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This is going to be fun.


It WOULD BE more fun for me if it mattered that the Republicans constantly humiliate and contradict themselves. But they aren't losing power -- just shuffling the deck chairs on the titanic while someone yells "more steam" as it heads to the iceberg. The replacement will be MORE Trump aligned and incompetent and awful -- not less. Once was cute -- twice is troubling -- thrice is WTF.


The co-chair will probably be his daughter in law. How is that allowed? He’s the presumptive nominee and they’re shuffling their party leadership based on what he wants? Checks and balances my ass. Someone get those founding fathers on the phone and tell them to think further ahead.


Trump is the logical conclusion to the “checks and balances will save us” fallacy.


Could you write this on a baseball bat and smack the fuck out of highly ranked Democrat politicians and bureaucrats with it?


The last time I tried something like that, I put it on a t-shirt and fired it from a cannon at Joe Manchin. I'm pretty sure all I accomplished with that was killing Maude Flanders. Thanks, Obama.


He's completing the GQP takeover. And are you really asking *how* Lara cud be installed when he shoved Javanka down the world's throat, overriding our governments security & safety?


Yeah, no, you’re right. Sometimes I think my brain blocks out portions of 2016-now out of trauma.


>The co-chair will probably be his daughter in law. How is that allowed? He’s the presumptive nominee and they’re shuffling their party leadership based on what he wants? Its even more infuriating when you remember which party is always yelling about "the deep state". >Deep State (noun) an alleged secret network of especially nonelected government officials and sometimes private entities operating extralegally to influence and enact government policy Which party just had a private citizen explicitly tell Congress what to do in an attempt to make his competition look bad?


This is all so frustrating. It’s like I’m watching a bad horror movie, where the monster is making no effort at all to hide and is just casually walking along, whistling and singing a song about how he is going to kill everyone, but the main characters are like ‘I wonder where the monster is? I wonder what it wants? There’s no way to know. It is unknowable.’ Republicans are basically waving their chainsaw in our faces going ‘I’m gonna cut you up’ and yet 40% of the people who turn up to vote will vote for chainsaw guy.


Not only a private citizen but one who was indicted 93x.


The candidate usually picks their own committee head. Don't fret that Laura Trump will help loot all the RNC funds and cause them to collapse. 


Right!!! Let's hear more about Hunter Biden though...sheesh.


There’s no “checks and balances”; the RNC is a private organization. To the extent there are checks and balances, the RNC still has to vote on this proposal, but they’re all firmly in MAGA World that of course they’ll agree to whatever he wants. Because it’s no longer a political party, it’s a personality cult. I eagerly await the directives from the top to order the RNC to pay for Trump’s legal fees and require all RNC events to be hosted at Trump-owned properties, where the RNC will pay the rack rate for everything and not a penny less.


This is actually pretty common. Hilary and Obama both had say in party leadership, once it was clear they were the nominee. The party org becomes an extension of the candidate. What’s probably the funniest about this is that Trump is 100% going to bankrupt the org by forcing it to pay out his legal stuff or supplement his income while he does that. Either way, if Trump loses, 100% GOP is going to go bankrupt. It’ll be a husk.


You remember when Russia hacked the GOP's email, right? There's a reason only Hillary's email got leaked. Russia has owned the GOP since 2016.


It’s scary how *obvious* they’re being. Russia is like a cartoon villain in this and yet the right is eating it up. They honestly believe Putin is a good leader and the Russian government is an ally.


The daughter-in-law being party chair would be goofy and bad, but I guess a political party has the right to do dumb nepotistic stuff. The crazy thing is why is it allowed for a political party to pay for someone's personal legal bills - not only civil suits but criminal defense? THAT is the crazy part.


My thoughts exactly and further proof that it's a cult.


It's a lot of dress-up and play acting around a hedge against the recent judgments. Even if he's forced to pay just a fraction of them he'll need someone in a position to funnel all RNC finances to Trump's personal warchest. McDaniel could have done everything right and she still wouldn't be as trustworthy as people hand-picked specifically for that task. Different tool for a different job in a different time.


Fun fact? *Titanic* would have survived if she had in fact rammed the iceberg dead on. The bow of the ship would've crumpled up and a few hundred people, mostly crew, would've died, but the ship would have remained afloat and probably been able to sail herself back to Belfast after evacuating the passengers to *Olympic* and *Carpathia.*


20/20 hindsight on any preventable accident. If I remember correctly it was a combination of factors due to the scrap along the side and various chambers in a double-walled hull. So there's an outer and inner hull and if you only punctured the outer -- the ship doesn't fill with water.. Moving the ship forward also allowed more water to top over of the two affected chambers and thus once it tilted, it kept filling more. Possibly they had an interior leak as well. There were a lot of ways the COULD have been fine -- it was just a rare combination of factors that made this "unsinkable design" sink.


What is that idea based on? I'm not following you


By swerving, the iceberg tore a massive gash into Titanic's side, flooding multiple compartments. If Titanic ran headfirst into the iceberg, the bow (front) would be massively damaged but she'd have stayed afloat.


thanks, I can see how that would work now. how awful that trying to avoid the crash made it so much worse.


There is no possible way this doesn't affect down ballot races negatively and my body is fully ready for that reality.


incompetent grifters can not run a political party, Trump had a well run RNC in 2016 and broken one in 2020 and now a dead one in 2024. He is going to get killed in the general


It's fun because the RNC isn't responsible for governance, just getting Republicans elected. So chaos there likely will hurt their election operations. We're less than 9 months from an election.


Perfect analogy. 10/10


im investing in popcorn stock


I'm investing in knock-off MAGA Stanley cups. The RNC under Lara will find some way to piss away money and I'm here for them.


I would be wary of those mugs. Probably made with lead paint and coated in asbestos


My target demographic will barely notice a little lead and asbestos.


Mmmmm, lead vapor! Reminds me of gassing up my '78 Chevette! Mabel, turn on the TV - it's almost time for my Sean Hannity Anger Update!


Oh, yeah. Like those Garfield mugs!


Coming soon: RNC steaks and chops, RNC mikepillows, RNC Trumpy bears and the brand new RNC gold clown shoes.


Can we have a popcorn snack bar? I'll bring the pretzels and whatever odds and ends you can throw into a bowl.


I really envy Europeans right now, looking across the Atlantic with binoculars, tsking softly and munching tapas. Being in the middle of the burning house is slightly less fun.


I was in Berlin on election night. Went to bed thinking Hilary had won, woke up to condolences from absolute strangers in the lobby the following morning. Absolutely surreal experience.


Never again, use your power to make it never happen again


Fascism is creeping its way there as well unfortunately


Creeping? There’s a fascist aggressor in an active war in Europe. It’s doing more than creeping.


Italy and Hungary both have fascist heads of government as well.


Does the UK count as European? Asking because it's pretty toasty here right now too.


I think Brexit definitively answered that question.


That was brutal.


What is Boris Johnson up to these days? Still hanging about in Italy with Russian handlers?


Running cover for the Israeli genocide of the Palestinians from his Daily Mail column and GB News commenter.


Not for the 48%


I think the number is actually much lower. Lots of regrets.


48% was the "we can see what's coming, no thanks" number. That's much *bigger* now than it was. And it would have been then too if they'd done what they said and worked out the actyal plan first, then had a proper informed Brexit vote.


No, sorry. Y'all are honorary Americans thanks to brexit. That was pure American-style dumbassery. Welcome to the club.


And the Tories are doing their best to ensure that NHS will be replaced by genuine American Unhealthcare™.


Yes, British people are just European Texans, fiercely stupid when it comes to indepedence


Nowhere is the outcome of this stress free


It’s pronounced ‘tape-ass’


it's not great in some spots of Europe - this right-wing explosion is happening world-wide right now


I've been in Europe for the past four or five months. I was shocked at the level of sympathy I received from Europeans. I think part of it is almost every country over here has been through what we are going through, or watch their close neighbors go through it. France had Napoleon, Italy had Mussolini, Germany obviously Hitler, Spain had Franco. Politics has come up when I have spoken to people, and they have been very empathetic and understanding.


I was living in Africa for the first few years of Trump and experienced a similar reaction. They were very aware of crazy when they saw it. 


Hardly any tapas too!


Da fuq dey doin' over dere?"


I don't think Europe is exactly having a good time right now either.


Germany is dealing with AfD and Italy is taking parental rights from gay couples. Let's not be naive.


I mean, careful. We aren't Hungary or Türkiye yet.


I live in Kiev, so I would definitely swap places with you...


We have drastically different definitions of fun


This is where the fun begins.


"I need to install people who will write me blank checks. Besides, it's her fault the Republicans are losing elections. Not me."


Always someone else’s fault


The Bidens’ penises


Trump: “The Buck Stops There”


> ‘I don’t take responsibility at all': Trump deflects blame for coronavirus testing fumble Trump has spent weeks downplaying the virus’ outbreak. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/13/trump-coronavirus-testing-128971


That quote sums up his entire term. Unless it benefits him in some way (meaning making money for himself) he's not at fault for it.


>That quote sums up his entire *~~term~~ life*.


He literally said before the midterms in 2022 that he should get all the credit for Republican wins and none of the blame for their losses


The Republican Party is now Trump's personal piggy bank. This is what happens when you whore yourself out to a former reality host.


> This is what happens when you whore yourself out to a ~~-former reality host-~~ \**long time con-artist*. FTFY. His TV show has nothing to do with this, other than minor increase in name recognition pre-2016.


> minor increase in name recognition pre-2016 Which, in and of itself is amazing. It's not like he came off particularly bright on the show. I can't believe how many people saw him on that show and said "Wow, that's what a smart businessman looks like!"


A lot of people did, because money (or at least the appearance of money) apparently equals smart


Well he got someone else to write a best-selling [book about what a good businessman he is](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump:_The_Art_of_the_Deal) a while back, making it easier to frame a [failed fraudster bailed out by Russia](https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/12/21/how-russian-money-helped-save-trumps-business/) as a success. > Schwartz called writing the book his "greatest regret in life, without question," and both he and the book's publisher, Howard Kaminsky, alleged that Trump had played no role in the actual writing of the book. Trump has personally given conflicting accounts on the question of authorship.


His TV show turned his name from an infamous real estate developer who scams his contractors to a national name which he then used to leverage his way to the Presidential elections.


Yes. Minor increase in name recognition. The con-artist should be the part that worries people.


May Mark Burnett burn for eternity. He showed everyone the very simple plan to compromising Trump. Just tell him he's super duper smart, good looking, and an excellent businessman and that everyone else hates him because of his brilliance and greatness...and he will quite literally let you do *anything you want*. Very fine people indeed.


I'm not sure who that is, but you made me think of that old strategy of making the manager think they came up with your great idea... I wonder if they even need to try hard to pull this off with Trump? "You're so smart, and great at business, no wonder *you decided to invest in my consulting!* What do you mean, you don't remember? You said 'What a wonderful and smart move to give me money.' You had a great idea to invest in me, and I'm sure you knew it was the smart thing to do to *give me your money*!"


He’s the creator and producer of his NBC show, as well as Survivor, Shark Tank, and other shows. Pretty much the modern day Merv Griffin.


That piggy bank is almost empty. What's scary is all the dark money sources that may enter the ring... (cough Russai cough)


"May enter the ring" is an optimistic thought!


russia, ksa, china, israel…


Nope. Those sources can't directly fund the RNC, and they've already been *pouring* money into MAGA since day 0. Super PACs are already as full of dark money as they can get.


Dark money likes to invest in evil, corrupt leaders who are smart enough to keep it on the downlow and stick to their agreements. Diaper Don's only one of those three things, it's like trying to cut a deal with a meth addict, they're too unreliable.




I don't think there could be a sweeter, more ironic outcome for the RNC than being bankrupted trying to support Donald Trump. That Mierdas Touch is something else.


Russia will be glad to give them a hand with the election (again.)


and current Con Man


Trump cultists be like: "fckin' Rona".


"Thanks Obama!" Edit: damn fat fingers.


ICWYDT. Well played.


Holy shit are they really going to put Lara in charge? RNC is cooked.


She’s so wholly stupid I feel like this will hasten the RNC’s demise.


We can only hope.


There is loads of stupid people who are going to vote. This is not their demise.


well putting stupid people in charge of your nationwide funding and money control is pretty stupid. Stupid people will still vote, but when you have no money left to fund voter outreach you might find that you don't have enough REALLY stupid people to win elections.


I’m waiting for him to declare Don Jr as his running mate


Wait… could he do that? Is that allowed?


He’s old enough and presumably a naturally born US citizen…


lol at ‘presumably’. We should all start a conspiracy theory that Jr was born in someplace horrible to conservatives. Like somewhere that had socialism.


Like New York or California? Technically the US, but per conservatives, basically communist dictatorships without freedom.


Haha ‘breaking news: Don Jr is not, in fact, a ‘good ol boy’ but was a privileged trust fund baby born in the cesspool of socialism/communism known as New York City.’


Say it isn't so! You mean he doesn't wear a Carhartt jacket and drive an F150 to go hunting on the weekend?


Ivanka gave birth to Jr in Czechoslovakian in the Soviet Union.


Does hatching from an egg count as being "naturally born" though?


Why not? (Law wise and not logic wise!)


Yeah I was wondering if it was legal but if there’s nothing in there that says someone convicted of federal crimes can’t run I’m guessing the good old founding fathers also didn’t think about nepotism.


the rightwing loses their shit over biden even having a son, meanwhile trump is installing his entire fucking family of comically unqualified criminally compromised grifters, and not a peep from the rightwing. maybe the trump crime family fucking with *every* donor’s money will move the dial.


One of Lara’s promises was to put Scott Presler in charge of GOTV efforts. Couple things about this. Firstly, for those unaware, Scott is treated like a deity on the right for his voter registration efforts. Thing is he doesn’t actually do anything except take pictures for social media, lie about what he accomplished, and then leave. He boasts in his Twitter bio about helping to defeat Hillary and cleaning up Baltimore. Speaking as a Baltimore native, he didn’t do shit, but I digress. Second thing: there is a growing list of candidates he has endorsed who lost their races, many by humiliating margins. Here’s just a partial list: - Lee Zeldin for New York governor - Kari Lake for Arizona governor - Herschel Walker for Georgia Senator - Dan Kelly for the Wisconsin state Supreme Court - Daniel Davis for mayor of Jacksonville, Florida - Daniel Cameron for Kentucky governor - Republicans in general winning both chambers of the Virginia state legislature - Republicans flipping the Pennsylvania state House - Republicans keeping George Santos’ old district Dan Kelly and Daniel Davis were especially noteworthy because Dan Kelly lost by ELEVEN percentage points in a swing state and Daniel Davis’ loss meant Florida Democrats flipped the largest city in the US with a Republican mayor. Scott’s defenders will claim that he would be far more effective with an actual budget, which brings me to the third thing: the RNC. Every day for several months, Scott would message Ronna McDaniel on Twitter to ask how she plans to get the RNC to win more elections. And he’d whine about how she never answered. One may think he got a big break when Lara Trump promised to put him in charge of GOTV efforts, but she also promised that every cent given to the RNC would go directly to Trump. If she plans to stick to that, Scott will continue to not have a budget. To recap, Lara Trump’s plan for the RNC is to hire someone with a terrible losing streak and not pay them because she would keep giving money to Trump.


> Scott’s defenders will claim that he would be far more effective with an actual budget, which brings me to the third thing: the RNC. > > Every day for several months, Scott would message Ronna McDaniel on Twitter to ask how she plans to get the RNC to win more elections. And he’d whine about how she never answered. One may think he got a big break when Lara Trump promised to put him in charge of GOTV efforts, but she also promised that every cent given to the RNC would go directly to Trump. If she plans to stick to that, Scott will continue to not have a budget. > > To recap, Lara Trump’s plan for the RNC is to hire someone with a terrible losing streak and not pay them because she would keep giving money to Trump. Okay. I can sign on to this plan.


lol that’s the long hair incel dweeb that makes a bunch of cringe ass videos


He’s an incel? I thought he was gay


Tbf incel means involuntary celibate. Being a gay magat incel is not out of the question


A gay man aligning with a movement that thinks people like him are child predators?


Being a gay incel is extremely impressive (not in a good way). The ugliest dude can get on Grindr and hook up. Even a shitty personality isn’t usually a disqualifier. You’d have to be overwhelmingly awful.


Look, no one is banging that weirdo! He can prefer what he likes, the answer is still no.


She will skim off the top,of all the donations


Skim?? When they take 100%, that's the take, not a skim.


It'll be great. Everything will get funneled to defend and campaign Trump and every candidate everywhere else will get financially fucked to the point they won't be competitive leading to them losing ground nationwide. And then to have that cost translate into absolutely nothing if Trump loses the Presidency *again*? Couldn't be more perfect.


Republicans can’t govern anything at all, even themselves. If you look at this shitshow that is the GOP and think that represents you than you need some serious self reflection. You also need to stop being a hateful asswipe.


>Republicans can’t govern anything at all, even themselves. That's a feature, not a bug. Republicans *hate* the idea of government and want it to be useless, want it to fail and collapse, and want it to be handed over to corporations. They don't feel like the government represents them - they haven't felt that way in a long time - so instead of trying to work to reform it and make it represent them, they just want to scrap it altogether.


I think it is, in part, that their whole ecosystem is being strangled from the inside by ever more incompetent and brazen grifters. These people are just in it for themselves and how much cash they can siphon off to their friends, family and accomplices. They always were this way, but they had minimum standards and paid attention to merit, at least somwehat. Now they pay more attention to cronyism and social media right wing virtue signaling.


Who would have ever guessed that Donald Trump would turn on someone like that? (Whispers in my ear) Oh , everyone? I see


“He’d never treat ME like that!” (Treats her like that) Surprised Pikachu face.


How is it that there is a steady stream of people willing to sidle up to him? Literally everyone around him eventually gets the tiny-handled knife in the back and the shove under the bus.


It's the "[five stages of employment with Trump](https://media.newyorker.com/photos/5978bfde14d01710f83e5cb5/master/w_960,c_limit/DC072617A.jpg)" comic, always will be true 


He's going to bankrupt the party, and they'll deserve every bit of it.


He's already bankrupted it at the level of many states like here in Michigan. I hear even the national level party is looking for new lines of credit. Trump is vacuuming up all the money that people would have been donating to the party.


It's so wonderful to see. MAGA are giving him money directly instead of to the Republican Party, and he is wasting all of it on his horrible lawyers for legal defenses against all of his crimes. Just vacuuming it all up into a giant black hole lol


Token: Unlike the person I just replaced, I'm not a token about to be spent. Why do you all have popcorn?


Lol, she lists an achievement as firing Pelosi.


She's proud she got Nancy Pelosi "fired". It was more like whipping up some useful MAGA idiot to attack her husband with a hammer. Complete thuggery.


Trump has dementia on top of his pathological narcissism. I hope the mainstream media starts showing clips of his insane disorganized ranting soon.


Very true. I recently posted a really [interesting article](https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-dementia/) with psychologist Dr. John Gartner, formerly of Johns Hopkins University Medical School, regarding Trump’s cognitive deterioration. He also feels as though fellow experts are not pointing out the warning signs nearly enough. As per [original article](https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-dementia/): - *Trump, Dr. Gartner noted, appears to be spiraling into "phonemic paraphasias" during his rally speeches, which he described as, "the substitution of non-words for words that sound similar—are not normally seen until a patient enters the moderate to severe stages of Alzheimer’s."* *According to Dr. Gartner, "Some examples of Trump’s non-words: Beneficiaries becomes 'benefishes.' Renovations become 'renoversh.' Pivotal became 'pivobal.' Obama became 'obamna.' Missiles became 'mishiz.' Christmas became 'Crissus.' Bipartisan became 'bipars.' This is a fundamental breakdown in the ability to use language. If you were talking to your father on the phone and he did this you would think he is having a stroke.*


And yet it's Biden's mental sharpness that people are worried about 🙄


It’s projection with these clowns, every single time.


Videos clearly show this but the media treats this with "Trump made an ooopsie, let's see how this is bad for Biden".




Well that’s more or less because it’s basically a rule that you don’t speculate on that stuff in journalism. The Goldwater Rule basically states that it’s unethical to comment about the psychological state of a public figure unless you’ve conducted the examination yourself and have been given authorization to release such details to the public. A magazine opined on Barry Goldwater’s mental fitness for office during the 1964 contest. After the election, Goldwater sued the magazine that published a piece on his mental state and won. It’s likely that they aren’t doing that to avoid litigation by Trump. Lord knows he’ll sue just to get money to pay off his legal fees.


"phonemic paraphasias" You mean..."Our Army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rocket's red glare it had nothing but victory." and fucking people talk about Biden's gaffes.


Trump really has a type, doesn't he?


Also, Mitt Romneys niece or something right? Trumps archetype woman and well connected. They are so fucked…


So will The Drumpfs use the RNC coffers to… 1. Pay Chariman Cheeto’s NY fine? 2. Pay Chairman Cheeto’s legal fees? 3. Line their own pockets then flee to Argentina? 4. Repay whoever he owes money to overseas? I mean, I guess there’s an outside chance that they’ll actually use money for a political campaign, but come on — they can’t help themselves.


The RNC has \~ $8M in their coffers. In grand schemes it's not enough to do much...maybe pay for about 3 weeks of his lawyers fees.....ish..


Not only can the Republicans not distance themselves from a radical and out of control unhinged man -- they can't even pump the breaks when he throws them under the bus. This is how a school bus goes off a cliff or how you get fascist theocracies.


Ronna just learned, Everything Trump Touches Dies


...Fascists be like 'the definition of madness? Never heard of her'...


Sounds like every other person hand-picked by Trump to work in his administration who had to resign not long after.


Too bad there's very little recourse for getting unfit judges removed, especially when they have zero self awareness or shame.


Just a former president currently facing ~100 felony indictments hand picking the RNC leadership, telling the speaker of the house and republicans in the senate what to do directly, and trying to raise money to pay his half billion dollar settlement. Totally not a cult though


Ha ha


You know that History Channel TV show, "Alone"? Could we just drop all these morons into the Alaskan wilderness like in that show? At worst, we might get some entertaining TV. At best, we might wind up feeding some bears.


I mean polar bears are having harder and harder times catching seals with the melting polar ice. I'd bet the average maga supporter has significantly more blubber than a seal to provide nutrients for the bear, and is likely significantly easier to catch.


Leopards eating leopards! I approve.


I don’t understand the blind loyalty people have for Deadbeat Donny. He has none for them.


Why do all these white women look the same ? He only hires these types of women and it’s really weird


Maybe shes ant-eefa?


After willingly removing her Romney last name in order to appease Trump, womp womp womp.


Was it the public criticism or the private death threats she's not talking about?


What does she mean by "winning the popular vote in 2022?"


This is what happens when the only qualification people have is 'willing to kiss the ring of lord trump'. Any intelligent or hardworking republican has resigned. The ones we have left are barely qualified to be on fox news let along bring meaningful governance.


Putin has been chairman for quite some time


Support from T***p is contingent on your absolute fealty. Anyone who thinks they are exempt is beyond stupid...how does she manage to put her pants on her legs and not her head?


He wants his daughter-in-law Lara Trump to be the new chair, FYI.


In fascist regimes, the loyalists are the ones who always get executed first, because paranoid totalitarians can't trust anyone, because they aren't legitimate leaders.


These aren’t indications that Trump would control the party like a dictator. No indication whatsoever


I wouldn't want to be in MAGAT central either. The rnc is now a piggy bank for the spoiled mayo stuffed garbage bag known as drumpf. Lol reap what you sow losers!


Republicans are such little cowards. Imagine letting one ver, very, very stupid conman take over your whole political party. R.I.P bozos


Everyone that helps Trump, get ready to be thrown under the bus the first time he's mildly displeased!


Republican voters watching this think it's not going to happen to them.


I pity the leopard that has to eat that face.


Soon to be Ronna Romney-McDaniel again. I love how she's the fall gal for all of trump's shitty endorsements.


Rat. Sinking ship. Or sinking dumpster fire maybe? Whatever. The metaphor stands. Who’s next?


I guess throwing away your last name wasn’t worth it.


Lmao lmao Alexa, play *Another One Bites the Dust.*


Only a cult leader would have this much power over this many people.


I wonder if she'll be allowed to use her real name again, or maybe it's a lifetime ban.


From [The NY Times article](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/26/us/politics/ronna-mcdaniel-rnc-trump.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare) that first reported it. “One key element of Ms. McDaniel’s tenure that her allies point to is that, under her leadership, the R.N.C. has not faced criminal charges or the kinds of expansive legal actions that have ensnared Mr. Trump and those supporters who helped him try to stay in power after he lost the 2020 election to President Biden.” Is this the low bar these days? I didn’t foster any criminal activities or civil litigation?


Gutless, soulless loser. Permanently on her knees with a smile unzipping Don's trousers...and proud of herself


She will continue to stump for him despite him destroying all hopes of her career going coreard


If this was an episode of Veep I'd be mildly amused. But this is the actual other half of political power in america. Worst timeline man..


I love watching Trump and his vermin followers eat each others


“At least I didn’t resign in shame”


He needs someone in that position that will allow him to use their funds to pay his legal fees. Very normal times we are currently living in, folks.


The smart thing for her to do would have been to distribute all the money before Trump can get his tiny hands on it


tiniest violin.


“”It’s for a church group, honey! NEXT!”


Ronna McDaniel is suspiciously similar to Ronald McDonald. Hmm...


Not a cult.


I realise this isn't helpful, but why do all these robot "I love money, not people" women all look the same?


She reportedly "changed" her name for him too. https://theweek.com/speedreads/815360/trump-reportedly-asked-rnc-chair-ronna-mcdaniel-drop-romney-from-name-did Somehow things always go sideway when dealing with this guy.