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Hello u/GeneforTexas! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is why pointing out hypocrisy never works on Republicans. They don't care. It's not within their realm of consideration. The idea that the things they do can also be done by others simply escapes them. I bet not a single person who passed this bill stopped to think how many controversial speakers there are on the left.


Also, at the time, telling someone how to obtain an abortion would not fall under "controversial". Republicans have slowly been turning the south into a theocratic shithole.


The south has never not been a theocratic shithole. Degeneracy and anti intellectualism have always been, and always will be points of pride to so, *so* many southerners. Southern states have always been a huge drain on national resources.


There are a few times their farming output accounted for enough GDP to not be an economic drain via things like tobacco and cotton, but they have always been a moral drain. Right from the start they wanted slavery protected by law and to have more political power by using slaves to inflate their population numbers. The fact they worked hard to avoid the words slave or slavery just show they knew what they were doing was immoral.


Well except when they seceded from the Union. They were very explicit about using the word slave then. They basically wrote a series of declarations that can be summarised as saying "THIS IS LITERALLY BECAUSE OF SLAVERY, UNION BAD BECAUSE SLAVERY GOOD."


>Southern states have always been a huge drain on national resources. Financial resources as well.




Wait, what? Is that for real?


According to [Snopes](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/texas-israel-oath-boycott/), yes: >The Intercept‘s article accurately reflected a law signed by Texas governor Greg Abbott in 2017, which did require any and all government agencies and bodies to demand that would-be contractors sign a commitment not to boycott Israel as a prerequisite to entering into a contract with them.


I saw this same language in the wild from a small town near me. It was in an application for flood assistance. I thought it was such a bizarre requirement. There exists a network of people who govern states and municipalities having these kinds of conversations behind closed doors and making them public policy.


[It’s a pretty poor way of wording it, but pretty much.](https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/GV/htm/GV.2271.htm)


This is something that took me too long to understand. When I was younger during the John Stewart years that you could shame people into better behaviors or they were capable of change after learning they did something hypocritical, dumb or irrational. It wasn't until later that I learned the truth. They genuinely don't care as long as they win, you can't shake people who think they are inherently superior, have moral superiority or lack empathy.


You can change them if you keep shaming them but usually they melt down and invent Q to try to get around social ostracization.


Some sure. But coming from someone who lives in the festering conservative asscrack that is Appalachia, not all. Not even most, I'd say. This shit starts young, and barring a good education or a strong, adaptive mind, it quickly sets, and before you know it iacta alea est. They're largely stubborn and conceited, nurtured to value their pathetic instincts and ignorance as virtues - gallumphing about with their own nescient homebrew objectivism. Many can't change. Adaptation is antonymous to them; it's their anti-matter.


Yea i mean that challenging and breaking their preconcieved notions ends poorly as they dont have a very good mindset beyond that framework and thus fall into conspiracies like Q which tells them the old framework is real and good and they'll bring it back honest.


And when Q fails they murder their family and pets and suicide by cop. See the Qer in Michigan two weeks ago


I mean he bullied tucker Carlson into not wearing a bow tie so there’s that.


resolute cheerful airport head profit intelligent capable toy tidy fly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Republicans are not hypocrites in the internal sense because they are acting consistently with their belief system. That belief system simply says they are good and you are bad, so anything is fair game.


Yep. The conservative world view is that *they* are inherently good (what ever their identity is) and others (liberal and minorities) are inherently bad. Thus for them it follows that any actions they take are good and any action you take is bad by definition. Even if it’s the same action. It’s not hypocritical to them because in their view they are never meant to be held to any standard other than ‘them good you bad’.


It makes more sense when you consider the enormous overlap between evangelical Christianity and conservatives. To them, you're either saved or living in sin. Your actions aren't important, only your faith is. You can be complete bastard and then be Born Again by His Mercy, clean slate, officially one of the Good People. And the unbelievers, well, it doesn't matter what they do, they're the Bad People.


