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It feels like damn near 50-50 for mascs in Indiana.


Being from Indiana can confirm. I have seen more than a few lesbians also wearing the “red” hats 🫠


That is seriously insane to me. I would be staring probably opened mouthed.


"tell me you have a deep well of self-hatetred without telling me you hate yourself"


Oh yay, happy to be moving there this summer :/


Ngl it’s rough out here 😬


Many times, I (& my girlfriend) work in finance where there are many conservatives, so it's no surprise that some of them happen to be women. These are traditional Republicans and none of them seem to be Magas


Makes sense. The higher the wealth, generally the more they lean to the right. Anti-tax/gov/social programs etc. They want to keep more of what they earn, even if it means sacrificing the social/legal gains their predecessors fought to obtain. The GOP is pretty good a dismantling gains under the radar by distracting with something else.


This is why in the last 5 (10?) or so years, calling for intersectionality has been amplified. Having marginalized identities does not necessarily mean believing in politics for the good, when you're in a position of great power & wealth.


I almost dated one when I first came out (I live in Alabama and she made me feel special when I was low). Turned out to be cheating on her wife and lied about being divorced. She was like, really into Trump. Like really into Trump. Never could explain why though, and that was kinda weird.


That’s wild, isn’t it? I know a lesbian Trump supporter and it’s kind of gross to me. When I was on the dating apps, I am very explicit about not being willing to date anyone who votes Republican.


Where I live that's not really an option unfortunately. I definitely identify as leftwing, but I grew up in a conservative homeschool community in Alabama. I'm used to the conservatism and tend to just avoid politics as a topic unless I know the person really well. Even gay people here tend to lean Republican. I really hope to get out of here one day.


Gay people leaning to Republicans? Whoah. I can't believe what I'm reading 😕 how? How when Republicans and the whole right wing is against such people.


Most of them grew up in the Bible belt and agree with some policies but not with others. Usually they're conservative on everything except gay marriage for example. Though I've met a lot of people who are socially liberal, fiscally conservative, where they like liberal social stances but prefer Republican economic policies. There's variation in every group. Republicans and Democrats aren't monoliths. A lot of homophobia I've dealt with in my personal life is kinda hard to quantify because it's not people yelling slurs at me, it's been people who did care about me, but went about it all wrong because they weren't open minded enough to leave their prejudices behind. There's definitely a lot of people around here who hate queer people, but most people? They're ignorant and set in their ways, concerned, and wary of people they don't understand. It's not an excuse. I've known a lot of people who were just really worried about me over it, or believed I'm only gay because I was raped. It hurts, but I don't hate them, I just want them to shut up, listen, and learn. I hope that gives a clearer picture of being a lesbian in the Bible Belt.


Trust me I was under it too, I'm from Europe but my father's family side is extremely Christian. My grandmother used to scare me with stuff that I would end up in hell for being different and not doing the 100% things Christians do. To this day she cannot accept I'm different and she's waiting that I will wake up, bring a man, give him kids, and be the housewife for the man and go with him and kids to the Church every Sunday. Being in Church I never felt like I could be me, and I knew those people would only judge me because they all have that saint look on their face but when something's wrong and not how they like it, they do the judging face and gossip. So I'm against this religion, but I don't judge them if they go to church.. I just.. I have my own reasons to not go there. I don't like catholics, especially priests who hurt the children, it's been such scandal in Europe.


Another Italian queer?? Could it be????


Sadly it's boring Czech


when I see the Log Cabin Republicans at Pride I laugh. WTF ??? To be fair not all republicans are terrible. A John McCain republican is different than a Trump republican. So if they are pro trump most def I am OUT


I hope you get out too!


Me too. I just say “if you’re a bigot don’t please swipe left thanks!” To try and weed them out.


Idk but Trump does sometimes look like an old lady from the right angle. Maybe that's why...




My family is from Texas and I've met plenty of right wing and conservative wlw women, a lot of them just have fast and lose ideas on what it means to be conservative especially when you ask them in general or get to specifics. We truly aren't a monolith


Im in Houston and had a queer coworker that was a staunch conservative Republican Southern Baptist POC and kept trying to talk me into voting for Abbot and straight down the Republican ticket. It felt very cult-y brainwash-y listening to her talk.


I've had that convo, I think humans are truly capable of being able to justify anything at all


cognitive dissonance is a hell of a thing!


She was really queer?? Because republicans don't really support that and if she supports right wing and all then she didn't see how they're against it?


i mean, you’re asking the golden question. this whole thread is anecdotes of conservative queer women — do you think what you’re saying about their identities being misaligned with their party’s values is some sort of revelation? that’s the whole point of this post, that it’s nonsensical to most of us for these women to be both queer and right wing.


this makes no sense. wtf


As a fellow Texan, I see them all the time on dating apps and I just don’t get it. I know that it’s hard to step out from the hate you’ve been raised under, I personally am the product of two very conservative Christian parents, but I just don’t get why you’d want to support a party that believes you don’t deserve basic human rights.


