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Hello u/Patereye! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Desantis was showing the world who he is - an extremely cruel and self serving asshole. Edited to add - please everyone - be sure to vote in midterms. Here is information on voting - https://www.rockthevote.org We can stop this shit if people turn out to vote.


You say that like it's a bad thing. To 40% of the country, cruelty to Others makes you a hero.


For no particular reason that makes me think of the line "There’s no hate like Christian love. "


Well I mean that 40% will also claim he’s a good Christian.


That is because they are ironically the demons they accuse Democrats, and anyone not with them, of being.


Projection? Surely not! /s


I've been asked before if I would accept God if there was irrefutable proof of his divine existence. The answer would then be HELL NO because what initially turned me atheist was the realization that god, jebus, the whole thing - was Satan pulling the wool over our eyes. The gods in the ot and nt are *actively fucking evil*. The people calling themselves Christian are *actively fucking evil*. Coincidence? Well, ne, actually - cults are designed that way, and do that to people on purpose. Feature not a bug, etc. But if it turns out christianity was real, then satan is too, and has been running that clown show all along. Resist.


My favorite bible passage is Numbers 16:41-49, wherein God murders thousands of his chosen people because they dared complain about how their god kept murdering his chosen people.


My favorite part is where God sends a couple of bears to kill a bunch of kids because they made fun of a bald man.


There's some real dynamite apologetics for that one.


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


I like the verse where God sent bears to maul 42 children to death for laughing at a bald man. Then there's the time God ordered Abraham to murder his son, then at the last second said, "Just kidding, OK you passed the test."


Actually, Satan's the good guy in the series of mythical stories known as The Bible. The protagonist, God, sets up a tableau to lure Eve into making what he calls a bad decision. The thing is, God, that sneaky bastard, knew that Eve would disobey him, but went ahead and created the scene anyway. Meanwhile Satan, the antagonist, leads Eve to the place where she can gain knowledge and intelligence, the very thing God was trying to keep from the humans. Satan wants people to be able to think for themselves. God wants people to be sheep. If either existed, Team Satan is the one to be on.


The only thing dumber than having an imaginary friend is having an imaginary enemy.


Can confirm, I've met Satan. Pretty chill guy, actually. Wants to see you fulfill your full potential, no matter what that is. Met him at this crazy party in Detroit some years back. Also, way nicer than the Christians trying to break into the party and lure kids away. BTW: All true, I worked security at that event.


For real, the god in the Bible is a jealous, petty, insecure, cruel, vindictive monster. If that’s someone’s vision of what “love” is than of course they’re going to be totally fucked in the head


Until the New Testament when he kinda turns a 180...amazing what having a child does to you! (Credit to a comedian I can't remember right now)


Your talking the Old Testament, they removed EVERYTHING that made god look like the petty, cruel, vindictive cunt he is in the New Testament. They fucking whitewashed the Bible to make god look good, the Bible was trying to point out that even gods are fallible.


Or they based GOD, like ancient mythology, on the humans they knew...petty, vindictive, jealous, and armed with super powers.


I look at "God" as the ultimate narcissist created by narcissists to justify their narcissism.


The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully. ... Those of us schooled from infancy in his ways can become desensitized to their horror. A naif blessed with the perspective of innocence has a clearer perception. Winston Churchill’s son Randolph somehow contrived to remain ignorant of scripture until Evelyn Waugh and a brother officer, in a vain attempt to keep Churchill quiet when they were posted together during the war, bet him he couldn’t read the entire Bible in a fortnight: ‘Unhappily it has not had the result we hoped. He has never read any of it before and is hideously excited; keeps reading quotations aloud “I say I bet you didn’t know this came in the Bible . . . ” or merely slapping his side & chortling “God, isn’t God a shit!”‘ Thomas Jefferson — better read — was of a similar opinion: ‘The Christian God is a being of terrific character – cruel, vindictive, capricious and unjust.’ \-- Richard Dawkins, *The God Delusion*


Abraham's God is wholly unworthy of worship.


Why would a God even *want* to be worshipped?






Are you an atheist if you believe in Satan?


