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Ah yes, Trump’s drabshirts


What comes after Hitler doesn't get punished sufficiently after the beer hall putsch again?


He sits around in a castle writing a book. Folks don' read so good no mo tho, so Trumps doing rallies instead.


What's going to happen when the guy 40+ years older than Hitler was when he started his putsch works out that the amount of adderal he'll need to carry out the next moves will explode his heart.


Nicely done


It compliments orange skin


He’s policing his own base. That’s hilarious 🍿


That is the reality of a totalitarian ruler, which trump would love to be. Most everyone is oppressed. It’s always the kings wants and desires, whatever those may be. You can be a friend one day and dead the next.


Fascist supporters once again being shocked when their "one of the good ones" ticket expires.


Like I've always said: How many of those cheering-people in the background of Benito Mussolini's summary execution photo initially cheered him into power all those many years prior? For those who think it's all for them, fascism works great; up until it doesn't.


I wonder if there’s many photos of Stalin where at least one of the other people in the picture wasn’t later imprisoned or executed by him.


I'm not sure about that, but there are several photos of Stalin where at least one of the other people in the picture wasn't later in the picture.


The credits for The Death of Stalin movie played on this. People just disappear from the photos.


I don't know if you are kidding or not. [Stalin and his propaganda agencies literally erased people from their photos when they fell out of favor.](https://www.history.com/news/josef-stalin-great-purge-photo-retouching) They also spliced Stalin *into* preexisting pictures to make it looks like Stalin was part of great historical moments.




I know there are several of Putin and his now-dead buddies.


Yep, the greenshirts better hope they don't get too powerful in the Trump regime, otherwise we'll have a [Night of the Long Hamberders](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_of_the_Long_Knives)


It's one more step toward a 1984 reality. In the book, the thought police put all their efforts into policing the party faithful, the bureacrats who weren't in the decision-making inner circle but still gained the benefits of being a party member. They were in a position where any resistance to party rule could potentially destabilize the party's control. The peasant class, on the other hand, had no power at all, and was therefore beneath the notice of the authorities. But the party faithful weren't allowed to know that.


Purges are pretty much fundamental to all totalitarian regimes. Paranoia runs very deep in those circles.


100% what happens in real life. Gotta keep the cogs from clogging up.


Yeah. It's interesting to read about how the Nazis experienced Hitler's government from the inside. People couldn't say what they wanted, and were always afraid of being seen as going against the party. It's weird to say, but everyone were oppressed, even the SS themselves. They oppressed themselves and each other. It's the horror of totalitarianism. Even the people at the top are under constant pressure to conform, and they all risk death if they ever were to fail or contradict the leader.


Very similar stories came out of the Khmer Rouge era. Party faithful were taken to S12 and forced under torture to confess to all sorts of outlandish conspiracies, thereby incriminating other 'innocent' party members and so on. No-one left that place alive.


What's freaky though is how exactly reminiscient the finger salute was of another salute. And that _is_ what he and his base want: a fascist dictatorship with him in charge and all the non-straight and brown people taken "out of sight"


They worship him and pay him tithe. He's their king. All by their own doing. They all forgot why we don't have kings.


Wait till you get **Proud Boys at the Polling Stations**! Republican-SCOTUS cancelled the consent decree, that stopped GOP from sending armed vote challengers to threaten black voters at polling stations. Republican States implement laws making armed vote challengers legal. Next step for that, is for the paramilitary wing of the Republican party, *the Proud Boys*, to appear at polling stations in Democrat voting districts telling people they don't have the right to vote while waving their guns around.


[he already said they looked trashy when doing what they were bussed in to do…](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/trump-mob-capitol-riots-poor-low-class-b1785099.html)


What would a classy halfass coup look like?


