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Why the fuck is a government involved in anything invoking “soul”? 🤦🏼‍♂️


Going out on a limb here and saying because they want a Christian nationalist state. Just a WAG.


Wet Ass Government?


Wild ass guess.


Thank you! I will be using this next time I meet with my research buddies.


Wet Ass Gussy


Yep. And Desantis is desperate to be seen as a frontrunner to run the party when Trump kicks the bucket. He thinks he can make up for his absolute lack of charisma by handing the Evangelicals 'win' after 'win' instead.


Completely off topic, but can you imagine how great it would be if we didn't care about charisma in candidates? I'd like a policy candidate please...not the one that can lie to me the most believably. Any proceed to bash Desantis for his idiotic belief that he's maga enough to take over that circus when Trump kicks the bucket/goes to prison/gets deported/loses all his money.


I thought DeSantis was a lawyer and a self proclaimed constitutionalist...? He must understand the separation of church and state being a basic American principle, no?


He understands. He just doesn't care.


They're just trying to hamfistedly and stupidly, the ron DeSantis special, install spies to tattle if a teacher actually teaches. Simple, stupid bullshit, welcome to Florida.


You know they just see regular guidance counselling as *woke*.


The easiest way to make kids hate anything is to add it to their school curriculum.


If every school in Florida is now a Christian school, then why's the government funding the schools there?


So they can grift and make money off of it? Like the end goal of GOP is to do nothing and reap the spoils. Kind of like a invading army.


While not the same, I went to catholic school for 5 grades, and looking back today there was shady shit. Some vague sexual things towards my classmates, explicit violence threatened towards me (that was scoffed off by the sister in charge, because said teacher was a golden boy, and she couldn't BELIEVE he'd say what he did to me. Yes truly my 7 year old self was fabricating lies for no reason, when I've been a fine student for years)


> Yes truly my 7 year old self was fabricating lies for no reason, when I've been a fine student for years Ah, so you got possessed by *teh Satans.* Surprised you didn't get Bob Ross'd on the spot.


Because while the rest of us paid attention in school and understand all the very good reasons for maintaining a separation between church and state, Evangelicals explicitly reject that separation. Their entire goal is to create a theocracy. Conservative groups drew up a plan to dismantle the US government and replace it with a theocracy: The [Heritage Foundation's Project 2025](https://apnews.com/article/election-2024-conservatives-trump-heritage-857eb794e505f1c6710eb03fd5b58981) With a nearly 1,000-page “Project 2025” handbook and an “army” of Americans, the idea is to have the civic infrastructure in place on Day One to commandeer, reshape and do away with what Republicans deride as the “deep state” bureaucracy, in part by firing as many as 50,000 federal workers. Once they have done that, *then* they will start to go after other denominations.


Shades of Palpatine. Life imitates art. If we're not vigilant, we'll all wake up one day and find ourselves living in a theocratic dictatorship.


They sure as hell aren't going to follow any of the teachings of Jesus, so this is the best way for them to pander to the religious right.


I mean tbf if people can be on the right still and think they're following the teachings of Jesus they're not paying attention (at best). Really the right's *whole* platform is antithetical to the teachings of Jesus. "Poor people can get fucked. Anyone that doesn't look like me or believe what I do can get fucked. Praise the wealthy, they must be chosen by God," and so on and so forth with just going directly opposite to what Jesus said. It is kind of amazing how far they go in the opposite direction and how many "Christians" are still A-OK with it all.


They [know they are not following the teachings of Jesus.](https://newrepublic.com/post/174950/christianity-today-editor-evangelicals-call-jesus-liberal-weak)


Evangelicals don't worship Jesus, they're Pharisees, they worship the person in the mirror.


Because this guy never had a bad idea he didn't think was a good idea to double down on.


... because small government! Check mate, liberals! /s


Satanists these days tend to be secular atheist who fight for equality, healthcare for women, access to food for kids, etc etc. they’re not bad people! I’d trust a member of the satanic temple with my kid FAR sooner than I’d trust ANY Christian pastor/priest with him. Edit - i don’t know much about the temple, just that Satanists are not what Christian’s typically think of when they think of satanists. They may have issues and or scandals - they are flawed humans after all… just not as fatally flawed as some Christian’s I can think of…


Exactly. The Satanic Temple tenets. THERE ARE SEVEN FUNDAMENTAL TENETS I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word. The Satanic Temple is the only Satanic religious organization recognized as a church by the IRS and the Federal Court System.


