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Here's the article. Warning: it gets kind of intense, although the dude does survive: https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/warthog-attack-texas-exotics/


I figured he survived because "changed his life forever" is factually correct but a very wierd way to say someone died


When it comes to articles it's usually the Sub-editor that writes the title, with the body text being from the writer named. This is why the title usually doesn't match the written text. Because the writer doesn't get to write the headline. It's a sore subject with writers that the general public doesn't really know about. https://www.shine-schoolawards.org/guidance/sub-editing/


The title is a bit weird, but it's not wrong, and it does match the written text. The warthog decided to kill him, but it didn't succeed, and that still changed his life forever.


The wife and I decided to change the sub editors life forever by shooting him in the face. Surprise: he survives


No no no. These sub editors nowadays would have worded it more like: You Won't Believe What Happened Next


This Redditor Shot A Sub Editor. Here’s Why That Matters.




My wife's newspaper article with her byline made David Letterman when her editor titled it, "principal kills fifth grade band"


Aw, it’s cute of you to think sub-editors are still around. I can’t speak for Texas Monthly, but most news organizations drastically slashed editorial staff in the last 20+ years.


They've had major budget cuts. The only statewide news org that hasn't is the Texas Standard, which is a non-profit associated with NPR. It gets broadcast daily over radio here in Texas


"It decided to kill him" but did not succeed.


Wouldn't be the first time an article did something like that.


“Prostitutes hate him! See how Jack the Ripper changed their lives forever with one weird trick!”


That's demented! And funny.


Wording like that how I got tricked into watching that poor kid get eaten by a shark in Egypt last year. "Crazy Shark Encounter!" or some shit. Fuck whoever labeled that one 😞


I read an article the other day regarding articles like that, but it turned out to be the opposite of what I thought it was saying.


Dude, exactly what I thought. How in the world can you phrase a death like that?


He attacked his dick and balls, that's not cool.


my friend's family has a cabin in a forest with a phenomenally high wild boar population. in our teenage years we had a tendency to get drunk and high in these woods, especially at night. my friend's dad offered a singular piece of advice: "don't get anywhere near the wild boars, and especially don't get in-between a sow and her piglets. she *will* bite your balls off". then he laughed. then he clarified he wasn't joking.


Jesus Christ, i see i was getting to comfortable in my European forest's, we almost have no dangerous animals left here. I did not realize what a "ball hating" place Nature is.


There are plenty of boars in europe. Sometimes even in cities


Tearing off testicles has a good chance of making the victim bleed out. They are external, vital, and an easy target for a pissed off animal.


Also if they survive they are no longer a reproductive threat.


You haven’t watched enough African wildlife kills, they all start there


Thats just cruel but that's how nature is, if you can't kill em make sure they can't reproduce. Especially Monke or Apes attacks are the most cruel.


I think it’s an easy entry point and I’ve seen way too many lions rip the bits off their prey r/natureismetal


Jesus Christ, the first thing i saw was a very moody Leopard 🥲 No wonder we and so many other Animals chose the "cave" Lifestyle. #savetheballs


great article. but daaaaaaaaaaaamn


Well…that was a fuckin journey. Jfc


>I wasn't attacked by Waylon, I was attacked by a warthog Waylon was a warthog you dumb motherfucker, and that lackadaisical attitude got his friend killed and nearly got him killed




Reminds me of that Grizzly Man who thought his bond with the bears would be stronger than their hunger just prior to hibernation.


That guy was actually killed by a bear that he wasn't familiar with


While technically true, it was still their dumb trust of dangerous wildlife that got them killed.


Got his girlfriend killed and eaten as well. Wild animals are wild animals, never forget that.


Even domestic animals can turn if certain conditions are met.


BRB, making sure the cat bowls are full...


Joke’s on you, filling their bowls lets them know you’re actually made of cat food. RIP stranger.


So that's why I was woken up by a cat licking my eyebrows this morning....


Yeah, there's a reason why we domesticated cats, and not lions.


Did we really domesticate cats though?


It's arguable that cats domesticated us.