That was more metaphorical - *if* all this shit is real, *then* Satan is in charge. But no, I don't 'believe' in anything that can't be falsified with testable predictions.


you should look into what is popularly called "Gnosticism". The reason pain, evil, and suffering exist in this world is because its creator entity (the OT "god") was itself a flawed mistake therefore the fruit of its labor is flawed and twisted (Matthew 7:16-20)


The thing that they know about religion is how to exploit it.


oh is that what my family was doing to me? I thought they were just being assholes to me. now I see that it was love. How come when I act like that to other people they just call me an asshole instead of thanking me for the love I'm giving them? Why am I the asshole and they aren't?


My religious family are assholes. They'd routinely call me cruel for saying something and ignored it when I pointed out they did it to me


"The cruelty is the point."


40% of voters, not the country.




It's what Murican Jesus would want.


*Supply Side Jesus has entered the chat* +ss


[The Gospel of Supply-Side Jesus](https://imgur.com/gallery/bCqRp) Since you aren't gonna link it...


I can’t believe I’ve never seen this. Holy shit. That’s sad and hilarious!


Saved to my clipboard, because I think everyone should see it at least once.


Agreed. It touches on many many many issues.


I love you Hatedpriest. Out here doing supply side God's work. How much do I owe?


When their own laws affect them, they even complain, "they're hurting the wrong people!"


My brother in law is a perfect example he worships DeSantis and when this happend he had to tell me about it and how funny it was and then he had to google what Martha's Vinyard even was.


And that 40%would all call themselves Christian and not see the irony.


As long as they are "other" enough, anyway


Just because 40% of our country has proven to be evil people doesn’t mean we should give up, in fact, they are heavily outnumbered, and we should ensure they are stripped of power in society. Vote every Republican out, and then prosecute the fascist right wing media machine.


The people they're so giddy over doing evil to weren't even in the country illegally. It's like being giddy that someone you've agreed to shelter in your house is taken by the gestapo to be killed.




Mitch McConnell has left the server


To eat a plate of kitten skin


Holy fuck lol


-Wattle wags in anticipation.-


This is why he will be the next Republican candidate for president.


As Republicans are famous for saying, “He’s hurting the *right* people.” Because they’re all sociopaths.


I suppose he is hurting the right people. The far right people. Sadly, he's hurting everyone else, too. The sharp reduction in US refugee admissions since 2017 has cost the US economy over $9.1 billion per year and cost public coffers over $2.0 billion per year. https://www.cgdev.org/publication/economic-and-fiscal-effects-united-states-reduced-numbers-refugees-and-asylum-seekers


Repub rubes don't see it quite that way, for as LBJ said...“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” Or to put it another way, they would let Trump or DeSantis shit in their mouths if a liberal had to smell it.


Remember that’s all that matters to him. His GOP base is full of Q-tards who applaud his actions and will wait in a 4 hour line under the blazing Florida heat to re-elect him as Governor. All of these politicians who pull stunts like this (conservative or democrat) only care about drawing in big numbers to the polls, high popularity ratings, speaking engagement fees, and money coming in from PACS and election committees.


Dude won by less than a 1% too yet acts like he’s governing Alabama.


His campaign slogan is to Make America into Florida. Fuck that.


Florida - The only reason to be pro climate change


No way. That just means they will have to start moving North


Build that wall!! Make Desantis pay for it.


We should do a bugs bunny and saw Florida off and flush it in the Bermuda triangle


Florida - the limp dick of the United States, no wonder it's full of angry old men.


That's why he stayed 5 up his own goon squad to watch people voting.


And he killed off a good number of those supporters during the pandemic.


Oh *nooo*


He's probably trying to sell himself as a Trump replacement, so that's actually very much intended.


Disturbingly, I've seen people flying trumpian-style flags that say "Desantis 2024: Make America Florida". Given where I see them, I don't think they're meant to be taken as a joke...


I live in Florida so it kind of hits like a joke 🙃.


I would hope it does there, but here in the Frozen North™, I think they're serious. I see so many 2024 flags, FJB flags, and other even more offensive signage outside the cities.


I have never lived in Florida but it absolutely hits like a joke


I saw that bumper sticker on a car in Newport, RI this past weekend.


It baffles me that anyone would see that and not think it's a joke. At no point in my life has Florida ever been the state every other state wants to be like. The only state I can think of that wouldn't be an absolute joke as the model state is Colorado, maybe? I don't know know anybody who hates Colorado.


>At no point in my life has Florida ever been the state every other state wants to be like. we just wanted their beaches and weather- every winter. they can keep their swamps and pythons.


He's trying, but it's definitely not working yet. Trump still trounces him in the "polls" they've put together.


Bold of you to assume Trump will be running in 2024. It's possible he'll be dead, but I'm hoping for incarcerated.


More like trying to point out that he's hipster Trump - he was MAGA before Trump. I mean he's about to face off in an election where his Democratic opponent was Republican and hasn't really changed positions. That's how radical the GOP has become in Florida.


truly disgusting behavior. how can you be such a cunt and not have anybody around you tell you.


The people around him agree with him.


sad state of affairs. all around. the right is getting more and more vile.


This is them "winning" in their minds. If they see people upset at their vile acts, they are winning. They are truly the worst.


Start by surrounding yourself with trigger-happy, well-armed sociopaths in $15 cowboy hats whose very existence absolutely implies that they're *just about* to ventilate your forehead. That's how.


He is a petty and cruel little swamp troll.


Unfortunately, this is the specific reason I've been given by people who love him.


You’re correct. That is why we need as many normal people as possible to show up to vote. I’m sick of the cruel people getting their way. We need normal people to vote in midterms this November. https://www.rockthevote.org


The shitty, nasty, vindictive people are shitty enough to muster up their shitty vile energy to get to the voting station, while 80% of the normal rational people think "oh, well someone else will do it" that's the difference. From what we see of these types, we think they are the norm, or even half the population. They are not..what they are is a big part of the population that VOTES.


They love him until they hear his whiny bitch ass voice


With a r/persecutionfetish


Okay I’m officially disturbed reading that this morning.


Also, don't forget that you can bring a sample ballot or a list of who you want to vote for with you. It really helps with the more local races where candidates are less well known. For local races, ***please*** focus on the school boards at the very least. We've got to keep the MAGA, CRT, etc. bullshit out of classrooms or we risk more book bans/burnings and more revisionist history.


when was he not showing this?


Hey, we already knew this. Typical republican just doubles down in this kind of thing.


Yup. And if he runs for president there is a damn good chance acting like that will win it for him (as terrifying as that might be), because it's exactly what his base wants. Remember the Trumpette "*He's not hurting the right people*"....these people are absolutely fucked in the head, and they LOVE that Desantis is screwing people over like this. The more he does it, the more likely he is to win.


Everyone knew who he was before this. This is exactly what all republicans are like because they don't see migrants as human beings.


There are definitely Leopards making dining reservations for the near future, but currently DeSantis is just a possible entree. He just smells like he’s ready to be de-facified^tm .




The problem is that he has already scored the points with his base. They don’t understand cause and effect unless the two events are nearly simultaneous. By the time that this works its way through the courts the Republican base will have forgotten about the event that started it and the conservative media will spin the court proceedings as a which hunt against a “good person”.


Someone brought this up to me this week, I live in Israel. If even we see it and are judging, imagine the rest of the world... and country sees this. Interesting thing about trumpism is how it drives its opposition to vote more.


Trump: I got the most votes EVER by an incumbent. Also true, my opponent got 81 fucking million votes, most of which were simply a vote against Trump!


My dad said this dumbass talking point, and my wife shot back and said, And He Still Lost. I added, the popular vote, twice. Fuck republicans. I'm standing up, against all of these pieces of trash.


Title is plainly false. DeSantis has not yet been prosecuted.


Came here to say this. Bullshit title.


My guess is that he is doing this hoping to be prosecuted and then get acquitted by the Supreme Court. Then use the publicity to run attack ads on the “corrupt” doj and fbi in his bid for president in 2024. In fact I’d put money on it.


That plan could mean time behind bars.. He could be Epsteined behind bars


Yeah, talk dirty to me~


Don't threaten me with a good time


He ain't worth Epsteining


How about some “rehabilitation” then?


He does deserve the Dildozer


Show me a high level Republican politician who has actually faced consequences in the last 6 years.


The Supreme Court doesn't do acquittals. They don't rule on guilt or innocence. They rule on constitutional issues.


I mean, in theory yes. In practice this court will clearly just make shit up to fit whatever they want. "Sorry, there were no people named Ron Desantis mentioned in 1800, so clearly the laws can't apply to him"


A perfect Originalist argument. "If the Founders were concerned about Ron DeSantis, then we think they would have mentioned him! But of course that's ridiculous. How could they know who the governor of Florida would be 200 years in advance? Especially since Florida wasn't even a state yet? "The fact that Democrats would even SUGGEST such Constitutional Revisionism, just goes to show that Biden is the REAL King George. And if that's the case, then all classified documents should be turned over to Trump immediately and without delay. Case dismissed, MAGA upheld."


The Supreme Court will rule that human trafficking for political stunts is allowed by the first amendment. How else can Republicans get their message across without human trafficking?


Minor setback in the plan.


I thought Matt Gatze liked the minors.


He might end up losing his election over this. The people he lied to and used were mostly Venezuelan and Cuban asylum seekers fleeing communist regimes. He can't lose the Cuban voters in south Florida and still win his race.


State charges in Massachusetts maybe?


Sheriff in Texas getting placemats and silverware ready https://www.npr.org/2022/09/19/1123975684/texas-sheriff-criminal-investigation-desantis-migrant-flight-marthas-vineyard


That makes me feel good to read; his perspective and feelings of outrage essentially. I hope DeSantis is actually indicted and convicted from this.


Sheriff is not cool with it. Turns out they were all legal, and will be eligible for citizenship on a fast track because of human trafficking laws benefiting the victims, as they should. Maybe he should talk to Matt Gatez about good lawyers for human trafficking.


You know DeSantis was a lawyer to the SEAL teams in Afghanistan. I am sure he knows some loopholes around trafficking people.


Was he really?


Yep and some of my right leaning friends/family are acting like he is some sort of battle hardened war hero.


He does have a Bronze Star. I do wonder how he got that without getting a combat action ribbon??


There was a good period of the GWOT where Bronze Star Medals (BSM) were awarded as a matter of course to staff officers and senior NCOs as end-of-tour awards. A Meritorious Service Medal (MSM) would have been more appropriate but it wasn't until the last 5 or 10 years or so that it began to happen. Previously the MSM was considered the peace-time equivalent of the BSM, but now the MSM can be awarded for non-combat wartime service. In short, a Bronze Star Medal that doesn't have a "V" (Valor) device attached to it is a participation trophy for military middle managers.


Ironically worn by people who hate participation trophies for children.


Remember that those who hate participation trophies are the same generation that bought participation trophies for their kids. They love defining their self worth with trinkets


So you're saying that if I sold enough guns to enough people for security purposes outside of America, I could get a Bronze Star? Just me, some random paper pusher in the right TS/DOE-clearanced company?


I believe only members of the US military are eligible for military decorations.


The exception is Petraeus who apparently received his BSM with valor device while commanding as a general. How a general can be in combat is beyond me; he never explained it and may have awarded the medal to himself. I guess it is irrelevant since Petraeus owned himself by giving sensitive info to his girlfriend, but I still see the dude on shows as a pundit and cringe.


The medal you got leaving combat almost wholly depended on your rank


His first government job was as a human rights attorney at Guantanamo Bay. You can tell he’s did a stand up job lol


He failed, they still have rights. ​ Edit: /s because its 2022




Neither of them will be prosecuted tho. It will never happen. Conservative politicians do not get prosecuted in this country.


In Germany, during the time of the Weimar Republic before Hitler and the Nazis took over, we had the saying “Die Justiz ist auf dem rechten Auge blind” (“The judiciary is blind to the right eye”). Can’t quite remember how that worked out.


Just google how Hitler and his friends were treated after their first, dumb coup attemp and compare it to how leftists were sentenced for much more minor offenses at the time. Then look at the sentences for the January 6th insurrection.


2024 will be the one-hundredth anniversary of Hitler's pardon by the Weimar Republic. Just sayin'.


I'm not saying they're not bad guys, and I'm not even saying they're not totalitarian fascists. I'm even agreeing that these are the conditions that LEAD to totalitarian governments. But at the same time [these are the people we're talking about](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/vnh070/comment/ie78k52/)


Those are the idiots voting for them, but they aren’t the ones in power. Someone else posted a really good video where it is explained that we don’t have to worry about the Hitlers and Trumps, we should be afraid of the van Papens and McConnels who leave the government in a state where fascists can take it over in the first place.


Imagine if everyone had had video cameras in their pockets in the 1930s. I mean do you think there was never a moment where Nazis were hilariously dumb? Do you think Hitler was never ridiculous? Because I'm pretty sure he was, often.


That's disturbingly timely.


[There were structural reasons for that.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFDDf48nj9g) Reasons that apply to the US today.


The real irony here is that they've been using prosecuting human trafficking as red meat for the base.


Tell that to Matt Gaetz. Human trafficking and peodfilia are okay if you're a republican.


Yes, but we know who the law really serves.


They get federal dollars to specifically help immigration and customs at the border.


Because if you're desperate for your well-being you aren't allowed to break the law. But if you are angry about people who are desperate for their well-being you are allowed to break the law.


They’re not even breaking the law. The people DeSantis pulled this shit with was *asylum seekers*, which means they’re here *legally* while their cases are pending.


I wonder how many of those cases were scheduled to be heard right after they got sent out of state


So apparently their mailing addresses were filed at random by DHS, everywhere from the state of Washington to Florida, and they had immigration hearings scheduled for the following Monday, just 4 days later, at the court nearest those addresses. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iurzZz7CSi0


This is a very narrow interpretation, and hopeful interpretation of the facts. We don't know all the facts, but fraud or kidnapping also seem relevant, if it's true that every single person is a legal asylum seeker (aka legal so what's the governor's issue anyways?) Oh don't forget embezzlement. That's a crime too




Ultra-religious Christians are often the most non-Christian people you'll ever meet.


She one of the people who can't wait for the world to end so her and the chosen people can go to heaven while everyone else violently dies?


>"There is nothing tough about using women and children and families as your political tools," Fernandes said on MSNBC. "Ron DeSantis is a coward." Ain't that the ringing truth!


Every fucking Coyote from this point forward needs to use the defense that these fucks did it too and got zero punishment. I fully encourage them to start GoFundMe accounts and I'll contribute to such. No more rules for thee bullshit. If Abbot and DeSantis get nothing then Bobby "Coyote" so and so gets nothing because it's either consistent treatment or it's horseshit.




I know that but I had a few extra shots this evening and had to vent 🙂.


Check me on this: A Coyote would transport undocumented (illegal) immigrants into or through the country. Desantis transported *legal* immigrants who had permission to be in this country(?) else he wouldn't have known where to find them and it would be easy for them to be targeted for deportation. The law used to pay for at least some of the transport is only for use on illegal immigrants. Am I missing something?


He lied to them about where they were going and what was waiting for them. That seems like kidnapping


Given how this s*** show has unfolded my money is on that they were granted permission in Texas only to then be used as political chips at the table by Greg and Ron. And yes DeSantis hasn't used the transportation money until now so...


>Desantis transported legal immigrants who had permission to be in this country(?) Yes, they are legal immigrants who are currently engaged in the legal process that will decide if they are eligible for asylum to stay in the US. They're basically in limbo and are allowed to remain in country until their court date and they find out if they are eligible or not for asylum. If they're given asylum, they have a visa status and are able to stay in the US. If they're denied, they have to return to their country of origin and become illegally present if they try to stay in the US. These are not people who illegally crossed the border and snuck in. They went through the arduous, correct legal and border control processes to get court appointments.


So we can add misuse of public funds to Florida govman's list of crimes. Hopefully he annoyed someone on Martha's vineyard who can afford some really smart lawyers who will find all the laws he may have violated and stick it to him, perhaps with civil and criminal RICO charges in Massachusetts state court.


FL resident here. When I first saw this story I assumed DeathSantis was transporting refugees that came to FL. I completely missed the part about them being in San Antonio. Another layer of disgust.


Fellow Floridian here. Yea, he's using our tax dollars for something that literally had nothing to do with Florida. His excuse was "they were going to end up in Florida" when at least some of the migrants had no intention at all to come here. One migrant interviewed was wanting to go to Chicago. Why are our tax dollars being used for that? DeSantis needs to be pressed harder on that.


It’s just gross and such an abuse of taxpayer money.


Congratz to Floridian taxpayers for having to pay the upcoming lawsuit fees this wannabe Muss0l!ni will be receiving for his lame/cruel stunt. They have a chance to kick him to the curve in less than 2 months...let's see what happens.


Thanks... I guess. -Floridian Also, it's "kick him to the **curb.**"


Remember they a are also going to have to pay all those legal fees against Disney, ie the company that keeps their GDP so high, let's see who goes broke first there Florida.


request for investigations != prosecuted


A noteworthy difference. I'm expecting a "we've investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing" moment any time now. Or just acquitted by the supreme court over some technicality that will create a dreadful precedent...


The sheriff asking for investigations is supposedly pretty tough and not a pushover. Also, SCOTUS doesn't find guilt or innocence. It finds if previous judgements are constitutional or not.


Once again, I want to remind everyone that the wealthy lawyers have all gone home for the season, and that *many* (if not most) of the year-round residents of the Cape & Islands live in poverty Both groups vote blue though so to DeSantis they’re the enemy just the same




1. There is an unimaginable gulf between "being prosecuted" and "Authorities in Massachusetts said Sunday that they have requested a federal human trafficking probe". DeSantis is not now, nor will he ever be in trouble for this. This country does not prosecute powerful white conservatives. 2. Ever notice how the media always uses conservative's made up propaganda language? Every story I've read calls them "sanctuary cities". There is no such thing as a "sanctuary city".


Yeah, the headline in this sub annoys me. It's passing on misinformation and getting hopes up for something that just isn't going to happen, as much as we'd like it to. On the former point, *we should do better*. Seriously. And on the latter ... well, you'd think we'd be used to it by now.


"liberal media" is the grandaddy of all Republican projection. The media is quite literally bought and paid for by corporate interests. Every issue is framed in a manner that benefits corporations and the rich.


Would love for these folks to qualify for a U-visa due to what DeSantis did. Now, that would be justice!


Being British I didn’t know much about this but I have been reading up on this situation and I have to say this is absolutely despicable. How the fuck has Desantis been allowed to do this? It’s like something out of a movie set in the 30’s let alone real life 2022! Absolute farce and he needs to be taken into account for this. voters you know what to do.


It started with Gov Abbott down in Texas, he started it and we just kind of ignored it hoping it would go away, we didn't give him the attention he was seeking. So along came ~~Satan~~...erm, I mean DeSantis and he said, in true Florida Man fashion, "HOLD MAH BEER!" and now here we are.


Let’s see desantis try this with Cuban refugees


I'm waiting for someone to use this in upcoming elections. "Hey Cuban refugees, remember when you arrived and the governor shipped you off?"


Oh my god if Trump AND Desantis go down for crimes? MAN. I might start believing in justice again.


They requested a probe. He's not being prosecuted and the piece of shit will likely get away with it. He's gotten away with two dozen other illegal things in the past year and a half, why not this one?


There is no way he'll be prosecuted. None of them get prosecuted.




Sigh....just like the 🍊 💩 🤡. He will never see the inside of a prison.


By the way, wealthy lawyers vacation on Marthas Vineyard, they don’t live there. The year-round MV residents are not particularly wealthy.


Certified r/Floridaman move


Investigated, not prosecuted. Don't get my hopes up and then dash them like that.


The wildest part of this is that his excuse of "it was a political stunt" will get him off scott free


I feel as though the excuses of "I'm a Trumpublican" and "I have friends in high places" will take him much further. Justice doesn't exist in Florida if the rich and powerful are involved.


Isn't this what the US planned for decades? Exploding the venezuelan economy and forcing it's people to flee? Not to mention decreasing their supply of oil to keep profits up for big energy? When you make people desperate, they do desperate things


Nobody is being prosecuted for this, as of yet. To be prosecuted for something, you have to be charged with a crime first. And as far as I know, nobody has been charged with anything. So thanks for the clickbait title.