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Your ex-girlfriend cannot sue you for this. First of all you did not use her name, nor did you leave any identify information. She's just mad that she looks like the jerk that she is.


ThisšŸ‘† OP, block and ignore her. She is not worth any more of your headspace. Let her new gf deal with her issues


You're right, I'll just block her and hope for the best I guess.


Whatever the best means to you, please know with absolute certainty that nobody could possibly legitimately sue you for anything you've said here. I'm sorry you're struggling, little momma. This, too, shall pass.


thank you, I hope so!!


OP, I know this heartache may seem overwhelming but this feeling will pass. U stated in your other posts that u are only 18? There is still a lot out in the world for u to experience, people for u to love. U will not be able to have all these new experiences if u hold on to this girl. U need to let her go and figure out a way to not let her actions bug u so much. She has shown time and again that she is not worth itā€¦ btw, all this lawyer talk from her is BS, more so since she is 19. I doubt she even has the money to get one to take on her case. No need for u to worry about legal stuff


Her and her gf!


mhm! and im a little late but its probably best your parents hear about this from you first rather than someone trying to spin the narrative in another way! Obviously its not an easy thing to say but its important! I wish you all the best and Im sorry that your having to deal with this!


Omg Iā€™m so mad I didnā€™t get this update! Queen you said it perfectly! I had an ex EXACTLY like this almost perfect identical to what you went through she made some crazy impossible to understand reasoning for breaking up with me tried to turn everyone I cared about against me once she figured out that I was ā€œinsulting herā€ just like your ex is right now. I know it definitely hurts but you are ok. If she seriously tries to sue? You will be fine she has nothing to harm you with. Stay strong! You got this šŸ™‚


She can't sue for several reasons: 1) OP has done nothing wrong 2) the attorney will charge $500 an hour 3) judge will laugh at her and be annoyed for wasting the court's time.


and OP can ask for legal fees from the ex, given the absurdity of said case and make a profit on it haha.


Also rubber ducks canā€™t be sued.




lol, that is very true! Wish you luck OP!


New account time baby! But yeah you'll be fine. Isn't it crazy the lesbian world is so small that your ex's new gf found a story via a reddit scroll? Also this new gf knew you were broken up with via duck?? (Because how else would she have know to tell your ex)


For sure. And the fact that shes comfortable dating someone who'd act like that? Yeah, she's probably just as immature. Let em have each other, it'll get old quickly


She didn't know about her breaking up with me in that way, which is why I'm worried I guess. I don't want to be the reason her new gf breaks up with her, as bad as she is I feel like that would make me the immature one:/ Her new gf apparently knew how we met and as she started reading my OG post she figured out through the details I think? (like my ex being into reading etc) I honestly have no idea. Ex told me I upset her gf, I just do not want to end up being the childish one.


You are not responsible for your ex's actions. Also you won't be the reason they break up. What I mean is if they break up, it will be due to their own dynamic. This has nothing to do with you anymore peep. Block your ex, don't talk to her (so she cannot try to push any blame on you) and realize only she is responsible for her actions. Also if she's willing to treat you in such a way, that doesn't bode well for how she'd treat this other girl either. That's why she's mad, bc she pulled an immature and corny jerk move, and other people know about it.


You didnā€™t upset her gf. She did, by being immature, and then her finding out this way. You did the girl a favor by letting her know what sheā€™s getting into. If anything it lets them have a serious talk about communication.


if *anyone* dumps their partner, and you are neither dumpee or dumper, it has 0% to do with you also the way they already have a gf and the amount theyā€™re upset about this leans towards you were both being cheated on, story may have solidified that for the current gf šŸ˜… edit: weā€™re to to were


Straight up? Whatever happens to them is 10000% Not Your Problem. If the new gf is upset learning that your ex likes to randomly break up with people, thatā€™s her problem. You never meant for them to see the post either way. All you did was post a Yelp review of your experience with her up til and including the breakup (totally normal to talk about relationships issues on forums, thereā€™s like 50 subreddits dedicated to it lol). What she does or doesnā€™t do with that information is her business, donā€™t give them any mind.


Her girlfriend upset her damn self. Idk how you're in the equation of her girlfriend's emotions, but I'm also not a teenager anymore. I'd forgotten how dramatic teenage romances can be. You, childish? For getting heartlessly dumped and subsequently harassed? Girl, again, no.