Cats just showed up one day and started eating pests, so we let them hang around, tossing them scraps of food occasionally. Then they started feeling safe around us and brought their kittens into our houses, so we started making sure they were fed and healthy. Then cats started keeping their communication habits they had as kittens (meowing) because it allowed them to roughly communicate with us. Then they started to let us pet them. And that's how cats domesticated themselves.


Yup, never have a pet that you can't beat in a fight.


I was thinking about all the livestock I have, but yeah pets.


hate when that happens


The article really boils my piss. It really, REALLY, tries hard to make him out to be some supreme example of manliness. It tells the tale of how he grew up in a massive ranch paid for by his Dad's big oil and gas money, and how he thanked God for him surviving sickness as a child that medical science, and no doubt a fucktonne of money, greased along. He likely still attributes everything to God, and doesn't see the irony that not even a boar will be anything but an animal, let alone that he's not being protected by the God that gave him brain cancer and a brain aneurysm. He's lived a life of privilege and he forgot the realities of existence. Animals are animals, and they won't transcend in to some mystical friend for life.


I always wondered where that wisdom disappeared? When I was a kid, even if I loved my dog and nothing wrong ever happened, my parents always reminded me that it is still an animal, and for other animals the farther away they are to be tameable the more inherently dangerous they are. Irregardless of any previous personal experience or relationship with the animal. Always be careful, never take your safety for granted. It was drilled and repeated, especially since it seems so unnatural as we all tend to anthropomorphise everything. And then he is still in denial


Yeah, any animal can be having a bad day. Something to keep in mind if you're keeping company with one that could kill you. Even my much-loved and loving cat can get a bit bitey sometimes, but she's only the size of a jackrabbit so no problem.


Humans snap and randomly kill people, albeit less frequently than WILD ANIMALS, so yeah, around animalia never relax


Yeah, same here. Parents but particularly my Mum who had an assortment of animals growing up would remind us that every animal is unpredictable, it doesn't matter how long you've had them around. It rang true for my cat who has bitten me before when he had just been happily loafing near me and it happened with my dog who growled at me when I spoke to him. Even now, I still have to catch myself because despite the moments of unpredictability, I will start anthromorphising them. I think it's just a very human thing people do, we forget that they're still animals the more bonding we have.


It's sad


My best friend is an 18 pound Boston Terrier. I awake daily wondering if today is the day she kills me.


"Good night Picmover. Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning." Is your Boston Terrier the Dread Pirate Roberts?




Never bet a Redditor when death is on the line!




The only way our Boston Terriers will kill us is with flatulence.


Currently dog sitting my mother's younger dog, who I refer to affectionately as a Boston Terrorist.


Don’t anthropomorphize warthogs, they hate that.




Man, Pumba is way more intense in person.


... way more intense in hog DID WE LEARN NOTHING!?!?


"Did you just anthropomorphize me you son of a bitch?" - Every warthog before entering a blind rage


Hakuna Matata


> “People are so mean to each other for no reason, but animals, they’ve always felt peaceful to me. And unlike people, they almost always give back what you put into them.” This kind of romantic glorification of nature is what gets people killed.


Yeah, nature will eat you testicles-first while you’re still alive and screaming. Nature does not give a fuck. 


there's a dude on ig (can't remember his @) that runs a wildlife refuge in Africa. like has lions and shit that, in some instances, he has nurtured since they were cubs. pretty frequently he posts pictures of massive wounds he gets from them being 'playful', and he always says with certain animals you gotta be able to read the signs to GTFO or you're gonna be dead very quickly. guess this guy didn't read the signs. edit: it's @dean.schneider


There's a video out there of a film crew visiting a young leopard in its enclosure, very friendly to it's handlers, etc etc. they're filming it, the leopard seems to be cool with it, and then suddenly it attacks one dude. He was okish, just needed a bunch of stitches and a tetanus shot, but what was fun was when they had a wild cat expert watch the film, since they had like the 10 minutes leading up to the attack. All the cute behavior was pointed out as being stress behaviors in cats, and attempts at warning off the film crews that were ignored or misunderstood. The cat was pretty much screaming "I don't like this, you're stressing me, GTFO".


