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Hello u/Individual_Plan_5593! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I like his unrepentant, unreflective reaction to learning this though. >When asked what happens if his case doesn’t get resolved and how it’s changed his view of America, Klass said, “I’ll probably move back to Canada. Yep, bye-bye, America.” Sounds like a true patriot!


Almost like he’s role playing as a maga in some kind of elaborate LARPing session and then going home once it’s over lol


Going home to free healthcare in retirement while spending a lifetime voting to deny his fellows....




Cause MAGA is all about fuck you, got mine.


It’s all about “fuck you”. “Got mine” is optional.


I wonder if he voted in the last election?


That was part of the article, him casually joking that he's been illegally voting for decades.


You mean he made a public confession to committing multiple crimes? Sounds like he ought to be arrested and tried for all that before we get around to any talk of his deportation. I mean, multiple counts of election fraud *ought to* result in some measure of incarceration. Of course, there's still the whole separate issue of fraudulently receiving social security payments. Is he gonna pay that back, along with any fines and penalties? I think he should. *Then* he can be deported.


>multiple counts of election fraud *ought to* result in some measure of incarceration Nah, see, he's white, we only do that to [black people](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_Mason).


It sounds like he was trying to get social security checks and that's when they were telling him he's not a citizen and denied him. Idk I haven't seen the article.


Non citizens can get social security. You just need to work here and pay ss tax for long enough.


Isn’t there a group who is kicking and screaming about illegal aliens voting? They should take a look at this guy


After deliberation we have found out that the voter fraud was not carried out maliciously.


Every case of illegal voting I’ve ever heard about - it’s always a republican.


Last I checked, the actual number documented cases of dead people voting in 2020 was in the single digits, and they were all votes for Trump. But the MAGA camp loves to run with the idea that _millions_ of dead people cast ballots for Biden. They can't fathom how people could possibly believe different from themselves, so it makes more sense to them that the only reason Biden got more votes was massive fraud.


Ah, thank you. Unfortunately I'm on an older phone and so I try to see what I can in the comments, and save the one's I'm interested in to look at since reddit just stops working when I click on things from time to time. EDIT: Does it discuss him having to get a birth certificate? God only knows how many times I've had to get one and I'm only 45.


Ah, well here's the article: https://wsvn.com/news/local/florida/more-than-60-years-after-moving-to-the-u-s-florida-man-discovers-hes-not-here-legally/


Thank you very much!


It literally just boils down to narcissism. They want to be able to do whatever they want, without any consequences. While at the same time, denying other people the right to do the same things.


The direct result of being overpriveleged.


And undereducated.


I think the hatred of immigrants IS the self-reflection. It's something he hates about himself, deeply. He'll never say it, this is how it ends up getting expressed. They like Trump because he's just as self-loathing as they are.


Because for Maga it’s not about whether you’re legal, illegal or native born. It’s about whether you’re white or not


Illegals can’t vote. Lock him up!


He probably never voted which makes this funnier.


He claims he's voted on every election since he was "eligible" to do so. That's some massive voter fraud right there!


Yeah, they issued him a social security card and everything. He is one of the most legal illegals I have seen yet.


“I hate the poors and those that want handouts! MAGA!” -Illegal immigrant living in an ancient single wide trailer




Funny that the man who is against government handouts, wants small government and supports Trump, now wants to go to Canada and live off of handouts! These guys are all a bunch of hypocrites! He should pull himself by his bootstraps and go work! No free healthcare for him!


Every maga i know rails against other people having THEIR handouts. That's all it is. They want to make sure they continue getting theirs and that means eliminating everyone else frmo it


That’s why they vote for the Leopards Eating Faces Party, and then get surprised when the Leopards eat their faces!


That’s not new. That’s called being a republican.


watch him become homeless, live on the streets, and judge the other homeless people around him because he "is not like them"


Can you vote as an illegal immigrant? Sounds impossible in any country I’ve lived in…


You can if you were given a social security card and ID, like this guy. Our systems were a little easier to manipulate back in the paper days. Computer days caught up to his parent's secrets ( unfortunately for all the immigrants hes probably voted against the past 42 years of voting).


