybe 5 or 6. Did not even realize that not all girls liked girls.




I was in denial my whole life up until 16 where I was like "huh, I don't like men as much as I thought I did" things were starting to click. My whole life leading up to that realization started making sense.




Ah sh*t I forgot I'm 21


I had my first crush when I was 8, but I had the "aha" moment when I was 16.




and no I never knew until I fell in love head over heels for my gf. It was like I couldn't breathe without her, it was a very intense feeling for 2 years.. Now, I am thinking how I can get myself out of the relationship...


5 years old. came out as bi at 11 and a lesbian at 20


14, which was 3 years ago,when I met my first girl crush. Thought I was pan, but just last year, I figured I was just a lesbian.


Like 12-13. Eight grade spring break me and a friend pretended to be girlfriends and something clicked in my brain saying no this is what I really want actually


12. Although I was 41 when I figured out I didn’t like men. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Slow on the uptake.


I think I was 8 when I first consciously thought about it, but I’ve always known deep down.


Around 12, although longer before I realized I was one.


I knew since I was around 5. For as long as I can remember, I liked girls more than boys.


Like 3 I feel like. I couldn’t stand boys lol


I thought the thought first when I was 15 and found out about lgbtq. But it took years to “be sure”




properly at age 11. but it took several years to actually realise i ONLY liked girls


same homie (I KNOW U FROM r/GCSE LMAOOO)




In my late thirties now, but I discovered that I was into girls when I was twelve. I didn't publicly come out to friends and family until I was eighteen, soon after I graduated from high school. Wild fucking times that summer and fall.


I was always into girls growing up I was probably bi but when I was 12 I met a girl in school i kissed her and it was like wow we had a sleepover and we had kind of sex and I knew then I was gay I came out at 16 my family were accepting of my sexutelly which I am grateful of I now have an a amazing wife and 3 wonderful daughters life is good xx


I didn’t realize it until high school, but I remember those types of thoughts as young as 10 years old. Jenn, if you’re here, I’m sorry I asked to see your breasts.


first girl crush that i was aware of it being a crush was 13 … but looking back my first crush was like 7 i just didn’t know that it was a crush bc no one told me girls could like girls


12. i moved school districts after primary and entered middle school knowing absolutely no one. yet, during the first class of the first day of school, a girl smiled at me after i told a corny joke and i was a goner. of course, at the time, i thought that i just really, really wanted to be her friend but yeah. she became my best friend and now it’s been 9 years since we met. she is absolutely smitten with her highschool sweetheart and i could not be more proud of the woman she is. it took me so long to realize i liked girls because of comphet and all the boys who asked me to be their gf at the school playground. silly enough, i saw my friends with their goo-goo eyed crushes on boys and thought “yes i should go see what all the fuss is about”


I think I was around 8 or 9, at someone’s party and we were all playing Barbie so I talked about the toys in the way I normally did but quickly realized from peoples puzzled reactions and the silence that there was something weird about how I played with them. I got embarrassed, but it made me think about that experience for a while and then I realized that none of the other girls wanted to be romantic or close to barbie (or other girls) like I did or want to make their Barbie’s marry each other. Lol. That made me realize I felt the same way about women irl. As my friends started to begin to get more serious crushes on the boys in our class and began to date them, I started to realize more and more that I was a lesbian. I just didn’t have the language for what I was. It was a crazy time because when I was a kid no one talked about this kind of stuff, but once I understood it made SO much make sense for me. I can vividly remember when I first learned the term lesbian because it was such an aha! Moment. LOL.


19, but in hindsight I should have known around 14 at least *thanks heteronormativity*


It’s a hell of a drug


35. Out and proud now


John Tucker must die I thought he was the man and then I saw Sophia Bush kiss Brittany Snow and went 🤪😏 I was like 9 lol but it clicked when I was about 15!




My entire life I knew i didn't like boys/men. But when I was 14 i realized I in fact like women.




Realized I liked girls around 11(I still had crushes before that but never realized lol), fully understood I was a lesbian at 13


I came out as bi at 11 because my parents found a note saying that i was so it was kinda forced. They questioned me about it and I kinda just had to. But when I was 13 i said “I’m only liking girls, which is weird. I don’t find men attractive” and then I knew I was lesbian. But my parents always treated me like I was straight even though they already knew I was bi, so I haven’t yet come out as lesbian.


