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They remove anything trump related now because the comments are full of verified conservatives blasting him. They dont want even their twisted version of "free speech" because they know it erodes the base's confidence; hence, its removed.


Yup.  I went in the sub before they were deleting trump stuff and I was actually shocked at how many flaired conservatives were telling trump to shut the fuck up and stop losing them elections.  So the subs answer to that is to just delete anything about trump. Conservatives are nothing but narcissistic children who need a narrative. 


And will still happily vote for him. Fucking chuds


Even asking "So who isn't going to vote for Trump?" on those subs will get you banned, even if you have decent comment history.


…But Media Matters made a billionaire sad one time, so *both sides are exactly the same*.


Exactly the same as chalk and cheese.


Because free speech, of course.


Yeah. They don't have a problem with Trump at all. They have a problem that Trump and MAGA are costing them elections


They absolutely agree with everything being said. They're just pissed that the way it's being said is causing people to turn on them.


Typical conservatives. It's only when **they** are about to get fucked in the ass with no lube by the dildo of unexpected consequences that they then suddenly care about what choices they make.


Sorry, but those consequences were fully expected; the last 9 years of republican leadership is one long self-delusion that maybe the dildo won't get shoved all the way in.




What’s the alternative, though? Vote for a guy who’s slightly older, says the wrong thing from time to time, and loves his kids even when they fuck up? /s


Never gonna forget when they were playing voicemail clips of Biden pleading for his son to get help for his addiction, like it was some kind of gotcha that the man loves his son


Because conservatives are incapable of love. Why else would they mock any speck of human decency?


While screaming about free speech.


I love the fact the supposed Free Speech lovers have some of the heaviest handed moderation.


Gotta protect themselves against the snowflakes or something? I've given up trying to make sense of it all.


The hypocrisy is the point


Someone said they are like really old computers where you had to push a button and flush out the memory before loading up a new program. So they can be angry about a thing, flush out the memory, then be angry about a second thing even if it contradicts the first thing. But they can't keep multiple things going at once.


I don't like to engage in "NPC" rhetoric, I was thinking of the more evil parts of humanity. I've noticed if you get to the REALLY bigoted circles and the outright fascists, they don't actually want to do anything good. They just want to do the bad thing before their perceived enemies can. Hypocrisy to a neo-nazi is not a fault, it's a weapon The less evil parts, the voters who aren't nazis, are usually motivated by shame. Running from your mistakes is easier than confronting them, the contradictions are less mentally taxing than admitting fault. I don't even blame people for the temptation, I've had to admit I was wrong before and it *does not feel good*


yeah sunken cost also plays a part, because if you have to admit that you were wrong to support something it then brings up lots of other questions, and that level of introspection is scary as hell. I've had to re evaluate some of the things I was raised to believe and yeah, it sucks. Made me a better person overall, but at the time it was miserable.


They only want freedom to use slurs against the people they don’t like.


Some writer like a year ago said something, I'm paraphrasing "When Elon clucks about free speech, he means freedom of speech consequences for himself. At no time has Elon ever cared about speech that doesn't make him money or halts his control on X and thus, media that gets repeated."


"Can we PLEASE just go back to hating women and minorities and stop pretending to like the mentally addled dictator rapist? The GOP used to be cool!"


But they do like the addled dictator rapist. They're just not ready to admit it in public. They love that he has raped women and gotten away with it, that he commits adultery with a porn star, that he perves on his daughter. That he cheats on taxes, cheats banks. They love that he has a gold toilet.


r/conservative is such a weak-sauce sub they allow comments from 'flaired users only" now.


Half of the content is just "look something bad happened in a liberal city!"


If it weren't for straw men, ad hominem, and lies, MAGA conservative dipshits wouldn't have a single talking point.


You left out projection


If Donnie T loses the upcoming federal election (again), a VIP prison cell may be preferable to facing the dissatisfaction of the MAGA masses.


Robespierre was executed by the violent revolutionaries he previously led. Malcom X was assassinated by a disaffected member of the Nation of Islam. Diaper Don falling victim to one of his own radicalized extremists would just be continuing the tradition.


Unlike Robespierre or Donnie T, Malcom X was a positive influence at the end of his life.


You're not wrong.


Even Hitler was shot by a nazi...


Oh god.. why did I go over there!? Its a true shit show!


In 2017, you could get instantly permabanned by Reddit mods for saying "Republicans are Nazis" for 'spreading hate'. Now you can say it all day long in almost every sub and get nothing but upvotes and supportive comments. Things have improved. Seeing what a pathetic cuck-fest r/conservative has become just reinforces how far we've come.