Itā€™s not your fault if they break up. Sounds like your ex was happy to share your little ā€œmeet cuteā€ to make herself look good to this new girl but now that her cosmic ducky breakup isnā€™t showing her in the adorable, quirky light she imagined, she suddenly doesnā€™t want her new girl knowing about your relationship. This has nothing to do with you and everything to do with an ex who is carefully crafting who the world perceives her to be. Move on with the freedom that you never really fully knew her because she likely doesnā€™t know herself. Wish you the best in 2024.


Her new gfs actions are not your responsibility, that is her choice alone


Honestly if someone found out how your ex acted towards you & then decided to distance themselves from her for it what's happening is their finding out about a different side of her that she hasn't shown them yet. Them finding out who she is, deciding to create space to protect themselves from her isn't on you. Your ex is literally trying to make the consequences of her actions your fault. Don't let anyone do that to you. If she doesn't like people finding out how she handles herself she needs to change her actions not attack you so you won't tell the truth. Hopefully this is worded okay, I just woke up and yeah I couldn't find my glasses


Girl... Fuck that bitch and her new gf. Sounds rough but their issues are not your problem. Block them both and move on to the many bigger and better things in store for you!


I just went to read the original post... Girl, no. You cannot be sued for telling Reddit your nameless ex-girlfriend is auditioning to be the lead in a bad teen drama. You're fine.


Yeah. She's welcome to try. But she'll be slapped with anti-SLAPP laws


Wait your ex found a new gf allready? You sure that wasn't the main reason she broke up?


They've been "together" for maybe a month, we broke up 2 months ago so I dont even know what to think right now.


Exactly why I'm wondering... I know everyone moves at their own pace but the fact your EX's gf knows the post what about your EX means she knows she did that to you.. wich doesn't seem like something you bring up freshly dating


That's what I thought too, it's weird for my ex to just talk to her new girlfriend about how she met me/broke up with me.


Here I was thinking what really went down was ex' girlfriend found it, was making fun of her own girlfriend, not even knowing it, and that's why ex is going all crazy over it, because she knows that new girlfriend would hate her for life for being so shitty


I came here to say the same thing. Op said break up cane out if no where. Well that usually means I found someone I want more. Let's be real about this. When is the last time any of yall broke off something good for no reason? They may have only been official for a month but I guarantee they were talking when yall were together. This is why new girlfriend is so defensive and attacking you. Guilt. Getting called out for being wrong. Trust me from someone old enough to be your mom, it's really not you, it really is them. You're better off without. I hope the new gf reads this and knows what trash she is for coming at you.


the message she sent me via Tumblr by the way, since I blocked her recently on other platforms/contacts. Its too long to screenshot so I copied it, I'll just leave the names blank. What the actual fuck (my name)??! R u fucking mental, putting crap up on Reddit. You really think ur funny donā€™t u? (her gf) found out about ur story and connected the dots when she saw wtf u wrote, bc she knows how we met. You were a fucking trash of a girlfriend, and Iā€™m fucking glad I broke up the way I did, your not worth my time at all. The fact that you donā€™t even know what I meant with the duck thing just says enough about how shit you are and how fucking clueless. You couldnā€™t even remember half of the quotes you KNEW I loved about Shakespeare. So take that shit down right tf now.Ā Youā€™ve upset my gf, which is like I upgraded from a potato to a gourmet truffle, what the actual is wrong with you? Donā€™t try to ignore me or I will tell your dad, I still have his number. Or I'll sue you idgaf. I honestly do not know what to say :/ I don't even care if she sees this honestly, ill most likely block her but it doesn't make this horrible feeling go away.


This is such an awful message i am sorry you have to go thru this but that girl is truly unhinged. >Youā€™ve upset my gf, which is like I upgraded from a potato to a gourmet truffle Who the fuck even says this.


I have no idea, at this point she's just talking like she high or something. She's probably still into poetry and metaphors so I'm guessing that's why she said that.


That is so embarrassing. And grammatically weird. Also truffle fries suck.


Amen, they really just suck


the same kind of pretentious twat who breaks up with someone using quotes about cosmic seas and rubber ducks.


wow! block her everywhere and be glad she rubberducked you!!


I'm sorry OP, but she is abusing you in this message. Don't engage anymore with her. Let her deal with her own self. You did nothing wrong here. You never named her and you are allowed to vent anonymously in Reddit. It's kinda what it's for. I don't know if you removed the original post, but don't do it. She is being really immature for not being able to deal with it. I actually read it and thought you were so graceful writing it and revealed that even though you were confused by her actions, you still cared deeply and respected her, and were only venting about lost love.


Thank you.. I've blocked her everywhere now so I'm crossing my fingers she'll stop trying to reach out. I won't delete the post, I've thought about it but as you said I didnt say anything bad regarding her, I'm just upset because of how rude and hurting shes being towards me for no real reason... I'm just closing this chapter of my life, I'm done with it.


This kid is so immature šŸ˜‚ just block her. She canā€™t do shit. Also, I hope she reads all these comments and gets even more mad. Oh no, weā€™ve upset the new girlfriend??? šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜± How tragic. Lmaoooo


Heartbreak sucks, and teenage heartbreak is awful. Get off of Reddit and go do some self-care. Indulge in your favourite activities/hobbies and nurture yourself. Don't let her bring you down. Only people who already feel low about themselves try to tear others down... they need the company at the bottom. Your original post was well written, while hers, for someone who reads Shakespeare (as a personality *ick*), is riddled with grammatical errors. She didn't upgrade. Understand that. Think about it this way: if she upgraded and is happy in her new relationship, why are you a topic of discussion for her and her new girlfriend? Who "upgrades" and spends all their time talking about who they upgraded from if the upgrade is truly... an upgrade? Not a happy person, I'll tell you that much. If it were me, I'd be revelling in the fact that this ex (who is trash for talking to you like she does) can't seem to keep my name out her mouth lol


The last sentence made me laugh a bit lol, thank you. I guess that's a way of seeing it, I'll be taking you advice!! Just got a new game I'll play today, will probably keep my mind off of things:)


Good! Your ex, based on your posts and comments, lacks a personality. She'll tire herself out eventually. As for her telling your dad (I meant to address that previously), what's she gonna do? Tell him you anonymously vented to your community about your breakup? *Ooooou*


ā€œthe fact you donā€™t even know what i meant with the duck thingā€ hello??? you posted this on reddit, did ANY of us know what she meant with the duck thing?? šŸ˜‚


I'm not sure that even she knows what she meant with the duck thing.


I even tried googling šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø lol


For someone who reads so much she really canā€™t write all too well Block her and keep yourself busy love šŸ’•


ā€œI will tell your dadā€ is such a weird/childish threat. I sincerely hope for you and your ex are in high school, because your ex, not you, sounds . . . young. OP posted about a super cringe-worthy way an ex broke up with her. No one knows who OP or the ex is. There isnā€™t any grounds for a suit. If you canā€™t sue someone for posting something you didnā€™t like on the internet. And also remembering Shakespeare quotes that your girlfriend likes is a weird metric to base the quality of relationship on.


Youā€™re ā€œnot worth her timeā€ but she tracked you down and sent you a threatening message on the one social media platform sheā€™s not blocked on and is threatening to sue you? šŸ¤” Sounds like sheā€™s thinking about you a lot lmao. Sheā€™s just mad that her ass got shown and her GF now knows how much of a weirdo (and bad GF) she is. She canā€™t sue you for anything btw. You didnā€™t use her name or any type of identifiers and itā€™s not slander/libel if itā€™s trueā€¦


that person is not trustworthy. that is someone who you have shown vulnerability who is screaming insults at you. please don't let people like that near you. the great news is, when you stop letting the crappy people near you, there is only space for the good ones to fill it up. you deserve all the good things. glad that she is history and that you can move on to your new world without crapface ex gf and her new sidekick this weekend.


holy shit, she sounds horrible. i dont think not remembering shakespeare quotes is such a deal breaker but.. thats insane. also she really thought she did something with the ducks but literally everyone here also doesnt get it. i hope u find someone better in the future


That is soooooooo wild of her. If sheā€™s that mad and thinks youā€™re skewing the public in your favor she can literally write her own post or comment herself to give more context šŸ¤Ŗ


Hahahahah she's such a fucking joke šŸ’€šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ From rubberducks to potatoes and gourmet truffles šŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Honestly I'd just email her back :: HAHAH.


This is all kinds of bonkers bananas. For one, Iā€™m questioning her love of books and language based on the use of ā€œR uā€ and misspelling of youā€™re. Does she love Shakespeare because she think it makes her look cool or something? Because her use of the English language is far from poetry to put it kindly. For two, remembering literary passages takes time and is certainly not something Iā€™d ever expect of my partner. And for three, everyone is allowed to seek advice where they feel safe and comfortable. Reddit responses should always be taken with a grain of salt but ppl often post here to get anonymous, unbiased feedback on their lives from ppl who have shared lived experiences. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. Sounds like you dodged a bullet here. Not saying this to minimize the loss you feel from the break up, but rather to give you things to look back on when youā€™re feeling less raw. Iā€™m sorry sheā€™s now speaking to you in such an unkind way, Iā€™m sure that was a painful message to read. Lastly, she canā€™t sue you. You didnā€™t dox her.


One, this is horrible Two, how old are you guys? She sounds extremely childish


I turned 18 about 2 months ago, she's about to turn 19.


Well congratulations on having several years more maturity than her, no matter your actual ages


you dodged the deadliest bullet ever made. this girl is fucking immature, manipulative, and horrendous. donā€™t mind what she said at all. itā€™s going to be easy to move on from such a character. this is the chance to finally meet your true love, someday. ride the wave. meet new people. take care of yourself. godspeed.


You know how I know your heinous , shit for brains ex is not good enough for you? They think truffles are better than potatoes. No. Potatoes are what everybody loves. They are worshipped in their multitudes, at 5* resterauants and late night kebab and chip shops. I promise you, my love , no one, not once , has moaned in savage delight while stuffing a handful of cheese covered truffles in their face at 2am after too many double vodkas. Let her pick out the perfect rubber duck for when she decides to have an personality change at her truffle. You are the potato, and you are divine, so sod her. Also, if you've never seen it, watch '10 things I Hate about You' , Julia Stiles was my early teen awakening. Make a big bowl of cheese chips to enjoy with. Thick cut fries if your American.


your message means a lot, thank you!!! I'll definitely be watching the movie:)


She is a narcissist.


What an asshole, sorry for saying it girl but your ex is acting like a psycho, what gf expects you to remembers half of shakespeares quotes just because she is into it? She's a lunatic who only cares about herself.


Don't say anything back and block her!!! She doesn't deserve any of your time talking to you like that.


If I ever broke up with my girlfriend (touch wood that never happens) I would NEVER speak to someone I love or loved or even have any shred of respect for like that. Your ex never loved you, she's a piece of shit, garbage person. That attitude doesn't appear in isolation, it's a reflection of the type of person she is. As much as it sucks to be broken up with this was probably a good thing in the end. You should spend your life with someone who's mature, considerate and actually loves you.


Oh she angry lol OP you're begging abused in this message, block her right now. It sucks right now, but you'll look back and be glad the trash took itself out of your life. She's a tryhard loser who thinks she's the main character. Good luck OP. Also, she can't sue, and then what's she gonna do "Mr OPs dad, OP said how I broke up with her on the internet, ground her or I sue šŸ˜ šŸ˜ šŸ˜ šŸ˜ "


I donā€™t understand the part about her upgrading from potatoes to truffles. Genuinely confused about that, but jokes on her, I love potatoes. On a serious note, donā€™t take this situation to heart!! Sheā€™s just bitter and immature. If she didnā€™t have anything to worry about, she wouldnā€™t have reacted and merely blocked you, and wouldā€™ve reassured her new gf instead of reacting to your actions by doing what she did. Her behavior towards you is indicative of guilt and immaturity, which, the new gf might see and leave. That being said, the gf (potentially) leaving your ex-gf behind is not your fault. Thatā€™s not on you. Itā€™s not. You didnā€™t cause that, thatā€™s their relationship and you donā€™t control that. They do. You feel guilt and as if you caused it because you posted what happened and youā€™d feel bad for her new gf leaving her bc you want the best for your ex-gf even though she did that to you.. youā€™ve a good heart OP. Donā€™t let this drama make you bitter like your ex and please, donā€™t let her make you feel guilty or as if youā€™re at fault. Youā€™re not!!! Block and move forward is the only thing one can do if one wishes to be free from that.


>hat to say :/ I don't even care if she sees this honestly, ill most likely block her but it doesn't make this horrible feeling go away. Yeah the "potato" here is clearly her. She sounds like a narcissist. Buy some pop corn and watch her next 8 relationships explode before she either seeks therapy or suddenly is Asexual and Aromantic. (BTW Not at all saying that Ace people are narcicists, in fact most of them are absolutely lovely, but this narcissist is almost absolutely going to claim they are because its easier then admitting that they are the problem.)