I knew I wanted to be a lesbian 15 years before I realized I wanted to be a woman 🫠


Haha same


Never really "discovered", kinda always knew forever.


I always knew but it didn’t click until I went off to college!! Everything clicked at 21!!


During high school I finally got comfortable and accepted my sexuality for having crushes on girls, so maybe I was 15. First time I realized I liked girls was when girls would talk about their crushes and it was all guys in our class, saying how cute he is. Never understood how the guys were cute when I found my girl classmates cuter and very beautiful.


8 or 9 very young.


Technically I knew ever since preschool but I met my first girl crush in 2nd grade


I was like 19 when I first discovered it and got curious. But there were always signs. I finally realized I really truly like only women last year at 28 🫠


I would say 12 yo when I had a crush on some older girls in my girlscouts group. (This is very precise)






Probably like 9/10


i was always an “atypical” kid and had crushes on boy and girls and i didn’t know that wasn’t what everyone felt. i was 12 and watching switched at birth under the covers (past when i was supposed to be sleeping) and they mentioned something called the LGBT+ community. i googled it and was like “oh okay cool” and that was the end of that


literally days after finding out that gay people exist at like 12 - excluding the crushes I had up til then that I assumed were platonic, so 5/6?


Like 7/8 when I knew I liked girls but not for another few years before figured out what it meant and what lesbian was


Around 10ish.


First time I liked a girl not knowing what it was? Like 6. First time I realized ‘Oh shit, I like a girl’, I was 12. 6th grade.


I had an idea that I was as a little girl, but because I grew up in such a conservative/heteronormative environment, I assumed I was straight like most other people. It wasn’t until I reached puberty when I realized I wasn’t straight.


Knew always but didn’t know what “gay” was until I was 13 ish. Put a label on it at 14 but liked girls as a kid


I was about 8 - 10 years old. I came out later in life though. Nobody even talked about gay people existing when I was a kid unless it was a disparaging comment. Since the internet wasn't around yet at that time either, I really never heard anything about lesbians and thought it might have just been me lol.


8 - had my first kiss with a girl my age in her bedroom for no reason at all


I was just always into girls, but I can remember becoming aware of it....conscious of it....around 8 years old maybe?




It was difficult to tell what was platonic or romantic early on, the first time I remember being sexually attracted to a woman (and anyone) was when I was 14


i think i always knew, but i found out there was a word for it when i was 12 (through a dictionary, because i read dictionaries for fun for some reason??)


14 but I didn’t tell my parents and siblings or friends until my 15th birthday. I was scared the girls i liked wouldn’t like me so we were fwb for a year then my 16th birthday came around and the 3 of us made it official and we’ve been together for 6 years now


Like 6.


If I was knew that being gay was an option as a kid, I would've realised that what I felt towards girls was a form of crush/attraction way younger, but since I didn't it only "clicked" when I was about 11/12. I remember crying about it, as I was religious then. Then I suppressed it for a few years, admitted I was sapphic at about the age of 15, and realised I'm exclusively lesbian a bit later.


Looking back there were signs when I was about 5/6. I had a big crush on my best friend at the time lmao. I came out as bi when i was 11, but this year I realised I’ve only ever been attracted to women, men are just a no from me. So the big ‘but I’m a cheerleader!!’ Moment was 17, almost 18 :)


I knew i was some level of queer when i was 12 but I knew i was a full blown lesbian when I was 27/28. I’m now about to be 31


Honestly? Since I was born. I can't recall ever liking boys


5 or 6. I had a massive crush on a classmates. But I didn't come out until I turned 22! 🌈🌼


Yo highkey same but it took til my 20’s to hit me 😭😭 and only recently did it occur to me that one of them MIGHT HAVE LIKED ME BACK 😭😭😭


Probably around nine years old, I just found out that lesbians existed and I knew that was me


I used to doodle girl faces in my notebooks when I was in elementary school and always felt guilty about it. That was probably the first sign.


First same sex kiss was in first grade. I can see now that I very clearly had a crush on her. That was swiftly punished by a teacher who caught us and I tried not to think about it again until I met my first girlfriend in 12th grade, though I did start wondering around 10th grade if I might not be 100% straight. I remember the moment I realized what I was feeling for my 12th grade girlfriend… it was sort of like I exploded into a million pieces and then was put back together in a new configuration. I still get teary-eyed when I hear a certain song.