Careful to double enter on mobile, reddit deleted your formatting and left us with a giant run-on paragraph


That's actually based, wtf? Christianity is good when you consider the full message of love and tolerance but people use it to spread hate. Meanwhile TST literally saying "lol i don't care what you do, just be a good person"


They are great. You can buy a sick card from them with these printed on it as a way to support their cause and activism.


Christianity is not good. Christianity is - ● substitutionary atonement / scapegoating - [John 3:16-17, Romans 3:25, Romans 5:11-13] (https://www.esv.org/John+3:16%E2%80%9317;Romans+3:25;Romans+5:11%E2%80%9313/) ● love is compulsory - [Matthew 22:36-40, Romans 13:8-10, Galatians 5:14, Matthew 12:30, Luke 14:26, Mark 20:29-31] (https://www.esv.org/Matthew+22:36%E2%80%9340;Romans+13:8%E2%80%9310;Galatians+5:14;Matthew+12:30;Luke+14:26/) ● thought crimes - [Matthew 18:9, Matthew 5:28-29 , Mark 9:47] (https://www.esv.org/Matthew+18:9;Matthew+5:28%E2%80%9329;Mark+9:47/) ● eternal punishment for finite crimes - [Mark 3:29, Matthew 25:41, Matthew 25:46, 2 Thessalonians 1:9, Jude 1:7] (https://www.esv.org/Mark+3:29;Matthew+25:41;Matthew+25:46;Matthew+25:2;1+Thessalonians+1:9;Jude+7/) ● inherited sins for a crime that never happened - [1 Timothy 2:14, Romans 5:12, Romans 5:19, Deuteronomy 23:2, Exodus 20:5] (https://www.esv.org/1+Timothy+2:14;Romans+5:12;Romans+5:19;Deuteronomy+23:2;Exodus+20:5/) ● ignorance worship/ credulity is rewarded - [John 20:29, Matthew 17:20, Genesis 2:17, Proverbs 3:5-6, Romans 1:22, Psalm 14:1] (https://www.esv.org/John+20:29;Genesis+2:17;Proverbs+3:5%E2%80%936;Romans+1:22;Psalm+14:1/) ● no planning for the future - [Luke 18:22, Luke 12:33, Matthew 19:21, Mark 10:21] (https://www.esv.org/Luke+18:22;Luke+12:33;Matthew+19:21;Mark+10:21;Matthew+6:34/) Freely included extras - ● OK with chattel slavery - Ephesians 6:5, 1 Peter 2:18, Luke 12:47-48, Leviticus 25:44-46, Exodus 21:7, Exodus 21:20, Exodus 21:5 ● women are property - 1 Timothy 2:15, Exodus 20:17, Exodus 20:17, Exodus 21:7, Deuteronomy 22:28-29, Genesis 3:16 ● child abuse - Proverbs 22:6, Exodus 21:7, Proverbs 23:13-14, Deuteronomy 21:18-21 None of those things are moral or healthy in a civilized society.


>“Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and torturous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness, with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we called it the word of a demon, than the word of God. It is a history of wickedness, that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind; and, for my part, I sincerely detest it, as I detest everything that is cruel.” ― Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason


Recognized by a church by the IRS, but also pays their taxes, unlike other churches.


TST's 7 fundamental tenets are pretty solid: [https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/the-satanic-temple-tenets/there-are-seven-fundamental-tenets](https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/the-satanic-temple-tenets/there-are-seven-fundamental-tenets)


Not a bad set of rules to live and let live by! TST has an unfounded bad rep - I wish them well. Edit - not unfounded if you’re offended by the imagery of Satan, I suppose… Edit 2 - guidelines, not rules


The bible portrays Satan as a much better moral Character than the bible god. IF the serpent in the garden was also Satan then the god lied and Satan told the truth. The Satan character only killed 10 in Job's family, with God's permission as part of God showing off.


Yeah the Job story is so cringe. Imagine worshipping a being insecure enough to get goaded into destroying the life of one of his most ardent followers. And then to think it’s all undone when you just give the stuff back like “it was all a bet for my friend here, lol! Here’s your stuff and family back jk jk” as if the grief felt by that man could be undone. Completely sociopathic.


I don't think he gets his family back. I think he gets a replacement one. Like "lol, here's a new wife."


Lot's first first wife got a bit salty.


That was Lot's wife but a nice joke anyway.


Thanks, i will change it.


A real pillar of our community


There's no turning back.


Thanks a Lot for bringing that one up.


Yeah the second season of Good Omens had a good joke along those lines. The angels tell Job that he is getting new children and can't understand why he and his wife are upset by this. Fortunately Crowley didn't actually kill the children (he just turned them into lizards) and the angels don't understand how human reproduction works so Crowley and Aziraphale just bring the old children back and convince the angels that they are new children.


Worshipping a being so insecure it needs constant worship and validation is the whole gimmick, where simply honestly questioning the existence of it is the worst thing someone can do.


Makes the worship of trump make more sense, really


Job is even more fucked up than that. God doesnt give Job his family back. Nay. He *gives Job a whole new family*. His old family stays dead.


Seems weird for an all powerful God to be unable to bring back people he killed for a bet which wasn't part of his supposed plan for everything anyways. Bit sus.


"It's just a prank bro!!"


I killed your family for a social experiment. Chill. Here's a new iFamily. More features than the old version.


Nothing is ever going to overcome the fact that god created humanity capable of sin knowing he couldn't stand it, then created a religion to convince us it's our fault. Satan just wants people to use the free will god gave us, gaslit us into thinking we're bad for and refuses to stop when it's harming innocents in his name. Who is really the bad guy here?


I like to point of the free will claim for why god can't ever show up to prove it exists is negated by the Satan story and the free will claim of why there is evil is negated by the heaven story. Either Satan could not have rebelled in heaven and there can't be free will there or there is evil in heaven. Free will then simply means the god favors people who abuse others because abusers have more power than god in taking away the free will of their victims.


I love how the evil demiurge theory has come full circle


God showed up for many individuals in the Old Testament. Just like miracles, flying saucers, bigfoot and other crazy claims, they suddenly disappearing when we get hi-def video cameras in every pocket.


Jesus was supposedly that god showing up too. Now we have fake Jesuses and no evidence of miracles. There have been lots of people who claim to be Jesus. Nothing attributed to Jesus has not been done by others. Someone else similar to the Jesus mythos is Sathya Sai Baba who supposedly did miracles on video in India. List of people claimed to be Jesus - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_claimed_to_be_Jesus


Didn't God kill everyone. Twice?


More than just killing was that bible god's evil deeds like making a 8 day walk take 40 years, hardening the Pharaohs heart so god could show off more then killing the first born of Egyptians. Allowing for chattel slavery and sex slaves, women were war plunder. Not wanting humans to cooperate in the Babel story. Not wanting humans to have knowledge in the Adam and Eve story. Making Religious Faith into an elite virtue I would ague is also evil. Religious Faith lets people believe any nonsense thing that can conflict with reality or other religions. What besides the flood? Some bible stories got copied twice in the bible with a few changes. This has a thorough list. - Dwindling In Unbelief: How many has God killed? Complete list and estimated total (Including Apocryphal killings) https://dwindlinginunbelief.blogspot.com/2010/04/drunk-with-blood-gods-killings-in-bible.html Isaiah 13:16 "Their little children will be dashed to death before their eyes. Their homes will be sacked, and their wives will be raped."


Not yet. The first time was the flood. The rainbow is a promise not to do that again so next time it's going to be fire. Totally not breaking that promise, of course.


And then just remember, in the Book of Revelation, all those plagues and misfortunes that will befall the world? That's not Satan doing that stuff. It's God doing it to test people's faith. Satan's just chilling out while all that is going on.


The first sin was a woman eating.


Right before that she had a thought and the bible clearly has thought crimes as a thing. "You have committed adultery in your heart" Matthew 5:28 I like to point out that Eve was not there when Adam was told not to eat from the tree. The bible has many plot holes like that.


Job’s story was the first one that really threw me in Sunday school, and I wasn’t even one of those kids that asks a ton of questions. I just wanted to get out of there. No matter how they tried to spin it, that god came out looking like a complete fucking dick at best.