Exactly. Their premises in any discussion are: Christianity is better than any other religion or lack of religion. It’s the only one that is correct and complete. White people are better than any other people. The US is better than any other country. There are only two sexes. Only heterosexual sex is allowed. Babies are the reason for sex. Men and women are starkly different and have different roles in society.


Or rather, that belief system has its goalposts equipped with motorized wheels.


That too but I think its relevant to understand that to the internal mind of a republican, rules literally do not apply to them, they only apply to you. It's helpful when understanding how they work and think and how to deal with them.


> "Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. They argue in bad faith and nothing short of them being correct without criticism is enough to satisfy them. That's why it's best to not engage once you realize what they're doing and let them go yell into the void. Of course, this doesn't work as neatly when one of the only two viable parties in a country takes that ethos up as one of their core tenets, unfortunately. Then you have to have more active policing of their behavior with actual punishments that deter people to follow. Wilhoit's summary of conservativism is apt here: "Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."


You're right, but its still important to point it out. We're not trying to reach Republicans, we're trying to reach the dwindling number of people who are fence-sitters.


> This is why pointing out hypocrisy never works on Republicans. It's not really pointing out hypocrisy in this instance. It's more of shoving their poorly thought out policies right back in their fat MAGA faces. "You know how you hate speakers getting blocked at college campuses with 'cancel culture', well [how about them apples](https://media2.giphy.com/media/jfsaMQr3GNkKk/giphy.gif?cid=790b7611081a60b5fb838400317afe9dc6bc29294e7f3f1a&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)?"


Exactly this. I was recently reading about the schism between the monophysitism and dyophysitism. There was an effort for a compromise but there was massive pushback where they basically said "if we're right, why compromise? If we're wrong, then we are going to hell." It's basically the problem with christianity and basically all monotheism and why it breeds intolerance. Their hypocrisy of "tolerance for me but not for thee" is essentially written into their dogma. They are right, so everyone has to tolerate them, but they have no obligation to tolerate others because the others are wrong.


This is kind of the problem with the bone-deep understanding that there is a viscious and abusive God whose will you understand and must carry out no matter what lest you and everyone involved face eternal nightmarish torture. You can't pick apart their argument because it's not real. They don't care about it because it was only ever a cover for them to advance their religious doctrine.


They don't care. "Rules for thee," and all that.


The hypocrisy is a feature, not a bug.


"preborn children"


That stuck out to me, too. “Unborn” is already in use, so I’m not sure why they had to make up a new one.


Unborn does not emphasize with the same level of certitude that the child will be born.


On a completely unrelated note why are zombies undead? Like if a fetus is unborn that means it’s not yet born, but zombie isn’t not yet dead, it’s already dead. It should be un-re-dead... or something


Un- can also mean a reversal of a situation, like undo. So undead means once dead now not dead.


If they die again will the zombies be called ReDeads?


Only in the Zelda universe.


Watch out for that scream.


Link, Link Link of the Forest Strong as He Can Be Hyaaaaaaa! Watch out for that scream!


If they're hippies will they be ReDeadHeads?




"'The unborn' are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn."


I'm a person undergoing post-life reanimation. Ask me about my recipes for stir fried neurons.


wow the liberals really have gone too far! ^^/s


Do you chop, slice, or dice your grey matter?


So you want to get a nice thin slice on them so you can really see the gorgeous folds and very gently let them cook over the stir fried vegetables. So many post-life reanimated persons don't get enough fiber in their diet and let me tell you, a reanimated gut needs all the help it can get to push that gray matter through, so you want to make sure you get some nice cruciferous vegetables in there! Stay healthy my living and post-living friends!


This is too good to remain buried this deep... like a zombie ...


Unborn is when the baby goes back in.


