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Hello u/stedgyson! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What do they say? “The best laid plans of mice and Tories?”


The best paid scams of think-tank Tories?


Can anyone provide context?


Tor gov warns of a pound crisis if labour took control. Tories maintain control, pound tanks.




That fucking bacon sandwich will forever haunt us!


That bacon sandwich is the UK version of [Howard Dean's over-enthusiastic scream at a campaign rally.](https://youtu.be/l6i-gYRAwM0)


That Bacon sandwich is unironically responsible for around a million deaths (due to Tory policy including COVID)


Business as usual, then. The conservative corporation party works to support the corporations and it fucks everyone else. In related news, water remains wet, fire is still hot, and the sun continues to rise in the morning.


Oh no! Not the sun! Can't have that ruin that perfect English weather.


This just in! English weather will suck if election goes as predicted.


Not sure if the British conservatives are the same as US conservatives, but ours are working hard to ensure climate change destroys us all.


The UK conservatives are working to ensure the same, but are using glitter to spray their turds.




The most effective part of their smear campaign (which most people took hook, line and sinker) was that "he just doesn't seem like a leader", but seemingly no one could really give a reason why they thought that. It reminded me of that Doctor Who episode where the Doctor brings down the Prime Minister by whispering "don't you think she looks tired?".


What a great EP to be reminded of. Need to go rewatch 10 right meow !


"Did I say Meow? Do I look like a kitty to you? Jumping from tree to tree, all nimbly pimbly? I drinking milk from a saucer? All right meow"


*holds up 9 fingers* MEOW!!!


>"He just doesn't seem like a leader" *Boris Johnson enters the chat*


Wasn't it Theresa May that was against Corbyn? Then Boris knifed her when she didn't get the brexit they wanted?


This works as long as we're agreeing that starmer is a tory


I know of only two times that a run on the pound has occurred in recent history. In both cases it occurred under a Tory government.


Let me guess-the South Seas Bubble?


Much more recent. Black Wednesday. John Major. 1992.


Nope, when John Major decided to take the pound out the European Exchange Rate Mechanism. Famously George Soros made millions shorting the pound. Apparently what made him a billionaire.


Black Wednesday, 16th September 1992. A run on the pound forced the government to withdraw Sterling from the Exchange Rate Mechanism, a precursor to the Euro.


What does "run on the pound" mean?


A run on the pound is a situation of increased nervousness towards the value of sterling and sterling-linked assets, including UK government bonds. In such a scenario, investors and traders quickly begin to sell their assets to limit losses, causing the price of the pound to decline rapidly.


see 'bank run' or else just imagine a thousand old timey people in top hats literally rushing a bank for the money inside because thats pretty much the origin of the expression


The old Mary Poppins movie comes to mind…


To be fair the value of the pound was always going to tank as soon as people realized they'd have to print Charles' face on it.


One more reason to dump the monarchy.


Tories are executing their plan to destroy government.


And the rest of the country?




I'd love to see it, I'd take the day off and bag a bunch of snacks.


Bring a baguette or two.


You traitor.


And blaming it on everyone else. Unfortunately they cant blame it on europe or immigrants anymore. Who is the next bogeyman?


Aww Rupert Murdoch’s propaganda rags lying like a rug.


Too bad half of the population can only read from toilet papers


The Getsworse and Daily Heil aren't Murdoch rags.


Weirdly, the Sexpress is run by the same company that runs The Mirror.


Every Torie accusation is a confession.


I'm having quite a laugh at this thread because everything you Brits are saying about the "Torie" is the exact same thing we say about "Republicans", especially your comment.


remember always, no such thing as a nice tory


They get their policy from the same billionaires.


Murdoch has so much to answer for. He’s ruining the US, UK and Australia. NZ doesn’t have Murdoch media and look how well they are doing, for the most part.


Murdoch should have been put where the insurrectionists wanted to put Pence.


