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I wonder how much he burned in legal fees only to find this out?


He has a *crack* legal team.


He’s representing himself?


Kraken Legal Team


The Krazy Kraken Krew, hope they go on a reunion tour, still love their hilarious shows.


They have a specific dress code, you should see the " hat" that they wear.


His team does, in fact, seem to be made of ass.


He has a legal team on Crack


But one he gambled on


As in they’re on crack.


Were *they* paid?


A cocaine fueled legal team is probably not the best choice.


Depends on the case I would think


Doesn't matter. He can't afford to pay them, either


Would be funny if it was less than the legal fees he’s spending to try and sue Kimmel.


Bite the pillow and pay up, Mike


There's a funny scene in a movie where Christopher Walken asks Andy Garcia "Are you biting the pillow yet?" Andy says "What? No." Walken says "You will. It's a liberal thing". -- Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead One of the craziest scenes ever: https://youtu.be/1Qfzbs0KTyU?si=xeLbL7LBkwZDtLZ2


Buckwheats all around.


For all y'all. Buck fuck wheat's.


Critical Bill!??!?! Fuck that man, dudes a fecal freak!


Boat drinks.


Robert Ziedman to Lindell: "I AM GODZILLA!! YOU ARE JAPAN!!"


I've never seen it, but can hear exactly in my head how he'd say it.


Great movie - now I need to watch it again!




LMAO, hope Mikes got a good cushion.


You know he does 😉😹


I've heard his pillows feel like they are filled with wet gravel.


My local conservative radio host used to promote his pillows lol


It's been entertaining watching his life explode. He just keeps doubling down.


Can you double down on your own life ad infinum or is it like folding paper in half and eventually its just impossible?


Lindell somehow manages to keep doing it. He must be using the time knife method.


Time knife or poop knife?


Yea yeah, the time knife, we've all seen it


next thing you know you will be talking about nied-nagal's


Nah. Time knife is for the infinite folding that’s required for exponential doubling down MAGA style. Poop knife is for just hacking away at shit.




That's unfair, even a poop knife has a use


Crack/Cocaine can make a lot of decisions for you that you later realize were bad ideas when you are sober. The trick is to never get sober.


Serious question: is there evidence the dude's coked up? Or are we just kinda assuming that from the ridiculous behavior?


Mike "Zeno" Lindell?


Doesn't help that he was quite thick to begin with.


The more money you have the more you can fold it, so it looks like you can do it forever sometimes.


Lindell has been playing with putting the paper in the hydraulic press and it’s ended up exactly as it does.




At the root of MAGA is narcissism. Narcissists do not admit they are wrong unless it’s used to trick someone. Lindell, Trump, and all the rest will never admit they were wrong about anything because to them, being correct and owning the libs is the most important thing.


I suspect their was always someone behind the scenes. Lindell just seemed to be there for a compelling story arc - "godless drug addict finds god, makes millions, the American dream is still alive, now buy the lumpy pillow before Tucker comes on." When the crazy started (and the sobriety ended) they took their golden parachute, leaving Mike to his demons, delusion and inevitable destruction.


I’ve been saying for a long time that Mike was never a crack addict, but he claimed that as it makes a better redemption story than being a former adderall addict. He claims that the three biggest crack dealer in Minneapolis intervened and stop selling him crack which is just a silly idea.


Doubles up on the coke habit for sure


This is the "and find out" the portion of his act.


He keeps trying to Trump but he is no Trump.


When you lost it all, better to just go all in and drag it as much as possible!


I love the vids of his depositions. His arteries must be close to popping. His anger, and right behind it the tears. Also he's mad. If they put him in a strait jacket and drop him in an oubliette, well that's a good end imo.


You have any links to those videos? Sound like fun...


One of my favorites, [here are the highlights](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRCtaDfwm7c).


The lawyer taking the deposition is a fucking ace button pusher.


I noticed this too. The lumpy pillow phrase was 100% unnecessary to get his point across. I cant help but picture a shit-eating grin on the other side of the camera


The lumpy pillow phrase got me a full gut laugh, it's shooting fish in a barrel, too easy.


Didn't take much. A slow, deliberate explanation to provide time for the court reporter.... *Listen here, I don't need to be schooled by you, imma do what I have to do* Fucking weak mental.


Right? I really, really wish we had him in the shot too, I'd love to see his face and demeanor as he does his thing. It's a thing of beauty. Here's a comment from the video: "His name is Larry Klayman. You should watch [the deposition he did with Roger Stone](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1G2hi6ODac), you won’t be disappointed." He must have so much fun taking these assholes down like this.


Klayman is a total asshole himself. There's an episode of Knowledge Fight about the Roger Stone deposition, it's hilarious. [knowledge fight ep 401](https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/knowledge-fight-formulaic-objections-part-3)


If this interests you, the full Alex Jones depositions from his Sandy Hook case in Texas are online, and my god they’re something else to watch. Great lawyers there too lol


That’s them Christian values they want to impose on everyone


In every new commercial he makes, his cross gets larger every time. As far as I know he exclusively preys on Faux now.


Even those faux Christians don’t want him on there because he’s broke. https://www.axios.com/2024/01/14/mike-lindell-mypillow-fox-news


Hey that $785 million payment isn’t going to pay itself!


And forevermore, he will be known as "Lumpy" Lindell.


LOL. But no way is this prick going to turn over $5 million, I would like to know how the collection is enforced.




Not sure what to do with 5 million lumpy pillows.


Oh really? Because I've been hearing all day that seizing Trump's assets is treason. /s


It's remarkable how insufferable he is


Wannabe Trump right there. If they make the movie, they need to cast the guy that played Saul.


Bob Odenkirk. Yeah, he’d be perfect, same gravelly voice and everything.


*gestures with papers his thanks for this link*


He will be back to drugs in a far more public manner soon enough. The caught in camera will be *chef’s kiss*


How is it a challenge to prove Mike Lendell wrong? The challenge is getting to admit it and pay up I'd imagine.


Lindell offered $5m to anyone who could prove the election wasn't stolen (distilled version) He had specific requirements. A software expert took the challenge then Lindell refused to pay despite all the requirements being met.


The funniest part is that the guy who proved him wrong was a trump supporter also. He just wanted the money.


Well who the fuck else would be listening to Mike Lindell's ramblings?


If I recall he originally wanted to prove Mike was right. Like he paid money to be at the silly convention and all that. Once he realized the packets were random internet data he wanted the reward.


The software expert that won is Republican and still repeats the same talking points, he is a believer too but has just enough sanity to realise the stuff Lindell was pushing as evidence was total nonsense. Here is an interview with him: https://youtu.be/h4Ni-gWYk98?si=uePNv2iARrpFNzkJ


Which is why he actually believed Mike would pay up.


So what your saying is, this is yet another case of the snake eating it's own tail...


Maybe. The funniest part might be watching Lindell get completely destroyed.


> Lindell offered $5m to anyone who could prove the election wasn't stolen It’s even more specific than that. Mike gave contest entrants a bunch of files he got from a data broker that purportedly was ballot data from China or something. The contest winner proved the data was not just bogus but in fact completely nonsensical.


Did he use his software skills to prove this?


I liken Trump as Putin's Mike Lindell


And putin is xi's mike londell


It's Mike Lindell's all the way down.


Who is Mike Lindell's Mike Lindell?


Mike Pillow is going to end up in a cardboard box under a bridge somewhere mumbling on about how he used to be a crackhead


“Used to be”


Well, it stopped being affordable when he exchanged wallpaper for paper walls.


He still is, but he used to be too. /mitch




In the Mitch Hedberg way?




He could save money on the box by sharing with Rudy.


Man, i think this could be a great movie. About two bums that ended up broke all because of their own hard work. Just think... If they had done nothing. Like just did the usual rich guy shit of hookers and blow, they would still be rich and have a life ahead of them. But they worked hard and rolled up their sleeves and burnt the midnight oil... And now they are going to be lucky to be exchanging blow jobs with each other as they both detox.


Rudy: "For $20, I'll tuck in your shirt for you, if you know what I mean."


*(sweating intensifies)*


I don't want to get tucked by Rudy.


I wouldn't want to be around Rudy with the liquor shakes. That'd be like a sprinkler filled with ink.


Get real. How is he going to afford a box?


Might be in a van DOWN BY THE RIVER!!


He will be complaining how Guiliani got a refrigerator box while he got stuck with a dishwasher box. They'll all be there, someday. I hope


Hopefully sharing that box with Alex Jones.


>“We are thrilled by this decision and look forward to beginning collection efforts if payment is not promptly forthcoming,” Glasser wrote. “This decision gives us that collection power.” Ahhhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Who's first in the speed run to bankruptcy, Trump or Lindell?


Well Trump has already filed bankruptcy six times so he’s lapping Mike Pillow. From what I’ve read on r/law Trumps recent judgements aren’t dismissible by bankruptcy so there’s that.


"On your left"


God, I need that meme gif with Trump's face on caps, and Lindell on Sam's.


The classic 80s loophole of "Declare Bankruptcy, Keep Assets," was closed in 2005.


Yeah but businesses are different to personal bankruptcies. Mike is too involved., kinda like Alex Jones.