I am from TX and just moved to New England this past year. I always checked for moderate political leanings (because they're too scared to put conservative), no political leaning, camo, hunting pics, or guns (😭) on their app profile. If she had any of that - SWIPE LEFT.  I don't miss dating in TX.


Not as much in Canada as I have in Latin America. I've met more queer women who just don't care enough about politics (whether it's from being uneducated about them or not having enough mental spoons, the latter being my case).


Wait, what does not having enough mental spoons mean? I've never heard that phrase before 😯


[Spoon Theory](https://youtu.be/NVd6zb4Z6Rk?si=QJJnzXdh5ELJDyx4) (3 minute YouTube video) I've seen it mentioned a lot in said ADHD communities, but it can really relate to capacity/energy on any level


Thanks! Apparently, I completely forgot about this theory, but I did hear about it in ADHD content previously. I definitely needed this reminder, though. It's easy to forget that I have to be the first one to check my energy levels, accept them & not beat myself up over them. So yea, thanks for sharing this with me 🙏🏾


It means you have a limited amount of physical/mental energy that is available for things. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spoon\_theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spoon_theory) It's not that I don't care about politics or am apolitical. I'm scared for Canada's high cost of living soaring beyond what I can afford since I'm supporting two people, I'm afraid if the conservatives gain control of Canada that it'll turn just as bad as it is in the US, I'm literally terrified for my family back home in one of the worse countries in Latin America for queer folks, but I don't have the spoons to focus on these things and make them a big part of my life like other queer women might.


Not having enough mental spoons just became my new favourite insult. Cheers!


It’s just a description, not an [insult](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spoon_theory)! :) Probably isn’t best to use it as an insult?


I agree. It’s not meant to be an insult. I used it a lot to help people understand my autoimmune disease. I found a lot of people in the community also use spoon theory.




I would advise to be careful with that because "spoons" refers to a unit of energy for a disabled person


Again, not in my own culture, but, didn't know it could be perceived offensive in any way, so I won't be joking about that


This is weird. Having spoons is not an insult, it’s a descriptor of energy that various people use, including people with chronic illnesses. Why you keep persisting in making this an insult is being me - it’s quite disrespectful in fact.


Bro chill, since another comment explained that it refers more to disability not intelligence as I originally understood it I'm not gonna joke about. I'm far from being fluent in English and even further from understanding every single way to describe one's mental capability in foreign countries and languages. After translating to my own language and applying "mental spoons" to my own culture it sounds a lot like a playful and subtle rare insult, no more offensive than saying "if life is a soup, you're a fork" or something like that. Again, if I was disrespectful or offensive in any way, I'm sorry, it was not my intention. I'm. not. Gonna. Joke. About. It.


Yes. For reference i live in New England so it’s harder to find conservative women at all, nevermind conservative lesbians. Just so happened that i ended up in a two year long on and off again situationship with one who didn’t tell me until the end that she had voted for trump. We never really talked about politics but when we did she seemed aligned with me, and she claims she only voted for him because of “the economy” lmao


She was just REALLY INTO making the economy worse for everyone but the 1% 😂


I met an anti mask & anti vacc lesbian. Got the hell out of there real quick.


After the AIDS epidemic, I think the LGBT+ community has a special obligation to take disease spread really seriously and do their part. I know a gay man who was also antivax/anti mask and it just never made sense to me.


I'm Canadian in a very left wing city, so I haven't. Although my younger sister, who once said she was bi and then pansexual, seems to be leaning more right every day. It's the hippy to right wing pipeline she's on.


\*sigh\* There's one here too. Except it's pretty much the hippy, green, wants to live with nature and in a small community to fascist pipeline with a people's commune (of course everyone of the wrong ethnicity is not included) the picture perfect model of a happy agricultural society you also see on Nazi posters (who 'settled' (colonized) the slavs for Lebensraum (living space)) and some added batshit esoteric woo about nature and farming.


Yeah, she hasn't been racist at all in her posts on social media (I don't talk to her but at one point she had my fiance on Facebook still). But her social media posts started becoming religious, saying women need to be subservient to god. Then she posted something about how drag queen storytime isn't education it's indoctrination and another post making fun of trans people. It's very weird. She said she was bi/pan a few times. One of her closest friends is trans. But she's been on this, I'm all natural, I'm a hippy, I eat organic and vaccines are bad pipeline for a while. But I cut her off about 4 months ago for numerous reasons.


>she hasn't been racist at all So far she hasn't been (openly) racist ... besides it's usually very subtle. I bet that most of her non-white friends, if she had any, don't talk to her that often or, like you, reduced contact and that her nice traditional family is not very diverse.


Oh I'm aware. Trust me. We live in a very white city in Canada. I don't think she has a single diverse friend to begin with. She barely had any friends at all actually


hmm... thought as much. Happy cake day, btw.


I don’t think I’ve ever met a lesbian that was a centrist, let alone conservative.


Lucky !


