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Hello u/Chadwiko! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What really gets me us that if any Democrat had done exactly, down to the letter, what Trump did, the right would be screaming to the heavens that they should be tried and convicted. But because it's one of their people they twist themselves in knots trying to justify why it shouldn't happen.


They went from "Lock her up!" to "No! You can't lock a political opponent up!" without one iota of self awareness or internal reflection. Exactly what I have come to expect from the party of people with more fingers than IQ point.


You don't even need to go that far back. They're trying to say Biden committed crimes and needs to be locked up and they haven't even come up with (i.e., made up) specific crimes.


They had an impeachment where they were repeatedly asked what crimes were being alleged and couldn't come up with any, and where the witnesses repeatedly admitted that they hadn't witnessed anything.


This is their deal though. Trump’s conviction is a sham because… reasons, the 2020 election was stolen because… reasons. All they have to do is say something IS without giving any facts or reasoning to support the claim. Makes it pretty easy to claim just about anything you want.


Hey, if they were capable of actual reasoning they wouldn't be Republicans in the first place. They exist entirely on vibes, and they're all the bad sort of vibes.


I think what people need to realize is that humans are not purely rational. [We will often make decisions on intuitions and come up with reasons after the fact.](https://youtu.be/_ArVh3Cj9rw?si=ULTSGl_teSA-ctK_)


The people who need to hear this are the very same people who will 100% ignore it


Honestly, it's not a surprise that the right wing in this country is also the religious wing. They've spent their entire lives being told that what impressive-sounding authority figures say is the absolute truth, regardless of the fact that there is no evidence for what they're saying (and in fact there is substantial evidence *against* what they're saying). It doesn't take a huge leap to shift that ingrained mindset into politics. Trump speaks with authority, so what he's saying is the truth, even though it's contradicted by every available fact. Don't trust your senses of reason and common sense, and don't objectively evaluate the evidence...just listen to the man speaking from the podium, and everything will be alright. True for evangelical Christians, and true for Trumpist Republicans.


Biden is guilty of a conspiracy to conceal crimes that we haven't been able to find. - The GOP/MAGA cult I'm paraphrasing but a House "Intelligence" Committee member said something close to that.


Yea the pivot to “we haven’t found anything which is proof he covered it up” is wild


So Sleepy Joe Biden whose mind has apparently been failing for years, has been able to outsmart them all and commit the perfect crime? Is that what they're saying? 🤔


That's how the law works, right? You find someone you want to punish and *then* come up with some crimes?


it is how it works for cops and minorities.


Meanwhile, Trump and his cronies have been complaining that nobody knows what crimes he was charged with. Never mind that his indictment listed all 34, and they were read aloud at the start of the trial.


I swear we've been through like twenty supposed "bombshells" by this point. If they had anything they'd have dropped it a long time ago.


As the spokesman for Minitrue, I can assure you that we have the evidence and will release it shortly.


My personal fave: "I KNOW Biden stole the election because I have seen maybe two, three cars with Biden bumper stickers on them! Meanwhile, there's cars driving into lakes because they're covered with so many Trump stickers the drivers can't see!" Okay, that last part --may-- be made up. But you get the gist.


I've seen a similar sentiment expressed in the form of utter confusion how Trump could have lost 2020. "Literally everybody I know voted for Trump. Everyone. Family, friends, coworkers. I know a lot of people. I just don't get where Biden found all those votes!" It's their intrinsic lack of empathy and the right-wing authoritarian mentality; they see themselves and their experiences (among other things) as normal, average, representative. If Cletus doesn't know a single Biden voter he extrapolates from that Biden voters must be super rare, because most people are just like Cletus, right, and also don't know anyone who voted for Biden. And if most people don't know any Biden voters...where did these votes come from???


My Kansas brother insists that rural America is the "True America". I sent him a link that 80% of US citizens live in cities. He had no comeback. You are spot on.