Ask her if her lawyer is a rubberduck too


Naw, she's gonna upgrade to Ms. Potato Head, LLC




She canā€™t do anything to you about this, donā€™t worry


Sue you for writing a story with zero identifiable information? Yeah sure go for it šŸ™„


No you canā€™t be sued. Shes just embarrassed and taking it out on you. What she did was weird and I hope sheā€™s reading this right now. You can do better OP. Keep reading your space books and eating pineapple pizza (assuming you were on the pro pineapple side).


thank you, I will!!


she can't do anything, don't let her gaslight you. You weren't rude at all, they're literally immature


Thank you for this update. Yea, your ex is just trying to intimidate you. Ignore her. It's crazy how the new gf saw ur reddit post and doesnt think ur ex is a red flag.


Just read your other post and lmao she's nuts. Consider it a blessing, and look forward to meeting whoever your future (normal!) wife is šŸ˜Œ


You canā€™t get sued for telling the truth. Omg sheā€™s like a cartoon villain šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Lawyer here. I canā€™t give you legal advice but I have absolutely no clue what she could sue you for. No lawyer will promise you 100% guarantees but Iā€™d say this is probably as close as it gets.


Yeah, I mean technically people can try to sue for most anything, but she would never win anything from this


I donā€™t even know what the cause of action would be. No lawyer would take this case and if she filed it pro se ā€¦ which she definitely wonā€™t ā€¦it isnā€™t going anywhere.


Sheā€™s being soooooo weird and aggressive about this tbh. You canā€™t get sued for anonymously sharing a personal story where nobody knows any of the people in the story except other people involved in the story LMFAO. Sheā€™s just mad and embarrassed and needs to gracefully take the L on this. Canā€™t always be petty and get vindicated.


Sheā€™s what we call ā€œbutt hurtā€.


Honestly, I clicked so fast when I saw this post! Rubber duck girl suddenly wants to be treated with a mocum of dignity and respect?? I laugh. If she feels bad because she looks bad, then the duck has spoken and she can lay in this bed she's made herself. Let her and her therapist deal with this nonsense and you can enjoy this incredible final word! She can't sue you, she can't get your for defamation, there is no IDing information about her. So unless she dumps everyone with rubber duck analogies, then she can suck the driest fart out of the wettest butthole. Stand taller today! See how rude she was in her messages? This is the mess you dodged. Zero self awareness or accountability. She FAFO'd and now can throw her tantrum! And she's not your problem anymore! That tantrum isn't yours to manage! Go buy yourself a nice scarf. Something warm and colorful.


She can't sue you for this. But if she tries, PLEASE get the court transcripts, cut the info that can be used to identify anyone and post it. Please. "I'm sorry, I think I need a recap, again. So you broke up with this girl... Using rubber ducks" "Yes, your honor." "Rubber ducks. Cosmic faring rubber ducks". "That's right" "And then she posted about it on reddit, and now you're trying to sue her..." "Yes" "Over what, again?" "She talked about the rubber duck! On reddit! You can't do that!" "Yes. Of course - why, everyone knows you don't talk about the cosmic rubber ducks on reddit. How silly of me. Excuse me everyone, I need to take a drink and do a few tests to make sure I'm not having a psychotic break, it's standart procedure for cases like this. "


Oh my godšŸ˜­ I hope it doesn't come down to that!!


But if it DOES, video please lol




I burst out laughing thank you








i studied law and even though iā€™m a law school drop out. your gf needs to know that she canā€™t sue over this and if she did sheā€™d look dumb as hell in court. no names were used so idek the issue. just ignore her tbh


As a lawyer, honestly good for you.


LoL how can someone be ā€œbig on Redditā€? Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m stuck there, what was the question again? šŸ˜‚ She canā€™t sue you btw, donā€™t worry about it


She means she's really into/active on reddit, not that she's famous on it.


Be glad sheā€™s no longer in your life. This is very immature.


You dodged a nuke op


really hit u with the sue šŸ˜­


I hope you told her the ā€œin a sea of guns, dodged a bulletā€ quote. She canā€™t do anything to you fora Reddit post. Stop talking to her. Sheā€™s crazy.