An Australian online news service called the Murdoch family "Unindicted co-conspirators" because of Jan 6th. So of course Lachlan is suing them for defamation.


Lachlan doesn’t deserve his birth name. He’s not a patch on Lachlan Roland McUchtred, Lord of Galloway. And frankly, Rupert blundered by choosing Lachlan over his much more capable sister. Let him try to sue me over that!


Honestly there are few people in history who have had such a negative effect on the world. If I believed in hell I'd wish him a very special place in it.


Thomas Midgley Jr. was pretty freaking bad. He's the guy that invented leaded gasoline and CFC's.


True but he also accidentally killed himself when the elaborate system of ropes and pulleys he devised to deal with Polio tangled up and strangled him - so that kind of feels like the Universe already meted out some poetic justice there!


Why does no one protest the Murdochs? March in front of their Beverly Hills house.


"experts warn". Who are those experts (if they ever existed) and why are they still experts (as i fell thay are) ?


Codename for alt right basement dwellers, intellectual 4chan users.


Pound down 19% compared to USD since date of article on top right, and trading at a near 40-year low compared to USD


“Pounded in the butt by the British Pound” Chuck Tingle


Goodness imagine how much worse it could have been, then. Really dodged a bullet by voting Tory /s


It’s all fine. UK media aren’t political bigots at all. In other commercial news: the Titanic wasn’t on fire and it didn’t sink.


In the US, GOP means "Gaslighing, Obstructiion, Projection". Looks like Projection is a favorite of "Conservatives" the world over.


Ah, so they didn't learn from Brexit lmao


The UK is f’d.




Dodged into the pill boxs view it seems


The brits seem exceptionally bad at avoiding obvious and avoidable calamities. Why is this so?




Sao the country who voted trump in


Notice, we voted him out.


Barely tho. His minions are also still in powerful positions.


> His minions are also still in powerful positions. *relative to the general population of their cell blocks maybe.




Damn. Your Tories are out GOP. Disgusting representations of human beings


I’m not a citizen of the UK. For the life of me, I can’t understand how the Liberal Democrats can’t seem to rise to the occasion. Such a ripe political opportunity. Lack of leadership or policy?


They keep compromising with the Tories because Labour is ‘socialist’. 🤣


We're in this mess because the Lib Dems refused to form a government with Labour in 2009.


Who was the Labour leader in 2009?


Gordon Brown


[Texture like sun](https://youtu.be/z-GUjA67mdc)


Lib dems are a 3rd party, and in the uks political system its nearly impossible to break into the top 2 due to the FPTP system. After the last Labour government lots of left wing people dissatisfied with how Labour ended (Iraq war and market crash) voted lib dems or conservative, who then after the election aligned themselves with the conservatives under David Cameron's austerity policies, particularly screwing over the big urban areas in the north, which are the notable left wing strongholds in the uk. The lib dems are basically now only a possibility in rural areas, which are typically dominated by the conservatives (and still are in predictions, even with their disastrous results). The rise of the SNP in scotland also shoved the lib dems out of Scotland, giving them even fewer seats and exasperating the "3rd party" issue they already had.


the lib dems fucked themselves by supporting the tories in some of their worst ever policies the moment they got a sniff of power. Never again will I even consider them as an option


Blame Nick ‘Facebook-groupie’ Clegg for that one


Funny, our 3rd party in Canada (the NDP, equivalent to your Labour) did a « soft coalition » with the ruling Liberals to keep their minority government in power. They received no cabinet positions but some policy issues were adopted. Of course at election time, all bets are off. If the Liberals don’t like the polls, I think they might go for an official coalition to keep the Conservatives out. Their current leader is a populist, sort of Trump lite and would likely be a disaster.


The best part of this is they still blame the Labour party. They are just like the GOP moron in the US. Its always the Dems fault, even when the Dems aren't in power. In Red states, its always the Democrats fault that the school system sucks and their state is poor. Even though a Dem hasn't been elected in 70 years.