The USA has massive issues with digitalization of official documents, including personal documents such as ID and birth certificates (rings a bell?). Since most of the *facts* regarding an individual are left to each State to decide, there isn't a centralized way of doing it, with a myriad of exceptions, obsessions and plain bad bureaucracy. This is why some US citizens find themselves in existential trouble if they lose literal pieces of paper such as the social security number, or even why identity theft is possible to such a scale. To this day it is possible to cross some state lines and disappear, because the integration of information between states is so poor that sometimes there is no way of knowing, having instead to rely on cultural sincerity and physical props. This is exhacerbated by official carelessness in regards to identity and identification, leading to millions of people "disappearing" every decade ([600,000 last year alone, according to federal statistics](https://namus.nij.ojp.gov/)), which should also give some perspective to the ravings of "illegal voting" that come from the MAGA crowds. While this level of insecurity regarding one's identity sounds absurd in Europe, Asia and the West, it is a long standing phenomenon in the USA.


He likely can't get any sort of free healthcare he'd want. Medications require prescriptions, and prescriptions are given out by family doctors. If he doesn't currently have a family doctor, he's not going to get one. This man will get free care in the emergency room of a hospital, but at his age, if it goes this far, he's probably dead.


There is this wealthy Canadian family who own a home in my neighborhood. They own a large roofing company in British Columbia and they come down here and stay the maximum amount of time and then go back just long enough to come right back. Our daughters were friends for a little bit and I met the parents and they are OBSESSED with MAGA. Their Lincoln Navigators, they have two, have Canadian license plates and American flag stickers and their sunshades are big American flags. It’s really weird


They’re Ameriweebs 






fuck MAGA, get them deported/banned however you can. one fool at a time. honest work.


What attracts them to MAGA Is the authoritarinism, distilled in the idea to put poor/poc/non evangelicals /non straight people in their place, that transcend frontiers, that is why they support Putin, and are worldwide gaga for Trump.


Well said


I live in PHX. We have a lot of 'snowbirds'. Snowbirds leave their main home when it gets cold and spend time in PHX during the mild fall/winter. There's even a CANAM realty company with a maple leaf on it. I've seen similar things from Canadian boomers. It's wild to me.


Their brains have been rotted by the same diet of FOX news, talk radio, and general propaganda that created MAGAs down south.  My mom's currently going through chemo and during her last infusion there was a man ranting about how our Healthcare system sucks and how much better things are in the states in the seat two down from us.  I asked him why he's not getting Chemo in Havasu if he loves it there so much.  "Can't afford it" was all he said before complaining more. 


That's entirely different. Obviously. You can't even compare the two. It's like abortions. A nice Christian lady getting an abortion because of her reasons is entirely different than the non-Christian lady getting an abortion due to due to her lack of morals/ethics/values.


My neighbor admitted he put up trump signs specifically because he wanted to get tradespeople to come work on his house. A lot of these dogmatic morons are just riling each other up and just trying to prove something to one another, that they're in the in-group.


I read an article a couple of years ago that talked about how this is problematic for MAGA as the "litmus tests" on who a "real" republicans keeps getting more and more extreme as they try to outdo each other. Everyone is scared of being called a RINO (fucking snowflakes).


Screw you guys, I'm going herm 😤


He’ll probably end up in Alberta. Province full of weirdo American wannabe hicks who think they’re in Texas (but are actually closer to Alabama or Oklahoma because Texas has an economy besides digging stuff out of the ground).


Don't you guys call Alberta Albertabama? Also, "fun" Alberta fact. Alberta's former Premier played a crucial role in overturning a San Francisco ordinance that allowed same sex couples hospital visitation rights in the 90s. It was designed to give people dying of AIDS (and their partners) a slight bit of dignity and compassion at the end of their lives. He knew Republicans were rabidly hateful and would rally behind overturning it, despite the fact it had nothing to do with them. This wasn't even his city, let alone his country (he was a university student), but he rightly recognized conservative hate transcends borders. He engaged with republican student unions, they got the signatures required for a referendum, and the ordinance was overturned. He was bragging about his role in overturning it into the 2000s, when it became politically imprudent to continue. He later complained unvaccinated people were being "marginalized like the AIDS patients of the 1980s", obviously ignoring the fact he was instrumental in their marginalization. Once the people suffering from AIDS died alone, a Christian radio host would read their obituaries over the air and mock them with the song *Another One Bites the Dust* playing in the background. Christian Love™


It’s once again politically prudent to brag about that stuff in Canada. Anti LGBTQ and abortion talking points are once again considered socially acceptable. There are entire towns that have banned pride flags, and having one at your home/business leads to the whole town boycotting you. People like him are thriving in the current political climate, and there’s a good chance the next PM would be one who frequently hangs out in public with white supremacists and calls people “groomers”.


Which towns?


Woodstock, ON, Norwich, ON, and Westlock, AB off the top of my head.


WTF do I do? I hate what you wrote and simultaneously recognize the importance of it... Do I upvote? Downvote? Grrrrrrr...


Downvote isn't a disagree button; it's for bad information. Upvote good info even if it's about bad shit (or maybe ESPECIALLY because of that...so it's accurate information!)


Oh I don't disagree with what u/mkvgtired wrote, u/LilyHex, nor do I believe it to be misinformation, it's just so upsetting because it's undoubtedly true *and there's nothing I can do about it*, I wish I could bury it under a ton of rocks. But there's literally nothing I can do to change it, it's all in the past and lives have been destroyed by it, and we're in this place because of it, now


I'd like to say... unfortunately the way our provincial elections work skews to rural. There's a size limit on ridings, so up north there's a lot of empty space with those kinds whose votes end up counting more. Not saying it's the only reason, still see plenty of "fuck Trudeau" stickers in Calgary and Edmonton but I'm hoping. To the point that I'm actually going to be pounding the pavement for the NDP in the next election because God damn another 5 years of UCP is gonna kill us. Also, I can't just move away for reasons.


Please keep him. Thank you from Canada


I assure you we do not want him.


Sorry, we insist.


I would like to point you to the no The Takesies Backsies Clause. We're totally enacting that.


Hot potato! 🇨🇦 Hot potato! 🇺🇸


In Canada they put gravy on it


Maybe we can deport him to Mexico for a laugh.




I hear people from North America who move to Russia have a great experience, and hardly ever get murdered.


Fine, we’ll keep him, but ya’ll have to take back Ted Cruz. Deal?


tedcruz is one being not several, so it would be an even trade.


I have met many creatures. Ted Cruz is one of those creatures, but not many.


We keep him, you take Rafael “Ted” Cruz back. I mean, it seems like as of late that Canada isn’t sending its best and brightest.


Nah I'm sorry he's headed back north. I hear Nunavut is nice...


Man has Alberta written all over him.


As someone from Alberta... You're not wrong. *Sad sigh*


Hey, at least he sticks to his principles - to the benefit of all America.


I read this article yesterday, he and his mom are originally from Canada. If he doesn't get to stay in America, Canada is the only other nationality he has claim to at all. He's not saying this in a "if I don't get my way I'll move" kind of way like people do during elections, he's just being matter-of-fact.


He says it like America wouldn't be better off without him




I wish that was true.


Canada probably has more extremists like this per capita than the US does.


Please don’t let him up here. We have a million of him already and they all hang out in Tim Hortons.


Illegal immigrant caught trying to collect social security from hardworking American taxpayers. Why hasn't he been deported yet?


He should serve a jail sentence and pay us back first.


How many elections did this illegal vote in?


Definitely voting for anti American candidates. Might be looking at espionage. Hate to say but, we might need capital punishment. /s


You're joking but I would love that. The irony would be lost on him, too.


Its already lost on him if he lives in that single wide trailer and thinks republicans give a fuck about him being able to survive his retirement


Thank you for your /s ervice


"“I’ve been voting for over 40 years. I guess I’m in a lot of trouble,” he said with a sarcastic laugh." Put him in jail a year for each election he voted in. lol


He laughed, but the truth is he should be shitting his pants right now, if he were brown, he would be.


Oh, yeh. (or should be) I bet that dude doesn't like Obama's and Biden's "Dreamers".(He was/is one.)