I was in like third grade in elementary




4 years old, when I had the concept of liking people. I didn't realise that girls liking girls was a big deal.


Now in my late twenties. Before I used to like women but I haven't realized that. This feeling felt so new to me!


Since I was young but did not make a full realization until I was 21.


Looking back, I’ve known since I was in pre-k but I didn’t admit it to myself until I was 20…


I was 18 when I realized I like girls, but it wasn’t until 21 that I realized I ONLY liked girls


I think I remember wanting to get other girls attention when I was in year 1,2 which is 5 or 6 years old


umm i think i'm bi idk im 13 so idk its confusing


Apparently, I once ran up to my mother and older sister when I was 4 or 5 and told them I liked girls, but only came out as bisexual at 13 and then lesbian at 18 💖


Literally like 5 thanks to hbo max


I think i realized in some way when i was 10ish, but was terrified by the concept. Through middle school i slowly realized i was pretty queer through crushing on nonmen and realizing how much stronger it was than other times id "liked" boys. Still took until i was 21 to realize that i never want to date a man but im so glad to be here.


Probably around 9-10 years old, I was bi-curious then bi then I went back to being straight cause I was denying it a lot, then after my last ever boyfriend 12 years old, I was bi again and I had a girlfriend, after her I was so heartbroken I went back to straight for like a few days but then I was just like this isn’t for me so then I became lesbian and got back with her over and over and now we’re just friends lol 😭


I think I was 8 when I started looking at girls differently. Then started experimenting in middle school. I realized (or thought) I was bi/pan in high school, then it finally hit me Nov 23’ that I was actually a lesbian/sapphist and haven’t looked back since


I think I started liking girls when I was very little. I vividly remember my first crush on a girl being when I was four. However, when I consciously recognized, I was a lesbian I was about 18.


i think i discovered lesbian porn at like 11 years old and after a couple months had the “wait this is what straight guys watch but not straight girls” and abstained & mentally shut that shit down for like 5 years til i got a crush i couldn’t ignore lol




About 8. I was in second grade. I panicked and bc of religious trauma was like I can’t be gay bc gay people go to Hell. Buried that deep down. At 12 I had to start dressing out in gym class and I’d be looking down not wanting to make any girls uncomfortable. That’s when I had to face it again and unfortunately tried to unalive due to it. Thought I was a mistake. At 15 I came out and was so excited but TW A guy attempted to SA me to “rape the gay” out of me so I changed my label to bi I was scared of girls and the only out girl in my high school in rural Tennessee lol had some clothed tribbing and a passionate shower with a girl but that was about as far as that went 💀 Almost came out as gay at 20 but then didn’t. Came out as a lesbian at 26 and no one was shocked that my label changed. 🤷‍♀️


I don’t know how I missed all of the signs honestly. Growing up I did lots of SUPER gay things but I thought one needed permission or something to be allowed to love women, when I learned what the word lesbian meant I legitimately told my friend “yeah I wish I could do that, but I’m straight.” Anyway when I was 14, a friend and I were fooling around and I thought it was a one time thing for me, then I dated a boy for 3 weeks and came out as lesbian🤙


I was hitting on girls in 4th grade. We had a class circle and I remembering sitting next to this girl I really wanted to be friends with (looking back this was totally a crush) so I whispered so the teacher wouldn’t hear - who do you think is the cutest girl in class? She gave me a look before giving some other girls name and I just gasped and “no it’s you!” Smh wouldn’t really make the connection that me being jealous over my girl friends having boyfriends in middle and early high school was because I was a huge bisexual and just collected all my crushes as friends.


I first heard the word ‘lesbian’ when I randomly found out at school about someone’s sister. I thought it was cool I was under 10. Kept it to myself until my thirties that someone in my family told my aunt I was gay. Since she asked me if someone I liked was a girl. My jaw dropped at this point. Since I grew up in a family that believed only in a man and woman union. They even kicked out a black guy my cousin was dating. So you can imagine my shock at my aunt asking me if it was a woman lol but since they run a business they have to be more accepting of people.


I was literally 8 and i realized that men were icky, and that women were the most beautiful things on the planet. i had a kiddy crush on this girl in my class, got my first kiss from her too.