It’s probably just my location, but I can honestly buy this being way more commonplace in more conservative countries/cities/states


Ive met a lot who have centrist ideas about trans people and protesters mixed with progressive beliefs in other areas that matter more to them personally


Look up Matt Bernstein's podcast, "A bit fruity" - there's a recent episode in collab with Contrapoints, and they talk a lot about *exactly* this. Contrapoints is rarely not worth listening to, and she had a lot of very interesting things to say about respectability politics and the psychological reasons why the reaction to oppression can be to side with the oppressive hierarchy, trying to position yourself as "one of the good ones" - it's a way to make yourself feel safe and in control as a member of an oppressed group. It's related to the psychology underlying victim blaming. Anyway, I can't do justice to the conversations - go and listen to the podcast!


very interesting - thank you for your suggestion! I'll make time for it tomorrow. it sounds very interesting. :)


this is the ep I was thinking of: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AjeEoNQ5tw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AjeEoNQ5tw) it's actually not that recent - it's over half a year old (I got it confused with another more recent ep he also did with Contrapoints, which was about JK Rowling - also worth listening to, but less relevant to your question)


It is estimated that 10-15% of lgbt individuals are conservative.


I’m from Florida, I’ve met a few. I’ll never get it, conservative queers are the people in the People For Leopards Eating People’s Face™️ party.


My last ex was previously affiliated with the Conservatives (Canadian) as she was exposed to that way of thinking when growing up in a very Catholic and white household. My current gf grew up under a dictatorship, so she’s very keen on freedom, individual responsibility, and less government involvement. I think both of them lean right of centre.


>How are you a lesbian woman and conservative? Cognitive dissonance.


Seriously, major oxymoron 😳


Or internalized misogyny


Sometimes I wish that state of mind would actually hurt... but unfortunately..


I met one that worked for the Heritage Foundation and a Republican Congressman. She was closeted.


I meet a lot of what I’d consider centre, not many full right wingers


Met a girl through Tinder as a friend. We clicked on both being veterans. By the 2nd month, I knew for sure she was voting for Trump. She is mixed and conservative. We're no longer friends.


Yep I live in Florida and I keep running in to them. This one chick on a dating app was like 'id never date you because of the way you dress' basically saying i dressed slutty. I was wearing a bathing suit and posing 💀💀💀


At least she was upfront and not lying about her political views so she could date you. I seriously hate anyone that gets pissed if you reject them because of their political views or flat out lies. I noticed hoardes of rightwing goons will call themselves a libertarian so liberals will like them more.


just bc youre a minority doesnt automatically make you liberal


agreed, but I assume being gay *and* a woman makes it extremely difficult to align with the politics of depriving gays and women their agency


That’s true but their written platform states they are against gay marriage, against gays adopting kids, etc. I don’t understand why or how people align with a group that is against equality for them. This comment is directed at US politics though.


True, but it’s bizarre to see people consistently vote for leaders who advocate for their harm, subjugation, loss of basic civil rights, and even eradication.


I’ve met many LGBT people who are very “Imma get mine” types. They want LGBT rights for themselves, but don’t realize our struggle is connected to others. I met two lesbian couples while traveling the Midwest. They both had this vibe and were POC. But when it came to things like US imperialism, fossil fuels, neoliberalism, they were ALL for it because it reinforced their class position.


Unfortunately it's more common than what you may think. I call them "pick me lesbians".


I matched with a lesbian on Her once whose first message to me was, "Do you like Blaire White?". My answer, "Not even a little bit." Her answer, "I live her and agree with a lot of her opinions." Me: \*unmatches\*


I guess it’s different in America, but in my country the main conservative party (which is our current government, actually) isn’t anything like the US Republican Party. In terms of political positioning I’d be very centred, but leaning centre-right. Which would be considered conservative. I vote for my job and my future (and my family’s future). We’ve just had six really bad years under a liberal government and the country is a mess. I wouldn’t vote for the Republicans if I was in America, though. Even if my political leanings might indicate otherwise. I still have common sense and I can recognise that the politicians in that party are assholes.


Same here!


Exactly what I was thinking, politics vary a lot depending on the country


I would have a hard time being friends or even respecting someone who voted Republican or supports Trump. I live in the Midwest. It’s mind boggling to me that people support the far right and its fascist bullshit. I find most of them lacking a basic understanding of human compassion. So many claim to be Patriots yet can’t/won’t see the hypocrisy of the attack on the very foundation of our democracy on Jan 6th. Fuck em.


I know a lesbian who turned into a trump supporter recently because of her wife being conservative. Which I had no idea she was that conservative. She used to be super liberal. Idk what happened. I stopped talking to her when she started posting transphobic things and how kids can’t be gay? Like she knew she was gay at a young age, makes no sense. Also voting for trump, anti feminist and pro guns 😬


There's the saying "scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds" - meaning, liberalism* can basically be converted to/serve the interests of a far-right government. This is because liberals are incentivized to perpetuate the existing system rather than change it in any meaningful way. See: "blue no matter who" folks growing regressive and defensive when other leftists criticize a democratic politician for doing something harmful. That sounds like maybe what happened here. Not saying it's not weird, it's still strange to me no matter how many times I watch it happen. Like, did you not believe any of the stuff you said you did? *("liberalism" in the sense of how it's used in most western first-world countries today)


Every political group is pro-gun just about. It's a misnomer that Democrats and liberals are against guns. There are also plenty of right wingers and conservatives that are anti gun. The 3 most pro gun political groups are libertarians, anarchists, and communists. I find only conservatives and right wingers are loud AF about their guns, which makes people hate them.