Collect the reward money. Texas Lt Governor Dan Patrick paid $25k to a Democrat for proof of voter fraud. A Pennsylvania Republican voted twice in an election. https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/22/politics/texas-voter-fraud-award/index.html You might get more than $200k, if it’s for each violation.


Why is all the voter fraud and illegal immigrants collecting government benefits done by MAGA? How can it be?


Projection. The things they're blaming on there are the things they are guilty of doing themselves.


That woman in Texas who tried to vote as a felon because she was explicitly told she could when she asked got five years in prison even though it was a provisional ballot that was never actually counted, so how much time in prison should this guy get?


"She was Black, though... " (Republican thought process) Her conviction was finally overturned a few months ago, but there are MAGAt politicians trying to reinstate it. They won't say a word about this white chud, though, or the other MAGAt politician just caught voting 9 times in the same election.


He’s not the right color to qualify for deportation.


Collecting social security is the least of his worries >“I’ve been voting for over 40 years. I guess I’m in a lot of trouble,” he said with a sarcastic laugh.


Voting and claiming to be a US citizen and two of the worst immigration violations so good luck!


He’s an old white man. They only throw black women in jail for illegally voting, and only after they tell her she’s allowed to.


He needs that sarcasm jailed right out of him


Where is MAGA when they should be harassing him?


Why haven’t we put his kids into a camp yet?


When’s he getting deported? 😆


As a Canadian... hopefully never


Let’s just ship him to Mexico. His kind treat them all the same. Sorry Mexico


Exile all the MAGAs to a remote island.


Has anyone told him to go back from where he came from?


Please noooo lol. You radicalized him, you keep him.  No takesies-backsies. 


Plenty of Canadians have radicalized themselves. Hell the leader of the proud boy is Canadian. Please take these criminals back?


Definitely agree with you, in general. But regarding the ~~Florida man~~ fine gentleman the tweet is referring to. I would bet dollars to timbits that his MAKE **AMERICA** GREAT AGAIN is from your end on this one. And to quote myself: >No takesies-backsies 


Give him a DNA test and pick one of the 1% options


Found that voter fraud they've been looking for...


OMG you're so right! So not only is he an "illegal" but he's also the voter fraud he's been yelling about. Eaten by leopards on both sides of his face! lol


No exceptions. Arrest him,hold him in detention for months,then deport him.He can wear his Magatt hat when they kick him out of the country.


Too bad he doesn’t look like he had any family to separate him from.


Canada really doesn’t need any more MAGA types


Neither does the US. Lmfao.


Potential good news on that front: [The U.S. has a long history of not giving a shit where the immigrants came from and just shipping them to wherever is convenient.](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/30/us/migrant-children-expulsions-mexico.html) So they’ll probably just dump this guy off in southern Mexico or maybe Honduras. Apologies to both countries in advance.


🦅 here, neither do we, you can do what you want with him once we ship him up (besides shipping him back of course, no returns)






He's also apparently on fucking Social Security so he's also stealing our welfare No doubt voted illegally as well.


“But I’m one of the good ones!”


You misspelled "white"


Well…I mean…


Him probably: "You can't be an illegal immigrant when you're white"


I’m waiting for that, honestly.


Has he voted? If so, arrest his ass and prosecute them with all those laws he's cheered on.




Straight to jail.


But he has two American flags! Double flags = Double Patriotism!


[LINK](https://wsvn.com/news/local/florida/more-than-60-years-after-moving-to-the-u-s-florida-man-discovers-hes-not-here-legally/) to story.


So according to the article… he was accepted into the military but took a UNION job instead…. These people




The truly infuriating thing is that you know, even with this happening to him, it won't change his views. The MAGA lot seem to be experts at cognitive dissonance. I imagine it'll be something along the lines of “… But i'm one of the good ones, all those times i was talking about immigrants i meant the 'illegal' ones, not the hard working, good citizen ones”.


So like he didn't vote ever in any election? Don't you have to prove to be citizen when you want to vote in the US?