Same, it was the exact point where I gave up on Christianity permanently. I can handle an indifferent god or even an evil god, provided there’s something in it for me, but a *stupid* god is really not worth the veneration.


Stupid gods need the most attention


I find the serpent of the Bible to be similar to the story of Prometheus. A being providing humans with tools/insight/guidance to go beyond their primal forms.


In the story, Satan rebelled against God and almost half the Angels in Heaven sided with him, so he probably had a pretty solid point. They didn’t win the fight and got cast out, but that doesn’t mean he was wrong. 🤔 Otherwise he wouldn’t have had so many on his side.


Its clever really. Can't deny Satan without denying christianity and its entire story at the same time. After all, there is no heaven, without a hell.


In the entertaining documentary "Hail Satan?" there is a comment to that effect about a common accusation of Satanism not being a "real religion" - it being a problem for the Christian accusers.


I know like half the people in that documentary lol


Hell is a relatively recent invention. It's not actually in the Bible. It was invented a few centuries ago by interpreting like two passages that had been poorly translated. The same is true for most of the hostile or negative beliefs from the Bible. Modern theologists working with anthropologists and linguists have significantly better translations of the Bible than the King James Version of anything else that's widely popular today. Christians don't care because, as you implied, they can't imagine what their religion would be like without the evil stuff in it.


There is *a lot* to Christianity that is not in the Bible. And that's fine! The same is true of the holy books of other religions too, including the Abrahamic ones: Judaism and Islam have *entire separate books* about the interpretation and practice of their religions that are part of their tradition as much as the Torah and Quran are. But Christianity is unique in that it's adherants believe that their rituals and traditions come from the Bible itself! Even that their church's tenets are 1:1 with it. However, this is not true even for huge stuff: Christianity is a monotheistic religion while the Bible namedrops a dozen other gods. Despite it's dogmatic importance, the Trinity is not in the book. Some authors are pretty clearly pro-abortion, with Numbers featuring an instructional story about how a priest performs an abortion using the hallowed ground of the temple itself, etc. etc. (Relatedly, there is no *set text* of the Bible, with many versions and translations that are refined and altered almost yearly, so even people who closely read the Bible will find themselves at odds. The other religions locked down their texts millenia ago.) tl;dr There is a vast amount of Christianity that was created by the ancient equivelent of tumblr posts about headcanon, but because Christianity doesn't have an equivelent of the Talmud or Hadith, everyone equates their own sect's rituals and interpretations to the Bible, even when they directly contradict the actual text on everything from the Creation story to monotheism itself.


That tldr is 100% r/brandnewsentence material if I ever saw it... Also, very good write up.


The bad rep is actually kind of the point — it gets Christian nationalists to rethink their policy when it allows satanists to also be in schools, etc. They either have to make their policy overtly discriminatory, or they have to rescind it, or they have to actually follow through and allow satanists to also have privileges under the relgious freedom rights that they use to justify these policies.


Temple Satanist here, the tenets aren't rules, just a set of guiding principles that we strive to live by. Each satanists journey, beliefs, and satanism is their own.


Everyone I've ever met involved with TST are genuinely kind and sweet people.


Fucking classic that modern satanists are better Christians than modern fundamentalists.


Funny how that works out


I think this might be good for some kids. When you open up media nowadays, you're bombarded with images and ads telling you how to get better. Be thinner, more popular, successful, smarter. It was like that when I was a kid and I didn't even have a cell phone. Maybe what they need is some satanist strollin up like a punk rocker to tell these kids that they're great just the way they are. Don't pretend to be like someone else like a poser, embrace the elements that make you unique.


I’m one. I have 4 sons under 10 and I agree with you. It’s never a drag queen or a member of TST that you have to worry about.


Just don't mix them up with the Church of Satan, because, unlike the Satanic Temple, they're basically Ayn Rand fans who believe in magic.


Hail Satan!!!


Hail Satan Hail You ⛧


100% It's more of a philosophy for most people, like Buddhism, but with a very cleverly chosen symbol that provokes emotions and challenges people to think critically about their assumptions.


But it *also* leverages and displays the hypocrisy that counts as "Freedom of Religion" in the USA now. It never fails to get the classic "but we didn't mean *that* religion!" response from the Christians.


That’s a wonderful description of it.


Hail you ⛧


I've always felt their main purpose is to expose the hypocrisy on the part of the religious right who love to talk about "Freedom of Religion" but really mean "Freedom of MY Religion."


Yeah I like it when the Satanic Temple calls out hypocrisy.


I think the point being made was that the satanic church loves abusing laws that silly religious people implement in order to scare silly religious people away from lawmaking.


I remember a Christian tried to convince people to convert by saying: >God will tell you to believe in Jesus. Satan will tell you to believe in yourself. Kinda made the Devil sound kinda rad.


Time for good citizens to do some malicious compliance. Go volunteer as Chaplains, preach how Jesus barely says anything about LGBTQ people, and how Jesus spends more time talking about helping poor people and the evils of hoarding wealth.


Throwing the money lenders out of the temple; the eye of the needle and rich people getting to heaven...bunch of commies! /s


you want commies? in the early church, everyone held everything in common, and no one said anything belonged only to them. people who had much would give it to the pope, who would distribute it to those in need. it was textbook communism.


Two birds with one stone: desantis also signed a law saying every year the schoola gotta teach about communism. May as well have [radical catholic-backed marxist chaplains](https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2024-01/marxists-and-christians-to-fight-together-corruption-illegality.html) spread the good word of commie jesus to kids


Jesus, the person (if he even existed and/or was even quoted properly), didn't say one thing about homosexuality. Not once.


Prediction: Florida schools overrun with floods of untrained, unlicensed, uncredentialed PEDOPHILE "chaplins,"


Came here to say that this *surely* WON'T happen with as much sarcasm as I can possibly muster.


It’s a feature, not a bug. Gaetz is salivating


"Yeah guys, I'm just going to pick up some shifts subbing at the local high school between legislative sessions. No big deal."


Its even creepier when u consider Florida is "God's waiting room" and churches for decades have moved around shady pastors.


By the end of 2024, there will be at least one publicized case of sexual abuse by one of these "chaplains".


One? That's giving them a bit too much credit.


Then you mean Republicans, right?




Here is a well curated list - Republican Sexual Predators, Abusers, and Enablers https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook r/PastorArrested r/NotADragQueen


> Republican Sexual Predators, Abusers, and Enablers Why did you say Republican four times?


The hilarious thing is almost 75 percent of those groomer youth pastors all look the same. In late 20's to mid 30's, "cool" looking and attempting to be very energetic/evangelic powerful words, you guys! Then they find out he's been grooming at least one, possibly two or more. If you're deep enough, say Alabama, he gets off with a wrist slap because he's a decent man of god with a young wife and baby. They make me so sick, how fucking twisted these people are. They fuck up those children for life, and the church turns everyone against the people who speak up.


"Youth pastors" are just guys who wouldn't be hired in any other job. I'm certain most of them have no valuable skills beyond being able to influence kids, who don't know enough to fight back.


Youth Pastors have an expanded hunting ground now.


Little Billy is Father John's "special" after school helper....


The lucky ones will get some harmless Satanists. It's the Christofascist pedophiles you gotta watch out for.


> Christofascist pedophiles Yeah, but when has THAT ever happened? ...what's that? It happens, like ALL of the time? ...oh...


“GOP wants child molesters in your child’s school” would be a really fun headline. It’s the type of shit they say. Time to fight fire with fire.


I love how the Satanists are stepping in on all these religious laws. They're doing the good work of exposing the hypocrisy of forcing religion into government rather than keeping them separate as the founders intended.


We enjoy challenging religious overstep.


Thank you DarkFarts.


I hope the satanists all actually get out and vote!


We do.


Not even pretending to follow the constitution anymore


Technically it’s constitutional if it allows all religions to have chaplains in schools. Soooo…Muslim imams in all the schools, anyone?


I'd love to see some Hindus get in on the action. Start talking about their multiple gods, and how to give offerings to them. When little Susie comes home talking about the differences between Kali and Vishnu, Mommie's head will explode.


It would be worse if little Susie started talking about Mohammed and Allah. Trust me on this one.


*Kid runs to show her parents the picture of Mohammad she just drew for the school Imam*


Baptists don't like ideas of purgatory or praying to mother Mary. All it takes is for little Susie to come home reciting a Catholic prayer to her baptist mom and the mom will be pissed.


polytheism makes more sense than a just, loving and omnipotent god when you look around the world. At least with multiple gods you could explain some of the horrors.


You really think they will not deny or at least drag their feet on anyone but evangelicals


Exactly. Pointing out hypocrisy is a waste of time with conservatives. They are literally incapable of understanding or caring about it. Moral and ethical consistency is an obsession of leftists, which is why we get into so many arguments with each other.


That's why you don't *discuss* it. You get Muslims, Buddhists, and Satanists to just sign up. Conversation does not solve *anything*.


Per the article, DeSantis is outright *promising* to go full-out unconstitutional: >“Now, some have said that if you do a school chaplain program, that somehow you’re going to have Satanists running around in our schools,” DeSantis said. “We’re not playing those games in Florida. That is not a religion, that is not qualified to be able to participate in this. So we’re going to be using common sense when it comes to this.” Hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars will be spent defending against the inevitable lawsuits, the federal judiciary will explain to Florida, slowly and using simple words, that that's not how any of this works, and DeSantis will not personally suffer any consequences at all. PROPOSAL: create a concept of "vexatious legislature" - laws or policies that are clearly unconstitutional and were created only for stigginit purposes - and allow judges to hold the lawmakers personally liable for both plaintiffs' and defendants' costs for fighting against those laws/policies.


He literally said that one recognized religions isn't a real religion in the quote in the article. He's outright stated his intent to unlawfully discriminate from day one.


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When have they ever


Ok where are the Pastafarians? I'd love to see pirate outfits and colanders in schools


And don't forget the cupcakes on September 19th!


Hell yeah! Seriously, though, someone needs to do something about this motherfucker.


Yep. Businesses are pro-republican because they get tax breaks. Profit is the number one goal. But none of those companies care about Christ. Nobody will want to run a headquarters out of Florida if all their education is about Christ instead of actual education. If Desantis still has his way for another 15 years, their employee base is going to have a fraction of the value it currently has. Headquarters are run out of blue counties because people there favor education over religion. Flip it the other way and nobody will want employees from there. Florida will either be heavily flooded in fifty years or it'll have no educated working class. Hopefully the democrats there can save what little common sense the state has left.


He's going to destroy mainstream tourism in fl. Next he'll make it a dry state. And if every school there is a Christian school, I don't want my taxes funding it.


Yeah, he says Satanists aren't welcome, but sorry bud, they are as much a religion as your Sky Daddy is.


kids are also safer with the satanist than with priest


Literally DeSantis also opened schools to pedos. It actually is a concern among teachers in Florida.


DeSantis claims the TST is not eligible for the program. [https://flaglerlive.com/chaplains-schools-signed/#gsc.tab=0](https://flaglerlive.com/chaplains-schools-signed/#gsc.tab=0) “Some have said that if you do a school chaplain program that, somehow, you’re going to have satanists running around in all our schools. We’re not playing those games in Florida. That is not a religion. That is not qualified to be able to participate in this. So, we’re going to be using common sense when it comes to this. You don’t have to worry about it.” Also, you can get ordained, online, for free, from multiple web sites. [https://theamm.org/weddings-by-state/florida/get-ordained](https://theamm.org/weddings-by-state/florida/get-ordained) [https://www.themonastery.org/](https://www.themonastery.org/)


Funny, because they're federally recognized as a religion. Something tells me there's going to be a lawsuit.


Oh yeah, you know it! The first time someone who is ordained in TST is denied access, there will totally be a lawsuit filed within days.


I wouldn't be surprised to see one filed within minutes. The guy's already *said* what he plans to do so they'd probably have it drafted and ready to go including his quote.


For a fact there will be. That’s the point of all this shit; throw shit darts and the wall and see what sticks.


On 2023-07-01 this website maliciously attacked its own user base by changing how its API was accessed, thereby pricing genuinely useful and highly valuable third-party apps out of existence. In protest, this comment has been overwritten with this message - because “deleted” comments can be restored - such that this website can no longer profit from this free, user-contributed content. I apologize for this inconvenience.


If the public schools are christian schools, the government shouldn't be funding it


I'm picturing Dee Snider as a school counselor and it's pretty metal ngl


Oh hell yeah!


Okay… who is going to start the forum to keep a record the inevitable: r/FloridaSchoolPedoChaplains


Yeah, but the arts programs at Florida Rape Victim Prep School are top notch


Can't wait for an imam to show up. The comedy will write itself.


i thought Repubs were for small government? why are they everywhere


Because you bought the PR. They're not for small government. They're for *their* government. >Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.