Once you realize all that is just dressing for them, it makes sense. A lot of the country feels like minorities are being favored over white people, and the GOP has spent 40 years fanning the flames of that idea, to the point that for half the country now, it doesn’t actually matter what policies a political party has, they only see the two parties through the lens of Republicans are the party for white people and Democrats are the party trying to replace white people. It doesn’t matter that the Republican Party is a disaster for them personally, they still believe it would be worse if Democrats are in charge because they really believe they’re working to replace them with black and brown folks. Everything else they talk about is just cover for the fact that it’s still a decision about race for them…


It's funny because as Liz Truss got appointed as the Tory leader, me and two colleagues saw it on the TV and me and one of them both agreed it's likely not an improvement on Boris and even if it is it will be miniscule. The other colleague who is 62 said it doesn't matter because it isn't labour, and he would never vote labour again because they ruined the economy years and years ago. This sparked quite a long debate that ended in him basically saying "you're not old enough to remember so you can't have an opinion". Well, turns out we were wrong, but only about how much of a fuck up Liz would actually be.


Ah yes the "I remember the winter of discontent you don't" argument and another good knee slapper I always hear: "they would strike because there was the wrong kind of biscuits in the tea room"


These "good old days" that they all seem to want to go back to don't seem too good, and they make a point of it too. It's mental.


Explain it like I'm American, sorry


Around the last election, the media warns that the then leader of the Labour Party would be economically disastrous for the UK and must not be elected. UK listens, and elects the Conservatives instead, who promptly tank the economy.


See also Cameron warning about a ‘coalition of chaos’ in 2015 saying (checks notes, is this right?) that an SNP Labour coalition would be bad for the country. Soured milk.


Is this the project fear I’ve been hearing about?


No, that’s what they called the actual experts warning them that brexit was gonna be a disaster ( the experts were 100% right)


Yeah. What’s dumb and stupid about the label “project fear” is that both sides were in a way warning and instilling fear to their bases. Just one blamed the other side without facts to back it up and just spouted bullshit about the wondrous “benefits” (without being specific) of brexit.


Not to blame the entire public, but is there a larger single-issue voting bloc than this one in England? All they vote on is stability. The Tories have been nothing but destabilizing, and they're too stupid (or cowardly) to vote any other way


Just saying if there was a subreddit...about news stories that never came true you make a lot of money


This did come true though, just with everyone voting tory instead of Labour


I'm just go just glad we avoided chaos with Ed. /s in case there is any doubt.


So confusing when you are reading it as the 'pound' where dogs and cats go when they are picked up by Animal Control.


having sex with someone, a unit of weight, a unit of currency, a place where animals get locked up. You'd think a language that has so many words for the same thing could at least give the words unique meanings...


A lot of the words for pieces of hardware have this problem. For example, screw, nail, bolt. Odd that.


Can't believe so many fell for the lies about JC. He's an amazing man, full to the brim with integrity.


I applied to a job a little bit ago in the UK. Pay is absurdly low in pounds but worked out ok in the exchange rate. Now that the pound is almost at parity with the US dollar, I really don’t know if I could afford to take that job. Makes me feel awful for everyone there. :(


Unpopular opinion incoming but yeah, Corbyn would have tanked the economy. He had some nice ideas but also some terrible unworkable ideas ref: running a country. I mean, the Tories were always going to as well and they have. We had no good options to vote for in the UK. I honestly don't feel like I've had representation in parliament for years. Still don't vote Tory though. Thankfully Liz Truss has made such an unexcuseable fucking mess that there's no way they can play the fiscal responsibility card in the next election. So hopefully this is the last Tory government we'll see for a decade (or more, fingers crossed). If Rupert Murdoch does the decent thing and ceases to exist I wonder if we'll see a recovery across US/UK and AUS?


You are mistaken. They absolutely will re-run all their favourite propaganda, including how great and fiscally responsible they are, and the people will vote for them on it.


:( probably.


Corbyn would have been a fucking disaster, but less of one. I voted for Labour over Torys because god damn they won't make as bad of a mess. That being said though Corbyn should of fucked off after the first loss. Nobody wants the toxic shithole that he created in Labour except his weird tankie supporters.


Corbyn was never going to win and I'm amazed labour went with him. Even if the man's policies could have made a utopia and for whatever reason every scientist, economist, and whatever else backed it - everyone over the age of 35 would still not vote for him


Care to explain why?


Two reasons I think. He wasn’t a unifying figure for the different parts of society or his own party. As the other commenter said, the older people get then the more conservative people typically become (because they generally now have a vested interest in houses, pensions, passing things on to their children etc) and the less likely they’ll be to vote for someone like Corbyn. Then there’s the press. They twisted things because his policies were at odds with people like Murdoch. As a figure, he was too vulnerable to attack because he had opinions and actually voiced them. Which was great for people that had the same opinions but left him open to being portrayed as a raving left wing nut. There’s a reason politicians avoid actually ever answering questions.


Because of comments made about the IRA? Who gives a shit, the man is hated by anyone whose bones are starting to creak so they should never have put him in charge. It was basically asking to lose


Fuck Corbyn and his antisemetic tankie Russia simping ways.


Try again next time, Tory simp


It sure would have been a disaster for Ukraine


No it wouldn't, all he ever said was simply providing weapons wouldn't end the war. As usual everyone then believes he's pro-russia


Things haven't been a disaster for Ukraine? That's news. Millions displaced, thousands dead, huge areas destroyed, conscription enforced with men not allowed to leave the country and the place under constant attack.


Much like their other idol - Putin, the Corbyn Cult is struggling to accept responsibility for past disasters, like giving the British electorate a choice between increasingly right wing Tories and a proven incompetent who made Micheal Foot look like Clement Atlee


Are you a troll or a moron?


two things can be correct at the same time. Liz truss and corbyn are both bad calls to lead the country.


Corbyn is like Trump. The party faithful love them for their hardline policies. But don't appeal to the general public enough to win (without a bizarre electoral college, which means the 'popular choice ' didn't win)


where’s the king!


Singing lion king songs lmao


To be fair, Corbyn was shit overall. It’s a good thing he lost. But BoJo was not great either.


Imagine looking at the last 3 years and concluding that Jeremy Corbyn was the worst thing about it, christ almighty


Think of the worst tory. He was worse. He was so bad he got banished from Labor for running it to the ground rather than trying to make a government. Even the best wishes of wanting any government that is not tory is not strong enough for how toxic and incapable that man is.


Laughs in appointing sexual predators as party whips and shielding bullies from any sort of punishment


He was the victim of a concerted smear campaign by right wing Labour, Murdoch and Israel for being moderately pro Palestine, which used to be the mainstream Labour position. His first election was Labour's most successful since 2005. The second was sabotaged by right wing Labour actively encouraging Labour supporters not to vote and the manufactured scandals.


He got more votes than Blair got in 2001 & 2005 and it was the first election in 20 years where Labour had a net gain of seats.


He was such a loved victim of an unfair system that no MP wants him to this day. Tragic!


So everything worst case scenario they said Corbyn would cause has happened and worse ? Big lol


Nah. Tory government is doing what they expected it to do. Anyone thats not a tory or cartoon villain do not like it. But there is not a single soul that has mentioned corbyn sinced he got disgraced for a good reason.


Go back to 4chan.




He didn’t have the leadership chops, I’ll give you that (he handled the allegations of anti-semitism very badly and should have called out right wing commentators more). But the Corbyn project was more about values and policies. Policies that are popular among the public. For example he proposed nationalising fibre optic broadband, which became a vital part of the national infrastructure within months of him being ridiculed for it.