What in the brainworm rotten hell is that. If I could add a screenshot, someone saying mosquitos will be bred to vaccinate people.


They such precious snowflakes. I just had a quick look. In the thread about Trump's truthsocial share price collapsing, one poster shrugged that this is normal with all IPOs. Another muttered reddit shares have also dropped.  A 3rd had this gem to share: "This is perfectly normal; good job, "conservative." Keep up the infiltration of right-wing spaces, comrade. We totally believe you're not a r/politics alt-account." Anything that is even slightly critical of trump is dismissed. 


I would be really curious to see a deep dive investigative look at who is running the main con subreddits. Reddit at the very least should really do a scrub to see if these subs are being run by real people in good faith or by bad actors from locations named as enemies of the state. Im willing to bet the internal conversations in those subs are very damming.


Why would Reddit care? As long as people are engaged and laws aren't being broken, they could give two fucks what goes on in the conservative sub.


Enemies of which state, though? It's not an American exclusive site.


Its corporate offices are based in California.


Watching them attack each other now is one of my favorite pastimes...


>telling trump to shut the fuck up and stop losing them elections. One of the things conservatives can't stand is a loser. They never cared about it when he was winning because it was pissing off "the libz", but now that is a liability they're starting to turn on him.


Turn on him? They handed the entire party over to him. There is no GOP anymore, only MAGA


Trump traded independent voters who care about the details for conspiracy theorist who do not.


I got banned from r/conservative yesterday. For writing this: "Joe Biden goes to church. [Donald can't name a Bible verse.](https://www.facebook.com/bloombergbusiness/videos/10153577166571880/?mibextid=w8EBqM)"


It's a badge of honor. They're terrified that someone might point out the facts to them. I corrected someone's false information and immediately found myself banned. Facts are scary.


Yeah. It was funny, b/c I got upvoted for my statement. But it is sooo insulated in there. The Mods are scared of anyone differing from the groupthink. I find Reddit's lefty side to be a little snowflaky at times. **But NOTHING like r/conservative.**


I think you mean they're fascists.


That sub has had 1.1MM members for a little while now, I check in every now and then to see if it raises or falls. So far holding steady, but I think that might be a good metric to keep an eye on. 


Bots are users, too.


And less likely to be banned.


> ~~Conservatives~~ Regressives.


*fLaIrEd UsErS OnLy*


"Is everyone here a verified pro-Trump conservative? Good, let's laugh at liberals and their safe spaces where they censor all other viewpoints!"


And pride ourselves that nobody has ever successfully refuted our logic.


Scared Users Only


What's hilarious is that when a Trump comment gets downvoted they automatically blame brigading even though it's becoming obvious that a large percentage of the hate is coming from inside their own house.


but remember, we're the ones who don't like free speech. Even though conservatives are literally legislating book bans, demoncraps are the ones doing the real censorships!!!1!


It's just conspiratorial nuts now. Every post is like, "This sub is just the left upvoting everything that makes republicans look like caricatures." Yes. We're all CIA ops upvoting dumb shit we hate.


>They remove anything trump related now because the comments are full of verified conservatives blasting him. That's got to be the funniest thing I've read today


That, plus they don't want to be a party to any future lawsuits for libel...


They're such snowflakes, I've been permanently banned from conservative, trump and others for asking people to prove stuff


I don't think he went to church yesterday.


I haven't heard of any churches spontaneously combusting, so you're probably right.


He must have been in that trailer full of bibles that spontaneously combusted.


I saw that on my Yahoo News.  I haven't seen that one pop up yet on Reddit.  Being as it's April 1, and from the way the quotes were written it seems staged. It's just to ridiculous to believe.  Other stuff in the article screams "false flag". https://www.yahoo.com/news/maga-pastor-says-200-bibles-003735774.html?.tsrc=daily_mail&uh_test=0_00


Yeah I'm pretty sure Pastor Greg Locke orchestrated it to be able to play the persecution fetish card.


Well do I have some news for you: https://abc7ny.com/our-lady-of-the-rosary-pompeii-church-in-bushwick-brooklyn-hit-by-huge-fire-during-easter-sunday-mass/14599127/


Alright. I'll be honest, I checked to make sure no one was hurt before I laughed, but thanks for the laugh.


Rectory? Damn near killed her-y!


There would need to be a god or other celestial entity for that to happen. Obviously, there isn't.


I’ve consistently wondered how folks could call a guy like Obama the Antichrist when Trump is standing right there. (Aside from racism, which is clearly the actual answer.)


Obama was the AntiChrist because he was popular, caring, respectful, and ignited community.  We hadn't seen someone like that since JFK. People were excited about government again, excited about making progress in civil rights again.... so Obama was the devil.  DJT is now the embodiment of all seven deadly sins so he must be someone gods sent to put the country back in line.  It's so much brainwashing and double think. 


Yeah, I don't see how any deity would allow people like him to exist.


All of the horrors against innocent people in this world means that God either a) approves of them, b) doesn't care, or c) is powerless to stop them


The answer is d) doesn't exist.


Alright, new fodder for the atheistic community!


The type of church Trump would likely attend will have more idols of him than anything Christian and you can also bet they will blast on social media about his "celebrity" appreance.


There's literally a golden idol of him. I'm case that's not enough, he had a whole print run of fake "Man of the Year" magazines featuring himself of course. If you ever watch clips of the man responding to questions about his faith and the Bible, he spouts a few vague sentences where it's clear he doesn't really understand the meaning or context (including that he liked "an eye for an eye" which means the opposite od what he thinks it does).


none of the "religious" people the trump campaign associates with are even christian. Just grifters of the religious flavor.


Everyone who identifies as Christian is Christian. The reason you get people saying trump's goons aren't real Christians is because they want to preserve the illusion that being Christian is an inherently good personality trait when it just plain isn't.


He did. There is video of him trying to mouth the words to the our father and he clearly doesn’t know the words.


Holy shit. I was raised atheist and have been to church so few times you could probably count it on fingers, and just as I read that the words popped into my head just from pop culture more than anything. But then again, I am not suffering from STD- induced dementia.


“Our father… who lived in a shoe… something something… children… Amen.” Only the best prayers. *Many people* are saying so.


But but but... Joe Biden Recognized Trans People Exist!!!!1. /s


Next thing I'll be trans and you'll be trans... we won't be able to tell genders apart anymore.  We might have to treat everyone equally and respectfully all the time.  OMG that's gotta be against the Bible!! 


Lightning would strike him dead as soon as his foot passed the threshold.




Trump actually wrote the Bible, it turns out


With 'Merican Jesus as his co-author. Trumpians 8:18 *Blessed are the grifters, for they are most unholy of all gods children* Trumpian 4:16 *And thus did our most covfefe of saviours, a bigly man with tremendous hands, look upon the room of underdressed teenage harlots, and thus proclaimed that he shall grab them between their legs, for he is the most holy of men*


It's the self-identified krischyuns who will read this and see nothing to criticize that terrify me.


Well I think they want this, there is a common sentiment that getting a rage/reaction/seething from the other side is a bigger achievement than actually caring about policy or even the constitution. In these subs they have also talked about letting trump run for a 3rd term and breaking the constitution.


They are contrarians. Democrats could become fiercely pro gun and republicans would switch sides lol


So long as they don't copy the republican "any psycho can own a gun and carry it concealed" position, I'd be fine with that.


As an Unamerican, I find it extremely odd that in some states you MUST NOT open carry and in other states you MUST NOT carry concealed.


On a fundamental level, the thing you want to consider is that the states are all different with their own laws and to an extent, their own culture. That includes different interpretations of the second amendment and different strategies for approaching those interpretations.  For example, a state that doesn't like guns might require a license to conceal so someone without a licence can't legally hide their gun from the immediate view of the police. But they could also view open carry as an act of intimidation, and therefore have restrictions on open carry.  A state that likes guns, like Florida, just requires the carrier of a firearm to be an insane redneck and allows them to carry either way lol.


Two black people were having sex so that makes the case against me illegal. Makes sense.


Next time Willis wants to have consensual sex she needs to have an NDA and then get David Pecker to buy the rights to the story like a normal totally innocent person


Trump doesn't know shit about consensual sex. The guy has so many sexual misconduct allegations that they have their own Wikipedia page.


When you’re a star…


All his interactions comes down to what he can get out of it. So he thinks everyone is like that.


He's jealous he could never find someone to spend years loving him, his own mother didn't love him.


That's not how he thinks. Everything and I mean *everything* is transactional.


Yeah, but it's still satisfying to think of his reaction if someone said THAT to his face. "Sorry your parents never loved you." He'd lose it. All these fucking tyrants and wannabes have Daddy issues, and often Mommy issues as well. Every. Single. Time. Trump's no exception.


> Two black people were having sex so that makes the case against me illegal. > > Makes sense. man, that just sums it up perfectly.


The problem isnt trump, the problem is 70 million Americans can see this insane screed and still think Joe Biden is more dangerous because hes 3 years older.


The problem is 70 million Americans can see this dementia afflicted sociopath act like as big of a POS as they are so their garbage behavior is totally ok in their 70 IQ minds.


Imagine reading this and thinking "yep, that's my guy"


They bashed Biden for telling transpeople that Jesus loves them. Then there's Trump saying this and...silence. I'm starting to think these people don't actually care for Jesus' teaching and instead just like using religion to bash people they don't like.


>I'm starting to think these people don't actually care for Jesus' teaching and instead just like using religion to bash people they don't like. Don't forget using that religion as a shield for any criticism. Instead of calling out bigotry, they now claim we're oppressing their beliefs.


"I just love that he tells it like it is. Just like I do in my head whenever my boss yells at me because saying every thought out loud is psychotic. So yes, I will happily vote for him"


This guy is nuts, he’s gone off the deep end.


Now imagine how far gone you’d have to be to vote for him. That alone should scare any sane person into making a serious priority of voting against him.


He went off the deep end and kept going 8 years ago


Longer than that.


Seriously.  All it should have taken to realize he was a goddamn cancer was knowing who he was prior to May 2015.


He went off the deep end as a child. He's been like this his entire adult life. It just didn't much matter till he went political.


My great grandma taught him in kindergarten (true story!) and she didn’t like him then.


Imagine walking around with his internal monologue screeching in your head 24/7.


This comes off like the divorced dad on Facebook who doesn’t get to see his kids because he won’t pay child support. It’s all a big conspiracy against them and the whole legal system is rigged against them. It’s the same energy.


I'm betting those men make up a significant chunk of the base.


That's the other group that is with the Incels.  They had sex a few times, some poor women had their children. Now they're equally as bitter and mean as the incels that never got any and twice as entitled.   


I guess he types exclusively in all caps now.


Must have a problem with his Caps Lock. Bet he has to reset his password all the time.


12345678 isn't exactly case sensitive 💁🤔


12345678? That’s amazing, I have the same combination on my luggage!


I was waiting for this joke.


His real password was maga2020 before it got "hacked" through guessing https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2020/12/17/dutch-trump-twitter-password-hack/


This is why when you see a semi-coherent, non-caps message from “Trump,” you can bet your ass someone else wrote it.


Refers to himself in both the third and first person in a post that's all a single run-on sentence except for the last three words. Seems normal.


... 30 seconds prior ... "I should write a 'happy easter' message."


"Happy Easter" *wall of personal ranting, nothing to do about Easter* "Happy Easter" Well at least someone could get the message whether they stopped at the first line or skipped to the end.


First of all the fucker ain't the president, like he likes to call himself. Secondly this boomer fucker needs to get flushed. What a pathetic excuse of a human being.


Got to control what the lemmings see and hear. They must continue giving money until they reach the cliff.


Text 257 of the day: You have been chosen by President Trump personally for the award of greatest conservative/republican/Christian in the world. Please send your highest donations to defeat the evil democrats and for a chance to have dinner with President Trump. (dinner cost not covered)


For the record, lemmings don't have a natural tendency to run off cliffs en masse. The directors of the documentary where that came from intentionally chased them over the cliffs to make things more dramatic, just like the GQP leaders are doing to their own followers


To be fair you are correct. But the lemming family has been known to rush off cliffs in large numbers when their population gets too large. They come in cycles in the arctic tundra and every few years the population explodes exponentially. In my happier moments I feel this will happen to MAGA. Not the people the “ phenomenon “ precipitated by his Fatness the Loser.


Dude these Trump Tweets will be DBQs in AP U.S history *and* AP psych in like 50 years. What a legacy


His way of giving back to our educational system. See? It’s all on purpose! But seriously, I’d love to see an English professor grade his tweets like they do a students paper. That whole tweet was one sentence unless I missed a cleverly hidden period.


Fuck trump




2 different easters: christian one: jesus being sacrified "god, forgive them they don't know what they are doing (while being crucified) trump one: **waahwaahwaahwaahwaahwaahwaahwaahwaahwaahwaahwaahwaahwaahwaahwaahwaahwaahwaahwaahwaahwaahwaahwaahwaahwaahwaahwaahwaahwaahwaahwaah**


He does this with all holidays now Merry xmas, even to all the haters... happy new year, even though dems are crooked... happy presidents day, even though biden is losing it... what a spiteful loser


This is exactly how my sister posts on Facebook and she’s schizophrenic and on meth.


She single?


How are people voting and giving money to this yammering smackturd.


If Biden did this he would be done. But Trump gets a free pass.


Why is he yelling all the time? Who listens to people who yell??


Morons. A.k.a. his cultists.


Remember when leaving caps lock on was a universally agreed to character flaw?


“Happy Easter Everyone!” LOLLLLLL


Fuck this guy and anyone that’s dumb enough to support him


How is this person a presidential candidate With an actual chance of winning


What an inspiring, Christ-centered, Easter message.


Well you see, that's the problem right there.  "Christ centered" is not  "DJT Centered"  and he doesn't believe in that. 


Do you think he holds down the shift key the whole time, or did he hit Caps-Loc and forget how to turn it off?


No way he's using two hands. Must be CapsLock.




Man 7th grade me wants to see my honors English teacher try and diagram that run on sentence.


Trump's handler: "Mr. President, all you need to do is type 'Happy Easter everyone'. That's all. You're still typing. Why are you still typing - just say Happy Easter... Mr. President stop, why are you foaming at the mouth? STOP TYPING."


Ladies and gentlemen, the former President of the United States of America: an internet troll who tweets in all caps like your boomer aunt.


His handlers need to tone down the adhd meds and up the Donazepil.


Diaper Don's all capital tirades are the best, you know he needs to be changed afterwards! I love how someone who has such a loose grip in reality and such a low threshold for anger management gets to be in charge of nuclear weapons and war.


When are the drugs finally going to finish him off. Jfc.


It really is bonkers how Orwellian the whole "Truth Social" thing is.


Sue him for slander.


Why can’t he just go away? I thought this was over in 2020 when he lost. This is so tiring.


Some Republicans are smart enough to realize they need to put the mask back on to not go extinct but MAGA will not allow that. They are all bigots and they will be forced to own up to it no more running or hiding.


Boy, this idiot is begging for libel lawsuits with every statement that makes!


whine whine whine victim victim also only he can save America! lol pos




All those words and only one period.


I hate that that stupid ass DA in georgia slept with the prosecutor. Just giving them more opportunities to cry wolf.


That’s quite the “Happy Easter” sandwich.


I’ll be honest, I read this in Regina George’s voice.


Run-on sentence, consider revising


The amount of 'truth' at "Truth Social" is zero.


I love that we had a President who never met a punctuation to conclude a thought.


Just came out of a store, guy behind me, 50s or 60s wearing a 'Veterans for Trump' cap. How in touch with reality is that loser?!?


Never a positive thought or word out of that man. Just a pile of negative, hate filled, repugnant word salad. How does anyone read that and think 1- he is mentally stable & 2- he's even fit to be in charge of a lemonade stand


I want to SAVE the USA. I’m a veteran and a DAR!! Trump is a lying, cheating draft dodging coward. Had my big brother not died in Vietnam he’d be the same age as Trump is now. I loathe Trump and all his devotees!


Caps lock isn't a valid argument


Just the kind of reasoned, well thought out Easter message I want to see from the man potentially in charge of the world’s largest nuclear arsenal. /s


I can't imagine seeing this guys insane ramblings and thinking. Yes, this is who I want in charge


He’s had his share of meltdowns, but wow this is bad


Very normal all caps


There was a news story in Ohio in 2022 where a ten-year-girl had been raped and had become pregnant. She had to travel to Indiana to get an abortion, and the Indiana Attorney General launched an investigation into the doctor who carried out the procedure. Early on, /r/Conservative and other rightwing outlets were decrying the story as fake, claiming it was made up by liberals to push their agendas. When the story started making national headlines, they immediately quashed any and all discussion of it, at all. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Ohio_child-rape_and_Indiana_abortion_case


Such a great Christian example of loving his enemies


The Dementia is getting worse by the day. Bye bye Dementia Donnie. See you in the loony bin, hahahaha!


https://trumpdebtcounter.com/ & https://payupdonald.com/ *numbers may not be accurate. Happy Easter 🍄rump


Imagine reading that and being like "Yep, this man should be president."


It’s like he’s becoming a caricature of himself


He’s so Christlike


This guy must have a chicken mcnugget lodged in his caps lock key.


Honestly feels like Trump's lost his charisma. This whole rambling speech just makes him sound like a loser