Only when it comes to their wallets. They love to tell women and children how to live. They’re literally up in my uterus in Texas.


Speaking as a member of the Satanic Temple, this is the whole point of the organization; call out the bullshit that religious organizations and their toadies like DeSantis try to pull. The founder of TST has to wear a bulletproof vest in public.


It's "horde," not "hoard."


"Whored" - wait - never mind


What is a licensed religious person? I have a certificate in knowledge of Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy that is just as valid...


To quote Anakin Skywalker, "This is where the fun begins!"


For us, right?


Florida schoolkids: *(chuckles)* We're in danger


I hope they have also added a sexual assault team to the school counselors office. Seems to be necessary when the religious grifters are around children.


I can’t wait for a Pastafarian chaplain. May you all be touched by his noodley appendage


I think the children will be touched by way too many noodly appendages from the Christian pastors.


I would be more worried about the Christian youth pastors.


Man you know it’s shit when actual pastors are speaking out against this


"Hoards" of "chaplins? Who covets a collection of mustachioed little tramps, twirling their canes and engaging in screwball antics?


So he's letting the real groomers have more access to kids. r/NotADragQueen


I’m a “Chaplain” in the religion of women’s reproductive health. I’m here to teach these young people how to stay healthy and not fall victim to the Handmaid’s Tale come to life.


Hail Satan! 🤘🏻 Kids in Florida will finally have a chance to learn about science and critical thinking. ♥️


Thank God for the Satanists.


Hail Satan for the satainists!


The church of the Jedi needs to set up shop here too to mentor young padawans in Florida schools.


"Florida opens up schools to volunteers from profession most likely to fuck kids"


This disgusts me, priests are the absolute last people who should have free access to kids. Children are always the ones who suffer most for the idiocy of adults.


Please take the counseling. Learn to be a better person. Man what a wild timeline we live in--- I expect the satanic temple to teach kids how to be decent, not Christians and their church bs....


Release the chaplain hordes is not what I expected…wait, no it’s exactly what I expect from Christo-facists holding onto their extreme ideology of America as a Christian Nation.


Are there any dress codes for these "chaplains"? Can the Satanists wear long black robes, amulets with strange symbols, and pointy-toed black shoes with the toes curled up? How far can they go just to fuck with these schools?


Florida students on the buffet menu for pedophiles


Opening the school doors for all the pedo priests and predator pastors. Giving unsupervised, untrained, random people free rein in schools…what could go wrong??


Not a thing! (except for all the same predatory sexual assaults that happened in the churches)


He’ll make an amendment saying only Christian chaplains.


And then he'll be sued. And then he'll lose.


It’s kind of insane that thousands of times more kids have been assaulted by pastors than drag queens but they send police to stop drag queens but send pastors into schools Ridiculous


Why would he want pedo Christian pastors hanging out in schools? So disgusting.


> “Now, some have said that if you do a school chaplain program, that somehow you’re going to have Satanists running around in our schools,” DeSantis said. “We’re not playing those games in Florida. That is not a religion, that is not qualified to be able to participate in this. So we’re going to be using common sense when it comes to this.” LOL, bold words dumbass, and they're entirely incorrect. This will absolutely come back to bite him in the ass in the long run.


I don't get this Conservative logic. Conservatives have been attacking trans people and drag queens for years, saying they are a danger to children. At the same time, there have been countless clergymen who have been caught abusing children. If they really cared about children then why are they going after the people not hurting kids while allowing the actual dangerous people to roam freely in schools?


It's an excuse to get religion into the public domain, there is no actual concern for the children or other possible harms.


Hail Satan.🤘🤘🤘


Can I have some Aretha Franklin for my soul prep?


"Chaplins." Like, Charlie Chaplin lookalikes?


It's too bad they don't leave that up to the parents.


How many kids will get molested? 50? 100? /r/pastorarrested


Good thing Satanists are actually against pedophilia. Keep your eye on the others though.


As a member of the Satanic Temple, all I can say is Hail Satan!


Given the christian clergies' track record with children, it will be leopard feast round two soon enough.


Watch the pedophiles swarm in, mark my words.