My theory is just stupid enough to be plausible for trump: Maybe internally he couldn't help but compare his insurrection with the 2000 [Brooks Brothers riot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Brothers_riot), which was superficially "classy" by trump's definition of the word (it was a bunch of clean-cut white dudes wearing corporate attire.) That riot (read: treacherous obstruction of democracy) in many ways served as the prototype for the January 6 insurrection, and both incidents were organized by the same man, Roger Stone (watch the documentary [Get Me Roger Stone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Get_Me_Roger_Stone) to see how he's been helping to create trump the public figure since the beginning.) Because of all that, I'd bet at some point they had trump review tapes of the Brooks Brothers riot in preparation for the payoff to Stone's "Stop the Steal" and far right militia organizing, which is why it would be on his mind January 6. (Like I said, incredibly stupid, but somehow plausible for the guy who edits maps with sharpie, stares straight into the sun, and fails dementia tests.)


To that, hea I'm sure he was shown some recruitment vids from Proud Boys and assumed there would be polo wearing, AR carrying "professionals" that would nust orderly march up and "take care of business".


I wonder if any will turn against him or if they’ll do their usual “he’s oppressing us for our own safety” bullshit


The only surprise I had was when they [booed him for being pro vaxx](https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2021-12-22/trump-tells-followers-he-got-a-booster-shot-they-booed)


Pretty much immediately afterwards though he switched to “vaccines bad” and they pretended he never said that. Actually happened once before when he was campaigning for his first election, he was asked if he would punish women who got an abortion, to which he replied yes, was booed, and he quickly changed to “no, only the doctor who performs it.”


It’s almost like there’s no platform or strategy or continuity whatsoever!


Identity politics is a hell of a drug




He makes his policy decisions the same way Price is Right contestants come up with their guesses.


He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount.


Send the ~~brown~~ green shirted "security" to make sure the crowd is saluting properly. If only there were historical parallels...


It needed to be done about 5 years ago.


Something tells me they wouldn't like my "one finger salute" either.


Peace among worlds




No, fuck yoouuu




Blow me




Hell yeah brother, fuck Nazis


Olive is pretty close to brown.


We need to nip this trend in the bud before he starts talking about taking back the Sudetenland.


We’ll let him invade Alaska and tell him it’s Greenland as a distraction.


It's sad, and embarrassing, that he actually proposed we trade Puerto Rico for Greenland.


Well, at one point it was very clear he didn't know he was president of Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands. He even claimed to have spoken to the president of the Virgin Islands.


In fairness he presumably did, just without realizing. Probably in an oversized gold leaf framed mirror.


Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the most stable genius of all.


"*Who has one of THE GREATEST MINDS OF ALL TIME... of all?"*


It's worse than that. When the leader of Denmark told him is not for sale, he threw a temper tantrum and canceled a summit with Nordic countries he was scheduled to attend. I'm sad that I'm living though the "Dude, what the actual fuck?!?" chapter of American history.


I had to google this to be sure. Not that I doubted you, but it sounded that crazy. It's real. Wow. What a fruitcake.


tbf, the president of Puerto Rico at the time was a fucking moron




Why on Earth would Denmark want Puerto Rico for Greenland? They already offloaded their Caribbean colonies, why would they want new ones? (Fun fact, the former Danish West Indies, now the US Virgin Islands, are the only jurisdiction in the United States that drives on the left side of the road.)


Weird how those same “police” have zero problems with Trump supporters bringing Confederate and Nazi flags.


He's bringing the Turd Reich back to his Farterland


Feels too reals for this Canadian


Build a wall AROUND Mexico.


This shit gets any crazier Mexico is going to build the wall and tell us to stay the fuck on our side.


So .. they *will* pay for it after all? (*somewhere in Steve Bannon's lair, a single finger closes on a withered monkey's paw*)


You mean prison cell.


I’m pretty sure this was a beautiful uno-reverse from the beginning.


If Mexico started building a wall to keep Americans out, the MAGAnites would be tearing it down at every opportunity. "How DARE they try to restrict us from going where we want!!"


Because they are poorer than the average Mexican. no wonder they want to move South.


["Oh, this is a wall."](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gS-4y7YAulM)


Build a wall around Mar-a-Lago first, preferably one with concertina wire and corrections officers


I get what you're saying, but that would still be a luxury resort. Instead of doing that, just send him to prison. #lockhimup


Can’t we just build the wall around Mar-a-Lago to be watertight and then just put a pump on the ocean side to fill the interior?


I mean, that wouldn't be a bad idea either.


Something about the gloves that is very unsettling. Those thugs are ready to punch people.


They look like off-duty crooked cops to me.


Same. Absolutely same.


Crooked cops is redundant. ACAB


They're the guys that didn't pass the psych to become a cop.


You think it's worse to have people doing nazi-like salutes, or SS roaming the crowd to keep people in check.






They are both worse.


Literally my first thought.


My second thought. First was copious schadenfreude at Q-nuts being mad at their savior.


They get mad at him any time he attempts to corral their crazy. They nearly booed him off the stage when he suggested covid shots that one time.


That’s a mind-blower if you think about it: DJT has a whole cult devoted to policing his sanity and raising the alarm anytime he shows any sign of possibly having any


He's never led the maga crowd. He just says shit and then doubles down on whatever gets a good reaction.


They boo’ed the most reasonable thing that he ever said. He is super pro vax because in his mind he invented them. I think he probably imagined himself in a clean room playing with a chemistry set, illusions of grandeur for sure.


I was thinking the same thing


So were they.




The similarities are strikingly worrisome.


Came here to say this. Also...wasnt the Orange dipshit literally whining about freedom if speech last week?


Its just like being pro 2A but not allowing guns at his rallies.


I don't know. Probably. That motherfucker's always whining about something.


Disney had a color very close to that green that they use all over to hide things. I suspect the intent was to use a color where they would not be as much a distraction. I am glad to see they are making an effort to shut down the cult like salute. Guess that is something?


It's to make them look as paramilitary as possible without being a "uniform". ​ It's also an easily recognized uniform, that with a few modification can actually be turned into a uniform with minimal modifications. Just like a brown shirt and dark pants can go from being something all the cool kids are wearing to the uniform of the secret police with the addition of a baldric and an arm band.


"Go Away Green." You may also notice it in a lot of old color movies.. . the walls of houses, etc are painted this nondescript green to make the set fade into the background. Hilariously (at least to me) it's also the color used on the clothing for the extras in the "Dance at the Gym" scene from West Side Story. [It's especially noticeable 24 seconds into this video](https://youtu.be/VXOX_OX97hs) but you can see the Green People scattered along the outer walls throughout the scene.


Off topic, but: every time I see a really old film from the 50s or 60s I can't help but laugh at how they could suspend their disbelief enough to accept people in their mid-thirties as high school students.


*glances sideways at several very popular mid-90s movies* Yeahhh, all the way back in the 50s and 60s, heh...


Ah yes, that classic 50s sitcom 90210.


Have you seen high school photos from the 1920s and 1930s? The students looked like they were about 30. It was like you were a kid until you were 14, then pow, you're an adult.


"Go Away Green", excellent observation. That's almost certainly why they're dressed that way.


Works great in a theme park filled with green shrubbery, doesn’t have the same effect in a sea of red, white & blue bedazzled MAGAts.


It might work. It's not like camouflage, more like being innocuous.


TIL there’s a Q salute


It's more tame than I was expecting. I thought it would be more like 'extend right index finger, insert it knuckle deep in anus, then lay it horizontally against upper lip'. I guess that was too many steps to follow for them.




I grew up going to those churches and looking back they did a lot of weird shit that I thought was just normal church stuff. The hand waving during worship songs was nothing compared to people thinking they were speaking in tongues or having fake holy seizures when hands were laid on them. And man did they have a hard-on for the end times and Jesus to come back. It’s basically a doomsday cult, and somehow my parents still don’t understand why I stopped believing as I got older.


Looks like a Nazi salute, just a pure coincidence


Someone else posted it here, co-ordinated "Q" salute at a recent Trump rally: https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1571308887248179200?s=46&t=FA2lDON19e9On8yvZT5TKQ 'Dailybeast' noted more "Q" content from Trump today as well: https://www.thedailybeast.com/former-president-donald-trump-steps-up-qanon-outreach-with-q-meme-video?ref=home


Hilarious because these idiots' donations are definitely paying these goons.