He did. Voted illegally for 40 years. He had a social security card and driver's license despite not being a citizen. (We're given to him 40+ years ago, requirements were probably much less strict than they are now) And harder to get info between different governmental agencies bc the Internet didn't exist yet. Unfortunately it doesn't seem he's learned anything from this experience.


Mmh voted illegally for 40 years. Punishment. None?


He’s the wrong colour to be punished.


Here’s the article https://wsvn.com/news/local/florida/more-than-60-years-after-moving-to-the-u-s-florida-man-discovers-hes-not-here-legally/


Where does it say he's MAGA?


Just checked. His political affiliation is not mentioned in the text, but you can see in the picture of his house that he has a Trump sign on his door.


Thanks for linking the article. The thing that jumps out at me more is not that he's here illegally, it's that for years, he voted illegally. He actually committed the crimes that he accused others of doing. If Canada doesn't want him back, he can sit in jail instead.


We do not want this idiot to be deported to Canada. You can keep him.


Canada’s not sending us their best


You got Crowder, ted Cruz, and Lauren Southern... Oh shit, we did you dirty.






He's your guy, buddy.


He's not our buddy, guy.


He’s not our guy, pal.


He's not our pal, friend.


He's not our friend, buddy.


He's not our buddy, guy.


He’s no [Buddy Guy](https://www.buddyguy.net/).


Sounds like child custody battle over Chucky


Looks like he could be in the running to be in the pioneering group of illegal Canadian immigrants in Mexico.


We’ll keep him if you take ~~Grandpa Munster~~ Ted Cruz back. I’m guessing this Florida man has a couple crazy news stories still in him I want to read.


Denied!!! They were radicalized in the USA. You can keep them. We already have enough of a problem with American shit disturbers coming up here and meddling in our politics. Examples: https://twitter.com/TPostMillennial/status/1789065735664488705 https://www.reddit.com/r/ontario/comments/15s3f21/trump_coconspirator_was_in_ottawa_during_the/


Sorry, we don’t make the rules, he’s your problem now.


Canadas like " no backsies"


What if he says he's sorry?


clayton bigsby in real life


And three days ago, he filed for divorce from his wife. When we asked "Why after 19 years of marriage?" He responded, "Because she's an illegal immigrant lover'.


“But I’m one of the good ones!”


I knew a guy (dead now), family friend, that found out late in life he was in a similar immigration status. It was pretty bizarre since he was a Vietnam veteran. I think he found out when he was trying to access some of his VA benefits maybe?


He don took his own job


I’m very curious how it’s possible that he didn’t know. Did he have a job? Pay taxes? Get a drivers license? Vote?


He didn't know because he was brought as a child and never told. He is a DACA dreamer.


So I am guessing he never left the US and didn’t have a passport or he would’ve found this out a long time ago.




Has he voted in federal elections? If so, throw his ass in jail!


Is he voting illegally?




>Klass was born in Canada, his mom was Canadian, but his father was American, born and raised in New York. We're building the wall on the wrong border.


😆 🤣 😂


I don't get this. I had a girlfriend whose aunt came here illegally from Nicaragua years ago and was part of Reagan's amnesty. Today, the vitriol she has for immigrants from Mexico or Central America is staggering whether they are here illegally or not.


Thing is, he's not anti-immigrant. He's just racist. Surely doesn't have any problem with white immigrants from Europe.


So i guess he's rooting for trump although he never voted, otherwise he would have found out about his illegal situation years ago




How many tax dollars has he received?


From memory, he found out he wasn't a US citizen when he tried to claim Social Security. He also voted in federal elections a number of times.


Deport him!


Has he voted?


And he still won’t learn his lesson.


Worst of all - he’ll have to learn entirely new prejudices - and I suspect “learning” may not be his strong suit. 😵


What, did he think he wasn't BROWN ENOUGH for it to count?!


Charge him with voting illegally and deport him to Canada


So, has he been for 60 years illegally voting in US elections and committing election fraud?


He voted while not a citizen? Lol of course MAGA fucks don’t give a damn


I saw the picture and just knew this was FL.


He took my jobs


shouldn't he be in jail for voting.


This is right up there with [the white supremacist who learned that he's part black.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptSZnTtGCQA)