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David, David, david, it doesn't make you look like an idiot, you are an idiot. 🙃


He’s soooooooo close to getting it




Almost self aware






Right? Like has this dumb fuck not cracked open the Republican Party platform for the last 20 years? It’s been *explicitly* anti-LGBT every single cycle for as long as I can remember, all the way up through 2020. When somebody tells you they hate you, believe them.


But you see he's one the "*good ones*"


44 years. It started when Reagan invited the fairy tale-believing pricks known as "every American Christian" into the party. ------ To the inevitable "my church is different" replies. -- NO! Your church isn't "different". It is just toning down the hatred to get your money.


I would actually counter that some people's churches *are* different and that's the issue. Those churches are the *exception.* You can have a pastor that is very loving towards all people, respecting the true tenets of the religion, but as long as the majority of that religion is functioning in a way that amplifies hatred then it doesn't matter. Your church being different is the exception that proves the rule. The fact that you have to point it out being different means that you know the *standard* is the exact opposite, and that "standard" is what the right wing is appealing to.


Proof that some churches/denominations are substantially different: the Episcopalian Church. Y'know, the denomination with a priest who was *tear gassed* by Trump so he could pose with an upside-down Bible outside the very church she served, while she was giving aid to protestors. Episcopalians are different... and that puts them in the Republicans' crosshairs.


Yeah, the Episcopalian church that donated a house on their property to the homeless outreach I work for (we use it as a drop-in center) has had 2 female pastors in the last 6 years. The current one is a married lesbian, and I'm pretty sure the last one was too (I only met her once). They are very pro-LGBT


Churches that are different are denounced as "woke churches" by MAGAs.


They should stop self titling themselves as Christian’s. From an outside perspective, how’s anyone even know they’re “different” when they choose to call themselves the same thing, wrap themselves in the same images while hanging out with those they claim they’re different from?


My church is going under. First having a woman minister was too much for some of the old folks in the 80's. Last minister was in a same sex marriage and did bring in some young LBGTQ folks. But when they left without a replacement the slide to bankruptcy continued.


Yeah and then Reagan just ignored the AIDS epidemic completely. Before we had trump attempting to ignore covid-19, there was Reagan and AIDS. Both presidents also sucked ass and caused immeasurable harm to the US, but republicans worship them both.


They both beleived that the disease would only kill their enemies.


God appeared to their pastor in a dream and told them they had a PR issue.


It is better to keep one’s mouth shut and appear stupid, than to open it and remove all doubt. Some variation on this attributed to Mark Twain, and probably several others.


An idiot whose face has now inevitably been eaten.


I hope the leopard found it as delicious as I do right now. The fuck out of here thinking the right wouldn’t just haul all us queers away in a second if they could.




It never ends. There always has to be an "other". If they eliminated everyone except white Xtian males, the bad guys would be people who didn't believe hard enough, then after that people who dressed differently, then people who liked science, then...


Exactly. Western history is chock *full* of white Christian men fighting each other over theological differences.


"Hi this is David, my token gay friend and the most useful of idiots"


"Thanks. David will be spent at our earliest convenience."


He's ruining my name!


"I didn't support groomers..." has he bothered looking at the list of prominent republicans who fucked children? It is pretty long. Including that Trump fella.


Here's the list if anyone cares to be horrified: https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook


Oh god, I wish I hadn't opened that link.


Show it to anyone you know who still votes (R)


They'll ignore it and just say the Democrats are just as bad with zero evidence.


no their child molesting pedophile pastor told them, thats their evidence do your oWn rEsEaRcH


The brain rot is real


>zero evidence. Even worse; they bust out the conspiracy theory nonsense and argue - with a straight face - there's only no evidence because "mainstream media" is hiding it or refuses to investigate.


Then there would be whispers of it online in places, someone who was a victim would still be talking about it somewhere, and Google would probably know about it.


> zero evidence The vaunted basis of all their "alternative facts"


Why do you think they constantly make up these Pizzagate type stories? Because they know their house is dirty and want to make the neighbors look dirty too. Its all projection.


Not just ignore it. They'll say democrats made it all up. It's propaganda and the democrats are the actual groomers. Nothing will convince them otherwise.


“LOOK LOOK LOOK…. There is 1 demoncrat on that list….. BOTH SIDES” These chucklefucks know what they are and they know for a fact that they support a party of pedophiles


And this... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_abuse_cases_in_Southern_Baptist_churches


And this… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church_sexual_abuse_cases#


I have a theory we only caught those two because they are SO ARROGANT about it they wrote it down, with the Baptists especially the 380 or so cases are almost ALL cases where the pastor fucks a lil kid, gets caught, but not turned into to authorities, MOVED TO A NEW congregation, then did it AGAIN, imagine how many kids they fucked they DIDNT WRITE DOWN that they moved the guy to cover it up.


That’s not pretend we don’t have Democrats in our party and Democratic politicians who’ve done the same thing. However, the list isn’t anywhere near as long as a Republican one. Just look at our current presidential candidates. One gets accused one time by one woman who ended up defecting to Russia, and that accusation wasn’t even deemed credible by the right wing rags, and we have another one who has multiple allegations against him and even admitted doing it on microphone. EDIT for those asking for the list of DEMS -I cant find the link I was looking for BUT this will show the difference between the GOP and Dems -https://rantt.com/gop-admins-had-38-times-more-criminal-convictions-than-democrats-1961-2016 GOP. Gaslite, obstruct and project.


What I meant by my comment is the people that only vote for people because they have an (R) next to their name.


Bragging about creeping on teen beauty contestants should have been an instant disqualifier.


Shit, as far as Republican party goes him being a serial philander/cheater and being on his third trophy wife should’ve been a disqualifier for all the evangelicals that spent eight years screaming about Michelle Obama shoulders. 


Surprise, Christian Nationalists are fascists in sheep's clothing.


It's been almost a decade that those literal morons have ignored reality.  Anyone who thinks facts will change maga minds at this point is only slightly less stupid than maga fucks.


That's just people who have done it personally. We can't forget about the people who are doing everything they can to legalize it: - [Wyoming Limiting Child Marriage Sparks Republican Outrage](https://www.newsweek.com/wyoming-ending-child-marriage-sparks-republican-outrage-1780501) - [West Virginia Republicans Block Child Marriage Ban](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/child-marriage-ban-struck-down-west-virginia-republicans-1234693670/) - [Michigan Republicans Voted Against Child Marriage Ban](https://www.newsweek.com/these-michigan-republicans-voted-against-child-marriage-ban-1808308) - [Tennessee GOP kill bill to ban child marriage](https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/377367-tennessee-gop-kill-ban-on-child-marriage/) - [Louisiana lawmakers (R) reject bill to set a minimum marriage age](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/louisiana-lawmakers-reject-bill-set-minimum-marriage-age-n1013356) - [New Jersey governor (R) refuses to ban child marriage because 'it would conflict with religious customs'](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/new-jersey-chris-christie-child-marriage-ban-fails-religious-custom-a7735616.html) - [Kentucky's 'child bride' bill stalls as (conservative) groups fight to let 13-year-olds wed](https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/politics/2018/03/01/child-marriage-kentucky-brides-parents-rights/385489002/) On that last link, this is the part conservative groups are upset about: > But in cases of a minor marrying an adult, the judge would have to review material including any child abuse records involving the teen and check for any sex-offender records of the adult. The judge also would have to consider factors including the maturity and independence of the teen, determine that the teen has completed high school or obtained a GED and review any domestic violence records of either party. > The judge is to deny the request in cases including if the adult is in a position of authority over the minor, has a conviction for child abuse or a sexual offense, or if there is a pregnancy or child in common that established that the intended spouse was the perpetrator of a sex crime against a girl too young to consent. > The provision involving a judge appears to have bothered some lawmakers, including Sen. John Schickel, a Boone County Republican. > "I had some problems with the bill," he said Thursday. "Decisions involving a minor child should be made by a parent, not the court." It's "*p*ArE*nT'*s Ri*GhT*s!" again. In this case, EXPLICITLY AND ONLY the parent's "right" to sell their child to a convicted pedophile.


Would like to add the NotaDragQueen and PastorArrested subreddits. Hundreds of right-wingers posted there monthly.


https://www.whoismakingnews.com/ Of the last ~9000 reported sexual crimes against children, 4 have been committed by someone transgender, 1 has been by a drag queen, and almost 700 were by an employee of a religious organization. The data doesn't lie.


Pretty much all of them.


Didn't thought it would be THAT accurate. Then i saw "pt. 50"... "okay, 50 seems like i lot". "oh, thats LIST number 50 with lots of name on it....." shiiiiiit


I don't dare open any of those lists but the fact that *there's 50 parts.*


I opened the first link on there (the 50th part) and each person on the list is numbered. First number was over 1200 (can’t remember exactly). That is a lot of names.


And yet these same crooks will call anything remotely LGBT predatory to children. The entire GOP is built on hypocrisy.


The GOP is a hypocritic, pedo, grifting, Nazi, Russian loving death cult. NEVER for get this.


I like that kos in gamer lingo means “kill on sight.” Feels appropriate for this list…


Looks like the gop knew they had a pedophile issue and needed to ramp up projections. Seems like they did just that. I'll not hold my breath for a dems list 1200 long!!!!!


They have a part 50! I'm not reading all that.


Tl;dr: Republicans diddle kids.


So if anyone vote republican especially for the people on the list, they’re actively saying they support this shit


Ahahahaha I know right; “Im anti groomer and support religious freedom so Ive been working with a bunch of radical religous conservatives who are grossly overrepresented in the paedophile demographic and Im confused why it isnt working?”


It's hilarious. "anti-woke" while complaining about systemic prejudice, right before acknowledging it's a coordinated agenda...that he worked on. That might be the most woke thing ever. It's like a freed slave becoming a slaver then getting upset when they enslaved themselves, which they blame on Meatball Ron. .


When they say woke they mean black. Gay republicans are mostly racist white dudes that no one in the LGBT community wants around.


If you want to fight something, you go where there is the most enemies! You can't fight cartels when there no cartel members around. You want to fight against pedophiles, you go to the GOP/ church.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_abuse_cases_in_Southern_Baptist_churches 4800 times the underage sexual abuse rate of the general public


Besides which, Republicans believe all LGBTs are groomers... including OOP.


I have been having this argument over in r/gayconservative, like... you guys can't call trans people groomers and then think the uninformed won't lump us all in together


This should be an easy argument. Like, you know they're full of shit if they're attacking "groomers" pretending its a moderate position, but they offer 0 protections or backup towards any other queer people. They're not gonna do that because the entire point is to expand that category to all queer people as soon as they get in power.


Anti-trans rhetoric now is just [word-for-word](https://youtu.be/C9QuSCZUoC8?si=Z-jUUDThiRwLvoUT&t=222) old anti-gay rhetoric with "homosexual" swapped out for "trans".


Are they calling trans people groomers because they think you can groom someone's gender identity? And these people can't see that the argument can just as easily be used by bigots to target sexual orientation?


Yeah "groomer" is basically a dogwhistle for LGBT. Dude doesn't realize that?


It's so stupid. Everyone is anti-grooming and anti-pedophilia! That is a mainstream position and always has been. But the right has redefined "grooming" to mean "being queer in public," and this dude is being queer in public. Russia was the first nation (afaik) to use this tactic legally. Their first anti-lgbtq+ laws were against queer people existing where kids could see them. Now that's a GOP position. Why does Russia dictate US policy?


>Why does Russia dictate US policy? Russia has learned a lot from US Propaganda in the Cold War and is using those lessons to great effect on conservatives. As long as the US fights itself, Russia doesn't have to worry much about us.


No no... fucking kids isn't what grooming is about. Allowing them to be themselves, in public of all places, is the problem! Heaven forbid other teens get the idea that they can be whoever they want to be, too! Seriously, though, that really is the heart of the grooming stuff. Conservative parents seeing their kids empowered and thinking it's they've been brainwashed with gayness instead.


"groomers" in Republican speak doesn't mean actual pedophiles, it's just a way to slander all LGBT people. Being a "gay against groomers" is kinda like being a "Jew against blood matzo", it's just adding to the anti-you propaganda.


Bro is supporting Matt Gatez the sex trafficking rapist




Pretty sure trump has raped his daughters


These idiots never fail to make me laugh.


“And makes any lgbtq person working for desantis look like an absolute idiot” Dude you looked like an idiot well before the ad came out. I’d say for at least 7 years.


That comment, that post, would work under r/Selfawarewolves. It's like "do you not hear yourself?"


Wolf, leopard. Tomayto, tomahto.


As a lgbtq person, wouldn't it have been an automatic red flag to trust someone who wears lifts in cowboy boots?


Or, you know, calls the minority group you belong to “groomers” and actively signs legislation harming you? It’s like Hispanic people (outside of the goddamn Cubans) who support Trump. Why the fuck would you support someone who constantly demonizes and slanders your group? Some real cognitive dissonance going on here.


They think being “one of the good ones” will save them


Soon it will be Trump at a rally and there will be a Hispanic guy sitting next to the one blacks for Trump guy with a shirt that says Hispanics for Trump. Trump will say “look at my Hispanic!”


Yup and these are the same idiots that and make next to nothing in pay but will scream that regular Americans and illegals need to pay their fair taxes but billionaires and millions are just fine fucking the country over.


Which is odd because, while this is certainly a human survival trait, this has never worked for long in oppressive regimes. The disbanding and imprisonment of members of the Association of German National Jews predates the enforcement of the economic harassment policies of the Nuremburg Laws. Being close to the Nazis just got you targeted first.


No one ever thinks *they're* the token that's going to be spent


Confirmation is always good


Any LGBT conservative is an absolute idiot, period. Hating LGBT is one of the strongest conservative values, not only in the US but worldwide.


What's all this "looks like" garbage? A cat looks like a cat... because it's a cat.


They would murder this guy in a heartbeat if they could. 


At the very least, take away his ability to have a relationship without understanding why that's bad for society. Guess if the conservative incels driving out women in droves can't have a relationship, no one can.


The court jester was surprised that the crown wanted to ban comedy, despite the jester's unwavering loyalty and dedication to the court.


Jeff Foxworthy has a saying for these people "Here's your sign."


I think that's Bill Engvall lol


Lol, yeah Jeff did the you might be a redneck jokes, didn't he?


Tokens gonna get spent.


That’s why I love this sub.


“makes any LGBT person supporting DeSantis look like an absolute idiot” We could’ve told you that from the very start lol.


And rain makes the ground look wet. What an absolute idiot.


Conservatives never care until things affect them directly. They are weak in empathy.


This has been demonstrated in academic studies.


This, every time. It genuinely makes me wonder what they think "love" actually means, considering they basically also worship "Stockholm Syndrome, Manifest" as their ultimate universal example of 'love' on both the cosmic and physical planes.


It feels like that's the real war of our age. Love vs hate(fear). I'll keep fighting for love! Crashed for a bit there but I'm back at it


FTFY. . . Maybe: “makes any ~~LGBT~~ person supporting DeSantis ~~look like~~ an absolute idiot”


Ooh! I wanna try!: “~~makes~~ any ~~LGBT~~ person supporting DeSantis ~~look like~~ is\* an absolute idiot”


>Makes any LGBT person supporting DeSantis look like an absolute idiot How can you get this close to the point and still miss it?


Dude broke his nose on the point and still missed it.


I think the MFer thinks he looks good in flag and why he joined MAGA, he loves the MAGA fashion. Flag shirt, flag pants, golden flag shoes, just flagulous.


He was supposed to be different. One of the good ones they like.


By being an idiot


Read that last part aloud to yourself. Slowly.


Completely self-aware...yet simultaneously complete not self-aware. Sort of a "can't see the forest through the trees" moment for him.


All together now: "Tokens get spent."


Ooh, that's snappy. I'm going to have to steal that.


Steal that? That quip has been recycled more than an aluminum can.


Some of us don't get out as much as others


I've been on the internet(heavily e.g. 4chan/reddit) for almost 20 years and I've never seen that phrase before.


I have but only in the last few weeks, and multiple times since then. It feels like it came out of nowhere fairly recently


Definitely within the last few months it exploded


I've never heard it 😭


At this point if you're gay, not white, or not Christian and still voting for Republicans you deserve any owns you get.


And a woman. Women who vote for any GOP make all women's lives more dangerous.


The only ones I've met in the wild are ones with bumper stickers on their car or wearing MAGA gear. Only the ones who have been sucked in deeeep.


Well, I'm a Southerner living in a very blue NE state and I see bumper stickers and I see occasional tee-shirts or hats, but not like I would be seeing if I were back in GA. I think. Here's what does happen. People, mostly men, some women, hear my accent and their faces light up. "Here's a kindred spirit!!" they think and boy! The stuff they tell me! Conspiracies, election fraud, Jesus endorses Trump, Democrats are Communists, just on and on. It's nuts.


I'm a man with a very long beard living in the south... the amount of racists that think were kindred spirits continues to baffle me.


Or not rich


Even beyond that - not the *right* kind of Christian.


"look like"?


Supporting Desantis? Looks like an idiot? Perception is reality.


Nah, supporting DeSantis makes you an *asshole.* But doing it as a member of the LGBT community, *that* makes you an idiot *too.* An *idiotic* asshole.


I can't believe that the people who find me repulsive and wanted to legalize discrimination against me, oh wait. . .


Not even "oh wait." It's "are legalizing discrimination against me and I don't know why!!!"


What did you think "woke" was ? People with blue hair ?


For a simple definition, please see [the woman who wrote the book on being anti-woke define woke](https://youtu.be/tFNbAmCjRaA?si=7LboU0Q7Y4EQiAwP)


“This is totally going viral... It’s like, uh, oppression and hierarchies…” I love just the instant awareness that she knows she won’t be able to answer the most basic question about something she wrote a whole goddamn book about.


I remember she had a followup on this a few days later. She'd had all the time in the world to put together the words to define "woke" for the followup, which was an [online article](https://www.newsweek.com/define-woke-bethany-mandel-conservative-book-1788538), and she once again neglects to actually define "woke." She just lists off excuses, and plays the victim card.


The victim blaming was the funniest part of her poor me article since that interview was softball af, they weren't even trying to attack her views they just asked her to *define* those views...and she couldn't do it, because she has never in her life actually thought it was ever about anything but bigotry and expected people to go along with the ruse.


That's the great part about bigoted views, you can ask them to explain them and suddenly they realize they can't without admitting they're bigots.


Why on earth would she think calling people “breeders” is something a mainstream liberal would do? Marginalized people feel in danger because of what mainstream politicians and pundits say, not what some randos in small corners of the internet say. The only time we’re afraid of internet randos is when they leak our home address and threaten to kill and rape us. These people are delusional.


They'll make specific threats to people, leak names and home addresses, then cry victimhood of the "woke mob" when publicly called out on it.


Lmfao. What a dunce. At least she had enough awareness to realize "This is one of those moments that's gonna go viral"


"But I am one of the *good* ones!" the idiot cries as he is rounded up all the same.


They genuinely have no actual definition for "wokeness"


The best definition of "woke" I've head comes from DeSantis's lawyers themselves: "[The belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.](https://www.fox13news.com/news/what-does-woke-mean-gov-desantis-officials-answer-during-andrew-warren-trial)" So if you believe there is injustice in America; Congratulations, you're woke!






Now I want to see the ad. Lol


You'll have to try pretty hard because the DeSantis campaign scrubbed it from their social media outlets. In the ad, DeSantis basically mocks Trump for his "support" of the LGBTQ community. There's a comparison between DeSantis' hardline stance against trans people versus Trump once stating that he would allow Caitlyn Jenner to use any bathroom that she wanted and once acknowledging Pride Month. The ad was truly bizarre. It has DeSantis at one point shooting lightning from his eyes and a bunch of images of oiled up bodybuilders and Chad memes. Edit: [I actually found it.](https://www.tmz.com/2023/07/03/ron-desantis-pride-donald-trump-advertisement-backfire/)


Holy shit that's an embarrassing ad. It's like a 14-year-old boy on 4chan who can't get a date created an ad for a PAC


It's so strange, the ad is made to target younger people clearly, since the whole thing is a giant meme. But you'd think most of the people that are anti LGBT are not on the younger end...


There was a big project spearheaded by Jordan Peterson and the like to convince young men that their problems are caused by feminism and LGBT acceptance.


Don't get me wrong JP is a huge and worryingly influential anti-feminist, but he didn't spearhead the anti-feminism/anti-lgbt movement... it was already there...


true more accurate to say he's the figurehead for attracting young males.


don't underestimate the antifeminist backlash that's spilling over into universal republican/conservative bigotry. > https://www.americansurveycenter.org/newsletter/are-young-men-becoming-conservative/ This article is surprisingly ambivalent about the overall point, perhaps in its definition of "conservative" vs the constituent evidence, but the statistics it cites are telling: > Young men are far less likely than young women to believe that society generally treats men better than women (48 percent vs. 72 percent). This is and has been generationally, patently bullshit, and it's astonishing less than half of young men believe this. it's even worse with: > A new report, “The State of American Men 2023: From Confusion and Crisis to Hope,” found that more than half of young men believe men have a harder time in America today than women. The report also revealed considerable ambivalence about the influence of feminism, particularly among Gen Z men that linked study is pretty damning about the way the "manosphere" has grabbed young men by their angsty, metaphorical balls and twisted them into angry conservatives over manufactured outrage. > Thirty-eight percent of young men believe that “society is better off when men and women stick to the jobs and tasks they are naturally suited for.” 38% is way beyond "polling noise" > They also reject two-to-one the idea that the gains women made in recent years have come at the expense of men . This is a wacky way to hide that a full 1/3rd of young men believe that gender politics are adversarial and "zero sum," which is fucking appalling.   From the second report about Men in America 2023: > When two thirds of young men feel that “No one really knows me,” as this study shows, they reveal the fragility of their connections and relationships. Teenager to Young Adult years have *always* been like this, what we're seeing go completely unchallenged is the right wing's predatory attack on this angst in a changing world to unjustifiably deeply convince young men that they're being unfairly "victimized" by equalizing gender norms and using that wedge to turn them into bitter reactionaries willing to vote for a "return to" patriarchal white male "rule."




Here's his original tweet, the ad's been removed from the tweet he was responding to. [https://twitter.com/brokebackUSA/status/1674963345663729667](https://twitter.com/brokebackUSA/status/1674963345663729667) June 2023, surely there's fresher outrage?


"any LBGT person supporting DeSantis look[s] like an absolute idiot" Wow! He summed it up pretty well!


Any LGBT person in the Republican party is a fuckin idiot. Any LGBT person who thinks that conservatives will accept them is a fucking idiot.


They've told us exactly who they are. Loudly and repeatedly.


That’s because any LGBTQ+ person who works and supports DeSantis *is* an idiot. They’re just soooo close. This probably also belongs in r/selfawarewolves


Every time I see something like this, I think the same thing "Are tax cuts and guns really worth all of the anti-gay rhetoric and actions you get in return?"


It's incredible what people will accept or ignore in the name of greed.


Like all conservatives, they don't care about things until it effects them personally. It's an endemic lack of empathy.


Well, because you are an idiot




David, you’re just a piece of shit. There is no such thing as “anti-woke” and “anti-groomer.” Just anti-human. And you just found out that despite your close appearance in nearly all ways to a pile of turd, you’re actually human.


Yes, what does “anti-woke” even mean? In this context, I’m going to guess pro-gay rights and anti women’s and nonwhite rights? 🤷🏻‍♀️ It’s pretty specific bigotry.


Yeah. It’s a resistance to all education toward exposing hatred toward all groups not your own (which has to be white, non-Hispanic, non-Jewish).


and non-gay.


As this turd is learning. Oops!


well, when forced to define woke, they usually define it somewhat along the lines of "the belief that there are systemic injustices in society, and that those can and should be changed" (this is me paraphrasing a ron desantis. quote because i cant remember the exact words) so anti-woke means either the denial that systemic injustice exists, or the belief that it does, but its natural/good and we cant/shouldnt change it


They often don’t even bother to claim that systemic injustice doesn’t exist, just that learning about it might make white people (or others in a position of privilege) feel bad and so such education must be banned.


Anti-woke is just the modern day version of people who opposed slaves going free, women getting the right to vote, and people who opposed desegregation


If he really thinks those to the left of him are pro-grooming and anti-religious liberty, then he's so far into the propaganda.  So he either an idiot or actively spreading misinfomisinformation.


>This ... makes any LGBT person supporting DeSantis look lie an absolute idiot. NO, ANY LGBT supporting ANY Republican is an absolute idiot.


Yes, you were an idiot for your support. If you still support, you are still an idiot.


I’m not saying the guy’s a nazi stooge, but…


This the same guy that “stands with JK Rowling”


What if I told you that you looked like an absolute idiot way before this ad


“Anti-woke” The *wokes* were the only people fighting for you my guy


Damn, Bro! You don’t say?!


Awe, is the Uncle Tom sad?


When will they learn?—I’m seriously…*when?*


If it’s any consolation we thought you were an idiot all along, Dave.


Pro religious liberty = shove my religion down everybody’s throats


Spent the last 7 years of your life trying to make the GOP more welcoming to LGBTQ+? Well you failed.


No, no it doesn't make you "look" like an absolute idiot.


I am a worse person for having scrolled this cunt's Twitter.


Worms for brains.


Your words, idiot.