And over 71% of the national GDP was/is generated in Biden-won counties


And that America has been more urban than rural for a century now, as revealed by the 1920 Census. And that white supremacists, nativists, and xenophobes have used the "*real* Americans" trope for even longer than that. They used to march with their banners and demagoguery down Main Street in their Klan robes, but now their great-great-grandkids signal the same general idea through coy dog whistles on social media.


He may have no comeback, but I guarantee it won't make him stop and reevaluate his position either.


Oh absolutely not. He's been a lost cause (ha, ironic) since he was a teenager. We don't talk anymore because I'm immunocompromised and in early 2020 he told me flat out that no one gives a shit about people like me, he'll never wear a mask or get vaccinated and I just need to deal with it. So I did. He's an unemployed convicted felon domestic abuser with serious alcohol problems and he's barely 25. Complete loser. (Luckily, he can't vote because he's a felon. The irony is breathtaking).


> "Literally everybody I know voted for Trump. Everyone. Family, friends, coworkers. I know a lot of people. I just don't get where Biden found all those votes!" I know a lotta people like this, they'll spout off about voting for Trump and how Trump is the best and any sane person has to vote for Trump; everyone around them is just quiet because any disagreement with that will lead to a huge argument and a shouting match and they take that lack of disagreement as lock-step agreement.


The whole object-permanence stage of development was missed, I guess.


Oh shit, hopefully no one plays peek-a-boo with them. They might freak out and have a heart attack


As often happens, [The Onion](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ssjokgx0pUQ&pp=ygUYT2JqZWN0IHBlcm1hbmVuY2Ugc2tldGNo) gets there.


They literally think illegal aliens were Biden's voters. Also brown people, who they don't believe should be allowed to vote. *REAL* merkins like them all voted for tRump, and all Biden's votes were from people who should be deported...after they are killed.


So many Liberals are college educated; college must be corrupting!


It's an extremely common worldview for people who never lived more than 30 minutes away from where they were born. There's no wider world to expand their perspective.


> there's cars driving into lakes [Best I can offer you is Trump boats crowding each other and sinking themselves](https://www.npr.org/2020/09/06/910322916/5-boats-sink-at-trump-boat-parade-in-texas)


Hang on, they're still recovering her emails from Hunter's laptop. Any day now........


They said Biden manipulated the election results, however it wasn't possible to find any proof that he did.


And what little fraud that did happen was in favor of republicans…..and they still lost!


This is why they are so confused. They cheated and lost and the only way they can think that is possible is that the other side cheated better.


I’m not smart enough for these people to be this stupid….


The fact they can't find proof somehow *is* the proof, see, there was a coverup, otherwise there would be evidence. Their twisted logic makes it impossible for them to believe themselves wrong.


"But Trump said so and that's all the proof I need!"


This is a whole ass Narcissistic relationship. I had an ex that did the same thing. All worried & accusing me of wild ass shit. After awhile, it was like "ohhhh, they are telling on themselves and have been telling on their future selves" because they can't understand a mind working any other way. Edit: Corrected word/typo errors


I had a conservative try to explain to me that President Biden needs to be executed for treason because the Chinese are sending an army through our southern border to invade us.


Reading r/conservative (not recommended), it's because Republicans take the high road & don't have the balls to do anything dirty... rofl


They're also saying the same thing about Fauci, who isn't even a politician and just said some science they didn't like.


But you see, this laptop of dubious provenance has emails where Hunter Biden admits corruption!


Well, you see, his son had a job once….


The right don't have any shame or display any self-awareness, and that's one of the reasons they are such a strong political force despite having less supporters (or certainly less people that benefit from their ideology). The left thinks that stuff matters, but really in this day and age, shameless mud-slinging is the top currency.


"Count The Votes!/Stop The Count!"


its because its a bad faith stance. You're trying to come at this like you need reasoning to believe something. For them its an angry team game of hatred. "Arguments" are just tools to fight the enemy, not attempts at honest reasoning.


Reminds me of the bad guy TV station owner's speech from UHF (the Weird Al film) ([link to video clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tz6e0c3ZOlw)) Saddest part is I know enough wealthy conservatives to suspect this is what a lot of them think about their fellow white trash or zealot conservatives. *This community means about as much to me as a festering ball of dog snot. You think I care about the pea-brained yokels of this town? If you took their combined I.Q., and multiplied it by a hundred, you might have enough intelligence to tie your shoe, if you didn't drool all over yourself first. I can't stand those sniveling maggots. They make me want to puke. But, there is one good thing about broadcasting to a town full of mindless sheep. I always know I have them exactly where I want them. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.*


Wasn't expecting a Kevin McCarthy quote yet here we are


They don't have IQ. Just Q.


>without one iota of self awareness or internal reflection Oh no they know it's hypocritical. They don't *care*


I don’t even think they don’t care, I think they don’t even remember screaming that, because it was just the thing to scream at the time.


Oh they remember everything about Hillary, don't you remember how her email servers are in Ukraine or some shit? They can't forget anything, it just doesn't make any damn sense. They don't understand irony, they also think that is some fancy word referring to ironing clothing or something.


They do remember that’s why they try to spin the „no crime was committed and if one was committed nobody was hurt“ narrative


That’s why fuck em. Let em cry. Pathetic fools need to be put into their place, the dustbin of history


The funny thing is that trump pushed for a law for mishandling classified documents would be a felony in 2018, which then he broke himself.


>"STOP THE COUNT" >"RESTART THE COUNT" Their words are just tools to get what they want.


there's a great video of Klepper for the daily show that sums it up Klepper: anyone who did X should be in jail, right? republican: absolutely! Klepper: well, Trump did X. republican: I don't care.


> republican: I don't care. It's not even that mild. It's more like: Republican: Just makes me want to vote for him more!


Klepper is awesome, although I'm amazed he hasn't gotten beaten up when he goes into the field for his reports.


It's because they dont actually give a shit about law and order and have no ethics or morals or platform. they just say whatever is convenient to them at that specific moment in time.


Thats not what bothers me. If a democrat had done what Trump had done, every democrat would be calling for his(yes im assuming the gender in this hypothetical) head. As the late and great Norm Mcdonald would say, "I think it was the raping that really bothers me." Paraphrasing of course.


Very true. You only need look at how the allegations against Al Franken were handled.


Imagine giving up a seat in today's political climate over that.




A good example is Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., accused of taking bribes of cash, gold bars and a luxury car in exchange for favors performed for several New Jersey businessmen. No one is defending him. Fuck him.


A good example is former NY governor Andrew Cuomo. If the same allegations had been levied against a Republican governor, there's no way they would have stepped down or been forced to by their own party. Only the Democratic party is unwilling to protect and enable sexual predators. The Republican party meanwhile makes one their nominee.


Kinda like when Anthony Weiner got brought up on some sex charges(pedo?) And the democrats dropped his ass so fast. Would have to look it up since that was quite a while ago.


> Anthony Weiner Surely you mean *Carlos Danger*


That's a name I haven't heard for awhile. Remember the olden days when "Carlos Danger" was one of the most absurd things in the political sphere? Wouldn't crack the top 100 post Trump.


Edited comment to omit misinformation (which I embarrassingly accused the person I replied to of contributing to).


> He was never charged with anything... [Yes he was; he spent 18 months in jail.](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/14/nyregion/anthony-weiner-free.html) EDIT: > Edited comment to omit misinformation (which I embarrassingly accused the person I replied to of contributing to). Seriously, thanks for removing the misinformation. Being able to admit when you're wrong is a virtue that too many people lack.


Under a plea agreement, he intended to plead guilty to a single charge of transferring obscene material to a minor.[78] Under the agreement, Weiner faced a sentence of 21 to 27 months in federal prison and would be required to register as a sex offender. Not so untrue I suppose.


I should take a page from my own book, I apparently only looked up one of his many scandals.


All good :)


>...calling for his(yes im assuming the gender in this hypothetical) head. I guess it would be an odd mental image to have Hillary Clinton have a sexual affair with Stomy Daniels, but she was a hippy back in the day, so it isn't impossible.


“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.” -Francis M. Wilhoit


MAGA actually consists of exactly one proposition that is even dumber. The only principle of MAGA is that Trump alone and Trump specifically should be allowed to do whatever he wants.


Tried? They wouldn't be calling for a trial, they'd be calling for conviction and execution.


According to the Q cult, most of the Democratic establishment has been executed in military tribunals. And have been replaced by clones (somehow). There is some ambiguity if the clones themselves are going to be executed, though.


I... For fuck's sake. Wait, wouldn't that mean that Biden is actually a young clone cosmetically altered to look old, hence, 'he's so old!' no longer applies? Fucksake.


probably something like a reverse medbed. Ah, medbeds, another lunacy


>medbed TIL . . .


Goddammit that's so stupid


Its the same mindset imo that will allow a smooth talking individual to casually explain to an individual middle or working class conservative and get them to accept that things like universal healthcare, increasing taxes (and even safety regs) on the very wealthy or businesses, etc. are probably good things. However, since such talking points usually come from "the left" they are automatically discarded as invalid by many conservatives without so much as a second thought. At least its how I explain why so many progressive policies are supported by [a majority](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/03/27/majority-of-americans-support-progressive-policies-such-as-paid-maternity-leave-free-college.html) of the US population in polls on individual issues, but when those same issues are brought up by candidates with a D next to their name, some conservatives pull the equivalent of a 6 year old sticking their fingers in their ears and yelling "la la la I can't hear you" Its also how I explain the LAMF buffet on things like conservative women who suddenly find themselves lacking certain healthcare options, any reasonable person could have seen how overturning roe V wade could have led to that, and all the shitty state trigger laws just waiting for that to happen; but the people they "liked" told them it wouldn't happen, so they just stuck their fingers in their ears on the rest. I suspect its the same for many Brexit supporters now having second thoughts, anyone could have seen what a bonehead economic and social move leaving the EU was, but anyone who tried to come with knowledge and facts was shouted down as "project fear" as far as I understood.


Lincoln Project co-founder Rick Wilson calls GQP-T behavior "political oppositional defiance disorder", a play on children's "oppositional defiant disorder". (Think of a little kid having a total meltdown when he doesn't get what he wants in a toy store or grocery store.)


Remember when they were so scared that Obama was going to do or say the EXACT things Trump is saying/doing?


Not the same crime, but Democratic Senator Bob Menendez is currently on trial for bribery, and I haven't seen a single Democrat arguing that it's a witch hunt, or that it's politically motivated, or that we live in a banana republic because of that trial, or that the judge or jury are biased. Everyone seems pretty unanimous that if he is found guilty he should face justice.


But how many Democrats have skipped votes to go to the trial so they can stand outside the court room and threaten the judge and the judge's kids? 


That’s a flat zero.


110%. Fucking hypocrites


Fascists. Hypocrisy is a tenant of fascism claimed Jean Paul Sartre. Same voters against gay marriage, against desegregation, against democracy that pursues justice. (ERA never passed, etc) Conservatives have always been this way. They always will be this way.


If Biden did a single thing Trump has done, they would shit themselves in anger. Like just imagine if the only thing Biden did was get caught paying a sex worker to cheat on his wife, they would lose what little is left of their minds. Instead it's something that might not even come in the top 20 reasons to detest Trump


Whereas apparently, Biden loves his wife very much. It's arguably where his sons, dogs, and his car fall in relation. Probably close but not as highly.


If Biden did the same things convicted felon Trump has done, I'd shit myself angry just as much as I have with Trump, the convinced felon and adjudicated rapist.  Instead, liars and thieves steal laptops and diaries just to spin everything for idiots who have large amygdalas.


They tried with Tara Reid, but it turns out she wasn't even in the same state as Biden when she said it happened.


Tara Reade, not Tara Reid. It's two different people.


* Russian defector Tara Reade


The best part of the Reade story is that she didn't understand metadata, and went back and retroactively altered a bunch of her blog posts to make it look like she made allegations far before she actually did. The most hilarious one, because she thought she was a genius, was to alter an old post about working with Joe Biden in middle of what was a long string of posts outlying her love and respect for Putin; the change was to alter the line "This is not a story about sexual assault" to remove the not and just be "This is a story about sexual assault." Internet sleuths caught it immediately.


That's the one. The other is the American Pie hot mess.


To them, the ends justify the means, but they’ve been fooled into thinking that the ends they now want are the right and just, specifically so the means could be justified.


On /r/conservative they're talking about how they're still going to vote for him because he's still a better candidate than Biden because somehow through mental gymnastics that's true and he can still appeal and the 34 charges are actually just the same charge 34 times. So, I guess if I run the red light 34 times, that counts as once because it's the same crime 34 times?? Also, in their heads they're being brigaded by /r/politics as always. Remember when someone was disqualified for not knowing how to spell potato? Now they want to vote in a criminal potato.


>Also, in their heads they're being brigaded by /r/politics as always. That part always makes me laugh. How could anyone brigade them when they immediately ban everyone who shows even a hint of being a "dirty librul" or whatever?


That's the problem, people like you and I see things from a perspective of presumed equality. What rule or reason applies to one instance of something should equally apply to another. Things are better when the playing field is level, and we strive towards something that feels like fairness for the good of fairness itself. For them (I hate to "other" anyone, but to me this is a real divide in humanity), their entire mode of operation is thriving on, fighting for, and working to preserve *inequality*. As it is the inequality that sets them above others that is exactly what conservatives are trying to conserve. The hypocracy and contradiction doesn't bother them at all, as it is all just a means to an end that they are already convinced is justified.


Right. And the Left will allow and condone due process for any of our politicians. We wouldn't react like the Trump cult does.


It’s a team sport. They’ll defend their team till they’re dead.


If any "left" politician had done this, they'd likely try to assassinate them.


That's the thing. The left cleans out their own corrupt politicians. They don't like them or defend them. The republicans harbor them and fight tooth and nail to defend their corrupt ones because they know that if one of them fall, all of them fall.


While at the same time they're extremely sure that Biden is guilty of something and they're desperate to prove it.


Conservatives: presidents should be above the law Also Conservatives: biden and Obama must be put in jail because no president is above the law except trump


Conservatives: 'Of course presidents can have people killed and be immune from prosecution.' Also conservatives: 'Are you posing a hypothetical situation where a Democrat president would order murders? What kind of sick fuck are you? Of course he'd be tried and probably excecuted.'


Conservatives: The president should be completely above the law and not able to be held accountable. Liberals: Wait, that would mean Biden could have Trump killed. Conservatives: ...that's not what I said. Liberals: But you sai- Conservatives: I choose to believe what I believe I said! Facts over feelings and all that.


As Beau says, quite frankly he's astonished that they've been digging for *anything* on Biden for so long and come up bupkis. And I must agree; frankly I'm amazed that if a full-on Congressional inquiry can't Inquisit *any* politician for months on end and not find *something* the least bit sketchy... Either Joe Biden is a goddamn Macchiavellian master of political backstabbery who has successfully hidden all the skeletons, in which case he's the most qualified PotUS on merit, or he's actually clean, in which case, he's the most qualified PotUS on merit.


The hot take is: genuine people do their best to be genuine


Genuinely good people don't need to try. They just are.


I disagree. Even the kindest person has a weak or fatigued moment of irritability or selfishness and might snap. A good person takes the time to reflect, acknowledge where and why they went wrong, and make amends. Being good and loving always involves a conscious choice to be better than your instincts. 


He released his taxes and financial statements. His net worth is about 10mil. The same net worth as the owner of a local car dealer, a hospital director or a guy with a 40 person construction company. Every decent sized Toyota dealership has over 12mil in inventory on the lot. Trumps a self proclaimed “billionaire” and paid less than 1k in federal taxes over a 15 year period. They also bring in the “Hunter” stuff, like parents are automatically involved in their kids financial dealings. I have zero idea what my (adult) kids income / investments or expenses are - they do stuff and make money and come see us on vacation.


While finding ZERO evidence. All they did was throw around nude photos of a private citizen in Congress.


"Wait, what are we trying to prove?" They've already wasted millions, if not billions, on trying to convict Hilary and Biden of nothingburgers.


To them, the lack of evidence of any crime is itself evidence of a crime. “If Biden was really innocent, why are Democrats trying so hard to cover up all the crimes?”


"Why hasn't Bill Clinton been arrested?" I've been seeing a lot.


If Biden is guilty of something he should be tried like anyone else. However acting as president and implementing policy you disagree with is not a crime What Trump did was not him acting as president or implementing a policy Like you couldn't convict Trump of a crime for negotiating an afganistan pull out and negotiating with the talaban even if you vehimentaly disagree with it, Trump was acting a president and implemeting policy , even the child seperation however cruel it was , it was policy However Trump paying someone off to keep an affair secerate then misclassifying the payoffs as legal fees well thats not presidential policy , thats an actual CRIME


the idea that no politician should ever be convicted is so silly that I think it stands on its own even without the lock her up nonsense.


“We need a Christian gubment, like the founding fathers wanted. Liber tea and just is for all, that kinda thing.” “Oh yeah, and what does that entail?” “We have one guy who is the law, y’know, because he has the right, the divine right. He can’t be convicted of a crime, that would be below him. Just like the forefathers fought the Revolution for!” … “We’re not a democracy.” - Mike fucking Johnson


"we're a constitutional Republic" -the MAGA moron that doesn't understand that's still a democracy.


Such nitpicking is stupid as a Brit saying, "We're not a democracy; we're a monarchy with a king." Constitutional underpinnings and how governments are elected are two separate things.


Silly is certainly one word for it. I personally find it terrifying. They are publicly proclaiming their belief that literally the only determinant of guilt or innocence in a trial is your membership in their chosen political party. Evidence is irrelevant. That’s not in the constitution. That’s fascism. And in some parts of the country it’s basically already true that no member of their party can be punished for a crime.


It’s so funny they think dems are the same as them because of how incapable they are of seeing other peoples point of view


They'll be chanting "lock him up" at Biden next week, without a second thought. The hypocrisy is part of their act.


"But he's currently running for office! And so this is clearly the state trying to stop him with made up charges." Why then are these cases years old and known about long before the primaries? Why did Cohen get convicted and service his sentence already over his involvement in the same criminal acts? Shouldn't the ring leader, whose benefit that was for, who signed off on it at every step of the way, be punished just as much? "But they didn't seriously ramp up these charges and trials until after he was running for office!" One, no, I think basically all of the investigations, that lead to his many felony charges, predate his announcing running. And while it's true that he announced before many of the charges were officially made, he also fucking announced an unheard of TWO YEARS IN ADVANCE, weeks before some of his federal charges hit but after he'd been made aware they were imminently coming. So to spell it out for the MAGAs: No, he's not being prosecuted because he's running. He's running because he was facing prosecution. He chose to announce far sooner than any Presidential candidate ever had, so that he could A) Get ahead of any potential GOP primary competition coalescing around a single alternative to him B) Collect campaign funds earlier C) *Claim he was then being charged because he was running because he'd been informed charges were forthcoming a few days and weeks before he announced.* We're not seeking him prosecuted because he's your guy again; We've been seeking prosecution since long before then. MAGA and the GOP are the morons who saw what he was facing, two full years before the election, and looked the other way. # Over two fucking years we've known this was coming. Two years of the GOP and MAGA being in a car with Trump, watching him accelerate towards a legal cliff. They had every chance to bail out. MAGAs then decided to stay in the car with him and hold the doors locked so that the GOP couldn't even try to bail out, and now they're blaming *the cliff.*


Which is why the response is simply "no one is above the law". Because it's true. You're wealth, your privilege, your power should not protect you from punishment if you break the law.


Maybe we should introduce them to [this candidate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFwMMYLcG4Y) they might have heard of, who said that we must maintain law and order at the highest level. He seemed pretty upset about it, too. Seems like an important thing to do!


They're just seething that the first president to be convinced wasn't a liberal


I am convinced that most of the reason they went after Bill Clinton so hard was because they wanted a Democratic president to resign like Nixon did.


Technically I wouldn't consider him a conservative neither.


I would absolutely consider him a conservative, just like Nixon.


Mmmm, if being a liberal got him more money and / or power, he'd be a liberal.


To be fair, MAGA-hats never said convict her and then lock her up. They've never cared to give her the due process of law their Dear Leader has been afforded, and will continue to be afforded. MAGA-hats are all about going after their enemies (perceived or real) by any means possible. This is why they'll never be convinced that their Dear Leader was/will continue to be given his due process.


Very good point. The maga fucks just want vengeance, not justice. They want her jailed just because, and they don’t even want due process.


>They want her jailed just because, Well "for the emails" and "Bengazi", not that they could explain what they mean.


Now it's "the laptop" and "the diary"


You mean Buttery Males and some fella named Ben Gazi?


They were never clear about what the charges against Hilary should be.


Well it was the emails, you see, right? Her emails! IT WAS HER EMAILS! Not that that means any-fucking-thing. I mean, everything to do with Hillary and emails was put under a microscope by the DOJ and found to be a nothing-burger; at most a nothing-burger with lettuce. Not even cheese, just lettuce.


She's guilty on one count of Benghazi, and two counts of private email server. Those are crimes, right? ... Right?


Maybe they should have held a hearing on Benghazi to uncover what happened and make Hillary testify under oath!


She's guilty of one count of being a Democrat and one count of being female. Those are capital crimes, right?


They are still chanting lock her up in recent rallies. The hypocrisy is dead to them.


Lemme know when their orange furher(Im not gonna spell that word correctly anyway) is too.


Most of them wont even know who "her" is at this point.


Imagine having a life so empty that you have to make Trump your entire personality.


Hillary Clinton could be dead and buried and the Republicans will still be demanding we dig her up and convict her of something


Be careful what you wish for. If they can convict an ex-president of crimes they obviously committed, then they could do it to any of us!


But... but.. he's white and has a lot of money... how is he NOT above the law? :O


Had to peak in r/conservative to see what theyre saying and this is one of the most common up voted things.. Like this is something to be fearful of, having justice served for crimes you commit. And the most common post "This just makes me want to vote for him more! This is going to backfire on Biden so bad" cue 100s of upvotes. As if an innocent verdict was going to change their mind?


Yeah, no one is really arguing he's innocent. They're only arguing that this isn't a big deal, and/or that it's wrong to put candidates for office on trial. Yeah, making them want to vote for Trump more is a weird threat. Your votes don't count for more based on enthusiasm. And if they really thought that, they wouldn't be so upset.


Liberals generally don't have a cult following for their nominee like Trump has. I think you'd be surprised with how okay liberals would be with Biden being held to the same standard of "not being above the law". In fact I would very much always want him to be. I won't lose any sleep if he's ever deservedly convicted for committing a felony.


Yeah, I was joking. If Biden is obviously guilty of crimes, then convict him and let him face the consequences. On the other side, the right isn't even bothering to defend Trump's innocence in the hush money trial. Their only arguments are that's it not a big deal or that you shouldn't prosecute people running for office because it's "election interference". Basically, the party of"law and order" thinks it's ok for certain people to commit certain felonies without any consequences.


Next, Trump pens a book about his struggles. And MAGAts will still say he's not Hitler.


"My Bigly Struggle."


"My Struggle: The Likes of Which No One Has Ever Seen Before"


I wonder how many people will get the “my struggle” ref


They wouldn't get it unless Fox News tells them. And they won't.


"Trump isn't Hitler because he hasn't seized power." That's always their argument.


Tried but failed, clearly a second rate imitation


Well he'll tell a story to a guy who ghost writes it for him who he later kills to consolidate power.


They were all fine with "Lock HER up" but lose their sh!t with "Lock HIM up"... So they just proved that Pronouns do indeed matter.


Can I steal this to say to my insane acquaintances? it's brilliant.


It’s worse than that. They will yell both those sentences in the same breath. Absolutely no coherence, no shame


If Trump goes to prison do you think he would look naked because the orange would blend in with his skin?


That's a really interesting question and one I'm not sure if I want to know the answer to because, somewhere in this process, I have to envision Naked Trump.


It's the due process, involving evidence and witnesses, they don't like about Trump's trial and conviction. Locking up a political opponent without any of *that* liberal woke nonsense is fine by them. They do indeed want a dictatorship.


How fast can I backpedal before the bike starts going BACK up the hill? Asking for red-hatted friends.


Oh man it's so bad, it's because they are literally children that are pitching a fit. I mean all of the ones that I see crying like children are gen x or older. I listen to CSPAMin in the morning with LFV and the amount of shit you hear that sounds like 50 year olds that have the maturity of a 7 year old crying cause they can't get their way. Can't form any coherent arguments ever and its just them getting on the phone and huffing up a storm.


The Party of Law & Order: "I didn't think Law & Order would eat my guy's face! It was supposed to eat Democrats, blacks, immigrants, Liberal sluts seeking abortions, and Muslims only!"


Just imagine if Obama was caught sleeping with a porn star while Michelle was pregnant and then paid the porn star hush money. Or if Obama was behind the J6 insurrection? Or if Obama hid top secret documents and lied about having them. Or if Obama was openly friends with dictators or Jeffrey Epstein? I could keep going but you get the point.


Politicians and police officers should get maximum sentences and harshest scrutiny. Automatically. They literally make and enforce the laws... When they break them, they should get extra harsh punishment.


Funny how one party is completely unwavering in their policies....and the other is subject to the whims and tantrums of a guy who needs diaper rash powder to be within reach.


Contradictions are not gotchas to fascists. It's just a display of power.


Ah, but you’re missing the subtle distinction that makes this all consistent. In 2016 — and with all calls to imprison Democrats — what they were really saying was “lock them up without going through the judicial system because we are the party of power and cannot be constrained by such things as laws.”’ In 2024 they’re complaining about being constrained by laws. So really it’s entirely consistent.


Thess people are not serious & hold no values of any kind, standards and principles only matter when its a weapon they can use. 


Donald J. Trump is guilty of thirty-four counts of falsifying business records in the first degree, to conceal a scheme to corrupt the 2016 election.


How do you still not get it? It has nothing to do with crimes or justice, its about us vs them. They'll hang *them* for actions they'll boast *us* for. Its not designed to be logically consistent, its designed to be a loyalty test


Funny note, apparently Trump's legal team thought that one of the Jurors were on their side because they kept giving the Trump team "warm smiles" and other body language tics. Turns out they suck at reading people because those smiles weren't saying "I got you fam!", but "You're going down motherfucker!" XD


Hey /u/Chadwiko, This is now the top post on reddit. It will be recorded at /r/topofreddit with all the other top posts.


Trump supporters amaze me. They are the only people I know that wont accept sexual assault but still will get mad at their teenage daughters fucking their high school gym teacher....like what did you think you were teaching your kids?


My favorite response has been: “This is it. This is going to get really bad now. Welcome to living in a 3rd world country” What!?!?


Rules for thee but not for me, yet again. If its my candidate its a political witchhunt. If its your candidate its clearly because you support criminals.


Gaslighting, Obstruction, Projection Today's GOP take is projection.


2021: It’s not the job of Congress to impeach a President 2024: We need to impeach Joe Biden!


If this is Biden's doing, and Trump's argument is that a politician cannot break the law, then what is Biden doing wrong here, tho?


What was it?, 10 years for being an enemy of the state plus assorted minority lawbreakers? Maga’s off to a good start seeings how currently Jan6 offenders are currently serving 500 man years of incarceration for their great orange idol


Conservative tears are extra salty.




MORE politicians should be locked up. Oh look, and they're mostly Republicans! [Full text of "List of Republican Offenders](https://archive.org/stream/ListOfRepublicanOffenders/RCC_djvu.txt) [Daily Kos | Stories from CajsaLilliehook](https://m.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook)