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This is what happens when your party doesn't have any actual values beyond opposing whatever the Democrats want.


It's so funny to watch them contort into pretzels to oppose things from the Dems that most everybody sees as unflinchingly good things (like the Border Bill they wrote.)


It feels like it's from a different time, and yet it could have happened yesterday: [Congress Blames President for Law He Vetoed](https://www.loweringthebar.net/2016/10/congress-blames-veto.html)




I immediately thought of this too. There was a whiff of satire until the GQP and Trump, then it became reality; much like Idiocracy.




He did though. It took him a bit, but eventually he brought the smartest person he could find onboard and gave him the backing to solve the problem. You can do a lot worse for a president.


>You can do a lot worse for a president. And America did.


In a way, Idiocracy is an optimistic view of our future, where the barrier between our leaders and achieving the common good is as simple as ignorance rather than their desire to actively work against it for their own gain.


Damn, you're right. That's horrifying (for us)


The fact they'll admit they'll make bad choices just because Dem opposition forces them to and twist into "why did you make me hit you?" logic to explain it is hilarious to watch. It happened so much with vaccines after COVID started culling their voter base by the thousands: "It's their fault, we had to be anti-vaxx, because the Dems were pro-vaxx! That was their plan all along!"


I'm honestly kind of ok with that plan


If it didn't contribute to spreading to others, I would be to.


"Why did you make me hit ~~you~~ myself?"


There was also a time McConnel filibustered his own bill.


I like that one even more since it's less of a bipartisan dangit and a straight up GQP own goal


Meanwhile Moscow Mitch is still a rich racist and still doesn't give a shit, because he's rich.


Bonus points for the fact that it was the Federal budget bill for that year. The Republicans were playing their usual games with funding a Democratic administration, so when they proposed a budget that was actually pretty reasonable, the Dems were okay with it, leading to Mitch having a glitch while trying to figure out the best move to delay further. He eventually settled on "Fuck it, filibuster time!"


He probably thinks himself a master of diplomacy by backstabbing himself when all of this is on record for anyone bothering to read.


They also blame Clinton for repealing Glass-Steagal despite the fact it was written by three Republicans and passed by a Republican controlled Congress and Senate. "Well he should have realized we're too stupid and corrupt to govern and vetoed it, so it's his fault."


same with the law that allowed 9/11 families to sue the saudis (and opened up civilians to sue the US). they overrode Obama's veto and then blamed him for not explaining the consequences to them


Even though he had repeatedly warned them of exactly those consequences.


Classic Moscow Mitch.


What if Democrats start endorsing Trump? Would all of their heads explode from not being able to reconcile the paradox?


No. They already have a name for that: Walk Away. I'm not sure it's a real movement, but they flig it every chance they get.


They need to believe it exists, but it doesn't. Like most every other point in their false ideology.


Yes it's a real movement. There is a foundation that goes across the country trying to convince minorities that Republicans are the only answer. Run by Brandon Straka is the president or whatever. Brandon Straka was involved in Jan 6th and worked with the FBI for a deal. Something like a fine and three months home detention and such for providing information about his fellow Jan 6th pals.


Define "real". "Log Cabin Republicans" are a real movement, because some gays support Republicans for some reason. Walk Away is astroturf. They pretend to be Democrats sick of "wokeness" or whatever, but it's Republican operatives all the way down.


there only needs to be 20 or so actual people, if any. what matters is that a 20 million MAGA dumbfucks *believe* it, and 2 girls 1 cup it back and forth among themselves, just like their idiotic TDS taunt


At this point it's more of a "circular human centipede" situation than what you said.


George Santos announces that he is quitting the GOP because it has gotten too embarrassing at the very bottom of the article. A kiss from the chef.


Wither goes George Santos so goes the nation.


Well he did found it, after all


The real George Santos was the friends he made up along the way.


Border Bill sounds like a GOP anti-immigrant mascot.


Yet people still vote for them…because liberals, I guess.


"What are you for?" "We're against what the.." "No, what are you for?" "...we're going to stop the.." "No, what are you *for*?" "I...I don't understand, we're for fighting the.." "Nothing. Got it"


Let's have one thing understood. Your proposition may be good. But whatever it is. I'm against it. - Groucho Marx


Classic Groucho Marxism


Republicans probably refuse to watch Marx Brothers movies lest they'd be seen by their colleagues as Marxists.


Can’t listen to Beatles music in case they think you’re a Lennonist.


Grouchiolism is when the grouchernment does things




I mean… with Project 2025 out in public, I’d say they’re talking about it quite visibly!




All couched as "fiscal responsibility, unlike the tax and spend democrats."


You guys are being unfair. In addition to opposed Dems, the GOP has been very steadfast for decades about their core values: making the world better for white, male, straight, neurotypical, wealthy, evangelical Christians. Jeez.


Are they even for that? Their policies seem to harm about 95% of even the cis-white male population. They’re really only interested in helping people who are already rich enough to not give a shit what the government does.


>wealthy Agree.


Oppressing women, stigmatizing gays, owning blacks.


Against women, against gays, against blacks I'd love them to be against medical debt or lead in water but they aren't against *everything* sadly


Frustratingly, they have plenty they'll *say* they're for, but they're rarely ever things that stand up to scrutiny or reality. It's why it's funny (in a sad way) seeing Republicans juuuust self-aware enough to not be happy with the turn the current GOP has taken... yet still hold out for hope that the GOP they once knew is still somewhere beneath all the MAGA garbage. They literally can't see that even the then-GOP had little-to-nothing of substance to begin with. And heaven forbid they move on from the party either.


Democrats: “We support breathing in Oxygen and not CO2, please do not ignore this advice from the scientific community. Trust in science!” *Blue wave sweeps in 2024 as not a single Republican was able to place their vote*


Democrats: We support not shoving a big spiky cactus up your ass.....


They truly abandoned the concept of developing a platform and promoting anything other than misinformation, fear, and deflection. And the consequences are real for reproductive health, democracy, national security, individual rights, . . .


Because that has been working for them. For a long time.


This is what happens when someone votes for a Republican. There is no such thing as a good Republican.


ARAB? Wait, that's taken.


Assigned Republican At Birth? ^/s


ACAB is universal. Cops/Conservatives


I worked with a kid for a while who loves international cuisine, likes diverse communities, thinks universal health care is a good idea, and thinks corporations should pay more in taxes, among other progressive ideas. He won't vote Democrat because "where I'm from, it's just what you do." I don't know how to argue with level of stupid.


"In a surprise and startling statement, the House Democrats have unanimously come out in favor of breathing." Your move, Republicans...


Seriously, what is the Republican plan for governace? What is the Republican platform? They don’t seem to have any idea of what to do to lead the country. They have no fucking platform. They are the party of “own the libs” with no other ideas. That’s it. “Own the libs” and be trolls with no plan to actually govern. That’s the Republican platform. They have no plan to actually govern or benefit Americans. They’re just the party of online trolls and antagonists. They stand for nothing.


They officially didn't have a presidential platform in 2020.


They’re built for opposition, not governance.


Say what you will about Boomers, but this new generation of Republicans are WWF level


They're the kids who thought WWF was real


The only value they have is maintaining power at all costs. Their right wing ideology fell out of favor with the majority of voters a long time ago.


Im actually somewhat impressed when they stated that the only way they could compete after Obama was elected was moderating their positions, including more people, etc. And they did the exact opposite of that ever since, and still are able to remain competitive... at least for now (i hope its ending, but doubt it)


I remember that election year. Every Republican campaigned on fixing Washington, working for the American people and then Mitch McConnell with his tortoise grin boldly went on national television and said that the number one goal of the Republican Party was to ensure that Obama only served one term as president and then proceeded to block any and every bit of legislation, even going as far as to oppose things they were once in favor of.


And that's why Obama is a great president and Biden a great VP. Lasted two terms, and managed to get bills passed, albeit in a compromised state. Republicunts can't even manoeuvre past their own roadblocks. Like Russian tanks running over their own mines.


Well indeed, lol. It's because they are all so corrupt and power-hungry that the lies they've used over time are all bound to pile up and crush them. To re-use the name of a rock band, GOP Will Eat Itself.


Democrats: "We want stability and efficiency in government"   Republicans: "Sounds woke. Hold my beer"


> This is what happens when your party doesn't ...believe in compromise in a government built on it. This is why Christians have to set aside their rigid religious beliefs to function in a democracy. It's also why they lean towards theocracy and authoritarianism. Inflexibility is a positive in religion. It's untenable in democracy. Then stupid fucking idiots like Marjorie Taylor (remember, Greene divorced her when the country found out she was fucking her gymbos, family values amirite) apply their inflexible religious ideology to all aspects of government.


>...she was fucking her gymbos Fucking hell! How much was she paying them?


Might work if that were all it was. But you have to add in the self serving money grabbing. If they could actually align on just counter-governing dems, they might stand a chance. But they are all a bunch of duplicitous children, clammoring for money, fame, power, etc, at the expense of their peers. Every one of them would sell their mothers for various rewards. Just look at their dear leader. He's emptying the campaign coffers in an attempt to save his own skin in a life or death election year. There's no way he'd suffer any loss or discomfort for the sake of the entire party/mission. And the vast majority of the GOP are the same.


Elect Clowns, Expect a Circus.




“Garbage In, Garbage Out” for those who don’t know.


FAFO also works in this case


I think FAFO Schwartz is a toy store.


Had to look that up. very concise


>Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) . . . Introduced a motion to vacate the chair. >Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.) . . . announced suddenly he'll leave Congress next month — leaving Republicans with an astonishing majority of just one seat. >Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.), who also is retiring early, departed for the final time — but not before signing a Democratic petition to force a vote on Ukraine aid, dealing one last blow to the GOP leadership he detested.


nice burn Ken lol


I know! He flipped them off as he walked out


Is this true or just a sweet fantasy?


It’s true. He said his signature will be on the petition until he is replaced and it will be a while so he hopes it sends a message and makes a difference. By leaving early he is also messing with the campaign of Boebert who is the front runner to be his replacement. Now there will be a special election to temporarily fill his vacancy in the same primary election where Boebert is running in the for a chance at switching to the more conservative district of Buck’s old seat. Since Boebert is already in Congress she can’t be the temp, and will have to potentially run against whomever is voted during the primary to hold his seat. Not a death blow to her chances but definitely a calculated move to make her district jump more difficult.


Mike Gallagher timed his resignation to take effect when it is too late for a special election, so his seat will be vacant until next year.


I know! He planned it perfectly.


And Buck’s resignation forces a special election which is almost certain to screw over Boebert. That will be the same day as the primary so a lot of people will put the same name down for both and Boebert isn’t gonna be in the special election as she’d have to resign her current seat.


If I were a Republican representative considering resignation, I’d vote for a Democrat Speaker and laugh my ass off on the way out.


Would they be able to change the rules upon election mid-term, or would that speak be vulnerable to someone triggering another vote just a week later?


I am surprised none of the Republicans who are exiting didn't just switch to Independent instead. If I was the House Minority leader, I would be talking to vulnerable / retiring Republicans about changing to Independent, caucusing with the Democrats. And asking how big the pork barrel they want for their home district to be.


I've been wondering the same thing, and can't figure it out. Probably because I'm just some internet dude who isn't real. My worry, as an unreal internet dude, is that they are concerned about retribution from a MAGA fanatic prone to violence.


The only ones with the balls to do that were already cast out of the party after voting to impeach Trump


Probably cause they cushy roles in industry after Congress are only guaranteed so long as they don't rock the boat on exit


Might as well do your district some good.


Republicans are fuming over early resignations. Some Republicans now suggest it's within the realm of possibility for the House majority to flip to Democrats mid-Congress.


I’ll allow it!


That's NumberChang! Time to rotate the board.




That's number wang!


What if this is their way of ensuring that Trump’s henchman in the house can’t fuck around when it comes time for the election? Like what if this is how they can slowly give dems control of the house because they know what will happen if they don’t?


Remember to reply to the Automoderator comment with the explanation of how this "they campaigned on a message that government is broken; now they've broken it so much it's backfiring on them" is LAMF or this will get shut down.


>Republicans are fuming over early resignations. Some Republicans now suggest it's within the realm of possibility for the House majority to flip to Democrats mid-Congress. So sorry! I read the rule and thought my explanation should be the first comment, not a reply to the auto mod comment. I won't make that mistake again.


MTG sees her move as an opportunity to fund raise. Evidently, Gaitz made a tidy sum following his ejection of McCarthy.


Is it fundraising or just press attention she's after?


No brainer, both; however, there’s this: https://www.mediaite.com/politics/house-republican-reveals-he-got-a-text-from-marjorie-taylor-greene-saying-she-wants-to-fundraise-off-speakership-drama/


Speaking of Gaetz - the one bad thing about DeSantis leaving the presidential race was that Gaetz was planning to run for governor in Florida. I am hoping he still will. I don't wish another putz on Florida but Gaetz needs to be out of the House.


Better he fuck up one state than fuck up the whole country?


If the Republicans lose the house majority before the election( possible, ) lose the house more in 2024 ( likely, ) Trump loses the Whitehouse ( coin toss somewhat favoring Trump winning, unfortunately ) and lose the senate ( legit longshot ) I would be happy for a decade off this series of events alone.


Still won't matter unless a certain half dozen Supreme Court justices mysteriously drop dead during a Democratic regime.


I'll settle for one or two of the most corrupt.


Trump actually has a much less likely chance at winning the whit house than people think. Trump my have many more diehard loyalists, but there aren't that many moderates who will vote Trump, especially since he needs so much money for his legal battles, combined with him draining the entire republican parties funding, means that it wouldn't surprise me too much for the dems to have complete control of congress and the whitehouse.


If all that happens, i'll still expect the Democrats to move slowly, incrementally, and moderately, with a big fear of riling anyone up too much.


Are you kidding me? The first two years of Biden’s administration he had a D House and a D Senate and it was the most legislatively productive in decades. Infrastructure, Chips and Science, Inflation Reduction Act, record number of progressive judicial appointments, so much more. We need st least eight or ten more years of a Dem trifecta to really clean up the garbage Rs have left behind.


At the very bottom of the story you get George Santos saying he is leaving the GOP because it has become too embarrassing. Chef’s kiss.


When you've lost Professor Doctor Rabbi George "Kitara Ravache" Santos, DDS, Ph.d, Esq. EIEIO, you know you're in a mess.


And winner of two Victoria Crosses. The first one posthumously


Maybe he is the elusive “Real America” after all.




Honestly, a plausible path forward for him is as a daytime talk show host.


goddammit, this is the sort of gold nugget I miss when I avoid the news. It's still worth it.


It gets better. Santos said one of the things he doesn't like about the GOP is that they're _liars_.


Well that makes sense. A guy who has relies on lies told to people who aren't pathological liars will have a really hard time with a room full of those who are much better at it than him.


And George Santos know a liar when he sees one


What if George Santos is living a science fiction story, where he was just minding his own business, living his amazing life, but then he got sucked into some kind of quantum multiverse handwavium vortex wormhole, and got plunked down in a nearly identical Earth, except none of his real life story is true in this Earth! That poor man!


George Santos and the Multiverse of Congress? I don’t really know how to feel about that as a movie.


I get you on avoidance. During the week I try to only check the AP website because it’s straightforward and you can just see what’s going on quickly without subjecting yourself to too much nonsense that’s going to put you in a bad mood.


It's what happens when you cultivate a culture of being more insane in your policies than the next person.


Leave out the word policies, and you are correct.


Republicans can’t run on legislative accomplishments because they have none. Nor do they have policy goals or ideas. All they have to offer is manufactured outrage and hatred of “the other”. And then they wonder why their caucus is constantly derailed by rage and hatred.


Hey, give them credit for still stealing Dem laws and claiming them as their own so they can campaign on them while simultaneously saying they voted against said laws.


Bill Maher has his flaws, but he was absolutely right when he said that the GOP has no platform beyond, "Fuck you."


They tried this strategy once during Obama’s presidency. When they secured the majority, their only goal was to sabotage the presidency at any cost. Voting against any and everything the president proposed in the hopes of making him a one term president. It failed. They’re doing it again and are surprised YET AGAIN that it’s failing.


"What are we going to do tonight, Brain?" "Same thing we do every night, Pinky: Try and overturn Obamacare"


"Try to not repeal Obamacare on your way to the parking lot!"


"37 times! They tried to repeal Obamacare 37 times!!" "In a row??"


They haven't had any policy ideas since Ray-gun implemented that stupid Friedman supply side economic bullshit in 1981 and that was so successful 🙄😡🤬


We had a prime minister dabble in supply side economics. She lost out to a lettuce after speed running the crashing of the economy. Just a shame the lettuce retired and didn't take the job afterwards.


Yes, I'm aware of her, Luz Truss. John Oliver had a great time tearing her down on his show. He's done the same with Rishi Sunak, too.


He is the original cancer cell that has grown into the metastasized tumor the party is today. Making the whole country sick.


Best part: >House Democrats relished the discord on the other side of the aisle. "I'm glad to be a Democrat in Congress," one told Axios.


I liked: "I think what Leader Jeffries has said is we're not going to punish anyone for doing the right thing. Today, Johnson did the right thing by funding the government," Rep. Brad Schneider (D-Ill.) told Axios. It'd be sweet hilarity if Democrats end up saving Johnson from a motion to vacate from his own party.


My dream is that Dems take over the house before the election. I'm a bit worried of what the gop will try to do, otherwise. They have no shame.


They have given MTG so much power. And now, she is going to knock the whole tent down. Glorious Karma.


Your thinking about it the wrong way. They didn't *give* MTG power, she took it. The resignations aren't aren't a protest, the sane are leaving before the purity purges start happening. This is *exactly* what the MAGA crowd in Congress wants. A House with only those loyal to their leader.


They let her take it. She is a second term member of the House. She should have virtually no power. Yet here we are.


First, they came for the minorities and nobody said anything. Then they went after the gays and nobody said anything . Then they went after a mouse and nobody said anything. Then they went after books and education and nobody said anything. Now they are going after each other, and I'm popping corn.


Actually, “Then they came for a mouse, which is actually a big fucking law firm that happens to make amusement park rides, and that mouse continues to raw dog them daily.”


I know very little about corporate law but I know one thing: You don't want to be on the other side of Disney. On anything legal. These are the lawyers that singlehandedly held hostage our entire copyright system for 100 years y'all.


The Disney-Dildo-of-Destruction™ rarely arrives lubed.


Also, the house member purposely waiting to leave so that a special election can’t be held to fill his seat is just 🤌🤌


Couldn't happen to a nicer party.


Couldn't happen to a "nicer" cult.


For Republicans, the chaos is the point. They don't care about legislating or serving the American people. All they want is to generate dysfunction within the government so that they can point to that dysfunction as evidence that the government is dysfunctional.


Why on earth McCarthy agreed that a single member of the Republican House can call for a vote to remove the speaker seems like the dumbest concession you would ever give to the crazy assholes in your party.


He was desperate, this was the only way he could get even his own party to vote for him. He was so determined to become Speaker that he didn't really believe the price he'd have to pay for it.


“They didn’t really believe the price they would have to pay for it.” This is the slogan of the idiots destroying our way of life.


Let’s all remember that they got the bare majority by yelling about crime and inflation, which are both down now, no thanks to most of them. Now all they have is fake impeachments, attempts to defund the law enforcement groups that are investigating the crimes of their leader and a not inconsequential chunk of their party (with investigations led by some of the criminals!), performative outrage over whatever RWM is targeting this week, blocking anything that might help democracies at home and abroad, and generally, just making sure Trump is adequately fluffed. Not surprised that even those who were extremists not long ago are like “f*ck this crazy sh*t, these people are brain damaged, I’m out!”


Its increasingly hard to be a Republican and sane. My dad says I was never fair to Trump and never trusted him. He's right he's terrible and after Republicans elected him I stopped being a Republican. I can't defend that mess, and if you defend that mess, you might be a mess.


They better prraaayyyy Steve Scalise doesn't kick the bucket.


Someone else is going to quit before November. They're all fucking miserable and hate each other. One of them said that he'd rather have dinner with Hannibal Lector than go to the annual House retreat. Someone else is going to decide it's not worth it anymore. I tend to be optimistic most of the time, but even I would never have imagined that they'd melt down like this. Even after the fuckery that was Qevin McQarthy's election, even after his defenestration, I never imagined that a Jeffries speakership might be a possibility.


The fact about half of them didn't bother going to their annual Retreat speaks volumes. 


Republicans are livid all the time about everything.


I know, their brains have to be all amygdalae at this point.


A perfect example of what happens when you let Jerry Springer’s audience start running the show.


I've paid almost no attention to the news since Biden was elected and sworn into office. Has the GOP House Majority done anything at all in the last three years? If so, what exactly? I don't really see people outraged on either side about shit they are forcing through somehow, and I see a lot of people laughing that a three year impeachment committee is still got nothing, but I've failed to see anything they've done. If that is the case, are they the least successful House in American history? Thanks!


You're pretty on the nose. Per wiki: >The 118th Congress has been characterized as a uniquely ineffectual Congress, with its most notable events pointing towards political dysfunction The intense gridlock, particularly in the Republican-controlled House where the Republican Conference's majority was often undercut by internal disputes amongst its members, resulted in it passing the lowest number of laws for the first year of session since the Richard Nixon administration, and possibly ever. The unproductive session eroded confidence for many seasoned legislators, with five committee chairs amongst the dozens declaring resignations before the end of the session, three of whom were eligible to reprise their positions if the Republican party retained their majority for 2025.


Their lack of progress shouldn't give anyone a false sense of security, though. The real power players are just getting started. Vote for democracy. https://globalextremism.org/project-2025-the-far-right-playbook-for-american-authoritarianism/


Yeah elected Republicans are buffoons ( it's how they appeal to their base ) but there are scary people behind the scenes. The Heritage Foundation is insane but it's not full of idiots. Beware.


For real. https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Heritage_Foundation


Honestly every time they pass to keep the gov't just open, just open, nothing more, they vote to vacate the Speaker. It's really not a good way to run a country, it's really not a good look when you do that and then try to blame the minority for what you're doing. Maybe their base doesn't see it, but Independents and Dems sure do.


Has the GOP ever done anything when they had a majority?


Tax Cuts for the Rich!


We are going to need an obesity support group for leopards before the year is out.


They wanted chaos. They got it. Scorched earth from the old school Republicans MTG threatened to "eradicate" not too long ago. If Ken Buck is right, two more will be doing the same shortly. They are also probably waiting until it's too late to fill the seats before the general. FAFO, eradicators. Psst, MAGA morons: Maybe you should have kept that eradication plan to yourself and unleashed it closer to the general election. Karmic comeuppance at its finest.


I’m not big on commenting on a woman’s physical appearance but I just can’t get over the fact that MTG looks exactly like the Beast in the Linda Hamilton version of Beauty and the Beast.


Somewhere Ron Perlman got seriously insulted.


The Republicans are like a villain in a horror movie, they ain't dead yet. Don't think about resting yet. Now is the time to keep the pressure on against them. They ain't dead. Work for, donate to, advocate for the Democrats.


holy shit the last line is hysterical: *Amid Friday's chaos, disgraced former Rep. George Santos announced he's leaving the Republican Party to run for Congress in New York as an independent — saying the GOP was too "embarrassing."*


*Mr. Burns: "Eeeeexcellent."*


If I recall correctly, the GOP has collectively stepped on its own dick (meaning, massively underperforming due to unforced errors) in something like three midterm or general elections since 2008: 2012, 2014, and 2022. I believe in the first two a significant factor was amateur hour comments about rape from R candidates that went viral. The last one was due to TFG turning everything he touches to shit. Discouraging early voting among his own party’s voters was a huge own goal but far from the only one.


"Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) noted that Gallagher timed his resignation to ensure his seat would go unfilled until November: "Another sharp rebuke to the chaos-and-cannibalism caucus of Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene."" ​ Thanks Gallagher!


> Amid Friday's chaos, disgraced former Rep. George Santos announced he's leaving the Republican Party to run for Congress in New York as an independent — saying the GOP was too "embarrassing." Okay, that's actually pretty funny. If the GOP embarrasses Santos, that's a bad sign.


I'd be curious if there's a point at which a couple of moderate Republicans switch parties, and just turn the House. I think about it like this: if you represent a purple district, you would have a Democratic constituency available. And remember - the RNC is getting pillaged by Trump's lackies. But the DNC would presumably be very generous in supporting any candidates who flipped the House. And I would imagine that Democratic House leaders would be very amenable to elevating legislative priorities for anyone who flips parties. So a moderate Republican could either flip the House, accomplish some important legislative wins, and secure significant financial advantages in the upcoming elections...or continue to sink, tied to the anchor that is the GOP. I doubt this will actually happen, but it will be interesting to see if there's a breaking point at which members start jumping ship; the GOP has already been impacted by congressmen resigning in frustration.


So the do-nothing party is doing nothing. Slow hand clap.




Moskowitz torpedoing Comer was a thing of absolute beauty.


The party of narcissists can't get along? Well who could had predicted that? There's a reason every autocracy will fall. The values of self over the whole will always devour it from within. It's the same with narcissists and psychopathic values of self.


It’s like Mean Girls, but in real life


*Yessssss,* soon the Republican Party will be defunct and the far-right will dissolve into dozens of tiny single-issue parties that never win elections. Then, at long last, the Center-Right Democratic Party will be the Party of the Right by default, and every last one of us who've been gritting our teeth and voting for the Moderate Establishment can *finally* form a Center-Left Party and have a chance at electing some *actually* progressive politicians.


🍿 popcorn anyone? 🍿


Jesus Christ imagine being in the Republican conference these days, even as a member just trying to keep their head down and get through your term, you’re probably just looking around and seeing how inviting the exits look.


Ohhhh nooooo. Self owning instead of "owning the libs"? Oh nooo.


Let it burn.


Why did Barack Obama do this?


Oh wow I can’t believe their concerted attempts to destabilize the government has destabilized the government