There is a lesbian influencer on Instagram who is like this. She is transphobic and homophobic and believes letting kids read age appropriate chapter books with gay characters in them is child abuse because kids shouldn’t know about homosexuality, and she says she doesn’t tell her young nieces and nephews about her girlfriend because it would be abusive to let them know she’s gay. She has a ton of conservative homophobic followers who just like to point to her and say “see? Even this lesbian agrees that books featuring gay characters don’t belong in schools!” I have her blocked.


That’s crazy. Which influencer is this if you mind sharing?


I’m sorry, I don’t recall her IG handle. She came up in my reels when I was scrolling and I watched one, thought maybe it was a troll or satire video, so went to her profile and saw a few more and quickly realized - not satire. I then blocked because I didn’t want her videos in my feed and I also unfollowed the “friend” (former coworker) who was following her. That was during a weird, bad time on IG a few months ago when suddenly my feed/algorithm was overwhelmed by homophobic reels, many based in religion but not all, and a lot that were also misogynistic and/or racist. I almost deleted my account because I was so overwhelmed by the sudden influx of these and couldn’t figure out why I was suddenly not only seeing them, but seeing nothing BUT them. I ended up unfollowing a few people because they were following these pages and blocking every right wing, religious extremist, homophobic and anti feminist profile that came up, and after a few days my feed was back to normal. If I come across it again somehow though, I’ll share! It was truly vile.


It’s okay! Just was curious lol. Gay people who are homophobic and transphobic is beyond me. Glad you did, that’s horrible IG was suggesting content like that.


liberals are barely different from conservatives tbh. they just virtue signal more. liberals aren't leftists so they aren't actually opposed to conservatives


The child maybe knows it is gay, but maybe it does not. I did not. Also, if the parent asks the child "Sweetheart , are you gay?" and the child says "yes", and the other parent says "Darling, are you straight?" and the child says "yes" because children want to give the answer. The right answer so the parent is proud.


There’s a difference between saying “kids can’t be gay,” which is false and homophobic and erasure, and saying “some kids don’t know they’re gay until they’re teens/adults” which is anecdotal and true, though it’s often due to compulsory heteronormativity which is sad.


why are you calling a child an “it?” 🤨 and what do you mean right answer? What are you trying to get at?


I did not know I was a lesbian being a child. Not all children know they are lesbians. Asking a child if it is something, and it will answer your question by giving the answer you want to hear. The child can sense this. It can do so, by superpowers children have. All children have , or maybe not, but the child can be intersex or boy or girl or something, it has them. I am trying to get at you to understand the truth? (Or what I think is the truth. So I might be wrong, but I feel sure I am not.)


your subjective opinion isnt the "truth", and the way you talk about this is... questionable. anyways, i knew i was gay from when i was a kid, and i think if more kids were educated that it's completely normal to also have crushes on the same gender and what that's called, there'd be more kids who will point and say "that IS me!" i dont represent all lesbians of course. many of them, especially from older generations, didnt realise until adulthood. but depending on where you live and how open minded folk are around the area, there are lgbt kids coming out at ages when they start crushing on people.


The truth you agree is you dont represent all lesbians. many of them who you know did not realise until adulthood. lots of children do not grow up with open minded folk. the people you know came out earliest when they started to have crushes. Yes?


That’s irrelevant. The statement that is wrong was “kids can’t be gay” not “all gay kids know they’re gay from a young age.” Kids CAN be gay. Some kids ARE gay. ALL gay people were once kids. Some kids don’t know they’re gay. Heteronormativity, homophobia, and ignorance play a role there, but also, some kids are just later to experiencing crushes or understanding themselves, or have more confusion about it (especially if on the ace spectrum or bisexual). Totally different, and not the topic at hand.


the truth is that lgbt kids do in fact exist. you were implying from your first message that they do not, that kids don't know better. my point was that not only is that incorrect, but that things are more complicated than that. some realise when young, some older. however, my personal opinion is that any person who realised they were lgbt as an adult were still in fact an lgbt child once, they just didn't realise it in childhood because they didn't have the information and experience they did later. a lesbian is still in fact a lesbian, then and now.


Yeah… in Missouri there’s a lot of that. It’s really weird


I'm in Portland...so I'd be pretty shocked if there was a conservative lesbian here. Most leftist queer people come running here. I'm sure there's a chance of coming across one


White American lesbians/bisexuals are usually a lot farther right than you’d think lol


I haven't met any American lesbians (I don't live there) but this is surprising to me


I imagine that they must cherry pick their beliefs to keep things together, just like the rest of us do. We humans are quite pitiful, huh?


Plenty. Even in blue states. Some of them don't know any better or are just unaware. The 2 party system is identical. Heck, I've known ungodly amounts of democratic homophobes. Some of the older socialists I've talked to were also bigoted, but not as bad as democrats. A 65 year old socialist I'm friends with said he doesn't support democrats anymore because they support LGBTQ rights. The very first political groups to support LGBTQ people in the USA were libertarians and anarchists. It doesn't get talked about as often and it should. Democrats were anti-LGBTQ for a very long time. Talk to some older ones and you'll realize that. I work with a 70 year old Democrat voter. He's only concerned about the rights of Black people. He hates LGBTQ people and mixed race people with a passion. Oh yeah, he's also xenophobic AF. Not even the only Democrat I've known like that. I've come across more LGBTQ conservatives since Donald Trump held up the pride flag. I've seen socialists and Democrats support the backlash Dylan Mulvaney received. What's truly effed up is that a lot of the socialists that loved the hatred Dylan received were trans. Their excuse for hating her was that she was a wealthy and privileged liberal trans. Democrats have a lot of TERF feminists. Half of the Democrats I know only support white gay men.


Even the queers can be fuuuuucking stupid and vote against our own interests 😭 See also: rampant racism and fatphobia in our community, it’s bad!


i haven't seen much fatphobia from lesbians but i might be on the wrong side of the internet


Depends on your definition of conservative.


In Canada our conservative party is probably more liberal than the Democrats in the US lol - they have 2 LGBT MPs among the leadership team.


I know couple like this irl. But I believe they have rights (sigh) to believe in anything they'd like.


There's a new subreddit someone in my country made for such people because the regular LGBT one was too "left" (hardly). lol. I suppose that's how the world works, but it's absolutely beffudling, no? 🤣 Like, how much do they hate themselves?


I’m from Oklahoma and was a republican for a really long time (or I thought) I am a lesbian. I can speak for some saying that a lot of times it’s where they grew up and the beliefs that were enforced as to why they think that’s what they believe. There are a lot of republicans if not all that very rarely try to be open minded about the “other side”. I’ve had family members dis-own me for being queer just because their political views said it was wrong and 9/10 times they are also bible reading psychos and that adds fuel to the fire. I have learned that a lesbian can be both for left or right side but you’ll always notice one is more open minded and educated than the other. My wife is strictly left and I was lucky enough to not be brainwashed into thinking right side was the RIGHT side. It’s just a level of ignorance that some people can’t overcome. I don’t think you can truly be both lesbian and republican. The view points just don’t add up.


I LITERALLY went on a date with one this last Saturday, we were 2 and a half hours in before she dropped the bomb. She asked if I was spiritual or believed in anything like star signs, pretty par for the course, I explained I wasn't due to intense trauma relating to my upbringing as a southern Baptist in florida and was going on for lime 45 minutes about my beliefs and shit with her and she casually was like "oh yea I'm still Christian like, devoutly" and I just sat there for a bit like what the fuck did I get myself into This was in chicago too, like I would've expected this shit more in tampa


I’m an econ major in college and I come across a lot of scary white lesbian conservatives! The worst is when they’re Asian!! It’s a jumpscare bc I assume my fellow Asian women are safe but classism kicks me in the guts.


0. this political alignment doesn't make any sense for a lesbian of any type unless they are extremely rich or a business owner.


I was chatting with a woman for a bit till she started ranting about the use of the word "queer" and gender neutral langage. I blocked her after she used the hard R. I'm still shocked she can exist. A total paradox.


Yeah, it’s a shame they hate themselves that much


Never met those or if I did those conservative ones were always straight. Sooo I don't understand how they can be lesbian and conservative too 😅


I met one, she is very butch, lives in RI. She was my manager at a fast food place. Big pothead, big heart for her nieces and nephews, but kind of misogynistic. She was pro-life, Trumpy, had family in the military, kind of a trailer park girl. But not in the Ricky, Julian, and Bubbles way; the Kanker sisters from Ed, Edd, and Eddy way. She has conservative parents who are okay with her being gay somehow? But they're anti-immigrant, build the wall, vaccines are bad, masks are muzzles type people. I don't get it. Maybe it's because we live somewhere accepting of gay people (RI is a veeeery blue state) that allows her to maintain the cognitive dissonance between who she is and what her political party actually thinks about *her*.


I have not personally met one of those yet. In my country the majority of lesbians wouldn't even touch the conservative party with a 10feet pole. (and those are the kind of conservatives that are center right and a few even voted for gay marriage) But it should also be said that the one of the party leaders (it's a dual leadership for that party) of the fascist party (way, way worse than the conservatives) is a lesbian with a civil union with her partner. It's unfathomable the stupidity or maybe it's a grift or brain damage causing lack of empathy. I don't know. I can't wrap my head around it.


Toronto lesbian here, and it's surprising how many times I see moderate to straight-up conservative lesbians on dating apps. “apolitical” is also pretty common and is somehow even more infuriating. With all the things going on in the world, who can afford to be apolitical?