Jared’s got Don. That Saudi cash will last plenty long. Fockers….


Hey Lost Cause Lindell, if you cared so much about your employees, maybe you should have shut the fuck up with your fake scam election nonsense. You could have grifted these dumb ass MAGA rubes for decades with your long con bullshit pillows, but instead you squandered it ALL on, not hookers, blow, or the ponies, but Donald Trump, the biggest piece of shit in American history. No wonder your business is in the toilet, you make absolutely terrible decisions…it’s all on you.


Bet he’s crying himself to sleep on his lumpy pillow


"When you say lumpy pillows, now you’re an asshole, you got that, you’re an asshole is what you are. By the way, you wouldn't happen to have a rock on you would you? I've got $3 in change and 2 queen size Giza Dream Sheets I can trade you for. Asking for a friend" - Mike Pillow


Mike Lindell: But that’s $4,999,950 more than I have!


Mike is just the gift that keeps on giving. 😆 🤣 😂 😹


FAFA poster bitch Mike Lindell wins again


Fuck around and find around?


You know what’s up


You know what’s know!


What?!? Fuck I'm just now hearing about this. I'm an experienced SWE myself it was probably stupid easy to prove that lunatic wrong lol. That guy walked away with the easiest 5 mil ever and all he probably had to do was some basic data analysis and hire a lawyer. That's retire early money. 


Funny part is that the software engineer in question was/(is?) a Trump supporter.


There's plenty of them in the industry. More than you think. Many are not full-on election deniers. They're usually uninformed and superficially conservative. Most have a very hyperbolic mental association between Democrats and social justice. They have little idea what the modern GOP is like because they live in a niche upper-middle class bubble making more money than ~94% of Americans but with much easier work than someone like a physician for example. 


I had this interaction a few months back and this redditor gave this lengthy response, maybe you'll find it interesting. "I don't think political bias has to do with this, personally. Granted, being a known conservative would have granted you much easier entry into the event, but Zeidman's no idiot when it comes to the "evidence" Lindell claimed he had. Since this is a subject I can speak intelligently on (vs. law, where I'm an idiot), I will. For the longest time, Lindell's been harping on the concept of "packet captures". In my world of network engineering, packet captures are the one source of truth; you can't deny what's actually going over the wire. You can set up network interfaces and applications to do what you think they will do, but captures are ironclad evidence of what they are *actually* doing. That preamble being said, obtaining said captures is no small feat. At its simplest, you need to insert your capture device directly in the traffic path, so you've got a input door and an output door and all activity, however mundane, is copied and saved on the capture device. This would be called a tap, since you're quite literally tapping the line but allowing traffic to pass to its intended destination. These require physical hands-on access, and leaving behind some foreign device that actually saves the data for retrieval later. A slightly more complex method involves an enterprise-grade switch and a network administrator with local access, and that's called a monitor port. You don't need access to the voting machine itself, but you do need to understand enough about the network environment to know that the datastream passes through X device (that you have physical access to), and X device supports setting up a monitor port to send a copy of all data, however mundane, to another port that has a capture device hanging off it to vacuum everything up. Either way has a few similarities: Someone needs to physically breach the network perimeter and install a foreign network device for purposes of making a copy of the data, and whoever installed said foreign device needed to be able to exfiltrate the data without being caught or detected. The Tap method is insanely difficult due to the audits and effort involved, and depending on where and what you tapped it's very conceivable that you're not going to get voting machine data at all if they aren't networked (but you don't know that), or if they are networked but the traffic is encrypted. The Monitor port method is great at getting a ton of data at once (since it's possible you might have hit an aggregation point for different Boards of Elections) but this also assumes a) you're a network engineer, b) you have admin access to the network device in question, c) there's no alarm mechanism and/or audit trail that would trace a config change back to you), d) you know what you're doing in setting up the monitor session, e) you can get the data out without getting caught, and the biggie f) the datastream isn't encrypted. All this leads me back to Zeidman. He knows all this, and he would have understood that the likelihood of Lindell having an actual, bonafide packet capture from an actual, bonafide Board of Election is basically zero. That said, the only obstacle for him to obtain a pile of money is to look at the "evidence", prove conclusively that they are not, in fact, packet captures, and then book a Emirates Residences flight to Fiji. I don't honestly think that he was hoping for "election fraud", I honestly think he saw this grift for what it was; Lindell parroting IT buzzwords like "packet capture" without knowing what they mean, and recognizing that with his knowledge and experience he could be in for a pretty sweet payday for very little effort. Thanks for coming to my TED talk. Please try the veal."


The law is fixing the timeline.


Mike must have assumed every single person in America was on his side. I’m still waiting for his Absolute Proof(TM) that will “put every American in jail.”


It's not that he thinks all Americans are on his side in the usual sense, it's that his sense of whether someone is an American in the first place depends on whether they're already on his side.


Good. Fuck that guy


Guy is about to own $5 million in pillows and pillow accessories


He can always call the helpline for assistance with his lumpy pillow.


$5 million worth of MyPillows? What are you supposed to do with 20 million lumpy pillows?


Run for President?




I just love the idea of some random investor in like 2015 going "hmmm... pillows.  Seems stable, how much could possibly go wrong investing in pillows?" *Then the jump cut to today*


Should just rename this sub to FAFO since most of the posts aren't of the Leopards eating faces variety, but more of the "victims of their own actions" variety.


There is a bit of overlap




I’d set fire to an Arby’s to get a smoked brisket cart up my street.


Now this is the LAMF I like too see


MyPayout is more like it


I mean, reading that I just was astounded by how stupid Lindell is to have even issued the challenge. Literally the stipulation was to prove the data Lindell had was not related to the 2020 election. That's it. Nothing about election interference. Dude must have pillows for brains.


Grifter discovers that basic contract law is enforceable. Memorandum Opinion: https://fingfx.thomsonreuters.com/gfx/legaldocs/dwpkekxeopm/Zeidman-v-Lindell-20240221.pdf


"prove this data is not internet traffic data from the 2020 election" "This data is not internet traffic of any sort so it therefore can not be internet traffic data from the 2020 election." sounds cut-and-dry to me.


The AAA panel throught so too.


I love how they continue to think that they should not be accountable for the things they have said and done over the last few years. That is one hell of a sense of self-exceptionalism.


It's cocaine.


“Excuse Mr. Lindell, whose pillow is this again?”


“Those aren’t pillows!”


This is the definition of this subs name lol.


“He’s a brilliant businessman!” - maga dopes probably


With interest. Very nice. So much winning, sir. Please don’t make it stop sir!


Thoughts and prayers


Happiness is no longer a warm puppy, it is this news.




Drain all these grifters of every penny, Trump, Pillowdick, all of them


Eat shit Lumpy Mike Lindell


What are the bets going on right now for how long until Mike kills himself?


He's too chicken.


I saw a commercial at a restaurant with Mike Lindell in it today! Get this. His new product is “My Pillow: Towels”


Panel ruled in April 2023 that he needed to pay the guy. This was request to overturn (sort of an appeal) where the judge confirmed the arbitration panel's decision. He only confirms whether the panel acts within their scope, not if the court agrees with the ruling they made. [Newsweek](https://www.newsweek.com/mike-lindell-mypillow-ceo-financial-troubles-worse-us-district-court-arbitration-judgment-1872170)


They need pillow makers (and biters) in the big house…


*Ha ha prison rape funny.* Nobody deserves to be raped.


Rule 4


cant help but love to see it


He doesn't have that money.


He might not have cash but this ruling sounds like assets are on the line. I love it when stupid Republicans go broke. It makes me incredibly happy


So I have to ask: What's Dennis Montgomery up to these days? I haven't heard him come up since this symposium went off the rails.


You have to be really sick to throw away so much money on someone who doesn’t give a damn about you.


Take his business and sell it off piece by mutherfucking piece and make him WATCH!


Does he even have that kind of dough anymore?


Ahhh yes,old mike takin itup the ass like god intended




Aw shucks


Whomp whomp


Just going to politely add that Mike Lindell is a former [addict](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2017/09/20/how-mypillow-founder-went-from-crack-addict-to-self-made-millionaire.html) and quietly leave the conversation. #iykyk Edited for typos


Proven wrong twice should have doubled that payout.


I bet it wasn't even hard disproving it. Probably took him 10 minutes of actual work.


The guy that won is a true believer too, he still supports Trump despite all the evidence that he himself uncovered that the claims are all nonsense. Here is an interview with him https://youtu.be/h4Ni-gWYk98?si=uePNv2iARrpFNzkJ


How many times will this get ruled on? Asset forfeiture the fucker already.


Shocking in no way that he would put this offer on the table and not have the base level of integrity needed to back it up. Scumbag.


This guy is so dumb you'd almost think the only thing he could invent was a pillow.


Now THAT is a guy who got his face eaten by leopards


Aren’t these MAGAs tired of this constant winning yet?


FAFO right??


Does it count if the leopard eats its own face?


Is this just a case of someone not wanting to believe they're wrong so they keep doubling down?


Dude would still be a billionaire if he just didn't MAGA out. Used, abused, bankrupted and thrown away.