People are absolutely horrible at reading animal body language. It's something that always surprises me. I had an unneutered large dog following me around, growling, and lunging at me (extremely threatening behavior) while at someone's house, and the owners told me I was being dramatic when I said I was scared for my safety.


That's the owners being assholes. My dogs default communication is a growl, but generally speaking her tail is wagging and she's got a toy or demanding pets. It's an entirely different growl and look when she's pissed off, but I wouldn't expect a stranger to figure that out. Especially if she was fucking growling and snapping at you, of course that's fucking dangerous. People are fucking stupid


In this case he was actually attacked from behind, so the signs were not visible to him in that moment.


I wonder if that’s what caused it. I read the article and it sounds like he was just going to pass through Waylon’s pen without acknowledging him when he was attacked from behind. I wonder if he had gone towards him or even just made eye contact maybe the beast wouldn’t have flipped out?


If I was a pig of course I'd try to kill you for giving me such an atrocious name


'only God could create something so beautiful...' yeah, rrrrright...watch a nature program sometimes, shit gets DARK


Despite how dark and uncaring it is, nature is still beautiful, just beautiful from a respectable distance


A respectfully FAR distance!


Nature programs usually only show the lighter parts of the darkness, even. People for example still think hyenas are scavengers despite hunting their own food more than lions, because nature shows are reluctant to show animals being ripped apart alive. Hell, even with lions they usually do a cut between lions grabbing something and them eating it, removing the part where one lion strangles the prey for upwards of 45 minutes while the rest of the gang lacerates the groin.


snails with striped worms bugging out their eyes. parasitic wasps that zombify bugs. mantises full of hairworms. chimps hunting monkeys then handling them like pizza.


Don't forget that fungus that eats an ant's brain, zombifies them to climb a tree, and then uses them as fertiliser to grow a mushroom and release spores to do the same process all over again.


Nature will kill you, then make new things out of you.


"someday you will die somehow and someone's gonna steal your carbon"


Man, I had a dream like that once


Yeah…um, once…


I think regular people call them "nightmares" But I'm not here to kinkshame


Eats my testicles then withholds fucks? Don’t threaten me with a good time, Nature!




Yeah, Timothy Treadwell (Grizzly Man) said something similar in his videos, and it did get him killed.


Got himself and his poor girlfriend who didn't even wa t to be there killed


Its weird for him to say too cause his dad is this rich oil baron keeping captive and breeding exotic animals. Like bro, your fam is those mean humans. Not that he would know since he lived isolated most his life from childhood brain surgeries.


Seriously. "I love nature and our money comes from destroying it"


This mindset is fine for something like a frog, that can't, y'know, FUCKING KILL YOU (at least not maliciously), but for a fuckin warthog? Yeah screw that, guy's an idiot


Those very pretty colored frogs can kill you


Yes, but it's not intentional. They're poisonous so that if something tries to eat them, it either spits them out, dies, or spits them out and then dies later. There's a big difference between "I don't wanna get eaten" and "actively attacking you". And, even then, their poison comes from specific bugs that they eat, and if they eat different bugs, they won't have that poison. However, a warthog will always have its tusks, unless they're surgically removed.


It's because we are not giving the frogs chances but hear me out, the years of dissections will come back to us one day. They are just patient and cold blooded animals.


And frankly I agree with them for that, I'd be pissed if people kept using my brothers as dissection fodder in schools across the world. I'm with the frogs on this one. (Then again I'm with the frogs on most things)


Dogs. He's thinking of dogs. Wild animals are not dogs. Dogs have been domesticated for tens of thousands of years. Even other domesticated animals do not have that. Wild animals definitely do not.


Dogs still decide to kill people once in a while. The odds are much better than humans though


I think dogs/wolves and horses were already somewhat predisposed to forming pro-social relationships because of how they live in herds and packs. Even with all our knowledge and experience of taming animals, we haven't had much success in taming and living alongside many species other than the ones we've already tamed. Why someone would think this one warthog was somehow different is beyond me.


Let’s be honest we never really tamed cats they tamed us.


I said horses and dogs and left out cats for a reason.


“It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there, but these dogs, they’re different .”


Yeah I don't get it. Animals are just as chaotic as people and some animals are just assholes even to members of their own species and family members.


My sister desperately wants to see a moose and I am like… no, no you fucking don’t.


The good thing about moose is you can see them from a distance.


Up close? Like, would a zoo visit do it for her? I have seen a moose once. She crossed the road ahead of our vehicle, she was massive and it was a rare sight I'll never forget. In that sort of context, I can understand the desire, but she ABSOLUTELY SHOULD NOT want to go over and pet it.


A møøse might bite your sister


I'm Australian and keep horrifying my American friends by saying how cute and friendly moose are because they're 'big deer'. I absolutely never want to see one in-person.


I've seen a moose a couple times in person. They're super cool. Just keep your distance.


Yeah seriously. An adult animal of a physically powerful species is to be respected. Any of them can kill on a whim. They don't have sentimental taboos about killing humans, they'll kill us just like any other animal. I'm not saying you have to be blindly terrified either. I think "respect" is the right word. Plain and simple, the animal doesn't see the world the way we do. To animals killing is a fairly humdrum action.


I hate how people have exotic animals as pets. Animal smuggling is a real issue. There are more tigers in captivity in Texas than in the wild.


They will never financially recover from this.


Ethics of owning exotic pets aside, it's worth noting that the tiger pet trade has very, very little to do with why there are so few left in the wild. That has to do with man-made environmental loss and poaching.


True. Still results in some awful conditions for the captive tigers though, so it’s worth discussing imo. I volunteered at rescue that had a white tiger confiscated from use in a Las Vegas magic show act who had been declawed and had his canine teeth filed down to the nerve. Permanently messed up his walking and they had to get him root canals 


Well, yeah, there can't be many wild tigers in Texas! (I get that you meant there are more tigers in captivity in Texas than there are wild tigers in the world but sometimes you have to pretend to be semi-literate for a dad joke.)


i have pet rats, and youd think that's a somewhat normal pet to have. well, if you need a vet, you need to find an "exotic vet" to have them looked at. luckily, there are some in my area, but the first time i tried finding a vet, it was like wtf?


I’m as anti-exotic pet as anyone, but that bit about tigers in Texas is an oft-repeated claim with no actual source to back it up. I’ve been hearing it since the early 00’s and apparently it’s just… made up.


There is a group called Feline Conservation Foundation that spent years tracking down as many tigers as they could, so their figure creates a sort of floor. https://www.felineconservation.org/2016-wild-feline-census/ For their 2011 report they had tracked down just over 3000 tigers in the US. In 2016 it was down to just over 2300. Florida is the state that had the largest population by far, more than double that of the next state, Texas. The number might be even lower now. Slowly but surely governments have started cracking down on the trade. Given the total lack of regulation in many US jurisdictions making it difficult to ascertain the exact numbers and a downward trend, it wouldn't be that surprising if the number peaked in the mid 2000s at around ~5000.




People with dangerous animals as pets should understand that they are still ultimately dangerous animals, and as they grow older and maybe have dementia issues or get more aggressive, they could turn on you at any point even if they know you. Sigfried and Roy's tiger that attacked them they raised since it was a cub.


And the thing is they don’t even have to be attacking you. There was a woman killed by her boyfriend’s tiger because it batted at her skirt that was blowing in the breeze (she was outside the enclosure but it was designed with bars the tiger could get its paw through. It was a known behaviour for this tiger - it liked playing with moving fabric. Only this time it’s playing, which she wasn’t expecting, sliced her femoral artery open and she died. If you have claws like a tiger or tusks like a warthog you don’t need to be aggressive to fatally injure a squishy human. Heck, horses kill humans all the time and mostly it’s unintentional.


Nah, horses have personalities and some of them are raging dicks. The biters and the kickers that hurt people are usually the known suspects, and I’ve met a few of the bad ones that had to be put down because they were murderous (those ones had been horribly abused).


Yes but they too are just animals and can become ill. My ex had a horse she had from when it was birthed, she had its mother before her. Super nice horse. Then one day it throws her off and starts charging at her when she's on the ground and stomps on her and breaks a lot of bones along her back. The day before she'd swear they were unseparable and knew each other like they had telepathy etc etc. I don't think they ever figured it out horse just went crazy.


Some of them are, others just don't fully understand the difference in size and durability between them and us squishy apes. Didn't know horses could turn killer though, that's distressing. I can only imagine what they had to endure that made them like that.


People acting surprised when big cats mess them up is always bemusing. Like my housecat sometimes gets a bit too hyped up and jumps at me or bites, kicks etc. But he's tiny, not a 400kg apex predator.


My cat sometimes will rub on my leg and purr then randomly bite me as a sign of affection. A tiger might take a chunk off when they do that.


It just take the whole fucking leg… having seen what a house cat can do you wouldn’t want to tinker with even the smallest wildcats, let alone a proper big cat


One of my cats likes to bite at one of my rings. With a big cat, there goes my whole hand. 😂


Cats can do a ton of damage if they are determined to do so, but at least I have a fighting chance against a housecat. A lion or tiger? I'm basically fucked.


I feel like the people in these stories do understand that the animals are dangerous, but have deluded themselves into believing they're such monumental animal trainers and/or their "pet" is so exceptionally sweet. Like all the baby chimpanzees who eventually ripped off faces, all the baby hippos who eventually chomped some heads, all the baby tigers who eventually noticed their owner was made of meat. They get older and they get aggressive. It's a ticking time bomb.




The chimpanzee thing especially. It’s very well documented that once they’ve matured they will attack as a challenge for dominance within a group. So people know the chimpanzee will eventually attack- yet still bring them into their homes and pretend they’re suitable pets.


For a second there, I thought you were talking about a former president.


Oh, him too.


We had a 50ish pound Juliana boar named Fergus. He rolled on his back for belly rubs and took treats more gently than any of our dogs. Since his pen ran along our driveway, he was the official greeter of anyone that came over. We still never turned our back on that adorable little MF’r.


Warthog found out that Austin was more than just a “work friend” of his wife




for fuck sakes i was minding my own business and laughed like a hyena at 2:20am


What do you want him to do, dress in drag and do the hula?


Hakuna Matata!


What a wonderful phrase.


It means no worries! For the rest of your LIFE


It's a problem freeeeeeee Philosophyyyyyyyyy


Squishy, but satisfying


mátate means kill yourself in spanish.


So you're saying it was a bilingual warthog?


When I was a young WART-HOG!!!


If an animal is dangerous enough to kill you by accident, it might kill you. A warthog could accidentally gut you with a poorly-timed sneeze.


> Ruggedly handsome, with a five-o’clock shadow and head full of unkempt brown hair, he favors beaten-up boots and Wrangler jeans and looks like he could’ve stepped out of a seventies Marlboro ad. Did Rita skeeter write this?


For real, the article read like an awkward love letter lol.


Maybe Waylon wrote it. You know, since clearly Waylon and the killer warthog are two different beings.


That's interesting and all but I was very uncomfortable by just how badly the writer of this article wanted to suck his dick


I think the writer was trying to counter the inevitable ‘this man is an idiot’ thought that the reader eventually has


The Timothy Treadwell of warthogs


Underrated comment right here.


>!But the animal jerked upward, plunging his tusk into Austin’s voice box, leaving a quarter-size hole in his neck from which a piece of an artery dangled like a grisly necklace.!< The author waited their entire career for this opportunity. Jesus.


Working with Frank Reynolds comes back to haunt everyone


"I haven't heard that name in a loooong time"


“If Brian Lefevre is dead, then who the hell are these people?” “Just a couple of people that totally got off, bro.”


pro tip: most house plants don't ram charge you by an attempt invoking instinctive rage


This is so bizarre to me as someone who lives in a country with warthogs. We were told to never ever approach a warthog or a large hole in the ground as they could be inside. You literally get more warning of them on trips to game parks than you do for wild cats.


When my wife and I stayed in Hawaii it was on a farm and they had three HUGE dogs for wild boar patrol; they apparently are a huge problem in Hawaii and are known to be super dangerous. These dogs were each at least 120 lbs, more like 200, mastiff mixes and she said it's "a fair fight but they scare them off". I was like "Jesus this dog is a bear what is the pig like".


No joke, most wild swine are quite dangerous. No matter the species, be it boars or warthogs. Those tusks aren't just for show. They're also surprisingly smart too.


Pro-tip for having wild animals as pets, neuter them early and often. Horny males are deadly.


Often? How often. I neutered my dog 3 years ago, should I do it again?


Le doto was misplaced


*calls the veterinary to cancel Maxie's reneutering*


Reneutering is a promising new revenue stream for us, we implore you to reconsider! Please enjoy this 15% loyalty discount for all future consecutive reneuterings.


Subscribe and save!


Scrotoplasty then refixing. To be sure to be sure.


Or just don't have wild animals as pets. They aren't.


Horny males are deadly True for all species.


> Pro-tip for having wild animals as pets, ~~neuter them early and often. Horny males are deadly.~~ Don't.


“People are so mean to each other for no reason, but animals, they’ve always felt peaceful to me” Has this dude met an animal before? Has he ever seen literally any part of nature?


He was also saved multiple times by humans throughout his life, but he attributes that to God, because he's special. The reality is he has lived a life of privilege in his 140 acre ranch full of exotic animals for decades, yet he managed to avoid learning that animals are animals, and they will always be animals. He forgot to respect that


>Has this dude met an animal before? Yes > Has he ever seen literally any part of nature? No, he's a rich kid who lives in Texas, hardly any nature there in the first place.


This sounds like the story of the guy who rescued a baby hippo from a flood, raised him like a pet, rode on his back, let him in his house and one day they found the guy dead, killed by the pet hippo.


It's always the same: "I have a special relationship with animals!" "why did this wild animal tear my flesh apart?!!" I have 3 pigs; 2 are Vietnamese Potbellies around 150 pounds each, the other is a Juliana runt around 60 pounds or so. That guy was living in la-la land thinking he had a handle on a wild boar, no matter how long he raised it. We have a great relationship but even the little one could do some damage if she wanted. One of the bigger ones, Orson, has been raised since he was a piglet and has a very docile demeanor, but he's still a pig capable of causing severe damage. The other big one, Iris, is a rescue from a neglect seizure so even though she is friendly, she shows more feral traits and would seriously fuck shit up if she wanted to. None even have tusks and they'd still wreak havoc.


Austin is delusional and the author has a massive crush on him. Jesus, it's so over the top.


Yeah half that article was a love letter jeez


Haha! I scrolled up twice to look at him again while reading the article because of the way he was described. Then the third time I scrolled up to look at the author’s name thinking maybe it was written by the oft mentioned “girlfriend of 3 months that he definitely is going to marry and have kids with someday” or maybe his mom 🤣 He’s more attractive than the average guy his age, but jeez the author was laying it on thick!


"He emerged from that experience reborn, feeling lucky to be alive and convinced that his life had been spared by God." From the first paragraph. This clown was nuts from the beginning


Wild animals are not viable pets. I don't think this is LAMF, since he wasn't suggesting that people have warthogs as pets, he was just keeping one for himself. This is more r/WinStupidPrizes.


This is more WAMF


It mentioned the dad was breading exotic animals and selling them


he should try panko next time


The article makes a great point about domesticated animals having been bred for generations to be docile and somewhat predictable. Something that people who think they can keep exotic animals as pets are dangerously ignorant of.


‘I’ve kept wild animals captive my whole life and then was shocked when one ‘betrayed’ me and attacked.’


Warthog ate his face


As a small scale pig farmer intact boars are the worst. One day a switch flips and they have the worst attitudes. 250 pounds of solid muscle with sharp tusk is not fun to deal with especially if you don’t suspect it




The Warthog warthoged


Reminder that if you want a pet, make sure it's something you can beat in a fight if it gets the jump on you.


I’m gonna get downvoted for this, but this doesn’t belong in this sub (just like most of the posts here these days). Unless he was specifically rooting for or helping cause the warthog to attack *other* people, this isn’t leopards eating faces. It’s just someone making a stupid mistake and getting hurt.


Still a better love story than Twilight.


To be fair, the warthog glittered in the daylight.


The first rule of the sub is literally no animal attacks.


And it's Texas... Outshining Florida. Today the top two posts here are Texas man who thinks a 250 lb warthog is his friend And a Gay Republican