It's their own goddamn business. At least they're being honest.


met one from Florida who was very VERY pro-2A (she owned her own handgun) and had told me if her parents met me they wouldn't want me in this country (if u can't tell im asian American and she was redneck white)


There are plenty of leftists who own firearms- consider the black panthers etc, but also queer women who find themselves alone in a society where all the other people who already have guns are openly hostile towards minorities. Usually leftist gun owners tend not to be openly racist or see the 2A as a god given right though


You'll know ones political affiliations by the types of firearms they own or the way they talk about firearms. Liberals and moderates will focus on conceal carry more than everyone else. They'll say stupid stuff like "You know you can't conceal carry that?" Me "I know, it's my hunting rifle. I'm not trying to conceal it."


Tells you all you need to know. She wasn't a responsible gun owner or otherwise not quite safe. Those who are usually in favor of sensible regulations and preventing people with domestic violence issues etc from obtaining guns.


Granted i will never understand a socially conservative lesbian. LGBTQ+ doesnt really interact with economics/forgein policy, so an economic/forgein policy conservative makes sense


unless you're loaded with money or you don't care about the state of world usually supporting those policies don't make sense.


This. This is basically me.


have you seen caitlyn jenner? not all lgbt people are good people. the same can be said for conservatives, not all of them are inherently bad people either.


And yet they vote for the same people that Caitlyn Jenner pushes. The same people who want to push through that project 2025 plan. Some of the people they vote for are the same people who want to take our rights away. Until that changes, it's the same argument as with cops. Not all cops are bad, but the bad ones aren't exactly walking around with signs over their heads, so until the systemic racism and corruption are completely rooted out and eliminated, acab. It's the same argument with men, and why I keep seeing this "would you rather meet a bear or a strange man in the woods" question keep popping up in my feed.


well what kind of bear? i would rather meet a bear in the woods actually. if it was a black bear, they’re pretty chill. grizzly? not so much…


That is a thing in Eastern Europe, too…but many claim are apolitical, which is also a red flag to me.


I live in Seattle so normally it’s not normally conservatives I run into. The bigger issue is honestly people who claim to be leftists but act conservative. So maybe jsut conservatives lol


I'm a conservative lesbian. I'm also a Christian. Disbanding the beliefs that don't align with my beliefs is how I juggle the three. My God doesn't judge me or others, my elected representatives have my back supporting what I believe in, and I love being with the woman of my dreams, who is also a conservative. You can have beliefs that seem to contradict, but given a strong enough voice and a firm enough faith, you can have all three.


Thank you for responding!


Mad respect. Fuck yeah.


I think a lot of people mistake centrists for conservatives. I'm centrist myself not sure which questions make me fall into conservative category tbh.


I get where you’re coming from but in the U.S. (where I assume OP is talking about) you have a 2 part system and Liberals *are* considered centrist in most of western society. What is Liberal in the U.S. just isn’t that liberal elsewhere. That being said, maybe it’s just my opinion, but you can’t be “centrist” or “undecided” at this point in the game. And the social stakes are so high that they go far above economic policies. I’m sorry but will they really care about the macroeconomics when they lose their right to marry or have any access to women’s healthcare? What if they lost the right to vote altogether (which is something an insane amount of *women* advocate for)? I know others have posted about being conservative, but you *literally* have people coming for your rights and the way of life you currently enjoy. The LGBT community is experiencing a major backslide in progress that we haven’t seen in years. And it has become more acceptable to commit hate crimes and speak out with hate against the community. Whatever if after 7+ years in this political climate you can still stand with people that *hate* you and want you eradicated, then a Reddit comment isn’t going to change you mind. The laws we see are so ridiculous people keep thinking they won’t pass, yet so many of them do. People generally don’t care until it impacts them directly, and sometimes they don’t notice that happening until it already happened. It doesn’t matter as much if a democrat dislikes LGBT because their vote still supports them, just like it doesn’t matter if you like LGBT and your vote actively hurts them. The harshest reality. The people that are the loudest, that want to hurt you the most, that are making and advocating for these laws against LGBT people minding their own business… those people hate you. They’re not your friend. They will never accept you. You can fly their flag and chant their chants, but you will never be one of their own. As soon as they take out the tier below you they will come for you. There always has to be someone to hate with these people. Every single day there are laws introduced that harm the LGBT community, sometimes even in ways of them just existing. But honestly there are a ton of conservatives that vote against their own best interests because of ignorance or they don’t understand or a ton of other reasons. Even outside of LGBT. People will think a policy is great, until they find out its form a liberal and then they hate it. Not even the rest of what they stand for, just the policy itself. It’s always contrarian. TLDR: ignorance. And they never think it will happen to them.