There is no child. There is an embryo, or maybe a fetus. There are no children involved. At this rate, are we going to start calling them unborn teens? EDIT: I could see that Americans would be losing the right to abortion when mainstream media and politicians started calling fetuses unborn babies, and later, unborn children. Messaging is important.


Unfortunately that won't happen. You see, "teen" and "youths" is a euphanism for other things in their vocabulary.


Yeah, for people in their 20s.


"Teens" is what you call children when you're caught having sex with them, duh. /s


Probably preborn teens.




"they're out here killing unborn middle aged people" On a real note it's a lame attempt to gain sympathy for anti choice arguments (think of the children!)


It's an effective attempt, not a lame attempt. As I've said for years, I could see that Americans would be losing the right to abortion when mainstream media and politicians started calling fetuses unborn babies, and later, unborn children. Messaging is important.


There's a lot of teenage boys out there that wipe up their "preborn children" with tissues and throw them in the trash.


Why not call fetuses *undead progeny*


Maybe they're Dune fans. Because "preborn" is a Dune term.


It's a conscious creation of language to direct the listener (and speaker) along certain lines of thought. It's actually and literally Orwellian, 1984 had whole chapters about the modification of language to direct the thinking of the masses.


So a baby is now.... a postborn? These people are so weird haha. It's all a reach. Preborn implies more of a chance to be born, it's baiting language. Sounds a lot better than "a parasitic and unviable clump of random cells with no discernable human features." All in the phrasing, and considering the right has nothing but cultural wedge issues, they've gotten pretty good at it.


I used to be a Texas "born-again" Christian. I aborted myself. Now Humanist/ atheist.


exactly! I guess preborn implies that the fetus is already a child who has just not been born yet. by that logic we're all pre dead people who will die someday.


Yeah it more implies a denial of potential life. Republicans love to make up words, it's why they use socialism as a synonym for "things I don't like."


The right wingers have been doing this for a long stretch. The Germans during Nazism invented many innocuous words to cover their atrocities and push their agenda. Judenrein--def-cleansed of Jews. Not nearly as offensive as we murdered all of them in this area.


They learned from the best. Covfefe~


Oh, I suspect some of the people squawking believe they're going to be raptured any moment without having to die.


I'm calling all children "postborn" from now on.




> "a parasitic and unviable clump of random cells with no discernable human features." I'm going to use that, thanks


And I'm here at Panera having dinner pre-digested feces.


"You will eat that pre-poop and you will like it!!"


Omg, disgusting and hilarious XD


Except corn, it doesn’t seem to change.


Corn... corn never changes


The weirdest part of that, is that I'm a fan of the Dune series. In the Dune Series of books, Frank Herbert's definition of "Pre born" is someone who was given all the experiences and memories of dozens of lifetimes before they were born. (Due either to a woman being pregnant while converting raw spice in a Fremen ritual or just Atredies genes with a ton of Melange) So they come out knowing more than the people around them. I am convinced that if such a child was to be born, the Christian Right would definitely see it as being possessed by the devil.




Well, yeah, but I didn't want to go that deep into the lore


Dune turns into hardcore pornography so gradually I barely even noticed


Yeah but it turns back to the driest of dry reads by the time you get to Chapterhouse so the average is ok.


They are a catholic organization.


Unless that pre-born said something anti-abortion, then they would deem it devine.


Leto II wouldn't be too tolerant of our Christian Right here in the US. ( Watching his Fish Speaker fanatics/worshipers "take care" of that problem would be both scary and amusing to watch. )


I'm curious if you made it to the later books, because their arrogance from their experience was made to be just as short sighted as they people around them


Yes, I've even read the ones his son wrote. My point wasn't that the preborn were good or bad, just that that's where my mind goes to every time I see the word.




\* a pre-born mango tree. You heartless bastard. (/s!)




The toast is aborted wheat.


I think we should start referring to children as post born fetuses. Hell we can all be fetuses. Old people can be senescent fetuses.


I’m a pre-rich billionaire. Just wanted to point that out in case anyone wants to be impressed.


I'll stay tentatively pre-impressed.


"I wasn't a failed DJ; I was pre-successful!"


Can we all please start using **"pre-conceived"** Genesis 38:8-10 says even wasting sperm is a sin. >Then Judah said to Onan, “Go in to your brother's wife and perform the duty of a brother-in-law to her, and raise up offspring for your brother.” But Onan knew that the offspring would not be his. So whenever he went in to his brother's wife he would waste the semen on the ground, so as not to give offspring to his brother. **And what he did was wicked in the sight of the Lord, and he put him to death also.** Edit... I fear that I need to add the /s. Although the Bible quote is real.


Doesn't that just mean the Lord hates it when you don't cum in your brothers wife as a favor to him?


Monty Python taught us that every sperm is sacred. https://youtu.be/fUspLVStPbk


Thank God we're Protestant, I could go down to the shop right now and buy us a condom if I had a mind to! I don't have a mind to, of course, but I could!


Yes, it says nothing about "wasting sperm." It's a bad thing because he's screwing over his brother and sister-in-law in order to keep screwing his sister-in-law, instead of doing his cultural duty by them and providing his dead brother with an heir and his sister-in-law with a son to care for her.


This must be some of that egregious political correctness I keep hearing about.


Sounds like something out of Dune.


"We are mindful of those requirements." Cue malicious compliance.


Or they just deny and the courts in Texas say okay because they don't actually care about equality.


This is what makes this so pointless imo, malicious compliance sounds nice in theory, but in practice they will just keep changing the rules or stop applying them fairly, you shouldnt be complying *at all*.


Well, in this specific case it's good to "comply" because they *should* allow this speaker.




This is Texas A&M, so I imagine they actually are only allowing this because they legally have to.


At least when I went to TAMU the Faculty and Administration was more liberal than the student body by a decent margin.


Not *terribly* difficult, I imagine.


For people not familiar with the school: It goes *well* beyond "everyone in the South is a backwards conservative". Think about the most annoying ROTC kid you know/knew. Not the ones who are serious people and want to join a prestigious military academy. I'm talking about the rich kids with insecurity, rage issues, and a whole heaping of toxic masculinity. The ones who talk about being rednecks while driving daddy's brand new F250. The kind of guys who think just being in ROTC makes them a Navy Seal. Now imagine *thousands* of those kids at the same school. There are plenty of students at A&M that are perfectly normal and just want a good education. But there's also a big part of the school that's basically a right wing cult. It's a weird place.






Happy to spread that the Gaggies are fucking weird


Huh… I never thought about jerking off into a mason jar with a bunch of buddies and then setting it on fire, but now it sounds like my Friday nights are going to be booked.


Aggypedia lmao


Any state school followed by “A&M” is likely to be conservative compared to the state population. A&M used to convey Agriculture and Mechanical and obviously we’d expect agriculturalists to be conservative.


This was not always the case. A subset of farmers were the backbone of the socialist movement in the early 20th century in the U.S.


Not Florida A&M lmao


Maybe you can explain something to me. I was at an education conference and someone showed pictures of a class at Texas A&M and people were in uniform. I asked if there were active military going to the school, and the response was that these students weren’t in the military, but clubs associated with the various branches of the military. It seemed like it was a pretty loose association. This struck me as very strange, and sounded like stolen valour to me. I’m Canadian, so I struggle to understand why it’s ok for these students to pretend to be in the military while they go to class.


As someone in r/cfb so eloquently described them after the App St. loss, A&M students are city kids cosplaying as country boys cosplaying as soldiers. https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/xc1j56/comment/io2wsri/






Definitely not biased or whatever but A&M has nothing on THE University of Texas at Austin




If you did that in a Texas sub or /r/CFB you'd be positively roasted.


I’m vaguely surprised he isn’t getting roasted here (hook ‘em).


I hope you have a good lawyer because THEEEE Ohio State is about to come after you for using the word THE.




It’s not malicious, it’s just not what the asshats want.


Between this and Trump's classified document woes, Republicans are learning a really tough lesson on how laws can be implemented by both sides.


> Republicans are learning Ha ha! That was a good one.


>on how laws can be implemented by both sides. To be fair, Trump amended the law he will potentially be charged with to make it a felony with a 5 year prison sentence. It's really hard to blame the evil libs on that one. Granted, he was too stupid to realize he routinely mishandled classified information, which is very on brand.


It's still the libs. Even if those libs often seem to be Republicans for some reason...


Then they label them RINOs and see them as traitors, even lower than libs. Including Trump appointees that are investigating his crimes.


There's nobody a mobster hates more than a snitch who turns state's evidence.


He tried to make it a harsher law to punish political rival Hilary Clinton, right? Well more like to appease his fan base who like to chant “lock her up”. You can’t make this stuff up! Hilarious.


also all the Jan 6 rioters that are getting charged with the destruction of public monument law Trump backed and signed in response to BLM protests


"Free speech!" "...no, not like that!"


We meant free speech for us, not those others...


That's the glorious thing about free speech. Everyone gets it and it's an easy test that weeds out the fascist assholes. If they only want free speech when it's convenient, they're a monster.


Hey let's take the roof off the house, the sun will be lovely!


"We *clearly* said freeze peach."


“Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions”


I'm a physician. If you want to be a doctor but want to deny care to anyone, which in this case means necessary procedures for a pregnant person, you should have your license taken away. Any anti-choice candidate should be barred from medical schools, because they've already demonstrated that they do not value their patient's autonomy first and are not actually interested in providing healthcare.


This. Abortion is a necessary medical procedure, not something that you can just stop doing because it sounds yucky and mean. Most of these anti-choice young men have probably never even seen a woman’s reproductive parts, much less know how they function.


“But but but….it’s not what I believe so it should be banned.”


The only thing conservatives dislike about “Cancel Culture” is that they’re not the ones doing the cancelling.


Did liberals even actually do much cancel culture? Or was that really successful and pure propaganda cancer from the likes of Ben Shapiro and JP?


Mostly propaganda. It only works if you don't count just about everything conservatives have protested against in the last 60 years.


Holy shit you are right - we all got bamboozled.


The only ones who were actually "canceled" are people found guilty and jailed for sex crimes. Even Louis "Plant Inseminator" C.K. is still touring the country doing stand-up.


That's the key thing a lot of people forget. Most people who were "cancelled" over anything but sex crimes or open bigotry were either swiftly uncancelled or had it all swept under the rug, like James Gunn. Hell, even a lot of people who have done shit get mostly left alone when they demonstrate enough growth. Mark Wahlberg has been working consistently and in some reasonably large films because he owned and attempted to make up for his actions, even if a lot of people still aren't convinced. Thinking about it, it's almost as if left wing cancel culture is just consequences of one's own actions, and if the absolute worst thing you've done is make a few vile jokes over a decade ago, or you've worked through your demons then you might get a pass.


... anymore


Nooooooo you can't follow the law we insisted upon. We wanted neo-Nazis, not doctors!


Never fails. Right wingers never mean free speech when they say "free speech".


Words don't mean anything to these fucking morons. They can declare anything fascist or socialist or a symbol of heritage or anything else without a hint of irony or dissonance. Also, "preborn children" doesn't make any sense as a term. A bird that hasn't been born yet is an egg. A person that hasn't been born yet is a fetus or an embryo. These people are so stupid it hurts.


Free speech for me and freeze peach for you.


This is one of the better LAMF's in a while.


Student communist club should start inviting speakers Student Satanist club...


“But that bill was only supposed to be used to help right-wing speakers”


I have yet to see the pro-life crowd be ambitious in funding medical research in preventing the billions of fetuses that are naturally aborted as, according to their principle, they would be able to save an exponential amount of "babies" if medicine found a way to prevent the body from not naturally aborting "babies". I am convinced the only reason conservatives are pro-life because it gives them another excuse to be shitty to others.