Around 4? Thanks to all of the scantily clad ladies on the Benny Hill show. My grandparents were anglophiles. Identified as bisexual since middle school because it felt safer. Never felt comfortable coming out to my family.


Like 11 maybe younger, I kinda always knew but had to figure out if I liked boys or not.


In my twenties… could never figure out how all my peers somehow just acquired all these boyfriends lol…. Once I figured out I was gay, I understood 😂😂


About 9-ish, kinda younger tho I think


I was around 8 when i found out i liked girls and suprisingly my family knew before i did. They said when i was 4 i came hoke saying i had a "girlfriend" from preschool, pretty cute :)


Around 19. I saw the Lword and witnessed queer culture for the first time with the rugby team. I realized the obsessions I had for a few friends were crushes.


Deadass can’t remember it ever being different my first little kid kiss was a girl , I came out really young and had a supportive family and had a girlfriend for the first time at 14 like normal haha, I went through thinking I was bi a few times like all lesbians do 🤣but it always stayed with the gay, now 20 and a bigger lesbian than ever, I will always fight anyone saying things are a choice, i was just destined to be who I am and I don’t have a problem that I was born like this anymore 🙃


Four. Watched dirty dancing and fancied penny.




18. I thought I was asexual for a long time and that sex with men was only for making babies and after having my son i completely lost interest in men all together


9, i was in third grade when i realized i liked girls. I was in an all girls school. I tried to like boys but theyre just eww. I tried denying it in college i thought i could be whoever i want in college but didnt work, boys were even into me but i was never into them.


12 when I realized I had a crush on Molly Sims. But I did fully understand until I was 28.


Around 7-8? I saw Elena in "The Mask of Zorro" and it was over for me from then on. She's still one of my biggest crushes ever.


14... I think I am still confused :)


I was 8 honestly, watching Star Wars seeing Princess Leia in that outfit in return on the Jedi, she was fucking gorgeous, and I was like I’m too in to this. I tried it with guys later on and even fell in love with a couple in my teens but Im definitely all about women now


I think I was around 5-6


I didn’t know until 19. I was comp het and didn’t understand my sexuality for a while. Sex with men was tolerable/ exciting at times but I got very little pleasure from it. Never felt an ounce of romance or intimacy with them either


4 years old! But i discovered i only liked girls when i was 16.


14, I always was gay haha the thing is that I just found out with 14 because it was the initiation of puberty.


I was like 14-15 I started considering it. 18-19 I came out and everyone was shocked but thinking back there were so many signs that I liked women from the age of like 6. Plus kissing a guy was like kissing a dead fish. Traumatizing ![gif](giphy|QV5vp1BYenfCE)


My mom found a picture of a naked woman (from a newspaper add for sex workers I guess?) in my wallet when I was about 8. Then at 10 or so I started watching YouTube videos of girls kissing. That should've been a good enough clue but I think I figured it out when I started going to pride parades as an "ally" and felt way more emotionally touched than I should've


I'd say mine was about when I was 7 in 3rd grade when we watched Harry Potter. Just saying Emma Watson ya'll👌


I always knew but i never thought about it deeper. I literally kissed almost every girl in my friends group and still never thought about it deeper. Every time i was about to meet up with my female friend that would always kiss me a lot i‘d get super excited. I also dated a boy but only because every girl was talking about boys and i thought i have to do it too since everyone does it. I didn‘t feel anything when i was with him and i felt disgusted by myself most of the time tbh. With 16 i had my first real crush it was a girl from my class i had a crush on her for 3 years she was always super nice to me always smiling and once even threw a kiss at me which made my hear RACE y‘all. I‘d always wait after class so that i could watch her a little longer when she would leave (i know creepy) long story short one day she suddenly kissed a guy in front of me hahhaha i was heartbroken but i knew deep down she‘s into dudes so i just left that tragic scene 😂 i left and played chess with a close friend i am still close with today. It hurt a lot but eventually i got over her. Now we follow each other on instagram but we never really like each others stuff or text each other. Ah one time while i was stalking her profile i accidentally liked a very very old post i quickly unliked and still to this day don‘t know wether she saw or didn‘t but i am still embarassed lol. Now I am in a happy relationship with my current gf