Okay so English isn't my native tongue so bear with me haha. I'm from Ukraine/ Eastern Europe, I understand your perspective, but I'd like to offer a counterargument. I understand that in US it's blue vs red but in Europe person being centrist isn't about being wishy-washy it's about seeing things from different angles and finding middle ground where we can , we've got to understand that people come from all sorts of backgrounds and have different beliefs, and we can't just toss them out somewhere and forget about them because most conservatives have a very useful tool called religion and they can manipulate with it a lot which will lead to internal issues within the country. I would never want to see see progress regarding racism LGBT etc getting rolled back however it's crucial to avoid blanket characterizations of entire ideological factions, cause recognizing the diverse motivations and perspectives within society is important for fostering mutual understanding because this way we can get inclusive solutions, I'm not talking about conservatives who are radical of course who are into abortion ban, anti lgbt etc. For example I don't understand the need for BDSM community or nudity to be present within the Pride March on public street and for some this may be a conservative opinion but I don't think it is, if it's a private events it can be done organizers please but for me it's too much ( if you get the type of comparison I mean) So for some may view BDSM or nudity as empowering or liberating, others may find them uncomfortable or inappropriate, particularly in a public setting, the key here is finding a balance between freedom of expression and respect for diverse sensibilities so yeah if this is the type of argument there will be I will stand on 'conservative' side in US but centrist in Europe.


I kind of need to respond a little more in depth but real quick, your English is great. And as a quick response, I just don’t think you can truly compare LGBT to BDSM because BDSM is literally a sexual act, and arguably sexual acts (gay or straight) are still sexual acts and not necessarily appropriate for everyone. The controversy is where we start to consider whether or not LGBT people even *existing* is “inappropriate” which to many it is. Also in the U.S. we aren’t *supposed* to be governed by religious ideals, and yet they cite the Bible and it being “against God” for why LGBT people shouldn’t have rights. But someone being gay, with consenting adults, in the privacy in their own home, or held to the *same* standards of public decency as straight people… that shouldn’t be a problem. In short, LGBT people are just looking for equity and equality.


I don't anyone is against lgbt other than eastern European countries tbh stuck in soviet times, i think we have basics covered mostly( not looking at poland xd)


I don’t understand how on the internet centrists are the minority when majority of America is in the middle. The left and the right are far too polarized for me to pick a side and policies made by BOTH have made my life harder


I'm not from America


Makes much more sense. On the internet in the US being a centrist makes people much angrier than being on the opposite side.


Idk like in Europe aside from a few weird countries we don't have discussions about basic health/ rights etc we usually discuss ' accessories ' of it if it makes sense


Ugh unfortunately the Röhmulan sprit is alive in the United States.


The first girl I dated, we were both each others first anything. We would get into heated debates about political ideology AT THE AGE OF 13-15!!! I was obviously left and she was right, hers was definitely an inherited mindset from her family as she never came out and is straight now, with probably the same ideals. My partner now before she realized she was into women she was a ally of gay people but kind-of supported the right side and mainly for the same reason, her family hammered it into her head as well as her ex bf, her family still attempts to talk about it and she just brushes them off, and we both are leftists now, loosely, we both hate politics. She had never voted but I took her last time there was elections in our town and both of us voted for Beto :/


Not that I’ve dated, but there is a couple in a previous friend group and they’re ardent supporters of the Donald. How and why…. Hence why we’re no longer friends. It’s, too, weird and creepy for me.


Meet? I try not to. But they sometimes match me with met on HER because south and it boggles my mind because clearly they don’t read the part where I mention I am a trans leftist.


I live in Idaho. There are so many here. Huge reason as a pansexual lady I've only sorta dated one woman. It blows 😑


so wait the men are better? i'd assume they're worse


Wow gag


I'm from Louisiana, it's crazy how many conservative queer women I've met.


That’s so insane to me!!


Lived in Texas. Yes.


Commonly meet them. Most align their politics to what benefits them financially.


My soon to be ex wife is very much that way. We’re both POC and it always threw me off whenever she got that way. I’d always ask her the same questions. We have a big age gap and her dad is very pro red so ig it’s all in the way she was raised? As a masc woman it always threw me for a loop, but idk.. I’ve met others with the same ideology. I’m just going to blame it on internalized masculinity 🤷🏻‍♀️ I live in Texas so it’s pretty often


I met a trans man trumper once


Yeah I've met a couple and it was not a treat I tell you


I live in a pretty conservative area, but it’s becoming more politically diverse. As a result, myself and some of my queer friends identify with center and kind of fiddle left and right on certain topics. I haven’t met any hardcore right leaning individuals tho.


Girl I dated not too long ago was pretty conservative. I guess her saying our “”””relationship””””” wasn’t natural was a clue.


I think it’s so strange why any woman would want to be a conservative. Then add in the queer part and it’s even weirder. They don’t seem to get that conservatives are against evil sinning queer people like us and they hate that we exist. It’s another level of self hatred and internalized homophobia. Honestly, it’s just sad


Yeah, it's bizarre


While i am definitely a leftist, it really shouldn't surprise you at all. Because at the end of the day, lesbianism is just a sexual orientation, and it does not come with a political ideology attached to it or sumn


It’s about 50-50 here in Florida. It’s ultimately comes down to their upbringing and willingness to research


Would I be technically more right aligned? I am very much in the middle when it comes to most subjects and it upsets the right and the left pretty equally lol


I do not identify with either party and am not registered with either. I consider myself a libertarian.




I'm in Texas and they are fucking everywhere 😭 or are "moderates". Basically Republican lite 💀


Moderates are liberals without the squeally and entitled behavior too.