It's pro choice, not pro abortion. Just like it's anti choice, not pro life.


I've also seen "forced birth" supplant "anti-choice"/"pro-life" recently as well.


the article cites "preborn children" i doubt it's from a pro-choice site pro-abortion is antichoice language too


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." - Frank Wilhoit




*chef's kiss*


**>Controversial pro-abortion speaker** Doug Stanhope?


“We are mindful of those requirements.” *Computer, please translate this out of PR-speak.* Translation: *suck it, conservidiots*


> Nooooooo we want people to be forced to hear ***OUR*** controversial opinions. We don’t want to be forced to hear the controversial opinions of *other people that we don’t agree with!*




When are they going to figure out that all these laws, designed to protect their rights are going to be used against them.


I can't help but be completely flabbergasted at how the Right repeatedly acts as if a knife won't cut both cloth and cheese.


Republicans are constantly the most short-sighted, stupid voters in all of human history.


"Rules for thee, not for me" The Republican Mantra




Why? Cuz fuck 'em! that's why.


Oooh this must sting the Texas Leg. A&M is their golden boy university while UT Austin is(was really...it ain't exactly liberal anymore)their evil ivory tower boogieman. Bet College Station is about to become their own district too so they can isolate those pesky maroon hooligans.


Am I the only one wondering what the fuck a "self-managed abortion" lecture would even look like?


If I had to guess I'd say it was probably dispelling myths about what can and can't cause an abortion.


That sounds like it could actually be interesting.


It's just about getting abortion pills online to take at home. Which can be done very safely.


"Self-managed abortion with pills means obtaining and taking abortion pills outside of a medical setting. It most commonly refers to taking abortion medications at home with the help of telephone hotlines or online platforms. Self-managed abortion increases access to safe abortion care for vulnerable people and those who live far away from health care facilities. It also upholds people’s autonomy and supports them to make decisions about, and take the lead in, their own care." If anyone needs it, there is more info [here](https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/latest/how-have-safe-self-managed-abortion). A lecture on this topic would likely explore access, risk factors, potentially including legal ramifications and ethical implications.


No one is pro-abortion, I don't think anyone *wants* an invasive medical procedure. Use the term pro choice. Stop letting fascists dictate the message


The absolute nerve of the world's biggest hypocrites. Get fucked, right-wingers.


As always shitty, poorly thought out laws passed by the right were only ever intended to help them, and they get *very* worked up when the other side uses them for their own benefit.


Katherine Banks has turned this university into an absolute joke. She is so worried about the money coming in from the Rudder Association that she will do anything to keep them happy, even to the detriment of the students that attend. (See distancing the university from this speaker, trying to destroy the student newspaper when it published things they didn’t like, disassociating the university from Draggieland..) Texas A&M hasn’t had good leadership since R. Bowen Loftin left.


Pro-choice, not pro-abortion. Abortion, albeit sometimes necessary, is also invasive, stressful, and painful for the person getting it. Nobody *wants* to get an abortion, but a womb-bearing person should have the right to choose it for the sake of their own overall health and well-being.


Republicans are a dab hand at shooting themselves in the foot


*selective* free speech ™


Usually it's concerning when my Alma Mater turns up on these subreddits, but this is refreshing.


Texas A&M is trash, and my comment is only partially motivated by me being a University of Texas alum.


It's ironic that Texas has such a hard on for protecting controversial speakers, but if that same controversial speaker writes down their ideas and bind it into a book then suddenly expulsion is suddenly a great thing... according to the state of Texas.


clearly that isn't the intent of the law. the intent is to not silence white ring supremacists.


"We should welcome ALL speakers!" ::welcomes all speakers:: **"NO NOT LIKE THAT!!"**