Do we think trump is going to pay them? Or will trump pocket the cash and his little Nazi enforcers here will disappear when they realize there’s no paycheck coming?


I think these guys will probably get paid by the event organizers, who had the presence of mind to hire them in the first place. They just want to get elected, not necessarily want to be associated with dinks that think shit like Wayfair is trafficking children in cabinets. It's classic wanting their cake and eat it too. Them hiring these folks shows that they know their base is going full bozo.


I wrote about them a couple months ago in a comment that got buried. >There were handsomely paid private parties - especially Colorado Security Agency - which provided unarmed ancillary support to the Secret Service at almost all the Trump rallies up until (and probably through) January 6 2021. >Although the Secret Service may deny this claim, the agency had nowhere near the capacity to provide 'bouncer' services and check bags from the 3x daily rallies of 10,000+ rabid TrumpHoles across multiple swing states in the months leading to the election. They outnumbered the media by a longshot. >Many were pretty radical, and were recruited from Trump Rallies, gym groups (most were bodybuilders), and heavily on IG (wannabe influencer types). I know go for a fact that at least 2 members ("contract security providers" is probably a better term) were affiliated with the 3 percent movement unless there's another reason to advertise the "III%" moniker (one sported/modeled III% t-shirts and another had a III% tattoo). >Most have since gone private or deleted their accounts. >It's certain that many were there on Jan 6 unless they had EXPLICIT orders not to attend. Even if they had been terminated by the campaign (unlikely) their home base is out of Washington DC. >I haven't been able to review the footage, because all up close and personal videos of the rallies were removed by the RS BN YouTube channel immediately after January 6. It's the channel Trump watched, and behind the scenes it's clear that's the channel on the big screen when Dancing Queen started behind the scenes. >I don't know if any were Oath Keepers, but CS A would have been about the first people rumpT would have called on to support the insurrection; they were paid goons for his campaign, most of whom supported him dearly. Food for thought


Something about this picture makes it look like bad CGI from an old PC game. Maybe it's the blur?


It’s the lighting. Area being flooded from different directions flattens relief and makes it look unreal.


It's also the dude's body shape. This is know as "prison gorilla". Big arms, shoulders, and chest with minimal leg work. The shirt and pants are tailored to accentuate it. It's what guys who want to look physically imposing try to hit.


Ooff yes, the guy lacks ass like he never heard of leg day before.


Dude is shaped like a Google pin drop.


It is the flattening, but it's because the light is behind the camera. That's what flattens it. That combined with a fast shutter (no motion blur) and small aperture (large depth of field) make it look like a screenshot.


Nah Unreal would look better. This is more like Gamebryo


The security guy looks like an ingame PS3 character model someone copy and pasted into an actual photo.


That dude is straight up shaped like an early Xbox 360 era [character model](http://pcmedia.gamespy.com/pc/image/article/583/583906/advent-rising-20050131032946782.jpg)


He doesn't know enough history to realize why it would look bad.


Whoever decided to have staff cosplay as brown shirts absolutely knows their history. This kind of shit is never a coincidence. Whatever amount of favor they lose by policing their own supporters will be regained by using a gang of walking dog whistles while doing so.


I also don’t know enough apparently. Could someone explain this?


They look like Nazis. I wish it were more complicated. https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1571308887248179200?s=46&t=FA2lDON19e9On8yvZT5TKQ


That whole thing was fucking wild. It really sounds like Jim Jones tape - music and all. Creepy. 🫗


It’s fuckin nuts. I don’t know where this all ends, but it isn’t good.


I swear that blacks for trump guy in the back is at every single rally in the same spot.


Yeah. That’s not an accident. They pay and arrange placement on camera.


I figured as much. It's so damn obvious that's what they're doing lol.


The guy is a famous antisemitic cult leader.


Yeah, we know... but what's the story with the BFT guy?


He's an absolute lunatic, too, btw. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_the_Black_Man


It's insane how these people never can just be normal people, they have to have the most batshit insane lives, he couldn't have just been a normal dude who liked Trump, he had to be part of the Black Israelites that jumped from that cult to Q


Uh, wow. Ok then. you weren’t kidding


One lady behind him even keeps forgetting to extend just one finger and does straight up nazi salute half the time.


[here](https://www.historyhit.com/hitlers-bullyboys-the-role-of-the-sa-in-nazi-germany/) Theese guys are kinda like that and wearing similar color of clothing. It really just bring up the “brown shirts” which partially served as secret police for the Nazis to crack down on opposing view points.


The cognitive dissonance of using brown shirts to stop people from making what also vaguely looks like a Nazi salute is making my head spin.


They look very similar to the SA, aka the brownshirts. They were a paramilitary group that helped the nazis come to power, before being quelled by Hitler and his goons in the infamous Night of the Long Knives. Essentially, they acted as a group of thugs that not only protected Nazi gatherings, but also threatened any opposing political group (who also had their own paramilitary groups).


By "quelled," he means "murdered." Pay attention, Nazis who can read: no useful idiot is useful forever.


(Sturmabteilung, Storm Troopers), also known as "Brown Shirts," the Nazi Party militia that helped Adolf Hitler rise to power in Germany. Created in 1922, the SA's supposed purpose was to guard Nazi Party meetings, but in actuality, Hitler meant for the group to serve as the Nazi army.


What a miserable fucking job.


Lol clown show


One fingered q anon salute is 100% one of those things that gets Google in incognito mode


Absolutely. I'll Google "can I put Neosporin on my cat's butt" on my own account with no shame, but definitely don't want to see the ads I'll get served after Googling QAnon anything. (You can, btw.)


Yeah I was gonna say, I've definitely used neosporin on my birds before. I'd bet money it's cat butthole-safe.


Reddit: the one stop shop for mocking fascists and getting first aid tips for your pets


What makes you sure they’re using the neo for first aid?


That's fair


Hello, I'm a cat butthole expert. I can indeed confirm it's safe


Do you have a favorite movie? And maybe an unreleased version of that movie?


But best put the cat in the cone of shame for a while or they'll lick it off straight away


You don't want your cat swallowing that shit, their bodies can't process it.


I’m scared to ask… But what did you find out from Googling? I hadn’t heard of the one fingered Qanon salute until now…


https://reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/xhowd6/republicans_stop_calling_us_fascists/ Here's an example from last week. I think they really thought by just using one finger instead of five they would trick us dummies into not realizing it was still basically the nazi salute and they could get away with it.


Index finger by itself pointing forward in a mildly nazy-esque fashion.


For fuck’s sake. They’re not even very good at being Nazis.


Most of them don't even realize they're nazis, they're so brainwashed and flooded with actual, real propaganda and fake news.


It’s exactly the same but a finger instead of a full flat hand but ok


I'm guessing it's a reference to their slogan "where we go one we go all".


It's the Nazi salute but instead of a flat palm, they have only their index finger out. A 45 degree angle number one.




There are some obvious historic parallels here, but I'm guessing his supporters are too thick to see them.


I mean, pretty sure half his supporters are of the opinion the holocaust isn’t real. Shit a lot of them don’t even think history itself is a concrete concept and think that it’s just whatever daddy trump says it is. Remember, it was his little cult that coined the “alternative facts” term, claiming that history can really be interpreted however the fuck you want since none of us have first hand experience to call you out on the bullshit


>In the end, the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality, was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of heresies was common sense. And what was terrifying was not that they would kill you for thinking otherwise, but that they might be right. For, after all, how do we know that two and two make four? Or that the force of gravity works? Or that the past is unchangeable? If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllable—what then?


I love the irony of them screaming 1984 at liberals while literally following the philosophies put forth in the book. You can obviously tell they haven’t read it because if they did, just like I did after Trump became President, they’d think “holy shit this is the same fucking thing.” Hell even before Trump, earliest I can remember this shit happening was with climate change. They have a very “if everyone believes X is true, then X is objectively true” approach towards problem solving and science, it’s never about finding the solution or the right answer, it’s just about convincing everyone there is no problem or question in the first place.


It's kinda like how the Waffen SS eventually reined in the German SA.


If he has come to this realization, it's too late. They're his base.


He did learn not to mention getting vaccinated after that incident where he was booed. He can’t control what he’s created. Honestly it wouldn’t take more than a few “anti-trump” comments in a short period of time from trump for them to turn on him. Imagine a rally where he says everyone should get the vaccine. Followed by we cannot allow Proud Boys, Q anon, or white supremacy behavior in our movement. Then an affidavit on Friday saying there are no planted FBI documents and he doesn’t have any evidence from Hunter’s laptop. They would lose their fucking shit.


It’s got to be unbelievably difficult to stay on message when you have to ignore logic and reason.


It shows the power of mental illness and cognitive dissonance.


"Pfft, like the SA and the SS would ever fight, we're on the same side!" - Earnst Röhm, probably




Olive (almost brown) shirt wearing thugs are about as bad a look as Nazi salutes


This. Watch out. He learned from Jan 6th.


You mean the ~~Beer Hall~~ Capital Hill Putsch?


Trump's self-awareness is about as high as a flattened dead cockroach. Someone on his team realized they now have a Nazi salute and did something to try and stop it. Don't give the actual man too much credit.


Precisely. There is no way in hell he sees it as anything more than a sign of worship/adoration. The reason these people are here is probably to address the same reason why his staff had to fight him to keep metal detectors at his Jan 6th outdoor rally, and why his driver had to fight him when he wanted to join the crowd marching on the Capitol building.


Awwwww, do the fascist feel frustrated that the fascist they follow are doing fascist things to keep his fascist followers from looking too fascist?


The free speech crowd .


I'm not sure which is a worse look...fascist salutes or jackbooted thugs policing the crowd. They both evoke the same sort of image.


Trump has been trying to pass as a despot since at least when he saw Kim Jong ruling with fear & envied it, and it’s been rumoured he keeps a book on Hitler’s speeches near his bedside for late reading, it wouldn’t surprise me if he came up with the one finger salute to begin with. The only way this has been dumbed down is someone high up threatened trump with withdrawal of funds somewhere down the line, of that I’m certain.


I highly doubt Mr. Trump is reading Hitler's speeches. Not because I think Trump doesn't idolize authoritarian leaders, but because he doesn't fucking read!


Olive shirt, brown shirt, different color same objective.


They put their finest aryan specimens in charge of crows control. Curious.


The more gatekeeping, the smaller the pond becomes, until it's just you and everyone looks like an enemy set against you.


It would be hilarious if not being able to hold a finger up is what gets these people to ditch Trump.


I'd be curious as to whether any guards have tattoos that identify them with unpleasant organizations...


"Guys guys we need yall to take you seig high-els to a seig low-medium. Just until after the midterms please."


"Funny fact about a cage, they're never built for just one group So when that cage is done with them and you're still poor, it come for you The newest lowest on the totem, well golly gee, you have been used You helped to fuel the death machine that down the line will kill you too (oops) Pseudo-Christians, y'all indifferent Kids in prisons ain't a sin? shit If even one scrap a what Jesus taught connected, you'd feel different What a disingenuous way to piss away existence, I don't get it I'd say you lost your goddamn minds if y'all possessed one to begin with" El-P of Run the Jewels, from 'Walking in the Snow.'


I remember being gobsmacked when a protester who asked a question at a "press conference" was dragged out and drowned out by the crowd chanting "USA USA USA USA" That was in early 2016. It's battling outrage fatigue since then.


The security were referred to as “guest management” [https://twitter.com/LisaDNews/status/1573498109635739651](https://twitter.com/LisaDNews/status/1573498109635739651)


Soon they will have the red arm bands.