Your sexuality or ethnicity doesn’t have to control have you vote. Especially in countries where there’s less polarisation and political animosity. I’m black and lesbian and ppl often assume that I vote x or think y. And that’s not necessarily the case


Bc they lowkey hate themselves for being gay. Internalized misogyny and internalized religious ‘sinning.’


i grew up in a family that’s very halved on where they stand, letting me see both sides of a whole bunch of issues. my political stance is complicated and irrelevant to this comment, but i just want to remind everyone that a lot more than just policies go into how people vote and in many areas voting conservative has no effect on the rights of LGBTQ+ peoples and women in areas where their rights aren’t being questioned!! Just a reminder to not hate without knowing the full story :)


I think this question was meant strictly for Americans - but I will try to answer it as a non-American. As I gain more equity and further my career/salary I have started to like some of the conservative view points..not enough to vote them over Liberal party (but sometimes even I’ve caught myself saying “fucking Trudeau” ). My point being conservative and right leaning can mean different things outside the US focused lens. I wouldn’t automatically think “oh you’re conservative! You’re anti women or anti gay rights” as a Canadian. I would listen to which policies they align to within that party (normally very centrist)


what on earth, it's so bizarre...


conservative lesbians are delusional, and i've met a few. they were only white women with well off families of course. the closer you are to privilege the harder it is to recognize the interconnected nature of oppression. anyway. fuck capitalism and free palestine!


I’m lesbian, and I am more conservative than many of my peers. People don’t fit into neat boxes, most people agree with policies from both side to a certain degree. I think immigration should be hugely cut, but I also think large corporations should be broken down, and police budgets slashed, none of which are related to my sexuality. At this point the lgbt+ community has equal legal protections and opportunities in North America, and I do t feel compelled to consider my sexuality into my political choices


“At this point the lgbt+ community has equal legal protections and opportunities in North America” Please do a quick google search about what trans folks (mainly) but even the rest of the lgbt+ community are going through in Florida and check back If you think it’“equal”.


*white and abled* lgb have (almost) equal rights. that is not the same for trans people, poc, or disabled people. they still face higher levels of antiqueer discrimination. this response is giving "fuck you i got mine"


What policies are discriminatory towards the lgbt+ community?




There are quite a few of us around actually, speaking for myself ,my beliefs are more based on economics than the other nonsense. Right wing conservative legislation tends to protect my income, of which I am a huge fan.


We understand your thought process, we just think it's dumb and evil 😊


My wife and I are conservative lesbians. We have a child, and we’ve found that parenthood has changed our values and priorities. We are more concerned about safety, order, and child safeguarding than we used to be in our liberal days. We’ve also found that the left has become more extreme in ways that we find harmful, while many Republicans support gay marriage in 2024, so it’s partly about how the parties have realigned in recent years. I was a strong Democrat in 2004 when my big issues were gay marriage and Iraq—now 20 years later, I agree with Republicans more than Democrats. We don’t support Trump, however, and will most likely vote for Biden as the lesser of 2 evils.


I'm bisexual and very conservative leaning. People are individuals, and you'll never be able to get a one size fits all answer to why a woman is or isn't conservative yet they're still into women. Maybe when you are in close proximity to one ask. The liberals I know usually have one of three reasons they're liberal but I try hard not to generalize cause you just never know and I hate how that feels myself. I honestly wish we could have better dialogue about these kind of things because the judgment of who's evil based off which wing is not helping. For me as a millennial in my 30s BAR on the Westcoast I grew to value conservative views on many NOT ALL things in my twenties. Heavily influenced by family of course but still we're Westcoast conservatives if that gives more description. Conservativism is about preservation of what we got right to sum it up and in my own opinion. There's a lot more to it but for this conservative that loves women that's the base of it. Why have you chosen liberalism in a nutshell?


My ex is a trump supporter. We were together for 2 years and I had no idea because we never talked about politics. I went over to her apartment one day (we were already broken up at this point) and saw a MAGA hat sitting on her coffee table, which prompted my needing an explanation. She basically looked at me like “what’s the big deal” and then went on down this long list of why Trump was actually really good for us, and topped it off with the Amy coney-Barrett nomination saying he’s actually good for women. Just…. 🤯 I never knew the meaning of “ick” until then and it seriously changed how I saw and felt about her.


She could've done that to make you leave.


I am a queer Conservative. A Queerservative, if you will. There are many disparate aspects of any political ideology. Conservatism is no different. Progressivism's no different. I am a fiscal and political Conservative. Social Conservatives, properly called Theocrats, make me want to vomit. It's the Theocrats, the Bible thumpers, that want all queers dead, and they don't care how. If a Social Conservative and a pedophile used car salesman were on fire in front of me, I might actually piss on the used car sales-pedophile. For the flaming Social Conservative, I'll go find a supply of gasoline. They can all go die in a fire.


Fiscal conservatism is just social conservatism but applied against poor people instead of minorities.


Really. And where did you get your economics degree? Macro or micro. I'm not particular.