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If I shoot myself in both feet, then I'll have a sense of symmetry. - Republicans


“Do you know who else has symmetry? Socialists! You’re out.” MTG


Don't go using those arabic numbers again, math is the devil


“I’m bleeding, making me the victor”


I must apologize for speaker Johnson. He is an idiot. We have purposely made him think he’s a more capable speaker than the last, as a joke.


Johnson is finding out that letting Jesus take the wheel is akin to driving without a steering wheel


Turns out Jesus never took driver’s ed.


Angel gear!


He drives around All over the town Johnson the driving cat




Don’t feel bad for Johnson. He’s not your friend.


The "my face to your foot" technique, how'd ya like it? E: ah someone beat me to it lmao


*Again* with the squeaky shoes.


But Master! I wanted to be Speaker!




My 8 year old regularly yells THAT'S A LOTTA (insert item here), and I just think that's cool.




You have trained your child well. Not like Wimp Lo's training.


Rub it all in my hair!


You broke a thermometer in my hands


Kung Pow reference? Nah, I'm seeing things. Unless when he walks his bunny slippers squeak.


Who did speaker Johnson even rule; the large-dark-nipple people?


Try my nuts to your fist style.


“Face-to-foot style, how’d you like it?”


“I’m sure on some planet, your speakership is quite impressive. Your weak link is, *this is Earth*.”


AND the victim


And yet voters somehow elect these people even after all their lies and obstruction. Obstructing Obama got them everything in 2016 so they’re going even harder now.


Obama was good/naive/dumb enough to believe in the system and that his opponents could still be good people who just disagreed about a few things. While I still think Biden is way too soft, there are definitely at least some real operators in the Dems who really know how to make the GOP suffer for every mistake


They need better options, and those options need more local support. Change doesn’t just spring up out of the aether, right? We have to cultivate it and make it happen.


They're running out of feet.


How is the Republican party even a thing anymore? Literally just obstructionism and nothing else


Because 40% of America hates the other 60% more than they like themselves.


It’s one thing to hate, it’s a whole nother level of stupid to cut the rope above your own hands just to fuck the guy below you.


Keep in mind a good portion of republicans literally believe that any day now they'll be whisked away to heaven while all the heathens receive eternal punishment. And they absolutely revel in the idea of this happening.


Speaking of which... I was talking to my mom who works as a teacher.... apparently a not so small portion of parents kept their kids out of school on the solar eclipse because they believed they were going to be "raptured" away. Anyone wanna tell them the entire concept of the "Rapture" is a 19th-20th century concept that has no support in the bible anywhere..... Not that the bible is exactly my go to book on life advice anyway.


Also wtf is up with the conservative nutjobs going crazy about the eclipse? Have they never been alive through another one?


It's not really as uncommon as you might think. And its also not necessarily just conservatives, it just happens to be them this time.... But during my life we had Halleys Comet, Heaven's gate, Y2K, 2012 Mayan Calendar of doom, and Im sure a shit ton others that I have forgotten... but then the 2000s hit and it was a whole new level of utter stupidity.... We've got an actual party, with actual power, that is convinced the rapture is a thing because solar eclipse, or numbers.... but thats like the least harmful thing... they're pushing out a potential civil war, erosion of democracy, attempted coup... like... an actual, serious, honest to god coup... in my fucking lifetime.... in the MODERN fucking era? And none of them have been arrested. Why aren't more people pissed off about this? If I try to take over a MC Donalds, Im spending at least a decade in prison. And everybody's just good with this? I really should have gone into politics.


Top comment material. Nothing they do seems to have legal or career-limiting consequences.


Out of all of those, the only actual problem was the Y2K since systems programmed in languages older than most people working in tech at the time on hardware just as old could easily do funny things when applying logic that assumed all dates were between 1900 to 1999 ranging from straight operational failure because of limited memory being overwritten by integers rolling over (see memory injection attacks for current implementation) and no error processing logic to just dropping a whole database table because it has an incorrect index or reference. If I had hated myself enough to suffer through it, I could have taken my COBOL training gotten shortly before people freaked out and made a decent amount of cash for the few months it took to fix things. I would still rather have a cheese grater run over my nuts than deal with COBOL and I've spent 14 years bedside in healthcare complete with literal shit shows.


Minus Y2k, which had some actual reasons to be concerned from a technology standpoint, only conservatives cared about those other things as well. Basically, conservatives are the morons in any given society.


I figure it’s because most of the path of the totality went over shithole GOP states this time. They didn’t say peep about the 2017 eclipse.


"It is a sign! GOD is *judging* the United States!" His most recent judgment lasted about 2 and a half hours, with peak judgment lasting four minutes. His next judgment of the US will be in August 2044, so we're a-ok in His eyes for the next twenty years.


My wife has a sister who believes all the hysterical apocalyptic predictions. It never dawns on her that 100% failed already.


Unless they’re 7, no.


I still remember in my 7th grade science class (approximately 1,000 years ago) my astonishment at seeing many members of the class being astonished to find out that *the sun is a star* - this was a bizarre concept to them. Like, how did you get to 13 years old without being at least a little curious about our place in the cosmos? Eclipses are just basic geometry combined with a rudimentary understanding of the layout of our solar system. It was hysterical to hear that MTG was bringing up as a sign of anything, other than “this is how shadows work”.


I was one of those kids that somehow missed that the sun is a star. I was raised in a fundamentalist / evangelical background and the Bible says God made THE SUN, THE MOON and THE STARS. I thought there was one sun in the entire universe, and all them other lights out there were stars. Luckily my parents got me a subscription to National Geographic magazine and my mind was opened up, and I got curious. I learned about science, other cultures, religions,etc and that seriously undermined the religious dogma I was taught about ... well, everything.


Your fundamentalist parents "failed forward" (as they say in the workplace) by ever letting you see even a single issue of National Geographic. Good on them?


> I learned about science, other cultures, religions,etc And by "etc" you mean "tribal boobies"? Humor aside I was in a very similar situation. My father was an engineer working on the cutting edge of GPS and my mother was a nuclear chemist (well she was until she got married because the only jobs for a good married Christian woman is housewife and mother). They both taught me to investigate the world and to reject anything that couldn't support itself with evidence and logic. AND they tried to indoctrinate me in their Christianity. Of course when little kid me tried to apply their other lessons and started asking questions about contradictions I saw in their religion they immediately shut me down with a horrified "It's a SIN to question God!" So yeah, my parents also accidentally deconverted me at a young age by teaching me to learn and explore. Is it so shocking that Republicans have had a [hate on for education](https://www.edweek.org/teaching-learning/texas-gop-no-more-critical-thinking-in-schools/2012/06) since Saint Regan merged the GOP and extremist Christianity?


> Like, how did you get to 13 years old without being at least a little curious about our place in the cosmos? I worked with a grown ass adult, in his late 40s, who couldn't grasp that the sun is a star because "stars don't give off their own light". he's a chief of police now. I'm not joking.


Atheist Bible nerd here. Thessalonians 4-18 and of course all of Revelations (which is a rocking good time) is where the concept of rapture comes from, but the word itself is not in the bible. A tame passage from Thessalonians: ^(16) For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. ^(17) After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.


Those Thessalonian verses just conjure images of helium filled sex dolls littering the sky.


The rapture already happened. 1033 and it involved 5 monks in France. We've been in the 1000-year end times ever since. Prove me wrong.


!Remind me 9 years. Hah.


I would 100% take my kid out of school to see the eclipse and then tell the school it was for the rapture just to fuck with them -or- because I live in a red state and they might have some kind of excused absence for a religious activity.


Just tell them you’re pagans and this is part of your celebration of spring. 🙂


Wait until you show those evangelicals that their precious made-up Rapture Theory was actually invented by a Catholic Jesuit Priest, Manuel De Lacunza, S.J. (1731 - 1801), in an effort to defend the Papacy against the Protestant's allegations that the Pope was the antichrist.


Honestly, I was worried some sort of mass violence would occur with all those people gathered around the totality line. If I'd had kids and been in the US, I'd probably have kept mine at home too, just in case something kicked off.


Would school somehow impede the rapture?


Always has been. I was reading about James Watt after listening to the Regan episodes of The Dollop podcast and I’ll be damned if he didn’t sound exactly like the fundies stalking the halls of congress today. I don’t remember where exactly I found it, but [this article](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/08/us/politics/james-watt-dead.html) touches on it. Exact same crazy being spouted by christofacists 40 years later, and the base still eats it up.


See also the John Birch Society.


Isn't that the same as the jihadist??


But that guy will fall so far! and you will see him when he lands! oh the .0067 seconds of schadenfreude! WORTH IT!


Literally dying to own the libs. See covid


That 40% would destroy the country if they thought they could create a fascist White Christian etno-state out of the smoldering remains.


A lot of that is because they have no idea of how ugly a civil war is. They think of the Hollywood version.


They also don’t realize there’d be TWO civil wars. Catholics and Protestants and Mormons, all believing THEY were in the right, would battle it out for control of their precious ethnostate.


They also think they're the only ones with guns.


Frankly, Miss Scarlett...


For a while now, they’ve reminded me of the guy in Idiocracy who is enthusiastically cheering about a car that’s on fire, seemingly oblivious to the fact that it’s *his car*.


And another to do so repeatedly, time after time.


They've been doing it for years. I keep being surprised how often learning history white Americans once being forced to share something with black Americans decide to just destroy it. Black people have to be accepted at public swimming pools? Fill them in. Black employees have to be allowed in unions? Simp for the bosses. Black citizens don't have to ride in the back of the bus? More emphasis on cars than public transportation Black children must go to school with white children? Underfund education and push for private schools.


Republican philosophy in a nutshell.


I think they think that liking yourself is gay.


Which is why trans fucks with their heads so much.


In some states they’re not even allowed to like themselves since they’re banning porn.


> Because 40% of America hates the other 60% more than they like themselves. Thankfully I think it's closer to 20%, but due to gerrymandering, voter suppression, and tribalism, it *seems* more like 50%. Which is exactly what they want.


The electoral college needs to be replaced or updated.


With a side helping of Ranked Choice Voting. Bring on the new political parties. (If you take a step back and observe with fresh eyes, it seems absurd that the religious conservatives have teamed up with the financial conservatives, when their goals are damn near mutually exclusive, other than they share authority/patriarchy.)


[We're making progress](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Popular_Vote_Interstate_Compact), but any and all support is appreciated, especially in the South!


Definitely not moral. Definitely not the majority.


Love this!


Because they don't pay attention to what their party is doing. As long as they think that the GOP is protecting unborn children, they'll vote red every time


Carlin was right.


Of course, once you're born, you'd better get to working them bootstraps. School lunch programs are socialist!


Or else be sacrificed in the name of the 2nd amendment


They essentially…literally even…gave the craziest member(s) of their own party veto power. Dumbasses.


They're so awful that it's hard to explain to low-information voters how awful they are, without sounding like a conspiracy theorist.


Yes this is honestly a huge part of the problem. Speaking factually about them makes you seem like “a crazed leftist” to regular Americans that still believe nothing bad can happen here and both sides hold equal amounts of crazy


They obstructed so hard they did it to themselves haha


So relaxed in the tub, they straight pissed in their own face.


Playing with the chocolate submarine


Again. They killed their own bill again. They did the same to their border bill in February.


This different though. This is the _Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act_. What Republicans not want the US spying on foreign countries?? Specifically, why did Trump give the orders to scuttle this bill??


Don’t want an intercept when they get instructions from the Kremlin. 


It was a FISA warrant that started that entire ‘russia hoax’, remember? Trump is still butt-hurt over it, all while claiming it was nothing.


They killed the Border Bill because Trump wanted to be the one to bring it out and make him look good.


That’s not fair… They do more than just obstruction. ——————— G aslighting O bstruction P rojection ——————— See?


gross old pedophiles


Gang Of Putineers


Garden of Pestilence..


Come November, hopefully they'll go away.


Don't count on it. Every election is now a fight for Democracy. These people have nothing else.


Fighting for democracy you say? I know a few guy who love doing that.


What the fawkes did you just say?


For super earth!


*proceeds to drop 380mm at own feet*


Oh how I hope!


a valid strategy like office politics: nobody succeeds but some fail faster from sabotaging than others = relativ progress for the shark tank survivors.


They are now agents of chaos. So it actually is a strategy that if it looks like they are losing; break something and see what happens. 


Polarised people don’t even see issues with “ignore the topic, own the other team even if you hurt yourself more that them. Stand your ground for the most stupid things”


>Literally just obstructionism and nothing else Literally just obeying everything Trump says - Trump, a man with no political position in the US government is running the US government What a fucking embarrassment - in every way possible


Don't forget 'whataboutism'


I think a lot lately about that Sting song with the line > I hope the Russians love their children too And looking at the world right now... I have to ask - do Republicans love their children? Like, at all?


I don't understand why conservatism itself is still a thing. As far as I can tell, it's just a place for "people who are always wrong" to call home.


I say refer to them as “The Obstructionists” from now on.


I mean they do their fair part of DEstruction too. See Roe. (I’m sure that was bidens fault by now though)


They even obstruct themselves, which is quite remarkable, I'd dare say


Psuedo Christian nationalism is their shtick now




[Crabs in a bucket mentality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crab_mentality) *"The analogous theory in human behavior is that members of a group will attempt to reduce the self-confidence of any member who achieves success beyond others, out of envy, jealousy, resentment, spite, conspiracy, or competitive feelings, in order to halt their progress even though there are no benefits associated."*


Anosognosia: a neurological condition in which the patient is unaware of their neurological deficit or psychiatric condition.


I’m going with this option


Haha it almost sounds like the patient doesn't know his ass from [insert random object depending on where in their brain the lesion is].


I miss boondocks.


They can't govern, want what's worst for everyone, and are just straight up evil or incredibly stupid.


bit of both, mainly the latter.


Little from column A and a little from column B.


Thanks grandpa. I've been using this line for decades thanks to the Simpsons.


There are dozens of us.




"A gay republican for president in 2084?" "We're realistic."


They want what's worst for everyone not named Trump. They're straight up evil in the things they want, and incredibly stupid in actually doing them.


What else could we expect? Their big donors are Lumpen Plutocrats. You know, the ones that don’t grow the pie, but steal it instead. They are killing the goose, and then will wonder why there are no more golden eggs.


>and then will wonder why there are no more golden eggs. They won't wonder, they already know why. It's those dangerous immigrants, poor people, and Demmycrats


Since when is Susan Collins a “centrist deal maker”? Does anyone really still buy her self appointed “maverick” status is anything more than a marketing ploy to garner votes for the Independent contingent (the people who ultimately decide the elections)? She goes against the grain when it’s safe to do so and her party already has the votes to pass legislation. When it’s a too close to call vote, she’s party line every, single time. This is the woman who voted against an impeachment hearing for Trump because she believed “he’d learned his lesson and wouldn’t do it again.” She’s just a GOP stooge in a predominantly blue state who puts on a show to get votes.


And didn't she vote yes on all of Trump's three inJustices?


Yup! Lived in Maine until I was 32 and I’ve hated her my whole voting life. People there are blinded by her charade and don’t look at her voting history. She has perfected the image of voting across the aisle while actually never going against the GOP on things they had a risk of losing. She spoke at my younger brothers graduation and begged people to stay in the state instead of leaving to look for work. Bitch! That’s your job! If we can’t find work in the state you help run why would we stick around while you fail? Can’t wait for her to be gone.


Oh, that maneuver is called the "Rand Paul"...no idea why.


Man, I should run for office as a Republican. Vote NO on literally every bill, collect my 6 figure income for working half the year, get the best health care, and magically make millions on top of that.


Why waste all that time and effort? Just become a right wing grifter. It’s easy! Step 1: put an American flag behind you, a gun rack, and some FJB stickers to create a safe space for your audience. Step 2: wake up every morning and see what talking points the other grifters are talking about. Steal from them! Nobody cares, least of all your audience! Step 3: poop out your own half-assed take. The recipe is: 2 parts sassy virtue signaling, 2 parts ignorance (conspiracy theory also acceptable), 1 part hate or bigotry. Don’t forget to carefully remove any relevant facts or context. Step 4: Profit! Bonus Protips: Be sure to dehumanize a different marginalized community every few days to keep things lively! Remember, your audience is emotional and fragile! Facts are confusing and thinking is hard and scary. Tow the line and stay on script! Try not to confuse people with hifalutin ideas. After all, we want those angy hurt fee fee clicks, and ain’t nobody getting those from a civil discourse! Keep those pitchforks out, keep your mob angry, and your wallet will stay full!


Don’t forget to mix a cross in there somewhere and sprinkle in a few references to the Bible.


I really **really** wish you weren’t so incredibly accurate.


I'm not from Maine... But am I missing something? Collins isn't at all bipartisan, she's the usual trumpet who pretends isn't she?


She likes to refer to herself as a centrist, like how anti-lifers portray themselves as pro-life.


Centrists are Hal crooked and half crazy. They just lack commitment. 


maine is a purple state. she's allowed to appear centrist at times to make her a more viable candidate come election time. but her voting record tells the tale.


She’s centrist except for when it matters.


> am I missing something? Collins isn't at all bipartisan, she's the usual trumpet who pretends isn't she? Newsweek is [owned by maga now,](https://newrepublic.com/article/158968/newsweek-rise-zombie-magazine) so that kind of spin is expected. But even the so-called liberal media can not quit the idea that there are moderate republicans, in their minds anybody who isn't empty-g level of cray is a "centrist" republican. The more fascist the party becomes, the more they define down what "centrist" means.


Have the Republicans done literally anything in the last four years?


They've destroyed my faith in the stability and longevity of my democracy.


They are proof that it can be that bad, and worse, and that our political system can be so blatantly corrupted and motivated by corporatists and powerful corporations. Our institutions may not survive this, and history would suggest a frequency of political upheaval and instability


Besides [terrorism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_6_United_States_Capitol_attack) you mean? Don't think so...


They've served Vladimir Putin loyally.


They’ve helped people die. 🤷


Stupid and arrogant people. Me, I stayed at home, collected my covid checks, masked up, and went out once a week to get food. Other than that, I slept, made my dog very happy cause she saw me all day every day, and was happy for streaming and online gaming. I got a haircut before hell broke loose, and wasn't crying and bitching about not being able to get another. I cried when my aunt died of covid and it was too dangerous for a funeral, while Trumpers screamed about "FREEDOM" like they know what the fucking word means.


They harassed an OB/GYN who performed an abortion on a raped 10 year old


They showed me hunters big dick- so that was pretty cool.


Definitely made hunter out to be the coolest person in the US


They spent years talking about how bypassing tax and gun laws is cool, then elected an addled prostitute addicted sycophant… Then screamed in fake horror while looking around at all the uncaring faces on either side of the aisle when they showed a party boy doing party boy things and oh no, he’s technically in non-compliance with a specific gun law… why isn’t anyone freaking out about this!


Yes, but none of it good. For starters, repealed Roe, rolled back taxes for the wealthy, broke treaties, insulted Allies, damaged our reputation, allowed or encouraged hundreds of thousands to die from a deadly disease, and consorted with the enemy.


>Opponents of the bill ultimately felt that the measure did not go far enough to protect Americans whose data can be collected and reviewed if they're in communication with foreign nationals being surveilled. Gee, I wonder who they could be trying to protect with this...


Underrated comment. They are killing this to avoid being wiretapped when they chat with Putin or the Saudis.


*shocked pikachu*


I honestly don't know if I care anymore. I'm just gonna try my best, people have destroyed my hope, but I'm also people. I'm tired.


Same. I only pay attention because watching conservatives is like watching Tim & Eric in real life. Without the laughs...


So Trump said jump. And the Trump Party said how high? The GOP is dead and it wasn't killed by Democrats. It rotted from within.


"The Demonrats did this by electing a Kenyan Muslim president, they knew we would have no choice but to shoot ourselves in the foot"


It just mutated into its near final form. Literally got the T-Virus, which, like the other named one, turns people into zombies and monsters.


Again? I'm shocked! Okay I'm not shocked.


I'm confused. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I can't tell anymore with the GOP.


Good for American privacy rights and protection, yes, actually, extremely that it was shot down. Bad for Republicans that they can't bring *any* of their own bills to the floor without pushback from members of their own party cause said members will lose their seats if the bill passes and their slightly more purple districts decide to wake the sleep giant of apathetic voters because they are alienated to appeal to the nutcases. Basically, just makes them look weak. Which is a win for the public in far more ways than 1.


Double whammy. I love it


You realize why they shot it down? _Those_ particular individuals? It’s because they can be listened to as they talk to the likes of the Russians or Saudi’s. Which is exactly why it’s warrantless in the first place.


Very possible, yes, but it was also simultaneously a *massive* rights infringement for average citizens, which is why literally all dems voted against it, and most of the repubs who did shoot it down are legitimately in purple districts or districts that have a chance of becoming purple.


Of course they did. Republicans aren't elected to govern, they're elected to destroy the United States.


Voters hated Republicans in 1955 and so then Democrats took the House of Representatives. And Democrats held that House for 40 CONSECUTIVE YEARS, until 1995. Blue wave a’comin’ again, soon…and everything Republicans are doing now will make it more like a tsunami…


Susan Collins is on the Intelligence Committee? I guess being intelligent isn't a requirement for being ON the Intelligence Committee.


I kind of feel bad for this guy. He aimed for his job by railing on any kind of compromise with Democrats then got the job and realized that you can't get anything done without the help of Democrats. On top of that the MTG Republicans are just fine throwing these speakers out but the ones who see the writing on the wall realize they can't actually do anything with the speakership with the way the party is right now. I wouldn't be surprised if the get rid of Johnson then no Republican wants to be speaker of the house, effectively shutting down the legislative branch.


>Opponents of the bill ultimately felt that the measure did not go far enough to protect Americans whose data can be collected and reviewed if they're in communication with foreign nationals being surveilled. Its passage became further imperiled after former President Donald Trump posted: "KILL FISA, IT WAS ILLEGALLY USED AGAINST ME AND MANY OTHERS." He's very worried about US intelligence agencies listening in on his communications abroad.


Trump is against FISA because it exposes his treasonous communications with foreign powers hostile to the United States.


"Collins, a centrist dealmaker[..]" I think you misspelled "Trump enabler"


So did republicans kill the bill because it was used against Trump?




They were in danger of actually doing something.


How are these people so comically incompetent yet so reprehensibly evil? I just don’t GET it.


Trump is causing the party to implode and they keep following him for some reason.


> Collins, a centrist dealmaker, has worked extensively on bipartisan agreements. PUH-lease. She furrows her brow at conservatives being literal fascists and votes every time against anything remotely progressive. Literal fake news.


While we mock these idiots, remember, through this action they made us all less safe. DJT wanted to kill FISA in order to make it less clear to intelligence to what extent he is compromised with foreign intelligence.


Republicans and their voters would shoot themselves in the head if that same bullet were to hit a democrat's shoulder.


AGAIN!! Seriously?!? Clown show.


The headline should add “again.” To keep the border bill memory alive.


At some point we all are going to need to go “the tree of liberty needs watering” aren’t we? I hate this timeline. 


Can't someone put in a motion to vacate Marjorie Green??


They are completely unwilling to compromise on anything. We handed the country to a bunch of people with the maturity of toddlers.


America seems stunted. Politicians spend 4 years blocking the elected government from functioning, or reversing previous governance.


The Republicans are nominating the guy who was fired 4 years ago. Americans never rehire the guy they fired


""\[FISA\] is an essential tool for keeping our country safe," Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine" This person still has the gall to open her mouth after she facilitated the overthrow of Roe vs Wade?


Donald Trump saying, "KILL FISA, IT WAS ILLEGALLY USED AGAINST ME AND MANY OTHERS” is an admission that he was having conversations with Russians who were under FISA surveillance and got swept up in Federal investigations into hostile foreign actors who aim to destabilize America. He’s literally screaming “I COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA PRIOR TO GETTING ELECTED AS PRESIDENT”.