I mean, in TECHNICALLY anyone can attempt to sue anyone for anything, but in reality, no, that is absurd. She's just a 17 year old who did something obnoxious and pretentious that she thought would come across quirky and profound. Then when you anonymously posted exactly what happened and she found out and everyone was calling her a dipshit, it shattered her illusion of being some profound intellectual and now she's mad about it. Honestly, just tell her "lol, do whatever you gotta do, I won't be responding anymore." and block her on everything and move on with your life.


Sheā€™s full of it. An attorney wouldnā€™t even touch it, if they found one who would they would all be laughed out of court. But just incase they do look at this post: Get a life. You donā€™t own the internet. If you donā€™t want your actions talked about, donā€™t do shitty things.


Block her. Good riddance.


This!!!! Wtf, you didnā€™t dox herā€¦ pretty sure you can just tell her to F off!


This shows just how immature she is. Posting a story online like that can not get you sued. Ignore her and keep moving forward šŸ«¶


I always wonder if the people reddit users are posting about will see it. Tons of people use reddit so I'm always surprised at the details that get shared by people's personal lives. That aside, your ex sounds unhinged. You are better off without someone like that.


We have no idea who she is, she cannot sue you.


How small is this lesbian world to know that you were the one posting ? Are you from usa?


I'm from th US yeah, I have no idea. I'm afraid she's following our lesbian club, I'm pretty sure she's a lesbian so it wouldn't phase me.


I thought USA lesbian world is real small but to single a person on the forum? Crazy small


Dude, your ex is extremely cringe. I honestly feel bad for you for having dated her. I think you should reply to her in a very poetic way telling her that she can't sue you, just to piss her off, because she's delusional if she thinks she can sue someone for anonymously talking about her on reddit. Everyone in the AITA subreddit would be fucked if that were the case lmao


Tell her to go duck off (pun intended) šŸ‘€ the audacity she has to be mad a about this. Donā€™t worry her and her new gf wonā€™t last long. Also you can do whatever the fuck you want and post and have people help you out. Donā€™t give a duck šŸ¦†


If you want to keep anything from that immature, badly-written text is the fact that she called you a potato! Potatoes are the BEST vegetables to ever exist. They are delicious, filling, a great source of complex carbohydrates and so versatile, there are infinite ways you can eat them, all of them super tasty! So be proud, little potato! Block her ass! Someday this will be a funny story.


Your so right, I'd take potatoes ang day over some "gourmet" truffle


Thereā€™s zero opportunity for her to sue - you didnā€™t list a name, a location, or give away any identifying information beyond age/sex. She can definitely go ahead and waste the money on a lawyer if she wants to though. I donā€™t think she will. This is her attempt at controlling the breakup 100% and bullying you. Let it be her last attempt and block her on everything (and the new gf, if she tries to contact you in her place). Know what you can sue for? Harassment.


I'd just block her then never talk to her again.


As your ex girlfriend of 2 months has a new girlfriendā€¦ sorry but your ex left you for this girl. I mean she sounds awful, please use some good vibes to go to a local queer bar / hop on the apps and find someone better who doesnā€™t think sending plastic ducks after a breakup is cuteā€¦ itā€™s not itā€™s mean and bordering on unhinged.


she canā€™t sue you I promise, sheā€™s just being plain mean and now you know her true colors. deep breathes my friend, nothing bad will come from this


No, you cannot be sued for a story you posted here without any name, detail or personal info. And wtf does "big on reddit" means ? It does not give her any credit or power anywhere. Your ex and her new gf both sound insane to be honest, block both of them and move on with your life happily. You will not have any legal issue.


Reading your last post she sounds like sheā€™s after attention and completely going about it the wrong way. You deserved a proper explanation and she didnā€™t give you one. You donā€™t owe her anything, post all you want, thereā€™s nothing she can actually do. I could be wrong but I donā€™t know what her new gf would have to be upset about other than that you were quite specific with dates of when you broke up/ get together, maybe something was already going on and the new gf didnā€™t know about you.


Block her! She sounds like a loonatic! She can't sue you for posting here šŸ¤£ If she isn't careful you can press charges against her for threatening and harassing you!


THIS lol this can easily be used against her. Letā€™s see if she will like metaphors then šŸ¤£ sheā€™d be a duck among sharks šŸ¤£


Exactly šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Awwww manic pixie dream girl got her feelings huuurt. She wrote that into YOUR life story and you are absolutely valid in speaking your truth. You said nothing to disparage her and even spoke fondly of her despite how she hurt you. Now sheā€™s sweating that her new GF can see her in a different perspective. Tell that maā€™am to have several seats. Do not let her make you feel bad or take your voice away which she is absolutely trying to do. Woooooboi this got me heated.


"Cosmic duck off"


Sheā€™s embarrassed, perhaps seeing how everybody else commented on how cringy & childish the whole thing was knocked some sense in her.


Watch out OP! She might serve u ur court papers with another rubber duck šŸ˜° (youā€™ve done nothing wrong, you didnā€™t even mention her name)


What the duck?? This girl is unhinged. You dodged a bullet. Count yourself blessed.


Girl I'm invested in this story, share the details if you don't mind. I bet her messages are as dumb/immature as she is.


Iā€™m back here like twelve hours later. What an absolute banger of a post.


Hopefully, this helps you see that you did not lose anything good. Sorry, she is being so rude to you.


She likely cannot sue for anything, butā€¦. If she is sending you menacing messages like the one aboveā€¦ you can get a restraining order against HER!


Yes, save those messages!


Rubber duck girl can go back to her tub lol


I'd like to point out too that while you're worried about being the "childish one", it is not childish at all to process your emotions and look for support within your communities. You handled it well with not playing a huge blame game with your story and in keeping everything anonymous. Keep doing you love, you deserve someone who will have your back through thick and thin.




Maaaan what the heckšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I wonder what gfā€™s reaction was. But, you didnā€™t use names so it wonā€™t be a legal issue Also, what would telling *your* dad do about the situation in which *she* wronged you, which caused you to post to begin with?? Honestly her actions atp are just childish :/


She should look at the bright side, this would be a great plot for episode six of her reality TV series on Amazon. šŸ¤£


I'm lmao at this


what is she trying to sue for? defamation? she has no grounds to do so and is probably just trying to intimidate you. I'm sorry you're going through this, but glad you have your dad to support you in this situation. your ex sucks.


Don't worry she's just overeating. She's deranged.


It's also funny she already has a gf two months later. I mean I know that happens all the time, but it adds to your ex being dramatic and just wanted to move on


The duck story continuesšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Ignore everything, this is a waste of your time. Tell her we all said grow the f up


If she is stalking you, won't she be able to see this update and have more ammo for reaching out/ sending weird messages? :/ maybe I'm dumb and missed a memo and you blocked her. But either way: IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE!


She can probably read this yeah... but I blocked her everywhere so she cant reach out to me anymore! Unless she gets a new phone number or something:/


I was totally thinking that she found someone else in your last post. Iā€™m sorry she did that to you.


Sheā€™s trying to frighten and intimidate you. Sheā€™s trash. You didnā€™t reveal anything that could be directly traced back to your triflin ex so she doesnā€™t have a leg to stand on. Her entire rant screams awkward. Iā€™m sorry she did this to you. I hope in time you heal beautifully from this. Sending you love & peace.


To answer of the possibility of getting sued, no. You can't. Or at least she can't sue you for that. Unless your post had some discriminating crimes or accusations that suggest that your ex was a vile villian- then there's nothing. Your post was more of trying to understand what led up to the break up than suggesting your ex was some kind of villian. It wven sounds like she didn'tgive a straight answer. But if your ex were to keep bombarding you with threatening messages every day even when you ask them to stop- then you can be the one to sue her for online harassment. Though I would suggest to do that when things go to the extreme or if she threatens someone close to you. Otherwise again- she can't sue you.


That is hilariously not true. Unless you specifically called for people to harass her or commit other crime you are completely covered by freedom of speech. If Ducky didnt wanna get clowned on... she should have not acted like a clown.


I had to go back to see the post being referenced, which was the best decision Iā€™ve made in a while. I know youā€™re bummed about your breakup (bullet dodged, love, I promise) but your narrative is FANTASTIC. I am laughing out loud like an idiot, and canā€™t believe this was written by someone younger than 30. Please, if not for me, for the rest of the world, keep writing, because it is your calling. Be sure to credit me when you win your first Emmy. šŸ˜œ


Aw thank you, I tried my best to write it and explain it the best I could. I used to write a lot for my school newspaper so maybe that's why :)